Traits and Ancillaries: Kingdoms Expansion

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Americas Traits

ALL CHARACTERSNomad1NomadMovement +5

GENERALSPrestige12345LordBaronViscountCountMarquisAuthority +1, Command vs Great Spirit* +1, Command vs Sun God* +1Authority +2, Command vs Great Spirit +2, Command vs Sun God +2Authority +3, Command vs Great Spirit +3, Command vs Sun God +3Authority +4, Command vs Great Spirit +4, Command vs Sun God +4Authority +5, Command vs Great Spirit +5, Command vs Sun God +5*The Great Spirit and Sun God are actually rebranded names of islam and pagan should one look in the game files.

Astronomy12StargazerAstronomerPiety +1, NightBattle +1, Popularity +1Piety +3, NightBattle +1, Popularity +2, Authority +2, Mangement +2AstronomersCheck1--Normally this trait is hidden.

Sacrifice12345Blood LetterBlood OffererFlesh OffererSacrificerWill of the GodsPiety +1, Violence +1Piety +2, Violence +2, Popularity +1, Squalor -1Piety +3, Violence +2, Popularity +2, Squalor -2, Authority +1, PublicSecurity +1Piety +4, Violence +3, Popularity +3, Squalor -3, Authority +2, PublicSecurity +2, Farming +1, Unrest -1Piety +5, Violence +3, Popularity +4, Squalor -4, Authority +3, PublicSecurity +4, Farming +2, Unrest -2WarPathHistory123Spirit SoldierSpirit DefenderGreat WarriorDread +1, Piety +1, Command vs Catholics +1, Command vs Sun God +1Dread +3, Piety +2, Command vs Catholics +2, Command vs Sun God +2Dread +5, Piety +3, Command vs Catholics +3, Command vs Sun God +3Sport123SpectatorNobel SpectatorFamous Nobel SpectatorPopularity +1, Integrity -1, Unrest -1, Law -1Popularity +2, Loyalty +1, Unrest -2, Law -1Popularity +2, Loyalty +2, Unrest -2, Law -1Conquistador12345 "the Conquistador"AdventurerAspiring ConquistadorConquistadorGreat ConquistadorFamous ConquistadorLoyalty +1, Looter +5Loyalty +2, Looter +5Loyalty +3, Looter +10Loyalty +4, Looter +10, Command +1Loyalty +5, Looter +15, Command +2

ASSASSINS/SPIESNaturalGuide1Local KnowledgeMovement +1, Sight +3

DIPLOMATSExplorer1ExplorerInfluence +1, Movement +1, Sight +2

PRIESTSMesoPriestLevel1High PriestPiety +1, Level +1NativePriestLevel1ElderPiety +1, Level +1

Americas Ancillaries

gold_medallionGold MedallionLooter +15, Hitpoints -2badianus_manuscript

Badianus ManuscriptHealth +1, Surgery +10crystal_skull

Crystal SkullAuthority +1, Command vs Catholics +1, Command vs Great Spirit +2, Command vs Sun God +2, Hitpoints +4codex

CodexFarming +4human_skull

Human SkullDread +2, Command +1tlapitzalli

TlapitzalliAuthority -2, Fertiliry +1, Unrest +2obsidian_dagger

Obsidian DaggerCommand +2, Hitpoints +2copper_axe

Copper AxeCommand +1ceremonial_tomahawk

Ceremonial TomahawkCommand +2peace_pipe

Peace PipeMorale +1, Squalor -2dream_catcher

Dream CatcherPublicSecurity -1, PrivateSecurity -2, Command vs Rebels +2captive_poison_frog

Captive Poison FrogAuthority -1, PrivateSecurity -1, Fertility -2metal_widget

Metal WidgetAuthority -2hand_gun

Hand GunDread +2, Command vs Catholics +2, Squalor -1wise_man

Wise ManCommand +1, Authority +1, Morale +1, Attack +2This ancillary is meant to use the wise_man picture, but no such picture exists; so it uses the warrior_squire pic in-game instead.

Crusades Traits

GENERALSLionheart1 "the Lionheart"The Lionheart-Normally this trait is hidden

ChristianHero1Hero of ChristendomPiety +2, Command +2, Authority +3, Morale +2IslamHero1Hero of IslamPiety +2, Command +2, Authority +3, Morale +2

Britannia Traits

GENERALSEnglandHero1Champion of EnglandCommand +2, Morale +2ScotlandHero1Hero of ScotlandCommand +1, Morale +3, Level +3, Command vs England +3WalesHero1Hero of WalesCommand +1, Authority +2, Morale +3, Command vs England +3IrelandHero1Chieftain's ChosenCommand +1, Authority +2, Morale +3NorwayHero1King of NorwayCommand +2, Authority +4, Morale +2, Attack +1EdwardCrusade1EdwardCru-Normally this trait is hidden.

BaronLeader1Leader of the Baron's AllianceAuthority +3Norwayadmiral1Norwegian AdmiralMovement +4This trait is normally hidden.

Fearsireland123Nervous near IrishFears IrishTerrified of Irish Might-Morale -1Morale -2Hatesireland123Dislikes IrishHates the IrishLoathes the Irish-Morale +1-Fearswales123Nervous near WelshFears WelshTerrified of Welsh Might-Morale -1Morale -2Hateswales123Dislikes WelshHates the WelshLoathes the Welsh-Morale +1-Fearsnorway123Uncomfortable Near NorwegiansFears NorwegiansTerrified by Norwegians-Morale -1Morale -1Hatesnorway123Dislikes the NorwegiansHates the NorwegiansLoathes Disgusting Norwegians-Morale +1-

Britannia Ancillaries

excalibur_relicExcaliburCommand +2, Authority +3, Morale +3, Hitpoints +2A legendary sword, gets a knife picture?.... Okay devs.

Teutonic Traits

GENERALSFactionleaderTO1HochmeisterCommand +3, Authority +2, Morale +2, PrivateSecurity +3, Level +2FactionheirTOFactionheirTO1GrosskomturCommand +2, Authority +1, Morale +1, Security +2ExheirMinorRanksTO12KomtureiLandmeisterCommand +1, Morale +1, PrivateSecurity +2Command +2, Morale +1FrenchCrusader1French CrusaderLevel +3This trait is normally hidden

EnglishCrusader1English CrusaderLevel +4This trait is normally hidden

PRIESTSPaganPriest12Pagan PriestPagan High PriestLevel +3Level +4This trait is normally hidden.

DivineProtectionPagan123Violence +1Violence +1, Piety +1Violence +2, Piety +2Doomsayer


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