Easiest and *probably* strongest Throt (Moulder) start there is

Easiest and *probably* strongest Throt (Moulder) start there is

General Things

- First this is NOT the "best" start there is if you like to manual battle / cheese. The aim is for something really easy that even a new player can pull off without too much difficulty.

- This will tank your food economy which you will need to figure out. If requested, I could extend the guide to easily solve this too. Right now, the goal is to leave you with no enemies at Tier 4 so you can truly do whatever you want with Throt (Or don't do tier 4, you can just finish off the Druzhina Enclave alone if you want)

- I didn't cover every detail for each turn, only important things. If Fort Straghov has enough growth on Turn 4 feel free to upgrade it. If I should cover every possible thing you can do per turn, feel free to comment and I'll edit.

Turn 1

Easiest and *probably* strongest Throt (Moulder) start there is image 5
Easiest and *probably* strongest Throt (Moulder) start there is image 6
Easiest and *probably* strongest Throt (Moulder) start there is image 7
Easiest and *probably* strongest Throt (Moulder) start there is image 8
Easiest and *probably* strongest Throt (Moulder) start there is image 9

You'll start by opening the Flesh Laboratory and giving your Mutant Rat Ogre the Warp Lightning augment.

Send your hero into Throt's army and then attack the nearby Kislev army, auto resolve even if you lose units. "Eat Captives" for the replenishment.

Now give Throt Route Marcher (This isn't necessary but I highly suggest it!)

Now take Throt and attack Fort Straghov. The auto resolve will likely say "Crushing Defeat" but don't worry this is an easy manual battle. Once you start, you can easily assign your units to spread out and attack each unit so they can't actually use their ranged advantage. Just remember to use your Warp Lightning / Menace Below / Rat Ogre summon (Throt) and it really is easy. Damage doesn't matter as long as you don't lose any units here.

Just occupy at Tier 1 and build a Rubbish pit to unlock your tech next turn. With Throt, you're going to queue up purely Skavenslave Slingers BOTH locally and globally. Recruit a new lord (Warlock Master) at Hell Pit and ONLY local recruit slingers here too. Lastly, at Hell Pit, demolish the military building and do the growth commandment (Expansionist Planning) so you can unlock your scheme next turn too.

Turn 2

Easiest and *probably* strongest Throt (Moulder) start there is image 16
Easiest and *probably* strongest Throt (Moulder) start there is image 17

Start by activating The Dominating Scheme. TIP: If you want to save some money, you can cancel the queue of the LOCAL slingers and requeue them so you'll have a bit of extra money.

Don't forget to start researching Devious Plans!

Turn 3

Easiest and *probably* strongest Throt (Moulder) start there is image 21
Easiest and *probably* strongest Throt (Moulder) start there is image 22
Easiest and *probably* strongest Throt (Moulder) start there is image 23

Use Throt to siege Fort Ostrosk and March stance your Hell Pit lord down to reinforce him. You are just going to siege, do not attack. Auto resolve will say you lose for now but don't worry and be patient.

Now at Hell Pit, recruit another Warlock Master lord and recruit all slingers LOCALLY AND GLOBALLY like this.

NOTE: If they sally out to attack you like this over the end turn? Just retreat, it's ok.

Turn 4

Easiest and *probably* strongest Throt (Moulder) start there is image 28
Easiest and *probably* strongest Throt (Moulder) start there is image 29

Now regardless of if you retreated or not over the end turn, here you will retreat / break siege with Throt and put him in Encamp stance for replenishment. You will then use your 2nd lord to siege and start building battering rams (1 turn build time) like below.

Turn 5

Easiest and *probably* strongest Throt (Moulder) start there is image 32
Easiest and *probably* strongest Throt (Moulder) start there is image 33
Easiest and *probably* strongest Throt (Moulder) start there is image 34

Easiest and *probably* strongest Throt (Moulder) start there is image 35
Easiest and *probably* strongest Throt (Moulder) start there is image 36

Take the lord at Hell Pit and March stance them to reinforce and attack Fort Ostrosk! Your auto resolve will say victory and you only lose a few units here. Don't worry, these will easily be replaced.

Occupy at tier 1 (Note: You probably don't need 3 armies anymore, you are welcome to disband them if you want to focus on economy instead, you only need Throt from this point.)

Abandon Hell Pit (Only if you want to be Tier 4 next turn! Note this WILL tank your food economy but IMO it's worth it!)

Move Throt closer to Hell Pit and end your turn!

Turn 6

Easiest and *probably* strongest Throt (Moulder) start there is image 42
Easiest and *probably* strongest Throt (Moulder) start there is image 43
Easiest and *probably* strongest Throt (Moulder) start there is image 44

Occupy Hell Pit at Tier 3 / 4 (Whichever you prefer, I vote 4 since that gives pretty much the entire Skaven roster)

And finally, you can peace out with the Druzhina Enclave for some easy money (You can still finish them off later if you want, their last settlement is behind other enemies which you might want to target first!)

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3231014869					

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