How to thrall

How to thrall


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While being a thrall can be fun there will be alot of pressure not to screw up and get caught in the beginning. Feel free to play how you want as there is no set way to play thrall. The goal is to ultimately delay the crew for 3 days so the snowstorm kills them. Sinking the ship, or killing all the crew are other options as well but not required. If you want to go full combat and attack all crew on sight or try to deceive and shift blame all play styles are valid. Good luck.

Totems, Bone Charms, And Spells

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Thralls Spells

Spirit Walk - Turn invisible for several seconds and run quickly. Allows you to run on water and climb ice cliffs without a pickaxe.

*Can bypass wolves without aggroing them. Allowing you to reach the nitro camp early while protected by wolves.

*This spell can allow you to slip past crew and sneak on or off the ship allowing you to be almost all places at once.

Whiteout - Summon a snow storm that blinds everyone from seeing more than a few feet in front of them for awhile.

*Useful for hiding any evil activity and slowing down the crew from finding coal and exploring.

*Using this spell right as the crew is moving the ship will often cause them to crash.

Cannibal Attack - Summons cannibals to attack a single target and nearby targets.

*Good for killing off crew who are alone without outing yourself as the thrall.

*If you time this spell with crew being attacked by wolves they will often be overwhelmed.

Bone Charms

Bone charms can be found in any loot, from harvesting seals to doctors bags. Finding bone charms is often just a matter of looting as much as you can as quickly as you can. They can even spawn on the ship at the start in any of the storage containers so if you are quick you can load up on bone charms before the crew can throw them into the ocean.

*You can use bone charms to see the locations of all players by selecting a spell and not activating it. Allowing you to always know where everyone is so long as you have 1 bone charm on you.

Totems and how they work

Crafting: Totems can be made with 1 bone and 3 wood. You can find bones on most corpses and wood by breaking grave marks, in the snow, and by breaking wood crates.

Sounds: Every totem has a sound radius that alerts crew nearby that there is a totem in the general area. They can destroy the totem if they find it so build them away and out of sight from the crew.

Purpose: Totems increase the charge rate of your thrall skills to their powered up versions.

*There are 4 levels of spell 0 - 3.

*Spells will not charge without at least 1 totem.

*Totems increase charge by a flat amount so there is no cap to the amount of totems you should build.

*Using a spell will consume all the charge you have built up


Level 0: 10 seconds

Level 1: 15 seconds

Level 2: 20 seconds

Level 3: 25 seconds


Level 0: 30 seconds

Level 1: 60 seconds

Level 2: 90 seconds

Level 3: 120 seconds


Level 0: 2 cannibals

Level 1: 3 cannibals

Level 2: 4 cannibals

Level 3: 5 cannibals

In this example there are 7 totems and the meter is approaching level 3 charge.

Sinking The Ship

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One of the fastest methods of victory for the thrall that can cause alot of chaos is sinking the ship. There are 3 methods for sinking the ship.

1: Crash the ship

Crashing the ship will add 3 holes with each crash typically into an iceberg but it is possible to turn the ship into the ice cliffs.

This method has low viability as the crew will kill anyone who drives the ship incorrectly after only a few seconds due to how sus it is, and it does only minor damage.

2: Nitro the ship

This play is a very high risk high reward one that is extremely difficult to pull off. It basically requires you to carry the nitro all the way to the ship to blow it up adding the max number of holes (20), and also has the added advantage of killing everyone aboard. Because you will be slow and can't enter the water this play would likely result in you either not being able to reach the boat with the nitro or being killed long before you get close. Therefore the best way to pull it off is to use the whiteout skill when you start to move towards the ship and hope no one notices you.

3: Gunpowder barrel

This is by far the easiest and most reliable method for sinking the ship. All it requires is a barrel which is easy to make with 3 wood and 2 lead ingots, and gunpowder which you can find in ammo crates and craft from coal (1 coal = 2 gunpowder). It is recommended to fill the barrel with 20 gunpowder as 1 gunpowder = 1 hole in the ship and the ship can have up to 20 holes max. Once you have your barrel and gunpowder you can throw it down somewhere on the ship where no one is watching and light the fuse by clicking on the top and selecting the detonate option. The crew has only 5-6 seconds to find it and pull out the gunpowder but so long as you don't detonate in front of them they almost never notice or manage to find the barrel in time. The barrel will not kill crew when it explodes.


* Not only is the gunpowder barrel option the easiest to pull off but it also has the added bonus of destroying the crews coal when you craft gunpowder.

* Before you damage the ship it may be a good idea to check the storage on the ship for wood deposits and steal them to prevent repairs.

* When you damage the ship it will fill with water rapidly freezing anyone who tries to repair it.

* Bear traps are hard to see in water so throwing down bear traps below deck when the ship is sinking will slow/kill crew trying to repair.

Early Game Plays

There are generally 3 early game plays you can make as thrall at the start.

1: Be one of the last to put their coal in the boiler and steal the coal, dropping it into the ocean reducing crew progress by alot.

(Chance of getting caught and killed, high.)

2: Go near boiler but near put coal in reducing crew progress only slightly.

( Chance of getting caught, low.)

3: Turn your coal into gunpowder when no one is looking and sabotage the boiler reducing the crew progress by a large amount.

( Chance of getting caught, medium.)

Weather you decide to go with one of these plans or not it is often a good idea to look around the ships storage first to find bone charms that way if you do get caught you can spirit walk away from danger.

Misc. Thrall Tips

Be aware of the other thrall:

*Comboing your spells together by sending more cannibals in an attack or extending a whiteout can be alot more effective then using your spells separately.

*If your thrall partner is dead make sure to find an opportunity to let him out of jail, having another thrall alive in the game really improves your odds even if they aren't very skilled.

*Both of you benefit from totems that either built so don't neglect your charge if he built them and vice versa.


*Good for slowing crew down or weakening them before a fight.

*Poison takes a few seconds to begin taking effect so you can poison several crew mates before they suspect you.

*Poison can be added to raw meat prior to cooking, so giving even 1 poisoned raw meat to the chief making meat stew will poison all the stew he cooks.

*Syringes can be poisoned and forcefully injected into people.


As a thrall you will often have to get your hands dirty directly and one of the best ways to win any fight is to have multiple guns so you can avoid having to deal with long reload times.


Putting gunpowder into the boiler when it is running will cause it to lose all fuel after a few seconds, so anytime the ship is high on fuel and the boiler isn't being guarded you can waste the crews fuel.

High Ground:

There are alot of places on the map that require an pickaxe to reach, these places are ideal for thralls to craft totems, gunpowder, and perform actions outside of sight.


As thrall you receive full food benefits while eating human meat and animal meat. In almost all the crafting camps on the map you will have a chance to harvest human meat but be sure not the get caught harvesting the bodies.

Final Defense:

The Nitro camp at the end of the map is a good location for a thrall to setup a final stand. Not only do crew mates have to travel far from the boat to reach it while having to fight wolves, they are vulnerable while trying to get the nitro. An there are alot of bodies with loot useful to thralls and cooking/crafting stations. Even a few side caves that can only be accessed with spirit walk or a pickaxe.

Last Second Plays:

In the event the crew is at the end and has destroyed the iceberg, they will be throwing in the last of the coal to reach the goal. Here you have 2 options. Either kill the helmsman and go on a rampage preventing the crew from going anywhere while the fuel burns out, or sabotage the boiler and hope the crew doesn't have any reserve fuel to burn.


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I hope this guide has been of help and taught some players the basics of what to expect playing thrall. Thanks for reading.


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