Hello and welcome to the Mongol Invasion guide, brand new players should be aware this guide contains a few spoilers about the game, so if you want to maintain an element of surprise in your grand campaign stop reading this now.
This guide describes and lists Mongol army composition, the number of waves, generals, their units and their arrival time. It also includes the statistics, attributes and abilities of the wave units of the Mongol army. In the Mongol Unit section I've tried to replicate the style of the in-game unit info cards but these new cards have more stat's and a bit more detail than the old in-game versions.
Mongol Invasion
Mongol Arrival DateMongol Army Spawn LocationsNorthern Invasion Southern InvasionThe player will receive an event warning message indicating the imminent arrival of the hordes in the next few turns. This message is to be expected anywhere between turns 64 - 72 (1206 -1222 AD). The first Mongol incursion is an inexperienced two army scouting force of sixteen units and a smaller six unit army a couple of turns after this warning message. However, the main Mongol force of Wave 1 consisting of three battle hardened armies (full stacks) will arrive shortly after the two scout armies.
The Mongols will take either an northern or southern invasion route. If they arrive in the north (Sarkel) they will move towards Russia and eastern europe. If they arrive south of this area (Yerevan/Baghdad) they will attack towards the eastern Mediterranean attacking the Turks, Byzantine's, Egypt and any Crusader factions in the area. Antioch seems to be a priority target for the Mongols.
Sarkel/Bulgar area.
Yerevan/Tblisi, Baghdad area's.
Scouting Force
Khan (Faction Leader): 16 UnitsKhanzada (Heir): 6 UnitsArmies: 2
Experience: 0
General's: Random
Two armies of inexperienced troops. One army of six units accompanied by a sixteen unit army. This force can vary in it's General's and unit composition in different playthrough's but the number of unit's in the respective armies remain the same.
Wave 1
Jebe: 20 UnitsArdai: 20 UnitsBayan: 20 UnitsThree seasoned armies of Wave 1 arrive soon after the arrival of the scouting force.
Armies: 3
Experience: 6
General's: Jebe, Ardai, Bayan
Bodyguard (Gen), Mongol Infantry: 5, Mongol Foot Archers: 4,
Mongol Heavy Archers (MC): 5, Mongol Heavy Lancers: 5
Bodyguard (Gen), Mongol Infantry: 3, Mongol Foot Archers: 3,
Mongol Heavy Archers (MC): 2, Mongol Heavy Lancers: 2, Mongol Light Lancers: 2,
Mongol Horse Archers: 7
Bodyguard (Gen), Mongol Infantry: 3, Mongol Foot Archers: 3,
Mongol Heavy Archers (MC): 2, Mongol Heavy Lancers : 2, Mongol Light Lancers: 2
Mongol Horse Archers: 7
Abbreviation (MC): Missile Cavalry
Wave 2
Batu: 20 UnitsSubutai: 20 UnitsBerkei: 20 UnitsOrda: 20 UnitsArmies: 4
Experience: 6
General's: Batu, Subutai, Berkei, Orda
Bodyguard (Gen), Mongol Infantry: 5, Mongol Foot Archers: 4,
Mongol Heavy Archers (MC): 5, Mongol Heavy Lancers: 5
Bodyguard (Gen), Mongol Infantry: 5, Mongol Foot Archers: 4
Mongol Heavy Archers (MC): 5, Mongol Heavy Lancers: 5
Bodyguard (Gen), Mongol Infantry: 3, Mongol Foot Archers: 3
Mongol Heavy Archers (MC): 2, Mongol Light Lancers: 2
Mongol Horse Archers: 5
Artillery: Rocket Launcher: 2, Trebuchet: 2
Bodyguard (Gen), Mongol Infantry: 4, Mongol Foot Archers: 4,
Mongol Heavy Archers (MC): 2, Mongol Light Lancers: 2
Mongol Horse Archers: 3
Artillery: Rocket Launcher: 2, Trebuchet: 2
Wave 3
Hulegu: 20 UnitsKitbuqa: 20 UnitsAbaqha: 20 UnitsKuo Kan: 20 UnitsArmies: 4
Experience: 6
General's: Hulegu, Kitbuqa, Abaqha, Kuo Kan
Bodyguard (Gen), Mongol Infantry: 5, Mongol Foot Archers: 4,
Mongol Heavy Archers (MC): 5, Mongol Heavy Lancers: 5
Bodyguard (Gen), Mongol Infantry: 5, Mongol Foot Archers: 4
Mongol Heavy Archers (MC): 5, Mongol Heavy Lancers: 5
Bodyguard (Gen), Mongol Infantry: 3, Mongol Foot Archers: 3
Mongol Heavy Archers (MC): 2, Mongol Light Lancers: 2, Mongol Horse Archers: 5
Artillery: Rocket Launcher: 2, Trebuchet: 2
Mongol Bodyguard (Gen), Mongol Infantry: 4, Mongol Foot Archers: 4,
Mongol Heavy Archers (MC): 2, Mongol Light Lancers: 2, Mongol Horse Archers: 3
Artillery: Rocket Launcher: 2, Trebuchet: 2
Mongol Units
HeatGround: Scrub, Sand, Forest, SnowHardy Armour Piercing - AP (Weapon Attribute)Body Piercing - BP (Weapon Attribute)LaunchingArea Enemy Mount: Camel/ElephantNoteWelcome to the Mongol Unit section of this guide. In the sections that follow there are individual unit card's displaying the unit's stat's, attributes and abilities. Only Mongol units that are part of the invasion wave armies are listed here (so no recruitable settlement units, spearmen etc.)
Also do bear in mind that the stat's are from the game files and are for base unit's (no exp). The Mongol wave armies that arrive in the game have an experience level of six, so add two points to the primary and secondary attack figures of the base unit's listed here to get their in game stat's. Missile attack figure's are unaffected by experience increases.
This is a small selection and brief explanation of some of the more obscure and maybe not so obscure terms/factors that appear in this guide
Morale Low morale unit's are more likely to break and run after a relatively short time in combat or after set backs such as General death, enemy flanking etc. Higher morale unit's Level 9 - 11,such as Vardariotai are more likely to stand and fight and less likely to rout. Level 11 unit's rarely ever break or rout quickly.
Discipline Low, Normal, Disciplined, Impetuous. This determines the amount of morale lost when morale shocks occur (death of general, flanked, etc). It is more difficult for Disciplined units to lose morale. Impetuous units such as Feudal Knights may charge without player orders.
Training Untrained, Trained, Highly Trained. The standard of training affects how well ordered the unit formation is. Untrained unit formations will be disorderly e.g. Peasant's. Highly Trained units like Byzantine Guard Archers and Varangian Guard will have well ordered formations and march in good order.
Additional fatigue that the unit suffers in hot climates, desert and the like. High heat numbers on these unit cards indicates a higher level of fatigue suffered by the unit. A lot of running about in the desert will make these unit's tire faster than they normally would in "green" map areas. Ranges from -2 to 6, with 6 inflicting the greatest penalty for the unit. It's mostly heavily armoured (especially plate) units like Chivalric, English and Gothic Knights that suffer the highest level 6 heat penalty. Positive number's are penalties and negatives bonuses.
Unit attack bonus/penalty for occupying these types of terrain. This time unlike , positive numbers here are bonuses, negative are penalties. So a unit with a rating of -4 Forest mean's it incurs an attack penalty of -4 in wooded area's.
Hardiness reduces stamina depletion speed and increases the stamina regeneration rate.
In combat opposing enemy unit's armour level is cut by half.
Missile can pass through men and hit those behind
(Artillery) attack may throw target men into the air
attack affects an area, not just one man
This cavalry unit suffers an attack penalty of -4 when fighting enemy elephants and camels.
For a more detailed breakdown and analysis of all the various stat's, modifiers, attributes and abilities check out the Complete EDU guide by Aradan at the Total War Center
If you're scrolling through the guide you may see some empty sections, these should be ignored. They are only there for dividing and tagging categories and as an indexing aid. There's no missing content they're meant to be empty.
Heavy Cavalry
Generals Bodyguard
Mongol Heavy Lancers
Light Cavalry
Mongol Light Lancers
Missile Cavalry
Mongol Horse Archers
Mongol Heavy Archers
Missile Infantry
Mongol Infantry
Mongol Foot Archers
Rocket Launcher
This guide was previously released as the Mongol Unit guide, however I had to withdraw it due to the unit tables becoming badly damaged, absolutely mangled in fact, usually after a steam update.
So after being mothballed for some time I finally got around to repairing it and here it is. I've expanded it's scope to cover the Mongol Invasion in general with a complete overhaul of the guide. I also decided to use the unit card style of my Byzantine unit guide instead of tables to prevent any further Steam update disruption, also the unit card's look a lot better than tables on a smart phone.
I thought I'd create my own unit cards with slightly more detailed stats and Mongol army composition lists here were they're nice and handy. I really wanted something that fitted my own requirements, was convenient and near at hand, that I could view on my phone while playing the game on my pc. Primarily I made this for my own convenience but It might be useful for some players who want to plan and prepare for the Mongol onslaught.
Cheers, Wrath of Santa.
Further Reading & Links
Total War CenterA Guide To The Export_descr_units.txt File By Mythic CommodoreMedieval II TW Font (Kingthings Petrock Font) DownloadThe Complete EDU Guide for Rome: Total War: Understanding & Coding the Export_Descr_Unit.Txt (EDU) file by Aradan
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