Of Note
FactionsAmericas Campaign
FactionsBritannia Campaign
FactionsCrusades Campaign
FactionsTeutonic Campaign
MercsAmericas Campaign
MercsBritannia Campaign
MercsCrusades Campaign
MercsTeutonic Campaign
MercsNaval Units List
ALL CAMPAIGNSTier 3 ships require the "Gunpowder Discovered" event, which occurs 105-110 turns in-game.
Tier 4 ships require the "World is Round" event, which occurs 160-164 turns in-game.AMERICAS CAMPAIGNNative American factions do not get ships.
Spain requires specific ranks in order to build more ports.
Viscount to build Ports/Shipwright and thus recruit War Galleys/Lanternas
Count to build Dockyards and thus recruit Caravels.
Marquis to build Naval Drydocks and thus recruit Grand Carracks.BRITANNIA CAMPAIGN"Gunpowder Discovered" event occurs 30-40 turns ingame.
"World is Round" event never occurs.CRUSADES CAMPAIGN"Gunpowder Discovered" event occurs 59-64 turns ingame.
"World is Round" event never occurs.TEUTONIC CAMPAIGN"Gunpowder Discovered" event occurs 22-32 turns ingame.
"World is Round" event never occurs.
Lithuania has special conditions:
Upgrading City Ports into Shipwrights requires Lithuania to become Catholic.
Upgrading Castle Shipwrights into Dockyards requires Lithuania to become Catholic.
Lithuania must become Catholic in order to recruit Tier 3 ships.
Port - Tier 1 Ships
20 light warships
Attack 5
Armor 8
500 cost
150 upkeep
8 moraleThe Cog is a small 11th century vessel with an attached keel, rudder and a single square sail, initially used by Europeans for trading in the rougher coastal Atlantic waters. Cogs have a basic armament of soldiers and archers stationed aboard, as well as the ship's crew who can help out if boarded.Dhowdhow
20 light warships
Attack 5
Armor 6
470 cost
150 upkeep
8 moraleIn use for over a thousand years the Dhow is a traditional Arab sailing vessel with one or more triangular 'Lateen' sails. These ships are used for trading but can be upgraded to carry warriors armed with bow and scimitar for assaulting enemy ships.Dromondromon
30 light warships
Attack 7
Armor 9
600 cost
150 upkeep
8 moraleA warship used by the Byzantine Empire since the 6th century, the Dromon is propelled by oar and sail and have a central tower from which marines can use their bow or throw spears and other projectiles.Galleygalley
20 light warships
Attack 8
Armor 7
520 cost
150 upkeep
8 moraleThe basic Galley design is derived from ships used in Ancient Rome. Predominantly powered by banks of oars and armed with a ram and marines for melee. The Galley has supplemental sails for getting to battles without tiring the men and are used by everyone in the Mediterranean from east to west.Longboatlongboat
20 light warships
Attack 8
Armor 5
500 cost
150 upkeep
8 moraleLongships have been in use by the Vikings since the 9th century. Mainly used as troop carriers, these ships carried the mighty Viking warriors across Europe for raiding and pillaging, and today it carries their equally fearsome decedents. Lad'Yaladya
30 light warships
Attack 10
Armor 4
570 cost
150 upkeep
5 moraleThe Lad’ya is a Russian ship akin to a Cog crossed with a Longboat. First created around Novgorod in the 9th century, its design soon spread throughout the region. Equipped to carry soldiers and catapults as well, this ship is a deadly vessel against ill defended targets.
Shipwright - Tier 2 Ships
30 light warships
Attack 10
Armor 12
670 cost
200 upkeep
8 moraleConstructed with strong and durable oak, the Holk is an 11th century development of the Cog. It can hold and carry more soldiers for added defence and has a fore and aft castle added, giving the archers a better firing platform, as well as a place to mount small artillery, enhancing its already deadly capabilities.Dragon Boatdragon boat
30 light warships
Attack 12
Armor 10
670 cost
200 upkeep
8 moraleDragon Boats are the command ships of 12th century Danish fleets. Equipped with a keel and a double set of rowers which doubles the fighting power in melee, as all rowers onboard are also warriors. These boats carry ballista for firing grappling hooks to pull enemy ships into contact, enabling boarding actions.War Galleywar galley
30 light warships
Attack 12
Armor 12
700 cost
200 upkeep
8 moraleUsed throughout the Mediterranean since the 11th century. War Galleys are larger than normal galleys, and carry more tonnage as a result of being equipped with siege weapons like ballista or catapults, and having a larger compliment of oarsmen and soldiers onboard. The standard tactic for engaging is to disable the opposing ships' sails then ram and board it.Fire Shipfire ship
30 light warships
Attack 16
Armor 10
700 cost
200 upkeep
8 moraleThe Fire Ship is a Byzantine Dromon modified to carry a medieval version of the flame thrower used to spew out Greek Fire at unfortunate foes. The flame thrower consists of a copper tube and a set of bellows which can pump out fiery death on to enemy ships, burning both enemy crew and vessel, and occasionally the attackers as well.
Dockyard - Tier 3 Ships
30 light warships
Attack 16
Armor 16
800 cost
275 upkeep
5 moraleThe Gun Holk is an upgrade of the basic Holk design. Constructed of tough oak, equipped with two sails and a greatly increased fore and aft castle armed with a battery of cannons. The soldiers on these vessels are equipped with gun powder weapons, making this a powerful ship, able to take on other ships and repel boarding actions.Lanternaslanternas
40 light warships
Attack 18
Armor 18
970 cost
275 upkeep
5 moraleThe Lanternas is the premier version of the war galley, now equipped with gun powder weapons! Being larger, heavier, more durable and better equipped than the war galley, the Lanternas is used by naval commanders in the Mediterranean during the 15th century. Featuring multiple centreline guns and some flanking guns it can take on and destroy war galleys.Caravelcaravel
30 heavy warships*
Attack 15
Armor 15
850 cost
275 upkeep
5 moraleA small, highly manoeuvrable, three-masted ship used by Spain and Portugal for long voyages of exploration. Lightly armed compared to other ships of the 15th century, but capable of undertaking and surviving long voyages in the open sea, making it possible to discover far off places. Requires "World is Round" event*Only heavy warships are allowed to cross ocean terrain.
40 light warships
Attack 26
Armor 20
1150 cost
275 upkeep
5 moraleGalleasses came into prominence during the early 16th century. Far larger than war galleys and much harder to board, Galleasses feature a forecastle resembling a mini turret, with forward mounted centreline cannons as well as side facing cannons. Galleasses carry more sails than true galleys, and are far deadlier. A broadside from a Galleass can devastate most ships.
Naval Drydock - Tier 4 Ships
50 heavy warships
Attack 30
Armor 30
1500 cost
350 upkeep
5 moraleThe first fully ocean going ship in Europe, the Carrack is a four-masted vessel developed in the Mediterranean during the 15th century, and later used throughout Europe. Stable in heavy seas, and roomy enough to carry provisions for long voyages, these sturdy ships are well armed, sporting broadside firing cannon arrays, as well as large compliments of onboard marines.Baghlahbaghlah
50 heavy warships
Attack 18
Armor 22
1150 cost
350 upkeep
8 moraleFirst used in the 13th century, this vessel of Arabic origin, is used mainly as an ocean going cargo vessel. It can weigh up to 400 tonnes and enterprising captains can mount swivel cannons on her hull to ward off pirates. It can cross great distances, making it useful for ferrying troops and supplies to far away locations.Grande Carrackgrande carrack
60 heavy warships
Attack 35
Armor 35
1900 cost
350 upkeep
5 moralePrecursor to the great galleon of later centuries, the Grande Carrack is a superior version of the Carrack, used in the late 15th century and early 16th century. Larger and better armed and armoured, this awesome example of sea power is a hard nut to crack.
Non-aligned Ships
Mercenary Cogmerc cog
20 light warships
Attack 5
Armor 8
180 upkeep
8 moraleThe Cog is a small 11th century vessel with an attached keel, rudder and a single square sail, initially used by Europeans for trading in the rougher coastal Atlantic waters. Cogs have a basic armament of soldiers and archers stationed aboard, as well as the ship's crew who can help out if boarded.RECRUITABLE LOCATION:
Mercenary Galleymerc galley
20 light warships
Attack 8
Armor 7
180 upkeep
8 moraleUsed throughout the Mediterranean since the 11th century. War Galleys are larger than normal galleys, and carry more tonnage as a result of being equipped with siege weapons like ballista or catapults, and having a larger compliment of oarsmen and soldiers onboard. The standard tactic for engaging is to disable the opposing ships' sails then ram and board it. RECRUITABLE LOCATION:
Pirate Shippirate ship
20 light warships
Attack 10
Armor 10
150 upkeep
8 moraleThe Pirate ship is similar to a cog but used by traitorous admirals who seek fame and fortune for their own cause!
Most information was taken from
Information was gathered with the Unit Editor tool by gracul@twc
Pictures taken from my Medieval II game.
.tga files were converted into .jpg.
The Guide Image is a special fire boat image found in the Byzantium UI folder. It is not actually used in-game.
Please inform me if there are any issues or mistakes you've managed to find within the list.
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3329913832
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