Starting Out
This section of the guide covers how to join a server or make your own, as well as what to pay attention to when joining a server or creating a private instance.
After landing into the main menu (Picture 1.1) you will be presented with a few options:
Picture 1.1
So lets go over them:
Continue - will just open a tab where there will be displayed servers that you recently played on so you have an easier time finding them again.
Cinematics - gives you an option to watch well... cinematics made by developers. There are at least three options, that being the normal loading screen cinematic named "V Rising", one named "Gloomrot" that plays cinematic from Gloomrot update and "Credits" in case you want to see who all helped make this wonderful game.
Options - as the name implies is a classic UI where you can change controls, graphics settings, adjust sound etc.
Exit - dont worry about this one, there is no going back, u're stuck now.
Play - This is where you decide how you want to start your journey, you will be met with yet another menu (Picture 1.2) that we'll go over quickly.
Picture 1.2
You can either play solo, with your own rules on join an exsisting PvP/PvE server.
Solo Play / Co - Op
So you have decided that you dont want to be bothered by other blood suckers or just want to play with your own pace? Worry not, the game can be perfectly enjoyable this way too, evenmore gives you more freedom as how you want to play.
From the menu you want to navigate over to Private Game.
From here you can decide whether you want to allow PvP in your world (in case you want to play with a select group of people) or competly disable it.
If you want a true solo experience you have to check the box "Only Solo Play". (Picture 1.3)
Picture 1.3
Further customization (which I'd recommend) can be done via the tab "Advanced Game Settings..." (Picture 1.4)
Picture 1.4
This guide wont go over these settings as there is already a lot of guides on this topic
Online Play PvP/PvE
Ready to meet your siblings vampires and compete with them over land and resources? This is the way to go.
After selecting "Online Play" you can select the game gode (Picture 1.5) and team size.
Picture 1.5
NOTE: For those that might not be aware PvP stands for Player vs Player, while PvE stands for Player vs Environment, so if you do not want the option of being killed / raided chose PvE.
No matter what you chose the following tab will look something like this (Picture 1.6):
Picture 1.6
There are a few filter options you want to pay attention to once here.
Clan Size - Any / Solo / Duo or Squad, this will limit the max number of players in a group, artifically exceeding this limit is usually against server rules.
Merciless Settings - is what's often also referred to as "Hardcore PvP", there is no blood - bound gear (if you die you also drop your weapon / armor) and castles can be taken over. This is where the sweaty vampires like to hang round.
Scheduled wipes - many servers wipe/reset after a set amount of days. If you click on a server with scheduled wipes there will be "Days running: x" (how long since the server wiped) and "Days until wipe: y" as the name implies when is the next wipe.
Standard / Modified Settings - Standard settings are settings that are present on Offical servers and have not been tweaked, some servers change various aspects (for ex. gather rate), for a full list of settings on a server select "See Detailed Settings" after clicking on a desired server.
Territory availability - Will either be displayed as Abundant / Moderate or Limited this points to how many building plots are free on a map. While on Limited it might be hard to find a spot to call home, Abundant can also be a giveaway for a dead server.
Raid times - On most servers you cant raid whoever you want whenever you want, rather there is a specified "Raid time" and raiding is only allowed during that time. Raid times are usually mentioned in server names but you can always find them in "See Detailed Settings" also.
Humble Beginnings
Vampire! You have been asleep for hundreds of years, your mouth has dried out and your blood reserve is running out, time to quench your thirst!
This part of the guide covers character creation, basic controls, leaving the tutorial zone, making your first castle as well as hunting first bosses.
Character creation
First thing that shows up after loading into the session and also a pretty straight forward process. You will be met will the following options (Picture 2.1):
Picture 2.1
NOTE: You an always change the look of your vampire later on by crafting a mirror, nothing you select is permanent
Body type - only two to chose from, big stronk or small stronk
Skintone - Skin color of your perfect little vampire, plenty to pick from.
Face - There are 13 face types to chose from, they are the same on both body types.
Eye Color - 16 options, all very shiny!
Hair Styles - a whopping 40+ hairstyles to chose from
Features - include beards and different jaw types
Accessories - include jewelry, glasses and face covers
Character name - This is the name that will be displayed in the session
NOTE: Amount of different hair styles, accessories features, etc. varies as you can get more of them from DLCs which is covered in a different section (unless I forgor).
Waking up and first steps
Now that our perfect little vampire is complete is time to wake up by pressing "Space".
Movement controls are what you'd expect them to be:
W - move forward
S - move backwards
D - move to the right
A - move to the left
LMB - primary attack
Space - Movement Ability
R - Ability 1
C - Ability 2
Hold right mouse button to look around
If you look to the top left corner of your screen there will be a missions for you to complete, you are rewarded recipes for completing them as you play the game (Picture 2.2)
Picture 2.2
And in the right corner there will be a map (that is blacked out until we leave the starter area) and a clock! (Picture 2.3) Blue numbers represent night time and yellow day time. During day time you want to move around in shadows as to not get your ears pierced by burning sound but you also take damage if you get set on fire by it, like... a lot of damage...
Picture 2.3
To start collecting bones walk forward till u find a big ol' door and exit by holding "F" button (by default) from here u can get bones by smacking skeletons that will start appearing or from looting containers (old closed tombs).
Once you have 30 bones, claim the quest and open your inventory by hitting "TAB". From here navigate over to crafting and click on "Bone sword" to start crafting it. (Pictures 2.4 and 2.5)
Pictures 2.4 and 2.5
Now that you got yourself your first weapon beating up these corpses just got a lot easier! Remember that you can also use your abilities! (R and C). Abilities are covered more in depth in another section but for now you should now that your shadow bolt (R) shoots a projectile that deals damage, blood rite (C) blocks an enemy attack and explodes afterwards. All starting abilities (including mobility) inflict Leech. If you attack enemies with Leech status effect you get a little bit of HP back.
After you clap some more enemies the game will want you to craft a ring, rings give spell power which increase damage of your spells duh.
From here following the blue torches will lead you to a gate, after interacting with said gate you get your first glimpse of the map and 2 options as where you want to go next (Picture 2.6)
Picture 2.6
First blood, resource gathering
If this is your first playthrough it doesn't make a huge difference whether you chose to exit on the right or the left side but for the sake of this tutorial I have proceeded with the left side.
Now is the time to start smacking everything that is in your reach! Smack rocks! Smack trees! Smack humans! You can harvest both rocks and trees with your starting sword.
As you go round smacking things you will come across wolves, deer or humans, whichever you come across first be sure to smack it a bit, but not completely kill it as when you get them low enough you can suck their blood by pressing "F". (Picture 2.7)
Picture 2.7
You need blood to survive, without blood you start taking damage and die, you are a vampire after all.
Different blood types give different buffs. (you know the rules, more in depth in a different section of the guide).
As you kill animals you'll get rugged hide, combine it with bones from earlier to craft boneguard armor.
Picture 2.8Very stylish, yees.
Following the tutorial we know have to chop some trees and craft bone axes. Bone axes chop down trees faster than other tools but are as much of a weapon as a sword. (Different weapons have different bonuses, swords deal more damage to vegetation, maces to stone, axes to trees, spears to creatures, etc.)
Picture 2.9
Now that we have our axes game wants us to craft a mace and smack some rocks! Rocks are easy so spot once you know what you're looking for, gray pillars that are everyhwere (Picture 2.9)
Castleee time!
A vampire without a castle to call home and a nice, dark, cold coffin to sleep in is no vampire at all!
So how do we go about acquiring our very own castle? I'm glad you asked. We'll start by opening the map by hitting the "M" key and locating a vacant plot of land (Picture 2.10)
Picture 2.10
NOTE: If playing multiplayer some plots might be already taken by other players, they will appear red and when you hover over them a name will appear, u cant build there and have to look for a new empty plot.
Once you have located a perfect hill to call home open the build menu by pressing the "B" key. From here select "Castle hearth" and find a clear area to place it down. U might have to manually chop some trees or destroy some rocks before placing. (Picture 2.11)
Picture 2.11
Now that you have secured the plot it will appear blue on your map. Don't forget to put some blood essence that you got from killing animals and humans into the castle hearth to prevent decay!
NOTE: Decay can be disabled if playing Solo by tweaking settings
We'll proceed by following the tutorial and placing down floors, a stash, some palisades, a coffin and a mist brazier. Afterwards the game wants us to build a sawmill and a simple workbench. At the workbench we can craft better armor and weapons to meet gear level 15 requirement to move on. (Picture 2.12)
Picture 2.12
NOTE: Due to char limit please continue with Humble beginnings 2.0
Humble Beginnings 2.0
You have reached gear level 15! It's finally time for a first boss fight!
This part of the guide introduces V bloods, boss tracking and first boss kill. This section also concludes the tutorial like style of the guide.
We have now unlocked "V blood menu". Proceed by opening said menu by pressing the "K" key. (Picture 2.13)
Picture 2.13
Here we can see a list of bosses that we can track with our current gear level, as you progress you'll be able to track stronger foes. Proceeded by clicking on "Alpha Wolf".
Here you can read lore behind the boss that we are about to slay, what recipes / abilities it unlocks or in rare cases such as this vampire powers (Picture 2.14). Vampire power are special abilities that are covered more in depth in another section.
Picture 2.14
Proceed by clicking "Track blood". If you now close the menu you will notice a red trail that keeps appearing. Said trail points you to the direction of the boss you are currently tracking. Follow the trail until you find Alpha wolf.
Once you have found it you can engage it. It is a boss but it's only the first boss so naturally it's attacks are rather slow and predictable, it shouldn't give you a lot of trouble (worry not harder fights await). It also drops 3 health orbs that you can consume once u get it to 50% HP.
Once slain you can extract it's blood by holding the "F" key. (Picture 2.15)
Picture 2.15
Congratulations! You have unlocked your first vampire power! By holding down LCTRL you can now chose newly acquired "Wolf Form". This will turn you into a wolf, making you run faster and wild wolves will not attack you if not provoked (Picture 2.16). Using abilities or attacking turns you back into a vampire.
Picture 2.16
NOTE: Wolf form looks different due to applied DLC skin
Vampire! You now know all the basics there are to know about the game, how to craft, how to build, how to unlock new recipes, how to progress... All there is left is to have fun! Go out and explore, fight bosses, meet new players, acquire new powers, build up your castle!
Happy hunting!
Map Overview | Resource Locations
For all of your map needs I'd recommend using Map Genie's [] V rising map as it conveniently shows locations of all resources and V bloods.
This section of the guide defines some terms used in upcoming sections of the guide as well as highlights resource hot spots.
Map overview
This wonderful land that we call home is called "Vardoran" and it encompasses 7 regions. In this guide I'll be referring to these regions as either Tier 1 / 2 or 3 (T1 / T2 / T3) along with it's enemies and loot.
Farbane Woods - T1 - This is the first region we stumble upon after leaving the tutorial cemetery. It is characterised by an abundance of trees and stone nodes lying around everywhere.
Dunley Farmlands - T2 - Is located to the north of Farbane Woods, as the name suggests it's prominent features are large green farmlands. Here we can also find stronger enemies and better resources
Hallowed Mountains - T2 - Region to the east of Farbane Woods, it is currently the smallest region in the game without many points of interest and still waiting to get some love by developers.
Gloomrot South - T2.5 - Gloomrot is split into 2 regions, South and North. South is a bit less hostile but still quite hectic. You can find this region North of the Dunley Farmlands.
Gloomrot North - T3 - First of the end game zones, naturally you can find end game resources and enemies here, along with some of the strongest V bloods. As the name implies it is North of the Gloomrot South.
The Cursed Forest - T3 - Located in North - East corner of the map. Home to pristine hide, ghost crystals and silk worms. Be wary you will need Shroud of the forest to thread this parts safely.
Silverlight Hills - T3 - West of Dunley Farmlands, home to the largest human settlement and everything holy. There are many T3 enemies patrolling the roads whose shots are a bit harder to doge so it's better to stay away until you can beat them.
Farbane Woods
Picture 3.1
Enemies you will find here will here are per previously defined rules all considered Tier 1:
Bandit Faction
Undead Faction
Undefined (Stone golems, mantraps etc.)
Areas of interest are:
Bandit Copper Mine
Forgotten Cemetery
Bandit Stronghold
Bandit Sulphur Quarry
And most common resources you can find here:
Coarse Thread
Sulphur Ore
Dunley Farmlands
Picture 3.2
Enemy types (Tier 2):
Militia Faction
Undead Faction
Undefined (Stone golems, mantraps etc.)
Areas of interest are:
Cotton Farm
Both Villages
Haunted Iron Mine
Dunley Monastery
Common resources:
Wool thread
Iron Ore
Hallowed Mountains
Picture 3.3
Enemy types (Tier 2):
Areas of interest are:
Common resources:
Thick Hide
Hallow Wood
Gloomrot South
Picture 3.4
Enemy types (Tier 2.5):
Trancendum Faction
Mutant Faction
Areas of interest are:
Pools of Rebirth
Trancendum Machine Factory
Trancendum Camp
Common resources:
Mutant Grease
Radium Alloy
Gloom wood
Tech Scrap
Empty Canister
Depleted Battery
Gloomrot North
Picture 3.5
Enemy types (Tier 3):
Trancendum Faction
Mutant Faction
Areas of interest are:
Treasure Hunter Trade Post
Trancendum Power Plant
Stormdrain Hills & Thunderstrike Peak
Common resources:
Mutant Grease
Radium Alloy
Gloom wood
Tech Scrap
Flawless Gems
Depleted Battery
The Cursed Forest
Picture 3.6
Enemy types (Tier 3):
Undead Faction
Undefined (Stone golems, mantraps etc.)
Areas of interest are:
Spider Cave
Both Villages
Lurker Dwelling
Common resources:
Ghost Crystal
Ghost Shrooms
Pristine Hide
Blood Snappers
Swamp Dwellers
Silverlight Hills
Picture 3.7
Enemy types (Tier 3):
Militia Faction
Army Faction
Undefined (Stone golems, mantraps etc.)
Areas of interest are:
Sacred Silver Mine
Harpy Nest
Brighthaven Vineyards
Common resources:
Silver Ore
Golden River Bass
Flawless Gems
Goldsun Coin
Sacred Grapes
Gear Score | T1 Gear
This section of the guide tackles how gear and gear scores work, how to unlock and craft better version of the gear
Gear score
Gear score is a total sum of levels currently equipped by a player. Gear that is taken into calculation is: active weapon, equipped armor pieces and jewelry. (Cape and hat do not contribute to gear score total) Gear score has several purposes. First and the most obvious one is that it's an easy way of determining how weak / strong an NPC or another player is.
On top of that gear level description states:
If you are overleveled you will deal 1% more / take 1% less damage per gear level difference.
If you are underleveled you will deal 4% less / take 4% more damage per gear level difference.
NOTE: This does NOT apply to PvP
Furthermore, some resource nodes have two conditions that have to be met before they can be mined. First is the tier of the weapon and the second is gear score.
Stone Unarmed 0 Copper Ore Node Reinforced Bone 6 Sulphur Ore Copper 9 Gem Vein Copper 9 Iron Ore Node Merciless Copper 12 Silver Ore Iron 15 Quartz Iron 15 Ghost Crystal Iron 15
The current maximum gear level that can be achieved is 85. This however doesn't also mean that you'll want to be running round with 85 gear score.
Gear progression
With gear score out of the way, let's now tackle different gear, gear tiers and bonuses that they provide. As established in previous section that map zones can be divided into three tiers I'll do the same with gear. As when you have T2 gear you will probably be spending the majority of your time in T2 zones.
1 0 - 41 2 42 - 61 3 62 - 85
1 gear
1 encompass the broadest range of gear score and four different armor sets. As you follow the tutorial missions your very first armor set that you craft will be boneguard. You get the crafting recipe after completing "Mastering Magic" quest. To craft said armor set you'll need a total of 60 rugged hide and 100 bones, both can be easily acquired in starting area.
Boneguard Chestguard 30 Bone Inventory Boneguard Leggings 30 Bone Inventory Boneguard Boots 30 Bone
30 Rugged Hide Inventory Boneguard Gloves 30 Bone
30 Rugged Hide Inventory
If you have followed tutorial by now you will have also crafted Bone ring that gives you an aditional 3 gear level. With your bone sword this bring you to a total of 10 gear power.
Boneguard set can be upgraded to Plated Boneguard, bone weapons to Reinforced bone weapons and Bone ring to Blood rose ring, recipes for all of these upgrades are unlocked by default. This bring you to a total of 20 gear score.
Plated Boneguard Chestguard Boneguard Chestguard
60 (45) Rugged Hide Simple Workbench Plated Boneguard Leggings Boneguard Leggings
60 (45) Rugged Hide Simple Workbench Plated Boneguard Boots Boneguard Boots
60 (45) Rugged Hide Simple workbench Plated Boneguard Gloves Boneguard Gloves
60 (45) Rugged Hide Simple Workbench Reinforced bone weapon 1 Bone weapon of same kind
4 (3) Plank
128 (96) Stone Simple Workbench Blood Rose Ring 1 Bone ring
32 (24) Blood Rose
64 (48) Plant Fibre Simple Workbench
NOTE: Amount of resources needed displayed inside brackets for ex. 60 (45) displays the price if matching floor bonus is applied.
Next armor set in the line is Nightstalker armor set. Recipe for this armor set is also unlocked by default but you'll have to beat Keely the Frost Archer before you can craft it. And in order to unlock the Gravedigger ring recipe you'll have to beat Goreswine the Ravager. This will further increase your gear score to 30.
Nightstalker Vest 6 (5) Leather
4 (3) Coarse Thread Simple Workbench Nightstalker Leggings 6 (5) Leather
4 (3) Coarse Thread Simple Workbench Nightstalker Boots 6 (5) Leather
4 (3) Coarse Thread Simple Workbench Nightstalker Gloves 6 (5) Leather
4 (3) Coarse Thread Simple Workbench Copper weapon 16 (12) Copper Ingot
12 (9) Plank Simple Workbench Gravedigger Ring 12 (9) Grave Dust
32 (24) Mourning Lily Simple Workbench
Before we can make final T1 set there is some work to be done now. After you have completed "Blood Hunt" quest you will have unlocked a new station called Research desk. You will have to use this desk to unlock the next set, Merciless Nightstalker, along with merciless copper weapons and better rings.
NOTE: Enemies in T1 zone will randomly drop paper, you can consume 50 paper for a random blueprint. You can also get books as rare drops, or you can buy them from shady merchants.
NOTE: Char limit
T2 Gear | T3 Gear
Making the Merciless Nightstalker set along with Merciless Copper Weapon and a better ring will leave you at 41 gear score. This is also the final T1 gear set.
Merciless Nightstalker Vest Nightstalker Vest
4 (3) Leather
4 (3) Coarse Thread
8 (6) Copper Ingot Simple Workbench Merciless Nightstalker Leggings Nightstalker Leggings
4 (3) Leather
4 (3) Coarse Thread
8 (6) Copper Ingot Simple Workbench Merciless Nightstalker Boots Nightstalker Boots
4 (3) Leather
4 (3) Coarse Thread
8 (6) Copper Ingot Simple Workbench Merciless Nightstalker Gloves Nightstalker Gloves
4 (3) Leather
4 (3) Coarse Thread
8 (6) Copper Ingot Simple Workbench Merciless Copper weapon Copper weapon of same type
8 (6) Whetstone
4 (3) Leather
2 T1 Gems Simple Workbench Any of 4 better rings Gravedigger Ring
1 Greater Blood Essence
4 (3) T1 Gems Simple Workbench
Tier 2 gear
Before you can start crafting T2 gear you'll have to kill Quincey the Bandit King and Leandra the Shadow Priestess for jewelry. Also taking care of Beatrice the Tailor and Christina the Sun Priestess will make acquiring resources easier.
Hollowfang Chestguard 12 (9) Cotton
8 (6) Wool Thread Tailoring Bench Hollowfang Leggings 12 (9) Cotton
8 (6) Wool Thread Tailoring Bench Hollowfang Boots 12 (9) Cotton
8 (6) Wool Thread Tailoring Bench Hollowfang Gloves 12 (9) Cotton
8 (6) Wool Thread Tailoring Bench Iron weapon 16 (12) Iron ingot
12 (9) Plank Smithy Scourgestone Pendant 12 (9) Scourgestone
16 (12) Gem Dust Artisan Table
To progress further with gear you will now have to find blueprints once again. This time you will be looking for scrolls to use at a "Study" which you can unlock by slaying Maja the Dark Savant. You are looking for Merciless Hollowfang armor set, Merciless Iron weapon and better jewelry once again. With this you have climbed to the top of T2 armor sitting at 61 gear score.
Merciless Hollowfang Chestguard Hollowfang Chestguard
12 (9) Iron Ingot Tailoring Bench Merciless Hollowfang Leggings Hollowfang Leggings
12 (9) Iron Ingot Tailoring Bench Merciless Hollowfang Boots Hollowfang Boots
12 (9) Iron Ingot Tailoring Bench Merciless Hollowfang Gloves Hollowfang Gloves
12 (9) Iron Ingot Tailoring Bench Merciless Iron weapon Iron weapon of same type
1 T2 Gem
4 (3) Greater Blood Essence
4 (3) Reinforced Plank Smithy Any better pendant 1 Scourgestone pendant
4 (3) T2 Gems
16 (12) Glass Artisan Table
Tier 3 gear
You have finally reached T3 gear! This will allow you to start farming the hardest regions in the game. Before you can do that however, you will have to kill Octavian the Militia Captain and Cyril the Cursed Smith along with Ungora the Spider Queen and afterwards in due time Baron du Bouchon the Sommelier to get new jewelry pieces.
Crafting full Dawnthorn armor set, along with Blood Merlot Amulet and a Dark Silver weapon will bring you to whooping 74 gear level.
Dawnthorn Chestguard 12 (9) Pristine Hide
12 (9) Silk Tailoring Bench Dawnthorn Leggings 12 (9) Pristine Hide
12 (9) Silk Tailoring Bench Dawnthorn Boots 12 (9) Pristine Hide
12 (9) Silk Tailoring Bench Dawnthorn Gloves 12 (9) Pristine Hide
12 (9) Silk Tailoring Bench Dark silver weapon 16 (12) Dark silver ingot
12 (9) Reinforced plank Anvil Blood Merlot Amulet 1 Blood Merlot
4 (3) Dark Silver Ingot
12 (9) Radium Alloy Artisan Table
As you know by now to get the final armor set you will once again have to do some blueprint hunting in T3 regions of the map. You need 100 Schematics for a random blueprint and you can redeem them at an Athenaeum (unlocked by slaying Henry Blackbrew the Doctor). Recipe after calls for ghost yarns so be sure to take care of Matka the Curse Weaver.
NOTE: Char limit :)
T3 Gear | Legendary Weapons
Crafting this wonderful set will bring you to a wonderful 83 gear score.
Bloodmoon Chestguard Dawnthorn Chestguard
12 (9) Ghost Yarn
1 Primal Blood Essence Tailoring Bench Bloodmoon Leggings Dawnthorn Leggings
12 (9) Ghost Yarn
1 Primal Blood Essence Tailoring Bench Bloodmoon Boots Dawnthorn Boots
12 (9) Ghost Yarn
1 Primal Blood Essence Tailoring Bench Bloodmoon Gloves Dawnthorn Gloves
12 (9) Ghost Yarn
1 Primal Blood Essence Tailoring Bench Sanguine weapon Dark silver weapon of same type
4 (3) T3 Gems
1 Primal Blood Essence
12 (9) Gold Ingot Anvil Any better amulet Blood Merlot Amulet
12 (9) Power Core
4 (3) T3 Gems Artisan table
As you might have noticed we have what it appears to be the latest and the greatest armor set along with jewelry and a weapon but we are still short a few points of gear score. Let's see what further upgrades await us.
Legendary Weapons
Sanguine weapons can be upgraded into Legendary weapons at Ancestral Forge. Doing so will require a legendary weapon shard.
Legendary weapons have bonus stat increases that are random and inflict one of six status effect with second weapon skill. Along with bonus stats, status effect school (Leech / Ignite / Condemn / Weaken / Chill / Static) is also randomly generated.
Legendary Weapon Shards can be purchased at the Treasure Hunter Trade Post for 1 Onyx Tear or they can be obtained as rare drops in T3 areas.
NOTE: This will bring you to a total of 84 gear score, drinking high quality brute blood will now finally bring you to the max 85.
Blood, blood, tasty blood. This section of the guide covers different kinds that give different buffs based on purity and type, as well as how to go about acquiring and farming it.
After successfully feeding on a target your blood pool will fill up and your blood type will change based on blood of the victim. Each blood type grants different passive bonuses.
NPCs spawn with different blood quality percentages, their blood quality does not change unless they have been killed and respawn. Higher quality gives stronger and more bonuses. There are 5 tiers of blood powers that are unlocked at different percentages of blood quality.
Threshold percentages to unlock each tier:
: 1%
: 60%
: 90%
Your blood pool has a 10 litre capacity that slowly drains with time. f you run out of blood you will start taking damage, hence you always need to look for new targets to feed on or drink blood potions.
Upon beating incent the Frostbringer you can craft Prison Cells. f you place prison cells in your base you can imprison high quality blood NPCs using Dominate Human.
Once imprisoned you can repeatedly extract Blood Potions or Blood Merlots from them. Don't forget to feed prisoners to keep their misery down and health up.
NOTE: Misery increases amount of damage prisoners take from blood extraction
Blood types
There are 8 different blood types, all of which (besides Frail) provide different passive bonuses.
Frailed Blood - big poo poo
Movement Speed ncreased Sun Resistance rating Damage Reduction ncreased Health Regeneration Boost all above effects by
10 - ncreased Resource yield % ncreased Damage against Resource Objects Mount Gallop Speed chance to instantly destroy a resource node and trigger a burst of speed Boost all above effects by
Primary attack Life Leech ncreased Primary Attack Speed and gain 1 Gear Level [Healing received increased by [b] - [/b]. Heal self for of your victim's health when striking a killing blow. chance per relative health recovered to boost movement speed by and damage of primary attacks by Boost all above effects by
chance to Critical Strike on Weapon Attacks Movement Speed Reduced cooldown on Travel Skill, chance to critical strike on next physical attack after using a travel skill Chance on Critical Strike to expose victim's armor, increasing damage taken from all sources by for Boost all above effects by
ncreased Physical Power Reduced cooldown on Weapon Skills Reduced damage taken and increased damage when striking enemies at full health Chance to parry an attack reducing damage taken by . Parrying an attack increases your own damage by . Boost all above effects by
ncreased Spell Power Reduced cooldown on Spells Spell Life Leech Chance to reset spell cooldown on cast Boost all above effects by
25 - reduced Blood Drain rate ncreased All Resistance rating 10% - ncreased movement speed while Shapeshifting chance to convert the victim to a random Mutant when killing them with a Bite Boost all above effects by
NOTE: You can also refill your blood pool by consuming rats or different kinds of hearths
Abilities And Jewels | Blood Magic
Harry - yer a wizard! Well... Yer a vampire wizard!
This section covers different magic schools, abilities, how to get them and possible modifications applicable to them
At any given time you can have up to 1 mobility spell, 2 basic spells and 1 ultimate spell equipped. You can unlock various spells by defeating specific bosses. There are currently 6 spell schools. Each spell school applies different kind of status effects.
Both basic and mobility spells can be further modified via jewels. You can always swap jewels without any cost so feel free to experiment. They come in 3 tiers, Tier 2 give 2 modification while Tier 3 give 3 modifications. This guide will only cover T3 jewels as they are what you should be aiming for while using others as placeholders.
Blood Magic Mastery of blood is the innate power residing in all vampires. The sanguine arts pull the lifeforce from your enemies, turning their blood and pain into your nourishment.
As description implies blood magic school specializes in healing. To be more precise applying Leech status effect.
Leech: Leech the lifeforce from your enemies for 5s. Physical attacks restore 7% of damage dealt against Leeched enemies. (Picture 5.1)
Let's now go over the abilities, what they do and what possible jewel modifications can be applied.
Shadowbolt - Inflicts leech and deals 180% magic damage. It has a casting animation which can be canceled. Hitting objects will cause projectile to disappear.
Tier 3 Jewel Modifers Consumes Leech on Hit, dealing 35 - 60% bonus damage. Consumes Leech on Hit, healing self for 3.5 - 6% of your maximum health. Explodes on hit dealing 23 - 40% damage and inflicting Leech on nearby enemies Forks into two lesser projectiles on hit, each projectile dealing 55 - 80% damage and inflicting Leech. Increase projectile range and speed by 10 - 24%. Increases cast rate by 12 - 25% Knocks targets back 1.7 - 3.0 meters on hit. Reduces cooldown by 7 - 12%.
Bloodrite - Enter into a state of blocking for 1.5s. Receiving an attack will trigger a block, causing you to take no damage while triggering a wave of energy that pushes back enemies, deals 100% magic damage and inflicts Leech. Blocking an attack will also turn you immaterial for 1.2s.
Tier 3 Jewel Modifers When triggered, consumes Leech from up to 3 targets, healing self for 1.7 - 2.5% of your maximum health per target. When triggered, consumes Leech from up to 3 targets, reducing cooldown by 0.6 - 1.0 seconds per target. Deals 23 - 40% bonus damage when triggered. Increases immaterial duration by 17 - 25%. Increases movement speed when channeling by 22 - 35% Inflicts a fading snare on enemies hit lasting 0.8 - 1.5 seconds. Turn invisible during the immaterial duration When triggered, your next primary attack used within 5s deals 29 - 50% bonus damage.
Blood Rage - Heals nearby allies for 40% spell power, increases attack speed by 25% and movement speed by 15% for 4s. Inflics Leech on nearby enemeis.
Tier 3 Jewel Modifers Increases movement speed by 3.6 - 10%. Increases physical damage output by 10 - 20% during the effect. Increases the duration of the effect by 17 - 30%. Inflicts a fading snare on enemies hit lasting 0.8 - 1.5 seconds. Killing an enemy unit during the effect heals you for 1.2 - 2.5% of your maximum health. Removes all negative effects. Shield self and nearby allies for 65 - 90% of your spell power.
NOTE: Buffs also apply to siege golems.
Blood Fountain - Summons a pillar of blood healing allies for 40% spell power. Pillar erupts after 1.2s dealing 75% magic damage while healing allies for 60% Spell power. After eruption it also inflicts Leech.
Tier 3 Jewel Modifers Eruption impact deals 12 - 25% bonus damage. Increases healing of the eruption impact by 25 - 50%. Increases healing of the initial hit by 12 - 25%. Recast to conjure a lesser blood fountain. The initial hit heals for 17 - 25%
the eruption hit heals for 26 - 33% and deals 26 - 33% damage. Removes all negative effects from self and nearby allies on the initial hit. The eruption hit consumes Leech dealing 27 - 40% damage. The eruption hit increases target ally movement speed by 11 - 18% for 3 seconds The eruption hit knocks enemies back 2 - 3 meters. The initial hit inflicts Leech. The initial impact inflicts a fading snare lasting 0.6 - 1-2 seconds.
NOTE: Char limit strikes once again
Chaos Magic
Sanguine Coil - Launches a projectile that deals 75% magic damage, drains 25% health and inflicts . Heals ally hit for 00% and self for 25% of your spell power. Hitting ed enemy consumes the effect and heals you for 5% max hp. Has 3 charges.
Consumes on Hit, dealing bonus damage. Consumes on Hit, healing self for of your maximum health. Bounces towards an additional target after first hit dealing of the initial damage or healing. Can bounce back towards caster. Increase maximum charges by . Increases ally healing by 2 - 25%. Increases damage by 9 - 5%. Increases projectile range and speed by 0 - 2% Lethal attacks restore charge.
Veil of Blood -Dash towards input direction and elude enemies for 2.2s. Your next primary attack deals 25% bonus damage and heals you for 5% max hp while inflicting .
Dashing through an enemy inflicts . Increases damage of next primary attack by 2 - 25%. Increases elude duration by 2 - 25%. Increases maximum healing percentage by .6 - 2.3%. Next attack consumes increasing your physical damage output by 7 - 30% for seconds. Next primary attack inflicts a fading snare lasting .3 - 2.0 seconds. Next primary attacks conjures a nova of blood dealing 7 - 25% damage and inflicting on nearby enemies.
Chaos Magic
The flames of the void cannot be quenched. Their crackling energies incinerate your enemies and push you beyond your limits with surges of void power.
Setting your enemies on purple fire and dealing damage is what chaos school is all about! Chaos abilities inflict Ignite status effect.
Ignite: Ignite your enemies with chaos flames, dealing 50% magic damage over 5s.
Chaos Volley - Launches two projectiles in a sequence that deal 0% magic damage and inflict Ingnite.
Consumes Ignite and triggers an explosion dealing 23 - 0% area damage. Consumes Ignite increasing your movement speed by 7 - 0% for 5 seconds. Effects stacks up to 2 times. Hitting a different target with the second projectile deals 29 - 50% additional damage. (first projectile misses count) Increases damage by 2 - 20% Increases projectile range and speed by 0 - 2% Knock targets back 0.9 - .5 meters on hit. Reduces cooldown by 7 - 2%.
Aftershock -Smash the ground causing a shockwave that erupts, dealing 25% magic damage in a line and inflicting Ignite.
Consumes Ignite and triggers an explosion dealing 23 - 0% area damage. Consumes Ignite increasing your movement speed by 7 - 0% for 5 seconds. Effects stacks up to 2 times. Increases damage by 2 - 25%. Increases projectile range by - 25%. Knocks nearby enemies back .7 - 3.0 meters on cast.[/b] Reduces cooldown by 7 - 2%. The initial wave inflicts a fading snare on enemies hit lasting . - .8 seconds.
Chaos Barrier -Block attacks in front of you for 2s. Blocking an attack launches a projectile towards attacker dealing 50% damage, pushing the target towards you and inflicting Ignite. Recast to launch a chaos projectile.
Absorbing a melee attack stuns the attacker for 0.8 - .2 seconds. Absorbing an attack reduces cooldown by 0.5 - 0.8 seconds from up to 3 attacks. Consumes Ignite and triggers an explosion dealing 23- 0% area damage. Increases damage by 0 - 20% Increases movement speed when channeling by 7 - 2%. Increases pull distance by 5 - 70% Launch three lesser projectiles in an arc instead of one when recasting, each lesser projectile dealing 37 - 50% damage of the original damage. Projectiles fork into two lesser projectiles on hit, each projectile dealing 32 - 5% damage and inflicting Ignite
Void - Summon an orb that explodes at target location dealing 90% magic damage and inflicting Ignite and pull enemies towards the center.
Consumes Ignite and triggers an explosion dealing 23 - 0% area damage. Consumes Ignite increasing your movement speed by 7 - 0% for 5 seconds. Effects stacks up to 2 times. Flames engulf the area dealing 9 - 5% damage up to 3 times to enemies in the area. Increases damage by 0 - 20%. Increases range by 0 - 20%. Increases the rate charges recharge by 0 - 20%. Spawns 3 exploding fragments dealing 7 - 25% damage and inflicting Ignite.
NOTE: You know the rules and so do I... Char limit
Unholy Magic
Power Surge - Boost a target ally or self. Increase movement speed by 2%, attack speed by 2% and physical attacks inflict for 4s.
Increases attack speed by . Increases movement speed by . Increases physical damage output by during the effect. Increases the duration of the effect by . Lethal attacks during the effect reduce the cooldown by second. Can trigger up to - 4 times. Recast to consume the effect triggering an explosion dealing damage and pulling enemies towards the target. Remove all negative effects. Shield target for of your spell power.
Veil of Chaos - Dash towards target locations and elude enemies for 2.2s. Your next primary attack inflicts and your illusion explode dealing 0% magic damage to nearby enemies and inflicts . Can be recasted to Dash once more.
Consumes and triggers an explosion dealing area damage. Consumes increasing your movement speed by 7 - 0% for seconds. Effects stacks up to 2 times. Increases damage done when an illusion explodes by 2 - 2%. Increases elude duration by 2 - 2%. Inflicts a fading snare lasting 0.8 - . seconds when an illusion explodes. Spawns a second illusion when recasting dealing of the original damage.
Unholy Magic
The sacrilegious arts will erode and break those that resist you, turning them into faithful servants in death. Let plague and terror wash over your enemies while your army of the dead continues to grow.
Harry has decided that he wants to be a necromancer, this is as close he can get to a necromancer in V Rising. Unholy Magic abilities apply Condemn status effect.
Condemn - Condemn your enemies, increasing all damage dealt to them by % for s. Summon an unholy warrior to fight by your side whenever a condemned target perish.
Corrupted Skull - Launch a projectile that deals 80% magic damage, summons a skeleton and inflicts Condemn. The attack deals 40% bonus damage to enemies below 30% health.
Conjures a bone spirit that circles around the target dealing 9 - % damage and inflicting Condemn on nearby enemies. Hitting an ally skeleton causes it to explode dealing damage and inflicting Condemn on nearby enemies. Hitting an enemy already affected by Condemn inflicts Agony which deals 8 - 3% damage 4 times over the duration. Hitting an enemy already inflicted by Condemn inflicts Bane. When an enemy affected by Bane dies, summon a skeleton mage with extra health. Increases damage by . Increases projectile range and speed by 0 - 24%. Knock targetse back .7 - 3.0 meters on hit. Launch two lesser projectiles in an arc instead of one, each lesser projectile deals 33 - 0% of the original damage.
Bone Explosion - Raise a bone pile from below that explodes at the target location dealing 40% magic damage in a area and inflicts Condemn.
Deals 7 - 2% bonus damage to enemies below 30% health, lethal attacks reduce cooldown by .6 - 2.3 seconds. Heals all allied skeletons hit by - 80% of their maximum health and reset their lifetime. Hitting an enemy already affected by Condemn inflicts Agony which deals 8 - 3% damage 4 times over the duration. Increases damage by 2 - 20%. Increases range by . Inflicts a fading snare on enemies lasting 0.9 - . seconds. Reduces cooldown by 7 - 2%. Spawns a nova of projectiles from impact location, each projectile dealing damage and inflicting Condemn. Triggers a second lesser explosion at the same location dealing 29 - 0% damage.
Ward of The Dammned - Block melee and projectile attacks in front of you for 2s. Absorbing an attack summons a skeleton, each consecutive attack absorbed has a 0% chance to summon an additional skeleton up to a maximum of . Enemy melee attackers are knocked back. Recast during the effect to launch a wave of energy dealing 2% magical damage and inflicting Condemn.
Absorbing a projectile heals you for 22 - 3% of your spell power. Empowerer allied skeletons hit by the recast increasing their damage output by for 8 seconds. Increases damage done by the recast attack by 2 - 20%. Increases movement speed when channeling by 7 - 2%. Melee attackers take 29 - 0% damage when striking the barrier. Shields allied skeletons hit by the recast for 69 - 20% of your spell power. The shield lasts for 4 seconds. The recast attack knocks targets back .7 - 3.0 meters on hit. chance to spawn a Skeleton Mage instead of Skeleton Warrior when triggered.
NOTE: Knock, knock. Who's there? Char limit!
Illusion Magic
Death Knight - Summon a Death Knight at target location that performs a heavy melee attack dealing 0% magic damage to nearby enemies, knocking them back and inflicting , the strike deals 70% bonus damage to enemies below 0% health.
Hitting an enemy already affected by inflicts which deals damage times over the duration. Hitting an enemy already inflicted by inflicts . When an enemy affected by dies, summon a skeleton mage with 2 - 0% extra health. Increases damage by . Increases damage done to targets below critical health by . Inflicts a fading snare lasting seconds on enemies nearby the summoning location. Summon a Skeleton Mage with 2 - 0% increased power on a successful hit.
Soulburn - Drain a life from up nearby enemies dealing 70% magic damage, inflicting and Leeching 0% health. Cancels any attack the enemy performs, silencing them for .5s.
Consume up to allied skeletons healing you for 6 - 0% of your spell power per skeleton. Consume up to allied skeletons increasing your spell and physical power by per skeleton for seconds. Hitting an enemy already affected by inflicts which deals damage times over the duration. Increases damage by . Increases life drain by Increases silence duration by 0. - 0.6 seconds. Increases targets hit by . Reduce cooldown by 0.5 - 0. seconds for each target silenced. Removes all negative effects from self when cast.
Veil of Bones - Dash towards input direction and elude nearby enemies for 2.2s. Your next primary attack deals 25% bonus damage and inflicts . Deals 50% additional damage to enemies below 0% health.
Dashing through an enemy inflicts . Heals all allied skeletons you dash through by 55 - 0% of their maximum health and reset their lifetime. Increased damage done to targets below critical health by 2 - 0%. Increases damage of next primary attack by 2 - 25%. Increases elude duration by 2 - 25%. Next primary attack inflicts if the enemy was already affected by . deals damage times over the duration. Next primary attack inflicts if the enemy was already affected by . When an enemy affected by dies, summon a skeleton mage with 2 - 0% extra health..
Illusion Magic
Enter the mind of your enemies, sowing confusion and haunting them with visions of spectres and apparitions. Those that don't flee will be too weak to fight back.
Weaken: Weaken your enemy to reduce their damage output by 5% for 5s. 25% chance to gain Phantasm whenever a weakened target perish.
Phantasm: Reduces your spell cooldowns by % and grants 2% chance to reset cooldown on cast. This effect stacks up to 0 times and is removed once you successfully reset cooldown on cast.
Spectral Wolf - Send out a Spectral wolf that bounces to a nearby enemy after each hit, up to 2 additional hits. Deals 25% magic damage on the first hit, subsequent hits deal 5% damage of the previous hit. Each hit inflicts Weaken and grants a stack of Phantasm.
Consumes Weaken on hit, granting - 6 stacks of Phantasm. Consumes Weaken to gain a shield absorbing - 50% damage based on your spell power stacking up to times. Consumes Weaken to spawn a wisp healing self or ally for of your spell power. Increases maximum bounces by . Increases projectile range and speed by 0 - 2%. Initial projectile inflicts a fading snare on enemies hit lasting . - . seconds. Reduces damage penalty per bounce by 9 - 5%. The wolf returns to you after the last bounce, healing for 6 - 0% of your spell power.
Phantom Aegis - Apply a shield to target ally or self that shields the target for 200% of your spell power, inflicts Weaken on nearby enemies and grants Phantasm for each enemy hit.
Consumes Weaken from nearby enemies inflicting fear lasting . - .6 seconds. Consumes Weaken from up to targets, reducing cooldown by 0.9 - . seconds per target. Increases duration of the effect by - 5%. Increases movement speed by 9 - %. Increases target spell power by - 2% while the barrier last. Knock targets back .7 - .0 meters on hit. Recast to consume the barrier from an allied target pulling the ally towards you. Removes all negative effects. The barrier explodes upon expire dealing damage and inflicting Weaken on nearby enemies.
Hello char limit my old friend...
Frost Magic
Mist Trance - Block melee and projectile attacks for up to 1.s. Turn immaterial and teleport to cursor location when an attack is blocked. Inflicts on nearby enemies when reappearing and grants for each enemy hit.
Consumes from enemies near the destination to gain a shield absorbing damage based on your spell power stacking up to times. Increases distance traveled by . Increases movement speed when channeling by 22 - %. Knocks targets back 1.7 - .0 meters on hit. When triggered s nearby enemies around you for seconds. When triggered grants stacks of . When triggered increases movement speed by 1 - 21% for seconds. When triggered reduces the cooldown of your secondary weapon skills by . When triggered your next primary attack used within seconds deals 29 - 0% bonus damage.
Wraith Spear - Dash backwards and launch a piercing projectile dealing 160% magic damage and inflicting . Each subsequent hit deals 7% magic damage of the previous hit and grants .
Consumes to gain a shield absorbing damage based on your spell power stacking up to times. Consumes to spawn a wisp healing self or ally for 29 - 0% of your spell power. Damage penalty per hit reduced by . Hitting an ally shields them for 6 - 90% of your spell power. Increases damage by 12 - 2%. Increases projectile range by 14 - 2%. Inflicts a fading snare on enemies hit lasting 0.8 - 1. seconds.
Mosquito - Summon a spectral mosquito at target location that explodes after 2s dealing 70% magic damage and inflicting and ing enemies for up to 1. s. Grants on hit for each enemy hit.
Consumes from up to targets, reducing cooldown by seconds per target. Increases damage by . Increases duration of by seconds. Increases mosquito maximum health by - 60% and movement speed by 12 - 2%. Shields nearby allies for 6 - 90% of your spell power when the mosquito is summoned. Spawns wisps healing self or ally for 0% of your spell power when the mosquito explodes.
Veil of Illusion - Dash toward input direction and elude nearby enemies for 2.2s. Your next primary attack deals 2% bonus damage and inflicts . Spawns an illusion that launches projectiles inflicting and granting . Recast to return to your start position and spawn a new illusion at your current location.
Detonate your illusion dealing 22 - % damage and inflicting in an area on recast. Illusion projectiles deal damage. Increases damage of next primary attack by 12 - 2%. Increases elude duration by 12 - 2%. Next primary attack grants stacks of . Next primary attack inflicts a fading snare lasting 1. - 2.0 seconds. Next primary attacks consumes to gain a shield abosrbing damage based on your spell power stacking up to times.
Frost Magic
Command the frigid winds of blizzards and hailstorms, slowly freezing your foes into frosted sculptures of horrid cold or impaling them on spikes of ice.
Chill: Chill your enemies to their core, slowing their movement speed by 1% for s.
Freeze: Freezes your enemies solid, making them unable to move or act for 4s. Deals 2% spell damage and inflicts Chill if enemy is immune to Freeze.
NOTE: Vampires are frozen for half duration.
Frost Bat - Launch a projectile that deals 100% magic damage. The projectile explodes upon impact, inflicting Chill on nearby enemies. Hitting a Chilled enemy Freezes it for 4s.
Hitting a Chilled or Frozen target shatters the projectile into 8 splinters, each dealing 17 - 0% damage and inflicting Chill. Hitting a Chilled or Frozen target shields you for 6 - 70% of your spell power. Increases cast rate by 12 - 2%. Increases damage done to Chilled and Frozen targets by 17 - 0%. Increases projectile range and speed by 10 - 24%. The frost impact blast deals 27 - 40% damage to surrounding enemies.
Storm Magic
Ice Nova - Summon a nova of ice at the target location dealing 140% magic damage. The nova radiates outward inflicting .
Increases range by . Consumes and Inflicts lasting 2. - 4.0 seconds. Increases damage done to ed and targets by . Recast to conjure a lesser ice nova dealing of the original damage. The nova shields self and allies for % of your spell power. Reduces cooldown by .
Frost Barrier - Upon activation, holds up a barrier in front of you blocking melee attacks and projectiles. When the barrier is struck, it inflicts magic damage and inflicts . ed enemies are for 4s when hit.
Absorbing an attack increases your spell power by for seconds. Effects stacks up to times. Absorbing an attack reduces cooldown by seconds from up to attacks. Cone of cold consumes and inflicts lasting 2. - 4.0 seconds. Cone of cold knocks targets back 1.7 - .0 meters on hit. Hitting a ed or target with the cone of cold shields you for % of your spell power. Increases damage by . Increases movement speed when channeling by .
Crystal Lance - Launch a projectile dealing 10% magic damage and inflicting lasting 4s.
Hitting a ed or target shatters the projectile into splinters, each dealing 17 - 0% damage and inflicting . Increases cast rate by . Increases damage done to ed and targets by 5 - 0%. Increases duration by seconds when hitting a ed target. Increases projectile range and speed by . Pierces up to 1 - targets dealing reduced damage per target.
Ice Block - Turn target ally or self into solid ice rendering them unable to move or act for 2.2s. The ice shields for 20% of your spell power, grants immunity to crowd control effects and heals up to 5% of maximum health while active. The effect can be cancelled by interrupting it.
Absorbs an additional of your spell power. Charges target's weapon with arctic energy. Next primary attack deals bonus damage and inflicts . Increases damage done to ed and targets by 5 - 0%. Conjure a nova of ice inflicting or consuming , inflicting lasting 2. - 4.0 seconds when the effect ends. Increases healing by . Inflicts on enemy attackers dealing physical damage to you.
Veil of Frost - Dash towards input direction, elude nearby enemies for 2.2s and shield self for 125% of your spell power. Your next primary attack deals 25% bonus damage and conjures a nova of frost dealing 0% magic damage and inflicting on nearby enemies.
Hitting a ed or target shields you for % of your spell power. Illusion explodes in a nove of ice dealing 2 - 40% damage and inflicting on nearby enemies. Increases damage by . Increases elude duration by . Increases healing by . Next primary attack consumes and inflicts lasting 2. - 4.0 seconds.
Storm Magic
Harness lightning and thunder to lay waste to your foes. Become electricity itself, crackling between your enemies while you bring down the full fury of the storm.
Static: Electrify your enemy for 5s causing physical damage dealt to them to trigger a shock dealing 10% magic damage.
Cyclone - Conjure a cyclone that pierces enemies dealing 90% magic damage and inflicting Static. The cyclone returns once it reaches max distance, circling back towards you and lingering for up to 10s hitting any enemy it passes through.
Consumes Static to charge your weapon up to times. Next primary attack deals 2 - 40% bonus damage per stack and inflicts Static. Consumes Static to stun the target for 0.4 - 0.7 seconds. Increase projectile lifetime by Increases damage by . Increases projectile range and speed by .
NOTE: Steam y bully me
Storm Magic 2.0
Polarity Shift - Launch a projectile that deals 90% magic damage and inflicts . You and the other target swap locations on impact.If the target is immune to the effect you instead teleport to the location of the target.
Consumes to charge your weapon up to times. Next primary attack deals 2 - 0% bonus damage per stack and inflicts . Increases projectile range and speed by . Inflicts a fading snare on enemies hit lasting seconds. Triggers a lightning nova at the origin location dealing damage and inflicting on nearby enemies. Increases projectile range and speed by .
Discharge - Block melee and projectile attacks for up to 1.5s. Turn immaterial and travel to cursor location when an attack is blocked. Passing through an enemy deals 50% magic damage, inflicts and launches the target into the air for s.
Consumes to charge your weapon up to times. Next primary attack deals 2 - 0% bonus damage per stack and inflicts . Increases damage by . Increases duration of the tornado effect by seconds. Increases movement speed when channeling by 22 - 5%. Trigger to travel a second time after first travel.
Ball Lightning - Launch a Ball Lightning that lingers in place, periodically shocking a nearby enemy inflicting . Deals up to 180% magic damage per target over s. Ball Lightning's total damage cannot exceed 50% magic damage. Explodes after the duration dealing 50% magic damage in the area.
Consumes to stun enemies for x seconds when the orb explodes. Increases damage per shock by - 6%. Increases nearby allies movement speed by for seconds when the orb explodes. Increases projectile range by 1 - 25%. Knocks enemies back 1.7 -.0 meters when the orb explodes. Recast to detonate the orb early. The explosion deals increased damage.
Lightning Curtain - Summon a curtain of lightning that blocks projectiles for up to 2.5s. Inflicts and periodically deals 25% magic damage to enemies that pass through the effect. Applies a fading haste increasing movement speed by 0% for s to allies that passes through.
Blocking projectiles charges your weapon up to times. Next primary attack deals 2 - 0% bonus damage per stack and inflicts . Consumes to stun the target for seconds. Increase damage per hit by . Increases movement speed by an additional when passing through the wall. Inflicts a fading snare lasting x seconds on the initial hit. Passing through the wall shields ally target for of your spell power.
Veil of Storm - Dash towards input direction and elude nearby enemies for 2.2s. Gain 20% increased attack speed for s. Your next primary attack deals 25% bonus damage and inflicts . Dashing through an enemy also inflicts .
Consumes to stun the target for seconds. Increases damage of next primary attack by . Increases elude duration by . Next primary attack inflicts a fading snare lasting 1. - 2.0 seconds. Your illusion periodically shocks a nearby enemy dealing damage and inflicting .
Vampire Powers
Is it a rat? Is it a bat? No! It's vampire!
This section of the guide covers vampire powers and how to acquire them.
Vampire powers are specials abilities acquired by killing specific V bloods.They can be organised into 2 sections. Shapeshifting Powers which enable you to shapeshift into various creatures and Blood Powers which have more specific uses.
Shapeshifting Powers
There are a total of 6 shapeshifting powers. Each one provides different bonuses.
Rat Form - Unlocked after beating Putrid Rat. Turns you into a small rat enabling you to more easily hide and blend with the environment. Taking damage breaks transformation. It can be used to access secret area in Silver Mine.
Wolf Form - Unlocked after beating Alpha Wolf. Wolf form increases your movement speed by 45%. (Horse is still faster). Other wolves will ingnore you while in this form. Stygian Wolf Form which changes the appearance can be acquired from Founder's Pack DLC. Taking damage breaks the effect.
Bear Form - Unlocked after beating Ferocious Bear. This form increases your resistances by 25, movement speed by 15% and reduces damage taken by 25%. You also remove garlic stacks faster while in this form. You can use this form to break into Bandit Stronghold and Iron Cave.
Human Form - Unlocked after beating Bane the Shadowblade. While in this form humans wont notice you enabling you to trade with merchants. Some high level enemies such as Paladins and Priests see through your disguise.
Toad Form - Turns you into a big ol' frog. Unlocked by defeating Duke of Balaton. While in frog you have access to Leap ability enabling you to reach some otherwise unreachable parts of the map and sneak into basses if you are creative enough.
Bat Form - Unlocked by beating Nighmarshal Styx The Sunderer. While in bat from you can fly around during the night. You can only carry teleportable items in Bat Form.
Blood powers
There is a total of 5 blood powers, each one being different from the other.
Blood Mend - Consume 0.2 liters if blood per second to recover 4% max hp. Movement is disabled while using this power. While in combat you can only recover up to 25% Max HP at a time. Unlocked by default.
Expose Vein - Lower your guard to allow other vampires to drink your blood. Splits your blood pool in half as you share your blood and blood type with another vampire. Unlocked by default.
Blood Hunger - Allows you to instantly recognize type and blood quality of nearby units. Unlocked by slaying Tristan the Vampire Hunter. Upon activating this buff, your vision turns red, in return allowing you to see the blood types and quality of nearby targets
Dominate Human - Grants you seductive abilities allowing you to charm enemy targets. You cannot use normal spells while in Dominate Human. Unlocked after completing "Servants" Quest. To successfully charm a target for conversion to a Servant or Prisoner, you must first reduce their health below 30%.
Dominate Horse - Grants you commanding abilities allowing you to turn horses into your eternal companions. You cannot use normal spells while in Dominate Mount. Unlocked after completing the quest "A castle reaching the Sky". Once a horse is dominated you can equip it with a Vampire Horse Saddle to increase it's max speed & acceleration stats by 1.
V Bloods
Originally posted by Dev update #9: Secrets of V Blood, 2022:V Blood units are a cornerstone of the V Rising experience, truly terrifying specimens of both monsters and men that stalk the lands of Vardoran. They are the apex predators of the wilderness. They are the stalwart champions who will try to stand against the vampiric tide and challenge our rule. The pillars of society, leaders, and symbols of strength that dominate the civilized world.
V bloods are often referred to as bosses in this guide as that is what they essentially are. They can be found all over the map. Beating specific bosses unlocks various abilities, recipes, vampire powers or even shards (more about shard in upcoming section).
If your gear score is high enough (no more than 10 gear score lower than boss) you can track them via V Blood Menu (key "K" by default). (Picture 7.1)
Picture 7.1
NOTE: This section for now lists all V bloods, their location and gear score as I haven't decided in what direction I want to take it. It will be receiving more love after 1.0 update.
Act I
Alpha Wolf 16 Patrolling / Wolf Den Eerol the Stonebreaker 20 Bandit Copper Mine Keely the Frost Archer 20 Bandit Trapper Camp Rufus the Foreman 20 Bandit Logging Camp Grayson the Armourer 16 Patrolling / Wolf Den Goreswine the Ravager 27 Roads of Farbane Woods Putrid Rat 30 Vermin Nest Lidia the Chaos Archer 30 Roads of Farbane Woods Clive the Firestarter 30 Bandit Sulphur Quarry Nicholaus the Fallen 35 Forgotten Cemetery Polora the Feywalker 35 Gleaming Meadows Ferocious Bear 35 Bear Cave Alpha Wolf 16 Patrolling / Wolf Den
Act II
Beatrice the Tailor 40 Dawnbreak Village Vincent the Frostbringer 44 Patrolling / Dunley Farmlands Christina the Sun Priestess 44 Patrolling / Dawnbreak Village Kriig the Undead General 44 Haunted Iron Mine Tristan the Vampire Hunter 44 Roads of Farbane Woods Maja the Dark Savant 47 The Forbidden Tower Bane the Shadowblade 47 Roads of Dunley Farmlands Grethel the Glassblower 47 Quartz Quarry Leandra the Shadow Priestess 47 Church of the Damned Meredith the Bright Archer 50 Haunted Iron Mine Terah the Geomancer 50 Bedrock Pass Octavian the Militia Captian 57 Bastion of Dunley Jade the Vampire Hunter 57 Roads of Dunley Farmlands Raziel the Shepard 57 Dunley Monastery Frostmaw the Mountain Terror 57 Patrolling Hallowed Mountains Ziva the Engineer 60 Trancendm Machine Factory Angram the Purifier 60 Pools of Rebirth Domina the Blade Dancer 60 Rustlock Village Ungora the Spider Queen 62 Spider Cave The Old Wanderer 62 Roads of Cursed Forest The Duke of Balaton 64 Swamp of Greed Willfred the Werewolf Chief 64 Gloomgrave Village Foulrot the Soultaker 64 Ancient Village Cyril the Cursed Smith 65 Cursed Village
Sir Magnus the Overseer 66 Sacred Silver Mine Morian the Stormwing 70 Hapry Nest Baron du Bouchon the Sommelier 70 Brighthaven Vineyards Mairwyn the Ementalist 70 Emberleaf Grove Terrorclaw the Ogre 74 Frozen Cave Azariel the Sunbringer 74 Brighthaven Cathedral Henry Blackbrew the Doctor 74 Trancendum Labratories Volatia the Power Master 30 Trancendum Power Plant Matka the Cuese Weaver 77 Nest of the Curse Weaver Nightmarshal Styx the Sunderer 79 Roads of the Cursed Forest Solarus the Immaculate 80 Fortress of Light
This section of the guides covers shards, how to go about obtaining them and what they do.
Shards are end game items dropped by Shard Bearers, there are currently 3 in the game. Each shard provides different powerful buffs. Shards drop first time a Shard Bearer is defeated on a PvP server, or once per player on a PvE server (Only 1 set of shards can exist on a PvP server!).
Originally posted by VRising Wiki: Players carrying a shard in their inventory receive a debuff until they either drop it or place it in their castle, it can't be stored in containers. The debuff will prevent the player from using Vampire Powers, Mounts or utilize cave passages. Movement speed is also reduced by 15% and they take 25% increased damage.
Shard Buff Dropped by Soul Shard of the Behemoth +50 garlic and holy resistance
+20% resource yield
+5% movement speed Gorecrusher the Behemoth Soul Shard of the Winged Horror +50 Silver & Fire resistance
+10 Spell power
+5% Spell critical hit chance The Winged Horror Soul Shard of the Monster +50 Sun resistance
+10 Physical power
+5% melee attack speed Adam the Firstborn
NOTE: Shard bearers are the toughest boss fights so come fully prepared and don't be suprised if it takes you several tries (I'm looking at you Adam).
Once you have acquired a shard you have to walk to your base with it and place it down before you can use it. Be wary as your location will be visible to everyone on the map with The Eye of Twilight. Once placed down you can interact with them and they will provide you with a 2h buff that can cane reset by interacting with them again.
NOTE: Shards will put a target on your back for the whole server so be ready to defend them. They also have to be placed on the of your castle.
After completing the "Servants" quest you can create servants using a Servant Coffin. Converted servants can be given orders via a Castle Throne to go acquire resources or they can be left patrolling the castle (they will help defend your castle during a raid, see How to defend a castle 101 section). Maximum number of servants depends on the level of Castle Hearth as well as server settings.
NOTE: Using servant lock doors you can restrict them to a specific section of castle or prevent them from opening the outer gates.
Once you have subdued a target using Dominate Human you have to escort the target back to your base or you can use a Dusk Caller which will teleport them to a free Prison Cell in your base.
Conversion takes 40 (20) minutes and costs Blood Essence to convert or revive a Servant.
Gear level & Expertise
Servant's strength will depend solely on their gear level & expertise (although a level 80 paladin will hit a lot harder than a level 80 villager). Gear score is the only stat that matters for servants as they don't get any bonuses based on gear type. Increasing their gear level will proportionally increase their max health and damage.
NOTE: You can also give servants broken gear and they will still get gear score from it.
Servant's expertise is determined randomly on conversion based on their blood quality (37% - 44% expertise at % blood quality). Expertise will increase their max health, damage, hunt proficiency & loot. Health and damage are increased by the expertise percentage (10% expertise will increase their HP & damage by 10%). Loot gained from hunts is increased by half of expertise percentage while proficiency is increased by flat expertise amount (10% gives 10 more proficiency).
& factions
Servants get 2 perks that provide benefits when going on loot hunts. First perk is based on their blood type while the other is based from where they have been abducted (increasing loot from hunting in same region by ).
Worker Humble appearance Reduces Difficulty by when infiltrating settlements. Scholar Sacred Resistance Reduces Difficulty by when hunting in areas protected by the elements. Brute Tenacious Strength Reduces Difficulty by when hunting in harsh environments. Rogue Tracking Expertise Reduces Difficulty by when hunting in areas inhabited by creatures and demons. Warrior Military Tactics Reduces Difficulty by when hunting in fortified areas.
Farbane Woods Farbane Hunter Increases the amount of loot secured from successful hunts in Farbane Woods by . Dunley Farmlands Dunley Farmlands Hunter Increases the amount of loot secured from successful hunts in Dunley Farmlands by . Cursed Forest Cursed Forest Hunter Increases the amount of loot secured from successful hunts in Cursed Forest by . Silverlight Hills Silverlight Hunter Increases the amount of loot secured from successful hunts in Silverlight Hills by . Gloomrot Gloomrot Hunter Increases the amount of loot secured from successful hunts in Gloomrot by .
Castle Building
Castle (base) building is a major part of the game. Before you can start building your very own castle you'll have to find an empty plot or take over one (Merciless PvP Only). You can claim any empty plots by building a castle hearth on it.
Castle Hearth powers all of your structures and defenses. It takes 180 blood essence to power the castle hearth for 24 hours. Without power your castle will become vulnerable (structures and castle hearth can be destroyed by other players, servants won't patrol the castle grounds).
Castle hearth has to be built on the ground floor and all flooring tiles must have a connection to it.
Your castle can have up to 3 floors and 420 floor tiles. You can unlock more floor tiles by upgrading the castle hearth.
Level Max borders Max servants 1 40 3 2 100 5 3 180 7 4 260 7 5 420 8
All crafting and refining stations have a matching floor bonus that can be applied. When matching floor bonus is applied crafting cost is reduced by 25%.
You can unlock different floors by researching them at research stations.
Raid HoursThis section covers basic raiding mechanics.
NOTE: Raiding is only possible during specified of the server.
Siege golems have to be used to breach stone castles. Each siege golem attack triggers "Castle Under Attack" status effect for 1 minute. During this status effect repairing structures and interacting with servant coffins is not possible.
Once a door / wall has been destroyed castle will enter "breached" state for 8 minutes. During this state all structures take 4x more damage and can now be damaged by all sources (including explosives).
Siege golem has to be summoed for 120s, during that time it can be destroyed and location of his summoning is broadcasted to the whole server. Once summoned it can be controlled by a player for 300s.
Structures can also be damaged using major and minor explosives box (after castle has been breached). They both do % max hp damage to structures. To be more precise major explosives boxes deal 40% max hp while minor deal 20%.
How To Defend A Castle 101
This section covers some basic strategies that some players might be aware of.
Originally posted by Sun Tzu:The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.
As you know by now, raiding is only possible during the raid hours of the server so there's no need for you to worry about being offlined. It is also now impossible (since Gloomrot update) to make a castle offline proof. So if you can be online during raid hours that's your best shot.
NOTE: It could be argued that in previous versions of the game, before balancing updates you could make a castle impossible to raid for smaller groups
Base Location
Base location is the first and the most impactful decision that will either set you up for success or failure. You want to find a spot that has a single entrance point. If there are no such spots left try to look for spots where it'd possible or easier to set up a single funnel.
First Breach
Now that you know where the golem will be coming from you want to play around First Breach. First breach will take the longest for the golem to make so we want use that to our advantage as much as possible.
A common mistake that many do is placing doors on the stairs. If you place doors on or near stairs it enables Golem to make that first breach from a safe distance (he has a range of about 5 tiles with an ability). With that in mind first set of doors should be placed about 2-3 tiles away from the stairs.
This puts the golem in a very vulnerable spot, where he can be attacked from multiple fronts and has only one way of turning back which can be easily cut off and gives you enough space to set up servants.
Once that is set up servants are your best companion when it comes to defending as they can dish out quite a bit of damage and can be a pain in the ass to take care of (especially in an online raid). If possible you want to place them in a way which forces the golem to face them.
On Solo/Duo settings you can have up to 5 servants and up to 8 on group settings.
What combination of servants to use is entirely up to you but you can never go wrong with Cleric / Paladin / Lightweaver combo. (Still haven't tested all Gloomrot servants in raid defense scenario)
Doors, doors, doors
Pretty straight forward you want to spam as much doors as humanly possible as this will make you very mobile inside your base and you will use different tactics to further restrict golem movement.
Stairs can be broken by golem so he has to go around them. You can use this to your advantage by placing stairs in specific spots to create funnels, creating longer shortest paths.
This is however a process that takes some skill and fidgeting as well as understanding golem hitbox. In example below golem can move through pink arrow but he can move through green arrow (which would shorten his path but might be obvious to some).
NOTE: You by no means have to build like this. Majority of the players won't bother setting up stuff like this (at least on non merciless pvp) but you should at least be aware of it.
Banshee Boxes
Yet aher thing that you can do is set up Banhsee boxes near a funnel. You want to have enough space to put in as many graves as possible and fill them up with resources for producing banshees.
After which you close the door and pray that teamates aren't dumb enough to open them on accident.
NOTE: Picture on the side is so that you get the idea how that would look like and an example of a banshee box
Popular PvP Builds
Beep boop, empty until 1.0 update
There are serveral DLCs in the game, all of which are purely cosmetic.
Free DLCs
DLC: Haunted Nights Castle Pack - Is a free DLC that can be claimed during the Halloween period.
DLC: Razer Night Serpent Pack - Was a giveaway DLC in the 2022. All of the items from the pack can now be obtained for free in game.
Paid DLCs
Dracula's Relics Pack - Is a DLC that can be purchased from the store
Sinister Evolution Pack - Is a DLC that can be purchased from the store
Founder's Pack: Eldest Bloodline - Is a DLC that can be purchased from the store
Legacy of Castlevania Premium Pack - Is an upcoming DLC that can be purchased from the store
Thank you!
Thank you for checking out my guide peeps! If you found it useful please leave a rating or if you spot a mistake don't hesitate to leave a comment.
The guide as of right now has some inconsistencies (and quite a few spelling mistakes) that will be ironed out with time. I will be covering new content when it drops as well as adding more sections to this guide to cover more topics so let me know what you would like to see.
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