Americas Campaign - Spanish Prestige Explained

Prestige Rankings

Rank 1 - LordGranted after reaching 25 points of Prestige or higher

Awards 5000 florins to the treasury

Allows construction of:

Town Watch

Pike Militia Can be recruited from a Town without the Town Watch, the Town Watch increases the amount that can be recruited however.

Swordsmen Militia Can be recruited from a Town without the Town Watch, the Town Watch increases the amount that can be recruited however. Bowyer

Crossbow MilitiaCorn Exchange

MerchantRank 2 - BaronGranted after reaching 50 points of Prestige or higher

Awards 10000 florins to the treasury

Allows construction of:

Town Guard

Sword and Buckler MenPractice Range


AssassinCity Hall

DiplomatRank 3 - ViscountGranted after reaching 100 points of Prestige or higher

Awards 15000 florins to the treasury

Allows construction of:

City Watch

Archery Range

Mounted CrossbowmenGunsmith



War GalleyShipwright

LanternasRank 4 - CountGranted after reaching 150 points of Prestige or higher

Awards 20000 florins to the treasury

Allows construction of:

Militia Drill Square

Tercio Pikemen

Conquistadores Can be recruited without the Militia Drill Square from a City, the Militia Drill Square increases the amount that can be recruited however.

Dismounted Conquistadores Can be recruited without the Militia Drill Square from a Large Town, the Militia Drill Square increases the amount that can be recruited however. Marksmans Range


MusketeersCannon Maker

Grand BombardDockyard

CaravelRank 5 - MarquisGranted after reaching 200 points of Prestige or higher

Awards 25000 florins to the treasury

Allows construction of:

Militia Barracks

Spanish DragoonsCannon Foundry

CulverinRoyal Arsenal


Grande Carrack

Prestige Points

Prestige points are changed via:  Easy mission success+2  Easy mission failure-2  Medium mission success+5  Medium mission failure-5  Hard mission success+10  Hard mission failure-10  Victory where odds of victory >= 50%+2  Victory where odds of of victory < 50%+3  Defeat where odds of victory < 50%-1  Defeat where odds of victory >= 50%-2  Defeat where odds of victory >= 100%-3  Settlement conquest+3  Settlement loss-3  Conquer Tenochtitlan+5  Conquer Apache+5  Conquer Chichen Itza+5  Conquer Tlaxcala+5  Conquer Zacatecas+5  Apatzignan+5  Destroy a faction+10  Sign a trade agreements+3  Have over 50,000 florins+1 per turn  Have over 100,000 florins+2 per turns  Passive increase+1 per turn  AI Passive increase*+2 per turn*This stacks with the base passive increase.


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