Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires Throgg - Norsca Campaign Overview, Guide And Second Thoughts
Hello everyone. In this guide I will cover:
- Victory conditions, faction and climate;
- Starting location;
- Diplomacy and outposts;
- Mechanics of the race and faction;
- Province edicts and army stances;
- Buildings and research;
- Lords and skills;
- Army compositions;
And give you my final notes on the specific faction. Hope you enjoy it.
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Short victory:
- Destroy the factions of Kraka Drak, Ropsmenn Clan, The Ice Court (Katarin) and The Great Orthodoxy (Kostaltyn).
- Occupy, loot, raze or sack 35 different settlements.
The reward is +30 Winds of magic per turn to all armies, useful to ensure your casters have always something to work with and become an influence on the battlefield.
A very straightforward campaign, I like that it leads you into a specific path of conquest, but at the same time it is a bit sad that it does not allow a bit more of a sandbox element in it.
Long victory:
- Achieve the Short victory;
- Occupy, loot, raze or sack 80 different settlements
- Attain Level 3 allegiance with one of the gods
- Defeat all the challengers sent against you.
The reward is +10 lord recruit rank, which is excellent to ensure that your armies are always led by competent leaders.
This is a moderate to long condition, you may wish to delay the level 3 allegiance to gather a few more buffs before it is locked forever as well, so it can take some time indeed. At least, it is very much a sandbox campaign after the short victory is completed and you can go anywhere you would like.
Throgg is the Lord of the Monstrous Horde, and he benefits from:
-20% Upkeep for Norscan Troll and Ice Troll units;
Physical resistance +15% for Norscan Troll and Ice Troll units.
Very straightforward, nothing to see here, just use those units since Throgg excels with them.
In terms of climate, it is one of the best as you can nearly get everywhere without any penalties, so it is one of the best lords to dominate the whole map with.
Starting province is a 4 settlement province, which is great to ensure you have a solid base to recruit everyone from.
You have some ports and specific resources nearby that do provide some nice bonuses overall.
Typical expansion is to go towards the Dwarfs and into Kislev. Of course, nothing stops you from taking advantage of the confederation mechanic and try to get all of Norsca before.
Going north is also possible, although you will most likely be better to just have some allies in there instead, but it is always up to you. The main difference is that it will delay the achievement of your short and long victory objectives for a while.
You also have the sea available nearby, so be on the lookout for some nice goodies to gain some extra income.
Diplomatically, you are part of Chaos. Typical enemies will be anyone from the order tide, neutral, or evil side. For allies, maybe you can get some Skaven, Ogres, or Chaos factions.
Skaven and Warriors of Chaos should give you some nice outposts, so try to obtain their missile troops and cavalry if you can.
- The confederation mechanic works like the Greenskins. Defeat the enemy lord, and you get the chance to confederate their lands.
- Allegiance to the Gods is useful for a lot of different buffs and an end reward. It will provide you with a nice lord or specific hero, but you have to plan ahead which one you will want.
- Note that it locks once you reach level 3; you may wish to delay this to ensure you get to keep some other buffs throughout your campaign.
- Monster hunts are also a nice mechanic, typically quests that will show up and you can go to defeat a monster (and it's army). The rewards range from getting a specific unit, item, which is always rather unique and I just wish they would add more, really.
- You lack any kind of walls, which may be an issue for prolongued multi-prongued wars, so be careful.
- In addition, ports will give you insane income. Be sure to check those out. All the favor paths with the 4 chaos gods give you an increase in income from ports, and it all adds up to ridiculous levels.
Chaos undivided corruption +3; all other types -3;
Growth +20; construction costs - 10%;
Campaign move range for enemies -20%; Attrition -20% when under siege;
Recruitment cost -10%; local recruit capacity +1;
Army stances:
Raiding camp only costs 25% movement; it gives income from raiding, enables replenishment (and increases it by +20%!), makes you immune to attrition, and reduces your upkeep by -20%;
Raiding costs no movement, so you can do at any time, it gives you immunity and gives -30% upkeep. It also combines with the channeling effect to give you more winds of magic per turn.
Ambush costs the typical 25% movement points;
Forced march;
Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires Throgg - Norsca Campaign Overview, Guide And Second Thoughts (continuation)
- The mountains of Hel have nearly no special buildings, other than some resource stuff. However, these imply sometimes factionwide bonuses, so pay attention to those.
- You require 6 military buildings for full military, with 2 that can be fully built in minor settlements. Decent, not good, not bad, and it is good you have a 4 settlement province that can serve this purpose.
- Tier 3 units are already very good. Your elite infantry, good cavalry, Trolls, Skin Wolves, plus Chariots. All get to shine in the early to lategame even.
1 - Control, corruption, hero recruitment building;
2 - Growth and income from post-battle (all armies in adjacent regions)
3 - Income building.
This is an interesting take, you should benefit a bit from that second building if you get it in a province surrounded by enemies.
You also have kind of an infrastructure building with the offerings building, replenishment rate and recruit rank, plus experience, very cool.
Ports are super important. Income, growth, replenishment, and there you go, three of the most important things for any settlement right there.
Research allows a lot of upgrades for units, and it also unlocks the monster hunts.
In addition, you get crazy good buffs for occupying specific enemy capitals. Search each one for all of the possibilities, so you can have a plan on which one to capture first and second, and you will have a lot of synergies possible with your playstyle.
Blue line, you have 2 skills for crazy good replenishment. You also have reduced upkepee, so Norsca gains a lot from the blue line.
Redline skills are pretty average in terms of how much you may have to invest in them. There are some great combinations, and you do benefit from the blue line being somewhat less expensive in terms of skill points than other factions.
Still in terms of redline, note how Trolls and Skin Wolves are affected by the same, which implies both anti-infantry and anti-large in the same.
Your heroes are really good. 2 types of casters, and the Skin Wolf Wereskin is a very good melee fighter.
Balefiends provide replenishment. Norsca has nearly every tool necessary have great replenishment very fast.
Throgg grants bonuses to Trolls, Fimirs, and Skin Wolves, including regeneration and missiles resistance, which is crazy good. He also gives some nice buffs to Frost Wyrms, so that is why I showcase a few combinations there.
In terms of secondary armies, nothing wrong with going back to the typical Norscan armies, perhaps changing it a bit here adn there to add more Trolls as you still benefit from the reduced upkeep and physical resistance.
Lastly, keep an eye out for combinations that may prove very efficient in terms of how many redline skills you need, such as those based around monstrous infantry.
Throgg is still a great sandbox experience, although it is a bit more guided in the beginning than Wulfrik's.
The mechanics only have the downside of eventually ending, but they do reflect a lot in the overall gameplay.
It is one of the RICHEST factions in the game, specially if you focus reduced upkeep and ports everywhere.
Your army consists mainly of:
1 - Damage dealing infantry;
2 - Short range missiles;
3 - Average cavalry and chariots;
4 - Great Monstrous infantry
5 - Great single entities;
6 - Lack of artillery and overall range;
7 - Small roster;
Replenishment is excellent. Between all the buffs and climate you are very quickly at the 50% max and they recover in no time.
This has excellent replay value, so I do believe you will have a blast playing with Throgg of Norsca.
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2965237198
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