Importing Blueprints

Importing Blueprints

Prerequisite - (Auto)saves

Importing Blueprints image 1

Importing Blueprints image 2
Importing Blueprints image 3

The method of this guide only works if an autosave has already been created.

If you already had an autosave in the designer (SSC), you can disregard this section.

To check this, you can either enter the designer, open the File menu and check if in Open or Manage Blueprints you've got autosaves or navigate the files to %appdata%/Starbase/ssc and check if an autosave folder exists.

Should no autosave exist, you have to place a part and wait for an autosave. You can speed this up by lowering the interval for autosaves (minimum 1 minute).

Similarly, you need to have at least one blueprint saved to have the autosaves show. For this just save something through the File menu.


If you have the prerequisite autosave, you can now just navigate to the folder with the autosave %appdata%/Starbase/ssc/autosave/ship_blueprints or C:/Users/USER/Appdata/Roaming/Starbase/ssc/autosave/ship_blueprints (with USER being your username).

Copy your new blueprint into the folder and rename it to fit the naming convention (ship_NUMBER.fbe). It is advisable to make it so your new blueprint has the highest number, as it will show up on top of the autosaves.

Now you can just open the blueprint manager (Open or manage blueprints) and load the autosave.

Since it came up, don't search in Steam folders, the blueprints aren't saved there.

Things To Note

Importing Blueprints image 15
Importing Blueprints image 16

If you imported the blueprint when the game was running, it will show up as am empty entry. It will still work.

If you don't see entries in the blueprint manager menu, you might have minimized the window


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