Underworld Idle Early Gameplay Loop



This Gameplay hint is for Underworld Idle, in an attempt to help explain some of the early game play loop, to help people to not get stuck like i did, for many months...

Some Points To Remember

1. Runes and Pearls give Very Useful, and (after some time) rather large effects, and only need be purchased once. they are not effected by reset. Try and max them out as quickly as possible.

2. Prestige, Batteries, and Contracts do not disappear during reset.

3. Gears (after Purchasing certain contracts) can be placed on the Boilers, The oblesk, or the chest to increase the Prestige and waste/energy gained,and do not get reset when useing any of those.

4. Use Gears on the boilers/ Oblesk/ Chest that you plan to reset with. If you plan it right, you can leave the gears on till you get a free gear reset, which you will get every week, at week end.

5. Offline Progress Effects Junkyard search (24hrs at a time), Crystal energy, and waste production.

6. All multipliers stack (I.E. Gears, Pearls, Runes, Contracts, Crystals, Spells, Etc..)

Faction Function Overview


Need Gems and Souls to Create.

Runes - Boost Crystal Output, Demon output Multiplied, Gem Production Multiplied.

Boiler Reset - Gain Waste (for Drowners), and Demon Prestige for Demon Contracts

Need hell ashes- gained based on Gem Recycle - Basically More gems = More Hell Ash

Use Boiler A for some Demon Prestige, and a lot of waste - better to start off a drowners run.

Use Boiler B for some waste, and a good bit more Demon prestige- better for Demon prestige runs, for purchasing Demon contracts.

Boiler C - unlocked after purchasing a high level contract. unlocks countdown.


Need Souls and Gems to Create.

Mushroom Farm - Alows you to Grow mushrooms and harvest mushrooms. Mushrooms give a bonus based on whether they are Ripe or Unripe. Pay close attention to the prices. Bonus may be in resources or in Specific Effects.

Oblesk Reset - Earns Undead Prestige and Dark Mana.

Oblesk Needs Flour. Flour Comes from Soul Recycling. Basically More Souls = More Flour.


Require Gems, Souls, and Waste to Create.

Create Raw Mana

Oyster/Pearls - #of Oysters effects pearl Gain rate, More gained with Raw Mana (not Lost During Reset).

Pearl Collection of each color give specific bonuses. Pearl Collection is Based Entirely on Pearls.

Chest Reset - Earns Drowners Prestige And Energy.

Chests need Magic Powder to Reset. Magic powder comes from Mana/Dark Mana Recycleing.

Basically More Mana/ Dark Mana = More Magic powder.

Warlock Faction

need Gems, Raw Mana and Dark Mana to Produce warlock faction members.

Produces Dark Mana.

Meaning progress is heavily dependent on Drowners faction progress.

this faction must also be unlocked again after each reset.

Provides access to the spell book, and thus, powerfull spells. reach each carfully as some are quite dangerous.

Gameplay Loops


Boiler A gives More waste.

Boiler B gives more prestige.

Cycling the Demon Reset with boiler B gives the opportunity to amass prestige for better contracts. The contracts you focus on here are attach gears to boiler, gem production, demon production, crystal power, and waste production. Focus On Gem Production contracts first though, as it will make progressive resets easier.

When you Feel that you have reached a comfortable point, switch to Undead Resets.

If you Feel Like you are Bottle-necking On Drowners, then Cycle a full reset with Boiler A, and Build up your Drowners.


Similar to demons, with the Undead, you cycle resets with the oblesk to amass prestige to purchase better contracts. Some of these contracts are quite powerful, but focus on the soul production contracts first, as they will make each future resets that much quicker.

when you are comfortable with Undead Progress Cycle back to Demons.


Similar to the first 2 types of cycles, resetting Drowners gains prestige for better contracts. however, unlike the Demons and Undead, Drowners need Waste to be initially created, and waste is not generated in specifically the same way as Gems and Mana. For the majority of early game, demon resets will produce the most waste, and there for can be used to begin a Drowners run.

Until you are able to produce waste in the millions or Billions, you are dependent on waste from Offline, and Demon resets, Junkyard Recycles, and later the swamp ritual to significantly progress the drowners. Anything over 4 billion waste should allow you to unlock and use kelipie.

Due to the nature of waste, you will need to alternate 1 run drowners, 1 run demons, 1 run Drowners, etc. in order to build up Drowner prestige for Drowner contracts.

many of the drowners contracts are quite powerful, and well worth the prestige. Mostly focus on Mana gain Contracts, and Automation contracts at first.

Once you are comfortable with your drowners, cycle back to Demons or Undead.

By following this gameplay loop, you should be able to make a good bit of progress though the early game.

Once Cyrstal 5 is unlocked, you can create Dark mana to Unlock Warlocks Faction. And Spells.

Spell Slots are mostly unlocked with Darkmana. Selecting a spell, places it in a spell slot, and the spell remains active untill reset.

some spells may be the key to new factions.

Once you have warlocks unlocked, and are able to start casting spells, there are some spells you will want to look at in relation to resets.

Red Flower - Boosts Demon Productivity, demons are not consumed for upgrades, extra hell ashes. there are contracts that increase these effects.

Unholy Alliance - Crystal #3 will now also effect the undead. this boosts undead production. speeds up resets.

Swamp Ritual - Free Mavka (drowners) every 5 seconds, increased if Crystal 2 is working.

Ark Of the Drowned - Increased waste and x2 magic powder from Raw Mana Recycling in the junkyard. Magic powder is needed for resets for the Drowners faction, so this speeds up the reset time.

these have fairly obvious effects on restarts.

So, in general, in your on going quest to figure out just where this game doesnt end, work to maximize contracts when you can, and keep on looping.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3300602360					

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