Fully customize your dragon with out editing the files


Okay so I'm not so good with using a lot of words so I'm goring to try to be as clear, precise, and short as I can be. This guide is to make known a hidden feature of the custom dragon code.

The Basics

Okay here is the meat and potatoes of my discovery I might brake it down further in explain the color zones of each dragon but for now this is the basics.

This dragon was made by the code "07ruby".


Then I added blood to the end of that and the code and dragon now look like "07rubyblood".


notice how the dragon body is the same as the "07ruby" code but the color has changed. Through a bit of testing I figured out that one word words (aka not words like "skyline" as the code generator would read that as "sky line" when generating the dragon) will be read by the game as separate functions to coding the gens of your dragon. The first word after the number to designate the dragon type will act as the base body and coloring the next two words will act as mixing pant to the color already there. Here is the final code addition for this dragon "07rubybloodspace".


Notice only a small bit of the of the dragon's colors changed this time. This shows that the first word is a primer, the second word is the paint, and the third word is the accent color.

and to prove the color skeam is the same on the other dragons here is a wyvern with the first code then the last code used on the classic. next to the classic.







Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2484425805					

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