[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like

[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like

The Basics

Section One- Breed:
Section Two- FaceSection Three- Horn(s)Section Four- TailSection Five- Special

For this guide- we're mostly concerned with the ten numbers of the seed that control the specific parts/sections of the Classic/western/European Dragon. This will deal less with the color of your dragon, though I will touch upon briefly. Furthermore- I'm only dealing with numbers. it's likely easier to grasp and there's less funky math involved. and I don't want to do more work dealing with letters in the seed. You can even funk with your dragon's stats, but I'm not going to talk about that in this specific guide.

The part of the seed that determines all this is the first set of numbers. '0000000000' being the most bare bones classic dragon you can imagine. (it will also be very black, because of how the colors work).

These ten numbers are divided into five sections(thus a seed can be divided like 00-00-00-00-00), with every two numbers determining something specific, the five sections being described below(courtesy of Rekkeld, the dev, on the tutorial channel on the Dragon Creek Discord):

'00' being the default. it's your classic dragon and what i'll be working with, therefore every seed here starts with '00'.

01- wyvern.

02- Lung

03- Cat lung

04- Hydra

05- nightmare

06- Dino

There is little purpose in going over '06', new breeds may be added in the future, but with the game out of EA, that might not be the case. It can technically go to 99, though because there are not (and there will probably never be) 99 breeds, eventually numbers will settle into different categories such that a range of numbers represent a specific breed; It's a pattern you'll notice for the various other numbers. one trait will very often have a wide range of numbers that can go with that trait, this not only goes for breeds, but every section described herein.

the second set of numbers, or the third and fourth number into the ten number seed section. 00-00, respectively. This will affect your dragon's face- its mouth and eyes. It WILL NOT add horns, that is determined with the 'horn' and 'special' part of the seed. It has markedly less variation than most categories.

The third set of numbers, or the fifth and sixth numbers into the ten number seed section. This determines horns on the face, cheek, head, and neck(sometimes). It can also be things like little webbing on the cheek or neck, or even antlers and ears. This section has the most variation- there's more 'categories' into which groups of numbers fit.

the fourth set of numbers, or the seventh and eighth part into the ten number seed section. It's more limited than most categories. For classic dragons, it'll determine whether your dragon has tail spikes along the spine, a spade, a small tuft of fur, or even some webbing/tail fans.

the fifth and final part of the ten number seed section- the ninth and tenth numbers. It's the second most varied part of the seed, after the horn section. This can add a wide array of things like extra horns, ears, teeth.

A NOTE ABOUT THE SPECIAL CODE: because it covers a wide range of things, it can potentially overlap with a horn code. and, in the case of a specific category- it can 'force' the face to look more crocodilian- but that'll be covered in the specific section for the special code.

Face Index

Category One- The 'default' Face:
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 24Category Two- Longer Reptilian Mouth
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 26Category Three- Default Mouth, But With A Small Nose Scale

[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 28Category Four- Two Sets Of Eyes, Longer Reptilian Mouth
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 30Category Five- Longer Reptilian Mouth, Long Nose Bridge Scale. Slightly Narrower Eyes.
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 32

As described above, this affects your dragon's Eyes and Mouth. Remember- it's the third and fourth number into the seed, and I will go on assuming this is known when I list numbers.

The face has, as of 02/14/21, a total of Five Categories, that is- five different facial variations. You may have seen, however, a classic dragon with a toothy mouth, like a crocodile. however- that's determined by the 'special' section and not by the face section:

the default face consists of a shorter mouth, and one pair of eyes.

The numbers for this face are: 00, 05 to 15, 30 to 99

as you can see, this face is overwhelmingly more common than any other.

The numbers to get this face are as follow: 01

it is the least likely face to appear on a classic dragon.

The numbers to get this face are: 02, 16

The numbers for this face are: 03, 17 to 23

The numbers for this face are: 04, 24 to 29

Horn Index

Category One- Literally Nothing
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 45Category Two- Curved Back Head Horn
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 47Category Three- Curvy Head Horn With 3 Cheek Spikes
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 49Category Four- Neck Spines
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 51Category Five- Straight Horn
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 53
Category Six- Neck Webbing
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 55Category Seven- Wavy Head Horn
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 57Category Eight- Antlers
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 59Category Nine- Long, Curved Forward Horn
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 61Category Ten- Pointy Upward Ear
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 63Category Eleven- Small Nose Horn
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 65Category Twelve- Series Of Cheek Spikes
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 67Category Thirteen- 3 Cheek Spikes
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 69Category Fourteen- 3 Cheek Spikes With Neck Spines
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 71Category Fifteen- Cheek And Neck Web
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 73Category Sixteen- Wavy Horn And Neck Spines
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 75Category Seventeen- Segmented Ram Horn
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 77

The third set of numbers, or the fifth and sixth numbers into the ten number seed section. This determines horns on the face, cheek, head, and neck(sometimes). It can also be things like little webbing on the cheek or neck, or even antlers. This section interacts heavily with the 'special' section, but for the sake of clarity- all of these categories are shown with '00' for the special section.

This section is the most image heavy.

The numbers for these horns(or lack thereof) are: 00

Your dragon's face is quite naked- provided '00' exists within the special section as well.

The numbers for these horns are: 01

The numbers for these horns are: 02

The numbers for these horns are: 03,17 through 21

The numbers for these horns are: 04, 22 through 27

The numbers for these 'horns' are: 05, 28 through 34

The numbers for these horns are: 06, 35 through 40.

The numbers for these are: 07, 41 through 46.

The numbers for these are: 08, 47 through 52.

The numbers for these are: 09, 53 through 58.

The numbers for this are: 10, 59 through 64

The numbers for these are: 11, 65 through 71.

The numbers for these are: 12, 72 through 77.

The numbers for these are: 13, 78 through 83

The numbers for these are: 14, 84 through 89

The numbers for these are: 15, 90 through 95

The numbers for these: 16, 96 through 99

Tail Index

Category One- Default/Nothing
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 100Category Two- Spade
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 102Category Three- Small Tail Fluff
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 104Category Four- Tail Spines

[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 106Category Five- Tail Fan/Tail Webbing
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 108Category Six- Tadpole Tail Web
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 110

Among the shorter Categories! not much variation for the tail. yet, anyway. It only has six categories. I kind of got very bored here, so i'll be listing a smaller range and simply edit it if new things get added. I'm lazy. Providing nothing is changed however- the first set of numbers given for any particular category (ie '00' or '03') should remain the same. New categories will likely just end up being '06' where once '06' fell into the nothing category.

As a reminder, the tail index are the seventh and eighth numbers of the seed/code.

The numbers for this: 00, 06 through 14

The number for this: 01

The number for this is: 02

The number for this is: 03

The number for this is: 04

The number for this: 05

Special Index

Category One- NothingCategory Two- Nose Horn(same As Horn Category 11)
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 122Category Three- Bat Ear
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 124Category Four- Crocodile Mouth
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 126Category Five- Web Cheek
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 128Category Six- Series Of Cheek Spines(same As Horn Category 12)
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 130Category Seven- 3 Cheek Spikes(same As Horn Code 13)

[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 132Category Eight- Curved Ram Head Horn(non Segmented)
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 134Category Nine- Upward Pointed Ear(same As Horn Category 10)
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 136Category Ten- Straight Head Horn(same As Horn Category 5)
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 138Category Eleven- Curved Ram Horn, Web Neck, Ear
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 140Category Twelve- Small Ear
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 142Category Thirteen- Short, Curved Back Horn
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 144

The Special index consists of the ninth and tenth numbers of the seed, and has almost as much variation as the horn index. I suspect that this is true for the other species, but time will tell if I ever make guides for them.

The special index controls things like horns, ear types, teeth, neck spines, cheek spikes, cheek and neck fans, etc. It can overlap the existing Horn index, or your dragon can..just have a lot of horns- it depends heavily upon the horn index. And, as far as I know, the special index has no effect on the tail- only the face/neck area.

As of 02/14/2021, there are 13 categories for the special index.

All images here are with '00' as the horn index code, to prevent confusion.

Your dragon won't have anything special that isn't already there :( so no image.

Numbers for this: 00, 13 through 15, 83 through 99.

The numbers for this: 01

The numbers for this: 02, 16

The numbers for this: 03, 17 through 23

This is an interesting one, as it will override the dragon's mouth- no matter what. However, eyes will remain unaffected. For instance, your four-eyed dragon can have a crocodile mouth.

The numbers for this: 04, 24 through 29.

The numbers for this: 05, 30 through 36

The numbers for this: 06, 37 through 42.

The numbers for this: 07, 43 through 49.

The numbers for this: 08, 50 through 56.

The numbers for this: 09, 57 through 62

The numbers for this: 10, 63 through 69.

The numbers for this: 11, 70 through 75.

The numbers for this: 12, 76 through 82.

Putting It All Together! Build-A-Dragon.

[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 165
[UPDATED][IMAGE HEAVY] Western/classic dragon seeds, their parts, and what that looks like image 166Dragon Colors

DISCLAIMER: PLEASE be careful about editing any dragon creek files. This guide will only walk you through changing dragon appearance, but you can still severely damage gameplay if you do not know exactly what you are doing. I do not endorse messing around with the other files either, as that has much more to do with gameplay and therefore more able to screw up your game. Please, please be careful and ensure that you regularly backup your game files, because I cannot help you if you dig yourself into a hole.

UPDATE: please view this helpful guide regarding coloring your dragon here. it'll help you find more precise colors! Dragon coloring guide However, the information below is still useful when you need to figure out what part of your classic dragon you're coloring.

In this Section we'll learn how to tweak things! Found a good random dragon but there's one thing that bothers you? Want to just...make your entire classic dragon to your liking? Let's do that!

You should probably not be in your game while doing this, but presumably it's safe to mess with in-game. I've done it before and i'm doing it right now but uhhhhh y'know, do things at your own risk.

First, you'll need to be able to view hidden items. To do this, open File Explorer(the thing you use to access computer files/documents/images) and locate the 'view' tab in the upper ribbon. it'll be right next to 'file', 'home', and 'share'. once you have clicked on it, checkmark 'Hidden Items'. It's located below 'file name extensions' and 'item check boxes', and to the right of 'Sort By', to the left of 'Options'.

get to your Appdata folder, and then your local folder. To do this, run a windows search for %AppData%, then click into the AppData folder and locate the Local folder, and then find your Dragon_Creek folder as well. (path should look something like C: Users > (username) > Appdata > Local > Dragon_Creek) within should be your dragon files, among other things. You can tweak Quite a bit about your game- but I'm not here to teach you how to put the moon out during 11 am; We're here to mess with our dragons.

The dragon that you've been seeing is one of my dragons, Saphira. When you click into a dragon file, there's a lot of information- but for this we're only concerned with the long string of numbers right after "seed". This...is your dragon's seed, or its code. Those ten numbers I've been talking about? same ten numbers here. It stretches on for quite a bit- determining your dragon's color, its stats and the very last number being its Temperament. I'm not touching those in this tutorial, though. We're about fashion in this house.

Seeing as I've tinkered with her seed a lot for this- she doesn't look like how I want her to.

This is how her seed looks like right now. I've color coded this for convenience- long strings of numbers are hard to focus on! (you'll probably want to click and enlarge the image.)

Red- Breed index. We want her to stay a classic dragon, so I'm not touching this.

Yellow- Face Index. Recall back to the Face Index section if you want to change this.

Yellow Dotted line- Face color. I'll cover how to color things shortly.

Blue- Horn Index.

Blue dotted line- Horn color.

Dark green- tail index.

Dark green dotted line- tail color(no the tail itself is not colored separately.)

Orange- Special Index.

Orange Dotted line- Special Index color

Grey- Scale/body color

Pink- Web color(for classic dragons, this is the inner wing color, stomach scale color AND wing talon color.)

Lime green- Claw color.

Let's tackle just her traits- then I'll get into explaining color briefly. I might edit this to make a more specific color section later on.

Overall? I want her to have neck and tail spines, 3 cheek horns, and a short, curved backward horn. For her face, i think it'd be nice if she had that longer nose scale.

As I've said, the solid red line will not be touched, so let's move onto yellow. Since I want her to have that longer nose scale, with a longer mouth- i'll change '00' to '04'. (though 24-29 would also work).

Horn index(solid blue line)- because I want her to have 3 cheek spines and neck spines, I'll go ahead and change her current '00' to '13'. (it could also be any number from 78 to 83.)

Tail Index(solid Dark green line)- I want her to have tail spines. Easy- change the '01' (spade) to '03' (tail spines).

Special Index(solid orange line)- because she already has her cheek and neck spines, i don't want the special code to overlap. Because i want her horn to be short and pointed back- let's change '11' (small ear) to '12' (Short curved back horn).

Voila! exactly how I want her to look.

Before any of this- i recommend copying the entire dragon seed and putting it somewhere else in case you mess up. or you can create a copy of it and replace the file if you messed up along the way and desperately want to return to normalcy.

Every color section(every dotted line in the seed/code picture above) consists of 9 numbers- Hue, saturation, and value(called luminosity in some applications)(HSV)-so 3 numbers for each, hence 9. every 3 number section can go all the way up to 255. any double digit number will be represented with a 0 in front of it (ie, '039'), and any single-digit number will have two zeros in front of it. (ie '001').

"but my dragon code has a number way above that in the HSV for that section(s)!"

Rest assured! The game converts numbers above 255 to something it understands. Even if your dragon has a number way above 255, a specific body color section will only ever be 9 digits.

So- the entire color string is 63 numbers long. 7 sections of 9, 21 sections of 3. Knowing this, to edit the dragon's colors, you'll have to tweak each 9-digit section to your liking. remember that each 9-digit section is made up of 3, 3-digit subsections, 3 numbers each for Hue, saturation, and value.

For each body color section(of which there are 7) then, simply insert your new 9-digit color code (once you've found the HSV you want) and replace the old code with the new one.

Go nuts, really.

Questions That May Or May Not Be Asked

Why go through all these numbers?

It took me maybe an hour or so to go from 00-99 on most sections for each section, outside of breed. I was just really, really curious.

I'd rather not do this myself- could it be done for me?

providing it's a classic dragon? I'm on the dragon creek discord as Tinyelephant, so you could probably just shoot me a message there. I might be able to help.

I've been going through this, and I noticed X number lead to Y Result, not X as listed.

providing no new features have been added, then yeah I might have mistyped something. There's a lot of numbers to juggle. just let me know what seed(the first ten digits) you've got and i'll take a look.

If and/or when new features are added, i'll edit this guide at my leisure. and, when this is outdated, it'll be labelled as such until I've fixed it.

Can you do this for [dragon breed]?

If I do- Wyverns are next, but I won't be touching any of the other breeds for a while- this took a long time.

I need more help with colors!

Please check out this guide by the game dev for further help.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2390878712					

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