General Information
First important thing you should do in the game
Once arrived to lvl-1 instead going straight to registration window turn around and use the elevator to go to magellan viewing point. Look through all binoculars, exhaust all options. This will give you huge amount of experiences right at the beginning so you will reach character level 2 and you will have additional 15skill points which might come handy for getting the missing skill/ability for some of the quests/achievements.
How far do you need to get in the game to get achievements?
Currently all achievements earned in Magellan, in the starter 7floor huge building. The current version of the game not stopping there but no achievement for those part of the game.
More achievements?
It is very likely the game will get more achievements as the development of the early access continues. The guide will be updated after each patch.
No achievement popups?
There are no regular achievement popups in the game so you won't see if any unlocked. Also, achievement timestamps will have that time when you quit the game, not when you earned it. It is pretty uncommon that it works like that for expensive/quality games, it happens usually with a few cheap games where the developers not exactly know how to code/implement achievements properly.
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Like A Cockroach
Get killed by the elevator.
Right at the beginning of the game use the ladder which shown on the screenshot. Climb down several times and when the elevator start moving down select the option which tells you to not do anything.
Kill somebody the first time.
Your first kill will be at the very beginning of the game. When the game starts just leave the elevator and you will meet a technician. I believe the fight isn't avoidable but even if it does this achievement will unlock sooner or later anyway.
True Survival Simulator
Use the toilet.
Once fixed the elevator you will reach the floor1 of the starter building. Do your registration and move to the restroom and there use one of the toilets. Easy:-)
Please keep in mind that this is the first possible location for the achievement. There are other toilets and restrooms at other locations too.
Wrong Turn
Get behind the wheel of someone else's car, cause a crash and die. And all this - without leaving Magellan.
On level-2 of the starter building, you can find the car on this picture.
Use car door and get in.
Start the engine.
Shift into gear, step on to gas...
Drive away confidently.
Rely on your dexterity...
Enjoy the end picture and the unlocked achievement.
Work Now, Work Later
Send the Oranges to work after they robbed the warehouse.
For this achievement you need the "charm" ability. It can be found at speech skill. To get it you need charisma 4, leadership 15 and speech 20 at least to have 2 ability points for it. There are other possibilities to finish the quest with other ability checks but those require much higher stats/skills.
First pick up the quest "Get to work" from Oya Rasmussen who standing close to the warehouse. If you playing as an orange you need already here the "charm" ability to be able to pick up the quest.
Now move to the other part of level-2: when reaching this door interact with the door but eavesdrop first. Don't send them back to work right away.
Talk to the orange guys and tell them you heard everything. When you reach the many available answers related to each wing scroll down and choise the answer which require charm. (For orange wing members it might be different). Now help them to turn out the camera in the black wing security room (it is on lvl-2 area too)
If you is the member of the black wing you can easily enter the room just with your pass card. If not then you can easily picklock the door with lvl 25 picklock, which is the lvl 2 picklocking ability which require criminal skill 50. An easier way in is through the vent. You can find a secret entrance to the vent area through a secret panel which found inside the restroom on same floor.
Once inside use the terminal and switch off the warehouse cameras.
Now go back to the oranges, let them know you turned off the cameras and they will leave for the robbery.
Talk them again for your shares and now send them back to work.
If you belong to silver or black wing then you can send them back just by using the power of your faction. If you belong to other factions you might need skill checks or collected information from other NPCs which will make them to return to their job. (eventually will update where can such information be found or please share). Once both orange returned to their work return to Oya Rasmussen to turn in the quest and so the achievement will unlock.
Wake Up!
Fail the main quest by skipping time.
By opening your quest tab you can see that your starter main quest has a timer
Now click on the timer button and wait until that quest expires:
Once it expired you will land in jail and after some text panels another the end screen shows up and the achievement is unlocked.
Cursed Bunker
Collect all possible endings at the Magellan station.
This achievement unlocked for me when earned the Wake Up! achievement.
It is not 100% sure, but I believe this achievement unlocks when you had all 3 the end achievements:
Wake Up!
Wrong Turn
Like a cockroach
Double Play
While completing A Case for Skinny and Nimble quest, work both for Oranges as well as for Blacks.
A Case for Skinny and Nimble is the robbery quest for the oranges on lvl-2.
Check Work now, work later achievement guide and follow it until you turned off the camera.
Then go to Stephen Moreau, the patroling black wing soldier who is located in front of the Warehouse and report that the 2 oranges trying to rob the warehouse.
Now return to the 2 oranges and tell them you disabled the cameras.
Some time will pass, the oranges now at the outside of the room. Talk them again. I believe the achievement not unlocks when you pass the conviction2 ability check (hard to tell as no instant unlocks for achievements), the unlock was visible on my library when i selected the other option which resulted in -5 for both orange and black wind reputation.
Marie And Pierre
Get the radiation disease on the lab floor.
This achievement was bugged but a patch on 1st october 2019 fixed it.
On the laboratory level, middle of the area where you need to scan relics you get radiation if you close to the relics or you touching it (using) instead of scanning.
Radiation has 3 level of sickness, first comes at 100/1000. Once you reach that amount of radiation (or a bit more, ~120 max) at that area then the achievement should unlock.
And Yet It Moves
Solve three quests for the White Wing.
Please keep in mind that it is not 100% sure all these quests/tasks give credit for the achievement
Forefathers Door:
On lvl3 is the elevator which brings you to the training area. A white wing member there, in front of a door mechanism and request your help for opening the door. The door requires 3 relics to be opened. One is given to you by the white wing NPC which is standing in front of the door. Another piece is under the stairs which lead to the control room of the training area. It is revealed based on a perception check while you close to it. For the third one, you need to use the drill in the same area. You need to refill the generator with fuel (you can find fuel in some storage at the control room) and then use the drill.
Inventory Control
This quest is on lvl2, in front of the warehouse, but it is available only once you went through your scanner tutorial quest on lvl4. The quest is simple, just scan all 6 relic box, use the note on the table to add the information about the relics and speak with the NPC again.
Science first
On lvl4 2 scientists talking about smuggling out a relic. You need to turn off the decontainment chamber. The panel to turn it off located on the wall, outside of the lab area. When arrived to lvl4 just turn towards the long corridor and it is on the middle of the wall.
This is hard to explainl
This quest is on level 5:
By having the engineering ability (tech skill tree) you can help with the repairs IF you have an engineering repair kit (you can find one on lvl-4, in one of the lockers, close to the white wing employees whose giving you the science first quest). This one is a bit bugged. If you click on the white wing member you can't progress on the quest when selecting that you are an engineer, but it is finishable if you start the conversation by clicking on the case/box which next to the engineer.
Giampiero Salvardi is an white wing NPC on level-2. He is standing next to a car. Fix his car.
Use the car hood and with mechanics level 1 ability you can fix the car. +165exp and +5 white wing reputation as reward.
Know Your Way Around
Solve three tasks for the Orange Wing.
Please keep in mind that it is not 100% sure all these quests/tasks give credit for the achievement
A Case for Skinny and Nimble
This is the robbery quest for the 2 oranges located on lvl-2. For more information please check the "Work now, Work later" part of the guide.
Family Heirloom
On lab lvl-4 an orange, in front of the morgue aksing you to recover a family heirloom from a dead family member. You need very high lockpicking skill to get in but there is a second entrance through a cave. The entrance discovered when close to it, might be dependant on perception skill:
You will enter a cave which has an entrance to the morgue:
Once Inside pick up the ring and return through the cave to the orange:
I believe it won't count (if this counts at all) if you point out that the victim has no family connection with the quest npc or if you keep the ring.
Radiation guy
Very likely not count for this achievement but if you playing a nonorange wing char you need the extra reputation: once you enter lvl-7 reactor level an orange wing guy standing too close to the reactor and getting radiation. Explains him that he shouldnt be here and you get a +5 repu boost.
Vent Noise
On lvl-7 reactor level there are 2 oranges in a room. One of theirs brother went through the vent and now missing. Go through of it and you will find the body and the killer. After you dealt with the killer return to them.
Detective+Right to the punishment cell
Ida Grace on lvl-3 giving you the quest "detective" to get clue to investigate rumors about oranges whose want to escape Magellan. She send you to Abner Adamadis, an orange, who is located on lvl-4. With some easy skill check you can get the information you need, that the oranges talking these kind of topics at the shower. There are alternative routes to find proofs but this is how i done: move to lvl-5 and enter the vent system, go next to the shower and use the vent grate so you can spy on them. You will overhear their conversation. Return to Ida Grace, offer your help to catch the fleeing oranges and the quest changes to "right to the punishment cell". Now you need move to a cave system, the entrance is at the shower on lvl-5 where you overheard the conversation previously and where the hatch to the cave system was closed previously. Progress through the area until you find Ida and the 2 oranges. The only way to end this quest so that oranges will be favoured is to talk with Ida and with the conviction 2 ability (speech skill) make her to let the oranges to escape.
You can attack Ida but even if the oranges helps them, they survive you still get -15 orange wing repu, i believe that is a bug and it supposed to be a no-skill related method for finishing the quest for oranges with much higher black wing reputation loss. Mainly because getting conviction 2 in this early stage of the game isn't easy and hurting your other stats/skil.
Lab Rats
You need a good +15 or +20 reputation with oranges to get this quest. On lvl-5 talk to Göran Lindbergh, an orange wing npc who is located in the big room with the many beds. Ask for quest and he will ask you to get some reagents. These reagents can be found on lvl-4 laboratory floor.
This one unlocked the achievement for me so this one count for sure.
Law And Order
Solve three tasks for the Black Wing.
This achievement was bugged but a patch on 1st october 2019 fixed it. The acheivement unlocked just by loading a character which done 3 quests/tasks for the black wing. I'll try to add some tasks/quests which probably require for this achievement in the near future.
Please keep in mind that it is not 100% sure all these quests/tasks give credit for the achievement
Hit the key and all is gone
Indra Kapoor, on level-1, in front of the surveillance room telling you that there is an issue with a camera. Enter the room, examine the monitors.
Right click on the mainframe and use your hacking ability (unlockable from science skill tree). Exhausting options will make you find a fingernail, which you removing and so you can reboot the system. Once done turn in the quest at Indra Kapoor.
Opening the cargo door on level-2
2 Black wing soldier trying to enter the base through the big cargo door, when you approach the big door a text/story panel comes up. You can open the door if you black/silver wing member or with muscle9 stat or with tech 30 skill. Actually, if you just observe the situation the door will still be opened, for the reputation, possible count outcome only the next step might count.
One of the soldier is injured, you can help him with a medpack item, first aid or dismantling ability or survival 20 skill. +15black wing repu on success. Not sure this counts for the achievement.
Detective+Right to the punishment cell
Ida Grace on lvl-3 giving you the quest "detective" to get clue to investigate rumors about oranges whose want to escape Magellan. She send you to Abner Adamadis, an orange, who is located on lvl-4. With some easy skill check you can get the information you need, that the oranges talking these kind of topics at the shower. There are alternative routes to find proofs but this is how i done: move to lvl-5 and enter the vent system, go next to the shower and use the vent grate so you can spy on them. You will overhear their conversation. Return to Ida Grace, offer your help to catch the fleeing oranges and the quest changes to "right to the punishment cell". Now you need move to a cave system, the entrance is at the shower on lvl-5 where you overheard the conversation previously and where the hatch to the cave system was closed previously. Progress through the area until you find Ida and the 2 oranges. Either convience the oranges to put down the weapons or execute them to get boost to your black wing reputation and negative to orange wing reputation.
Hands Of Gold
Solve three tasks for the Blue Wing.
Please keep in mind that it is not 100% sure all these quests/tasks give credit for the achievement
Help the girl on parking level
Close to the elevator a blue wing girl trying to reach the ventilation access panel. Help her to reach it either by your muscle or by having Agilone capsules in your inventory. +55 exp and not sure this counts for this achievements
Quentin Pollock
Quentin Pollock is an npc on lvl-2:
The technician has some rat problem. You can help him with the Trapper ability (contraptions skill) and by having a cage.
Pavel Svetlov
Pavel Svetlov is an NPC on lvl-2 next to a big truck. He complains that the turck is not working. I believe this not count for the acheivement as the only way to fix the truck is to kick it with very high luck attribute:-)
Silver Spoon
Silver Spoon
Solve three tasks for the Silver Wing.
Please keep in mind that it is not 100% sure all these quests/tasks give credit for the achievement
Against all protocol:
On level 1 there is a silver wing member, Monty James, sitting at the middle of the area. You just need to go to a terminal and register him and then report back to him. (doable with black wing and silver wing char for sure without stat requirements, unsure about others char types).
Domestic Matters
LVL5, accommodations, talk with the receptionist who giving you some tasks.
Room 4 door jammed, you can open it with basic lockpicking skill.
Room 7 TV set is broken. You can fix it with Tech 10 skill.
A gold watch was stolen from Room 1. Help Indra Kapoor with the "Hit the key and all is gone" quest on level 1 then ask him with helping to find the stolen watch. He will agree if the quest was finished. Now wait some hours, talk with Indra again and he gill you the stolen watch and inform you that the thief was imprisoned.
Get to Work!
Quest is given by Oya Rasmussen on lvl-2, close to the warehouse. Make the 2 oranges on the same floor to return to their work. More info on "Work now, work later" acheivement.
It's Just The Beginning
Leave Magellan.
Once you finished your starter main story timed quest you will be sent to the main administrator which will send you to a site outside of Magellan. A vehicle waiting for you on level-2. Once leaving with that truck the achievement will unlock.
Please note game says side quest will fail once you leave, so you might want to finish some tasks there, I don't know if you can later return to Magellan, pick up those quests again or not.
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