The Deeps Overview

The Deeps Overview

Generic Major Settlement

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You've dug too deep, and have awoken the MS paint monstrosity.

The lord recruit rank from the underdeeps trade routes building is just a mod effect from caravans of the old world mod, everything else should be vanilla.

If you build your underdeeps in a non mountainous settlement, the Construction Guilds technology is the only thing that will clear the rubble. Skavenblight and Zharr-Naggrund are exempt from this, they always have all their slots open.

Generic Minor Settlement

You only get 3 open building slots. Yuck!

Karak Eight Peaks

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Other than having 7 slots open immediately to use, the only thing different about the "special" deeps locations are the main chains. Upgrading to the grand entrance halls allows you to move your designated capital to K8P. Since trade availability no longer relies on capital position, I'm not sure that this actually does anything gameplay wise. But hey why not, makes it feel official. Belegar doesn't get anything special in the underdeeps here it seems.

Note the lack of more high king decrees like the generic chains give. Oversight maybe?


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Rare Bonus Buildings

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After messing around with building the deeps in like 20 different locations, I've found some bonus buildings that appear prebuilt in the deeps after first building the great gate in the settlement. It appears to be entirely random, as excavating the same place twice on different loads didn't always spawn a building, and skaven or chaos dwarf themed buildings can appear anywhere it seems. One unfortunately I didn't get a picture of but it was a gold deposit building that gives 500 oathgold when you dismantle it. Here's the only other two I found.

Might update if I find pics of any more.


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