600 Combonds Spawn


Step 1. Make your way to Magellan.

Step 2. Do whatever you want to get inside. (I hacked a public terminal and it caused a guard to unlock the front door to come check on me).

Step 3. Take the elevator to the residential area.

Step 4. Enter one of the dorms #1 to #8 and you should see an access hatch to enter.

Step 5. Enter the hatch and you should now be behind the walls in the maintenance area. Walk around until you find this area and look in one of these lockers. You will need to put a battery into the lift via a dialogue pop up. (image linked below of what the area looks like)

https://imgur.com/a/1WoIE0u - This is location in the residential area

https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1616219152287106762/1501BDD1B0DEC0A56CE0746A8D404C08DED8CDAA/?imw=256&&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false - this is a spare image if the one above doesn't work.


Hopefully this money spawned for you too and it helped you get out of a pickle. Now maybe you can afford a pickle from the vending machines, because we both know this 600 ain't gonna last long.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2603419774					

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