How to beat Nuln Final MIssion

How To Defeat The Mission.

When playing as Nuln you will face a very challenging final mission that, as the empire, you are not well suited to. The empire lacks strong front line troops, and you will be facing a large army of powerful Monsters, ranged cavalry, and vicious Black Orcs.

This guide will explain, very simply, how to win the final mission.

You will be using the Grave Rose for this mission, and you will need her on her dragon mount with her red line significantly invested in to boost gunpowder, artillery, and war machine units as much as possible. Support her with an Empire Captain on a Pegasus with a significantly invested in yellow line to act as a emergency response to any units that decide to break past your line and engage your gunmen.

As Nuln you are expected to use as many Gunpowder units as possible - especially Amethyst units. You should recruit five Amethyst Ironsides, and spend time upgrading them as much as possible, to at least third level for maximum punch.

You will also need a number of Outriders to stand behind the Ironsides, to form double ranked firing with the outriders shooting over the heads of the Ironsides.

But most importantly, we need six steam tanks.

To win you must exploit the AI in that they will ALWAYS focus on the unit closest to them, and if they are being riddled by bullets from troops over 80 units away (roughly the maximum range of a crossbowman) they will ignore them to focus on a significant threat in front. Namely, steam tanks.

Spread the steam tanks out in a wide line with significant space between them, and place them in front as far forwards as possible, then place the outriders and Ironsides so that the steam tanks are just barely in range.

Artillery is recommended, Helstorm are good as four units of fully upgraded Helstorm will quickly mulch Black Orcs as they approach - just be careful not to hit the steam tanks.

What should happen is that the AI breaks, and swarms the Steam Tanks, who are incredibly tough and can absorb huge amounts of damage as a front line tank unit - funny that - while you shoot anything that moves. Fully upgraded Amethyst Ironsides and outriders will deal DEVASTATING amounts of damage, with the Ironsides having a whopping 70 ranged damage, most of which is ap, with a reload rate of around 5 seconds.

With five Ironsides, six steam tanks, four Helstorm and Outriders to round it all out, you will be dealing enough ranged damage to kill a giant in about 10 to 20 seconds of concentrated fire. Helstorm can soften incoming Black Orcs, the only significant threat to you, and basically it's a shooting gallery with greenskins and monstrous units dying in droves

Send out the Graveyard Rose to deal with significantly troublesome threats like enemy artillery and the Empire Captain to protect your ranged units, and victory is guaranteed through overwhelming firepower that would make even a Dwarf envious.


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