The Scanner Itself
Mount the following assembly on a hardpoint with a cable connection:
Small Turret Turntable. This one is notoriously difficult to snap into place, be careful to align the two notches side by side.
Small Turntable Mount 2. Other cradles may work, but this is the one I use. The two "arms" should be at the rear.
Utility Tool Body. Flat side with the protective bar facing forward, capacitor slots facing back and away from the hardpoint.
Utility Tool & Rail Cannon Capacitor. Two of them.
Material Point Scanner. Finally. Make sure each of the components are properly bolted.
In The Cockpit
In the cockpit, you will need the following:
One 24x24 cm Panel for the material name (Ice, Bastite, whatever)
One (optional) 24x24 cm Panel for the volume of each material. You can add this later if you want.
One 24x24 cm Hybrid Button to activate the scanner. Or any other type of button, really.
Device Settings
Now it's time to use the inspection tool ("U") to set the appropriate device fields.
Name the materials panel "Materials". Don't forget the plural "s".
(Optionally) name the volumes panel "Volumes". Again, don't forget the plural "s".
Name the button "Scanner" and set ButtonStyle to 1 so it stays down when you push it.
All field names on the Material Point Scanner should be left untouched, but I will list them just in case you followed some other guide that had you messing around with them:
Note: No plural "s" after Material and Volume on the Material Point Scanner itself.
And Finally, The YOLOL Script
Obviously, you will need a YOLOL chip (a simple one will do) and either a rack or a chip socket to place it in. Don't forget the cable connection. Here's the code:
:Active=:Scanner :Materials="" :Volumes="" goto(:Scanner+1) // Wait
:Scan=1 :Index=0 :Materials="Searching" :Volumes="Searching"
if :ScanResults < 2 then goto 1 end :Materials="" :Volumes=""
:Materials = :Materials + :Material + "\n"
:Volumes = :Volumes + :Volume + "\n"
:Index = :Index + 1
if :Index < :ScanResults then goto 4 end
:Scanner=0 :Active=0 :Scan=0 :Index=0 :Reset=1
if :Scanner==0 then goto 9 end // Wait
goto 1
// Modal Ore Scanner 1.0 by Soondead -- Use and copy freely
Obviously, it will work without that last line, but I kindly ask that you include it all the same.
Closing Notes
I first hesitated to publish this guide, fearing that you now think I know all there is to know about Starbase and YOLOL. I don't. I struggled to get this to work, after reading lots of guides and trying a lot of different scripts that failed in one way or another.
If it works for you, then please, pay it forward by helping others and pointing them to this guide. If it doesn't, feel free to shoot me a message either here in the forums or in-game, but please understand that for me, this is just another game and I may have moved on by the time you're reading this. Or maybe the devs changed things so the script broke or they renamed a component again. OR... you simply prefer a scanner that works in some other way. That's okay too :-)
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