This guide shows some unused content found in the final build of the game, along with unseen content that is in a couple of the demo builds floating around online.
There is much more than what is shown here. These are just some things I found interesting while poking around the game using my limited knowledge.
Also note this is a GIF heavy page and may take a moment to fully load.
Data-CSV Files
Located in the Data folder of the demo are multiple csv files that control the coin drop rate, enemy attack stats, and the stats of our heroic little fox.
The final build of the game moved these files internally, so they aren't as easy to modify.
By editing the Data-Fox.csv file, you can obtain a move speed that allows you to clear large gaps and explore out of bounds in the demo. Some builds of the demo don't read the movement speed value despite reading the other stats in the same file such as health. You can use the Data-Hit Triggers.csv file to change the firecracker explosion force to around 200-300 and you can blast your way around the map instead.
The Data-Monsters.csv file contains stats and damage values for each enemy (and some cut ones that appear in developer videos) in the game, such as damage type and enemy health. Shown later in the guide is an unused status condition for poison.
Many cut enemies have stats here, most notably a dragon that has it's health set to 49,999 which is dramatically higher than anything else in the game. (The librarian has 500)
Items And Equipment
BaitThe demos and final build of the game contain unused items and equipment. Again, there is much more than what is shown here. Some can be spotted in early developer videos.
The chest here is out of bounds for the demo and contains four of them. This item would later become the lure in the final game.
The bait is bouncy, and throwing it at enemies rapidly triggers their alerted status. They also don't seem to attack or follow it.
The bait inventory icon as it appears in the demo. The slot it used was replaced by the lure. It looks like candy.
There are three of these found in chests in the demo overworld. They also exist in the final game and are counted as a key item.
The icon looks a bit different than how it appears in the game.
There are three of these coins in the demo. One shows a ? mark, and the other two have item icons for the firework and dart items. In the final game, the ? mark coin was changed into the lucky coin that you use at wells.
The other two coins are still in the final game and can be obtained via save editing, but don't seem to work.
You can find this book on a pedestal outside the boundaries of the demo. It still exists in the final game and has an icon. In the game files, there are references for upgrading the book.
Possibly related to the librarian?
This item is still functional in the game and causes a large magic explosion. It doesn't have an inventory icon, and it takes all of your magic to use.
This cute little item still works in the final game. It returns you to the last checkpoint statue that was used. It also resembles what the checkpoint statues used to look like.
This is the only item left in the final game that still uses this type of early icon.
Developer videos show other items in a similar style.
In the final game, there are three different bows that go unused. One can be seen in developer videos where it resembles a crossbow and shoots arrows. The second resembles an unused bow in the demo and has a matching inventory icon. The third bow is the most basic and is unseen.
The arrow is still in the final game, but the inventory icon slot it used was changed to the Ivy. This inventory icon comes from the demo.
An unused weapon in the demo. The inventory icon was removed from the final game, but the model remains. The icon comes from the same demo as the arrow.
This item can be seen on a manual page that is found during the demo. In both the demo and final game, you can dash by default, so this item seems unnecessary.
The item remains in the final game, where it can be obtained via save editing.
It is counted as a key item and has a model in the game files.
In the final game, you can hold this sword via save editing but can't attack with it.
The inventory icon here comes from the demo.
Seems to work, but it doesn't have a model. In the Data-Hit Triggers.csv file the spear is set to do 100 damage, which is the highest of all weapons.
This item has a model and inventory icon in the final game but doesn't seem to work.
A supply coin with a dart on it also goes unused.
Magic Cup
Not to be confused with the lucky cup that is in the final game as a trinket card. It has an icon and a model in the final game but doesn't seem to do anything. Pretty!
Piggy Bank
This item would later become the effigy. Although the final game calls it an effigy on manual page 17, it's still named Piggy Bank in the files.
In the demo, it used a different model and inventory icon.
The inventory slot this item occupied was replaced by the blueberry in the final game.
A gear-like item that can be assigned a button for use. Doesn't seem to do anything.
A cog room is mentioned in the game files.
Unused Poison Status Condition
The Data-Monsters.csv file contains variables for each enemy in the game. One of which is to enable poison damage. This status condition is unused but still functional via editing the file.
The spider enemies were most likely meant to cause poison upon being hit, as demonstrated here.
Status condition
You slowly lose health while poisoned, and using a checkpoint idol doesn't cure it.
After several seconds the poison wears off.
This item would most likely have cured the poison status condition that went unused. In the final build of the game, the inventory icon was removed.
Un-obtainable Manual Pages
The demos contain unobtainable manual pages with early concepts for the final game. There are more than just these few, and text doesn't appear to show on them. Some pages are placed out of bounds in already out of bound areas. Odd.
Page 12
This page is found out of bounds in the demo near a checkpoint idol. It shows the hero explaining how the lucky coin works. The screenshots used on this page show an early version of the game.
Page 13
The other side of page 12. Shows the hero explaining what the power-up food items do.
The hero wears a green scarf here.
Page 5
A very early page that shows the hero thinking about the sword while holding the manual.
An example of a page being placed out of bounds. When the "fox_maxWalkSpeed" value is set high, you can manipulate the camera a bit further than normal. There are also level assets stored out of bounds in some places.
Big Door Seal
In the final game there is an item called the seal which is in various states of completion as shown below in different game builds. It resembles the seal that traps the heir and is made up of 3 pieces. One of the fox residents in the sealed temple loosely mentions a fourth key.
Early Concept
This demo shows the complete seal animation with text that implies it's unfinished. It freezes the game after completing the animation.
Later Concept
It seems to lack the animation but after a moment, it gives you the seal as an item. It isn't counted as a key item and can be assigned to a button, but it doesn't seem to do anything.
Final Game
In the final game, it lacks an animation and is missing its inventory icon. It still doesn't seem to do anything either.
The Game Awards Demo
This demo is closer to the final game and ends in the Garden by looking through a telescope out into the area. There is also an alternative ending that doesn't seem to be well known. This section shows the items that unlock the alternative ending, as they are still in the final game but are unused.
Secret Treasure
The item itself is named money triangle in the files. You find one of them inside the old house on a dresser. The other five are hidden in various chests around the demo.
Secret Room
This room was later made into the cube room that is in the final game. Both are located at the same place on the map and need a firecracker to open.
Special Key
If you find all six secret treasures, you will be rewarded with a special key. It unlocks a blue door that takes you to the alternative ending of the demo.
Secret Ending
The secret ending of the demo may imply you are playing as the heir and fall victim to the seal as you make your way into the light of the far shore.
Money Triangle
This is the icon as it appears in the demo.
Money Triangle
The money triangle in the final game has a different inventory icon.
Now it looks like a real triangle!
Special Key
The special key can be obtained in the final game via save editing.
The door it used to unlock isn't in the game anymore it seems...
In Closing
I hope you find this stuff as interesting as I do. There is much more than what I've shown here, and I realize it would better fit TCRF but I'm sharing it here instead.
Tunic is a fantastic game, and it was fun to discover more about it.
Thank you for reading. 🦊
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