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A List of Land Units Across All Factions (Grand Campaign)
Units will be ordered based upon the following, from most priority to least:
Unit Type
Light infantry/cavalry
Missile cavalry
Heavy infantry/cavalry
Elephants/others Tech Level
Example of the format used in the guide:
Unit Descriptive Nameunit's internal name if applicableunit model, mounted/artillery model
Unit Iconnumber of units with small unit size, unit class, unit mount, mass, speed, hitpointsammo (if applicable), primary weapon, (unit animation), attack, charge, range (if applicable), weapon traitssecondary weapon, (unit animation), attack, charge, weapon traitsarmor, defense skill, shield, total defensecampaign and custom battle cost, upkeep costmorale, discipline level, training levelspecial traits/abilitiesstamina buffs/debuffs in heatsmith armor upgrades*Unit attack buffs/debuffs in certain environmentsUnit attack buffs/debuffs against mounted cavalry typesAny special requirements for recruitment
*Smith Levels
1 - Leather Tanner
2 - Blacksmith
3 - Armourer
4 - Heavy Armourer
5 - Master Armourer
6 - Armour Factory
Arnorian Cavalry
Arnor Sergeantsarnor_segeants, northern heavy horse
30 heavy cavalry, horses, 3.25 massSpear, attack 6, charge 8Sword, attack 8, charge 4Armor 5, skill 3, shield 5; total defense 13850 cost, 320 upkeep14 morale, disciplined, trainedHardy, can form a charge, knight, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: -1Sand: -1Forest: -4Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsRequires Arnor Union acceptanceRequires settlement culture to be 33% DunedainArnor Knightsarnor_knights, northern heavy horse
30 heavy cavalry, horses, 3.25 massSpear, attack 7, charge 9Sword, attack 9, charge 4Armor 8, skill 4, shield 5; total defense 17950 cost, 350 upkeep15 morale, disciplined, highly trainedCan form a charge, knight, free upkeep unit8 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: -1Sand: -2Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsRequires Arnor Union acceptanceRequires settlement culture to be 75% DunedainKnights of AnnuminasDunedain Knights2dunedain_knights2, barded horse3
24 heavy cavalry, horses, 3.75 massSpear, attack 8, charge 10Sword, attack 11, charge 4Armor 11, skill 6, shield 5; total defense 221100 cost, 380 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, highly trainedHardy, can form a charge, knight, free upkeep unit, can form wedge6 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: -1Sand: -2Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsRequires Arnor Union acceptanceRequires House of KingsOnly recruitable in AnnuminasAI RECRUITMENT ONLY: Can recruit in barracks of Annuminas as wellBodyguardsArnor Bodyguardarnor_knights, northern heavy horse
12 heavy cavalry, horses, 3.25 massSpear, attack 7, charge 8Sword, attack 9, charge 5Armor 8, skill 4, shield 5; total defense 17880 cost, 260 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, highly trainedHardy, can form a charge, knight, general unit, free upkeep unit8 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: -1Sand: -2Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsBase bodyguard unit for Arnor Generals
Arnorian Ranged
Arnorian Archersarnorian_archers
60 missile infantry35 arrows, attack 7, charge 2, range 170, fire arrowsSword, attack 6, charge 2Armor 3, skill 2, shield 1; total defense 6420 cost, 200 upkeep10 morale, disciplined, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -1Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsRequires Arnor Union acceptanceRequires settlement culture to be 25% DunedainArnorian Heavy Archersarnorian_heavy_archers
60 missile infantry35 arrows, attack 8, charge 2, range 170, fire arrowsSword, attack 7, charge 2Armor 5, skill 4, shield 0; total defense 9580 cost, 260 upkeep12 morale, disciplined, trainedHard, can deploy stakes, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -1Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsRequires Arnor Union acceptanceRequires settlement culture to be 50% DunedainDunedain Rangersdunedain_rangers2
48 missile infantry35 elven arrows, attack 10, charge 2, range 190, fire arrowsSword, attack 8, charge 3Armor 3, skill 5, shield 0; total defense 8570 cost, 230 upkeep13 morale, disciplined, highly trainedVery hardy, can deploy stakes, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsNOT RECRUITABLE
Arnorian Infantry
Arnor MilitiaArmored_Sergeants
60 spear infantry, 1.2 massSpear, attack 7, charge 4, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 3, skill 2, shield 3; total defense 8420 cost, 200 upkeep11 morale, disciplined, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2Requires Arnor Union acceptanceRequires settlement culture to be 33% DunedainArnor Pikemennoble_pikemen
60 spear infantry, 1.2 mass, 0.7 speedSpear, attack 3, charge 3, spear, long pike, +8 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 5, skill 1, shield 0; total defense 6650 cost, 260 upkeep14 morale, disciplined, trainedFree upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: -1Snow: -2-1 vs elephantsRequires Arnor Union acceptanceRequires settlement culture to be 66% DunedainArnor Men at ArmsDismounted Arnor MAANorse_Swordsmen
60 heavy infantry, 1.2 massSword, attack 9, charge 4No secondaryArmor 5, skill 3, shield 5; total defense 13580 cost, 260 upkeep15 morale, disciplined, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: 0+2 vs elephantsRequires Arnor Union acceptanceRequires settlement culture to be 50% DunedainDismounted Dunedain KnightsNorse_Swordsmen
48 heavy infantrySword, attack 12, charge 5No secondaryArmor 11, skill 6, shield 5; total defense 22900 cost, 320 upkeep17 morale, disciplined, highly trainedHardy, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: 0Snow: -2+2 vs elephantsRequires Arnor Union acceptanceRequires House of KingsOnly recruitable in AnnuminasAI RECRUITMENT ONLY: Can recruit in barracks of Annuminas as wellBattle Ready DunedainBR Dunedainbr_dunedain
48 heavy infantrySword, attack 15, charge 8No secondaryArmor 6, skill 7, shield 0; total defense 13750 cost, 280 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, highly trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: +1Sand: 0Forest: +2Snow: -1+2 vs elephantsNOT RECRUITABLE
Dalish Cavalry
YeomenDale Yeomendale_yeomen, merchant horse
30 light cavalry, horses, 3.25 massSpear, attack 4, charge 6Mace, attack 4, charge 3, armor-piercingArmor 2, skill 2, shield 3; total defense 7560 cost, 220 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: -1Sand: -1Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsRequires settlement culture to be 25% NorthmenDale CavalryDale_Cavalry, northern heavy horse
30 light cavalry, horses, 3.25 massSpear, attack 5, charge 7Sword, attack 6, charge 4Armor 4, skill 3, shield 4; total defense 11740 cost, 270 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, trainedCan form a charge4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: -1Sand: -1Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsRequires settlement culture to be 50% NorthmenAihwothiuda HorseguardsHorseguardshorseguards, mailed horse2
30 heavy cavalry, horses, 4 massSpear, attack 6, charge 9Sword, attack 8, charge 4Armor 8, skill 2, shield 4; total defense 14880 cost, 310 upkeep15 morale, disciplined, trainedCan form a charge, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: -1Sand: -2Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsOnly recruitable in Dorwinion, Rhovanost, Araw, and UldonavanEarlsearls, barded horse2
30 heavy cavalry, horses, 3.5 massSword, attack 9, charge 5No secondaryArmor 9, skill 3, shield 5; total defense 17980 cost, 350 upkeep16 morale, normal discipline, trainedCan form a charge8 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: -1Sand: -2Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsOnly recruitable in Dale and Esgaroth
Dalish Ranged
RivermenDale WoodsmenAfghan_Javelinmen
60 missile infantry3 javelins, attack 8, charge 3, range 55, armor-piercingMace, attack 4, charge 3, armor-piercingArmor 2, skill 2, shield 3; total defense 7430 cost, 170 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2-10 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in Dale, Riverrun, Grasgard, Esgaroth, Beorn's Halls, Rhosgobel, Framsburg, Wrakyaburg, Dorwinion, and ArawWoodsmenRivermendale_woodsmen
60 missile infantry35 arrows, attack 7, charge 2, range 150Sword, attack 5, charge 4Armor 2, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 4370 cost, 160 upkeep8 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 25% NorthmenLongbowmenDale Longbowmendale_longbowmen
60 missile infantry35 arrows, attack 8, charge 2, range 35Mace, attack 4, charge 3, armor-piercingArmor 2, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 4440 cost, 190 upkeep9 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit, armor+1 via smith lv.12 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -1Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 50% NorthmenBardian MarksmenBardian Archers2bardian_archers
60 missile infantry, 1.2 mass35 elven arrows, attack 10, charge 2, range 190Sword, attack 8, charge 4Armor 7, skill 3, shield 1; total defense 11620 cost, 240 upkeep12 morale, disciplined, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -1Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 75% NorthmenAthala Rangersathala_rangers
60 missile infantry35 elven arrows, attack 9, charge 2, range 190Sword, attack 7, charge 4Armor 5, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 8530 cost, 220 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, highly trainedVery hardy, can deploy stakes, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in Dale, Riverrun, Grasgard, Esgaroth, Beorn's Halls, Rhosgobel, Framsburg, Wrakyaburg, Dorwinion, and ArawBardian MarksmenBardian Archersbardian_archers
48 missile infantry, 1.2 mass35 elven arrows, attack 10, charge 2, range 190Sword, attack 8, charge 4Armor 7, skill 3, shield 1; total defense 11860 cost, 250 upkeep13 morale, disciplined, trainedHardy, general unit, free upkeep unit, not available in custom6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -1Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsBodyguard unit for Dalish Generals
Dalish Infantry
Hearth WatchmenWatchmenwatchmen
60 spear infantrySpear, attack 6, charge 4, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 2, skill 2, shield 3; total defense 7380 cost, 160 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit, can form schiltrom2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2Requires settlement culture to be at least 25% NorthmenDalesmendalesmen
60 heavy infantryAxe, attack 7, charge 6, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 3, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 6450 cost, 180 upkeep13 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -1Snow: -2+1 vs horses, +1 vs camels, -4 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be at least 33% NorthmenSwordsmenswordsmen
60 heavy infantrySword, attack 9, charge 4No secondaryArmor 5, skill 3, shield 3; total defense 11520 cost, 210 upkeep13 morale, disciplined, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2+2 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be at least 50% NorthmenRhovanion GadrauhtsRhovanionwatchmen
60 spear infantrySpear, attack 8, charge 4, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 6, skill 3, shield 4; total defense 13550 cost, 230 upkeep15 morale, disciplined, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit, can form schiltrom4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2Only recruitable in Dorwinion, Rhovanost, Araw, and UldonavanBarding Hirdbarding hird
60 heavy infantry, 1.2 mass, 0.7 speedBardiche, attack 7, charge 3, armor-piercing, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 10, skill 4, shield 1; total defense 15710 cost, 260 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, highly trainedHardy, free upkeep unit, can form phalanx6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: -1Snow: -2-3 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be at least 75% NorthmenDale Swordmastersdale_swordsmasters
60 heavy infantry, 1.2 mass, 1.1 speedSword, attack 13, charge 8No secondaryArmor 7, skill 5, shield 0; total defense 12680 cost, 280 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, highly trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2+2 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be at least 75% NorthmenDismounted EarlsNorse_Swordsmen
60 heavy infantrySword, attack 9, charge 4No secondaryArmor 9, skill 3, shield 5; total defense 17720 cost, 300 upkeep16 morale, normal discipline, trainedNo special attributes8 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: 0Snow: -2+2 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in Dale and EsgarothSpearmenwatchmen
60 spear infantrySpear, attack 6, charge 4, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 5, skill 2, shield 3; total defense 10520 cost, 210 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit, not available in custom, can form schiltrom4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2NOT RECRUITABLEAxemenaxemen
60 heavy infantryMace, attack 6, charge 4, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 6, skill 3, shield 3; total defense 12740 cost, 300 upkeep14 morale, disciplined, trainedFree upkeep unit, not available in custom4 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2-4 vs elephantsNOT RECRUITABLE
Dwarven Ranged
60 missile infantry, 1.8 mass4 throwing axes, attack 9, charge 3, range 50, armor-piercingMace, attack 5, charge 3, armor-piercingArmor 9, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 11450 cost, 190 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: +1Sand: +1Forest: 0Snow: -1-10 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 25% DwarvishIron Crossbowmendwarven_crossbowmen
60 missile infantry, 1.5 mass15 steel bolts, attack 8, charge 2, range 140, armor-piercingMace, attack 4, charge 3, armor-piercingArmor 8, skill 2, shield 2; total defense 12600 cost, 220 upkeep11 morale, normal discipline, trainedVery hardy, can deploy stakes, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -1Snow: 0-20 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 50% Dwarvish
Dwarven Infantry
Vault WardensDwarven Pikemendwarven_pikemen
60 spear infantry, 2 mass, 0.7 speedPike, attack 3, charge 4, spear, long pike, +8 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 6, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 8670 cost, 250 upkeep13 morale, disciplined, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit, can form phalanx4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: -1Snow: 0-1 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 75% DwarvishDwarven MinersMinersdwarven_warriors
60 light infantry, 1.5 massMace, attack 5, charge 4, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 7, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 9420 cost, 170 upkeep11 morale, normal discipline, trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: 0-4 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 25% DwarvishDwarven Warriorsdwarven_warriors
60 heavy infantry, 1.5 massMace, attack 6, charge 4, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 9, skill 3, shield 4; total defense 16550 cost, 220 upkeep13 morale, normal discipline, trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit, can form shield wall4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: 0-4 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 33% DwarvishDwarven Halberdmendwarven_halberdmen
60 heavy infantry, 1.8 mass, 1.2 speedHalberd, attack 6, charge 3, armor-piercing, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 8, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 11540 cost, 220 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit, can form phalanx4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -1Snow: 0-3 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 50% DwarvishDwarven AxemenClan Warriorswarriors
60 heavy infantry, 1.5 mass2h axe, attack 8, skill 6, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 10, skill 4, shield 0; total defense 14640 cost, 230 upkeep14 morale, normal discipline, trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: 0+1 vs horses, +1 vs camels, -4 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 50% DwarvishIron Guarddwarven_warriors
60 heavy infantry, 2 massSword, attack 11, charge 5No secondaryArmor 15, skill 3, shield 5; total defense 23850 cost, 350 upkeep18 morale, disciplined, trained, locked moraleHardy, free upkeep unit, can form shield wall8 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.5Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: 0Snow: 0+2 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 75% DwarvishAxemen of Ereborwarriors
60 heavy infantry, 2 mass2h axe, attack 9, charge 6, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 13, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 16720 cost, 260 upkeep14 morale, disciplined, trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit8 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.5Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: 0Snow: 0+1 vs horses, +1 vs camels, -4 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in EreborDragonslayers of Ered-MithrinDragonslayersdwarven_warriors
60 heavy infantry, 2 massMace, attack 8, charge 5, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 12, skill 2, shield 6; total defense 20790 cost, 320 upkeep16 morale, impetuous, trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit, can form shield wall6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: 0Snow: 0-4 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in Dain's Halls and WormcoveSettlement culture must be 50% DwarvishGuards of Khazad-dumKhazad Guardkhazad_guard
60 heavy infantry, 2 massMace, attack 7, charge 5, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 18, skill 3, shield 5; total defense 261200 cost, 360 upkeep19 morale, disciplined, trained, locked moraleHardy, free upkeep unit, can form shield wall6 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: 0Snow: 0-4 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in MoriaSettlement culture must be 50% DwarvishDwarven NoblemenNoble Bodyguardsbodyguard
30 heavy infantry, 2 massMace, attack 7, charge 4, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 13, skill 3, shield 5; total defense 21860 cost, 250 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, trainedVery hardy, general unit, free upkeep unit, can form shield wall4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: 0Snow: 0-4 vs elephantsBase bodyguard unit for Dwarven Generals
Eriadorian Cavalry
Greenway Guardsgreenway_guards, northern heavy horse
30 heavy cavalry, horses, 3.25 massSpear, attack 6, charge 8Sword, attack 7, charge 4Armor 6, skill 2, shield 4; total defense 2830 cost, 300 upkeep14 morale, disciplined, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit8 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: -1Sand: -1Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsOnly recruitable in Bree, Fornost Erain, Staddle, North Tharbad, and South TharbadMerchantsmerchants, merchant horse
24 heavy cavalry, horses, 3.25 massSword, attack 8, charge 5No secondaryArmor 7, skill 2, shield 5; total defense 14780 cost, 290 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, trainedCan form a charge8 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: -1Sand: -2Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsRequires settlement culture to be 50% NorthmenMounted Battle Ready DunedainMounted Dunedainmounted_br, northern heavy horse
24 heavy cavalry, horses, 3.25 massSpear, attack 7, charge 9Sword, attack 11, charge 4Armor 6, skill 6, shield 4; total defense 16980 cost, 360 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, highly trainedHardy, can form a charge, free upkeep unit, can form wedge8 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.Scrub: -1Sand: -1Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsOnly recruitable in Bree, Amon Sul, Fornost Erain, and Annuminas
Mounted Dunedain BGMounted Dunedain BGmounted_br, northern heavy horse
10 heavy cavalry, horses, 3.25 massSpear, attack 8, charge 9Sword, attack 11, charge 5Armor 6, skill 7, shield 4; total defense 17950 cost, 320 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, highly trainedHardy, can form a charge, general unit, free upkeep unit8 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: -1Sand: -1Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsBase bodyguard unit for Eriadorian GeneralsGrey Companygrey_company2, northern heavy horse
30 missile cavalry, horses, 3.25 mass30 composite arrows, attack 10, charge 2, range 150Sword, attack 9, charge 3Armor 3, skill 7, shield 0; total defense 10680 cost, 0 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, highly trainedVery hardy, general unit, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -3Snow: -1-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsSpecial bodyguard unit for Aragorn
Eriadorian Infantry
Breeland MilitiaArmored_Sergeants
60 spear infantrySpear, attack 6, charge 4, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 3, skill 2, shield 3; total defense 8380 cost, 180 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2Requires settlement culture to be 25% NorthmenGreenway GuardsGreenway Sentriesgreenway_sentries
60 spear infantry, 1.2 massSpear, attack 8, charge 4, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 6, skill 2, shield 4; total defense 12560 cost, 220 upkeep14 morale, disciplined, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2Only recruitable in Bree, Fornost Erain, Staddle, North Tharbad, and South TharbadMerchant MilitiaNorse_Swordsmen
48 heavy infantry, 1.2 massSword, attack 8, charge 4No secondaryArmor 7, skill 2, shield 5; total defense 14530 cost, 210 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit8 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: 0Snow: -2+2 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 50% NorthmenBattle Ready DunedainBR Dunedainbr_dunedain
48 heavy infantry, 1.2 massSword, attack 15, charge 8No secondaryArmor 6, skill 7, shield 0; total defense 13750 cost, 280 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, highly trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: +1Sand: 0Forest: +2Snow: -1-2 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in Bree, Amon Sul, Fornost Erain, and AnnuminasLumbermendalesmen
60 heavy infantry2h axe, attack 7, charge 6, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 2, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 5420 cost, 190 upkeep11 morale, normal discipline, untrainedHardy, free upkeep unit, armor+1 via smith lv.12 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: +1Snow: -2+1 vs horses, +1 vs camels, -4 vs elephantsRequires Lumber CampOnly buildable in grassland and forest regionsRequires settlement culture to be 10% NorthmenBandits 60 heavy infantrySword, attack 8, charge 4No secondaryArmor 2, skill 2, shield 2; total defense 6100 cost, 220 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, untrainedHardy2 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: +2Snow: -2+2 vs elephantsNOT RECRUITABLE
Eriadorian Ranged
Archer MilitiaBree Archer Militiabree_archers
60 missile infantry35 arrows, attack 6, charge 2Sword, attack 4, charge 2Armor 3, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 6350 cost, 160 upkeep8 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -1Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 25% NorthmenDunedain Rangersdunedain_rangers2
48 missile infantry35 elven arrows, attack 10, charge 2, range 190Sword, attack 8, charge 3Armor 3, skill 5, shield 0; total defense 8570 cost, 230 upkeep13 morale, disciplined, highly trainedVery hardy, can deploy stakes, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in Bree, Amon Sul, Fornost Erain, and AnnuminasWoodland Hunterswoodland_hunters
60 missile infantry30 arrows, attack 7, charge 2, range 170Sword, attack 4, charge 2Armor 2, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 5400 cost, 190 upkeep8 morale, normal discipline, untrainedHardy, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2Requires Hunting CampOnly buildable in grassland and forest regionsRequires settlement culture to be 10% Northmen
Gondorian Cavalry
Cavalry MilitiaDol Amroth Knightskofm, northern heavy horse
30 heavy cavalry, horses, 3.25 massSpear, attack 5, charge 7Sword, attack 5, charge 4Armor 4, skill 2, shield 3; total defense 9670 cost, 260 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedCan form a charge, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor +1 via smith lv.3Scrub: -1Sand: -1Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsRequires settlement culture to be 25% DunedainGondor Cavalrygondor_cavalry, gondor horse
30 heavy cavalry, horses, 3.25 massLance, attack 6, charge 9Sword, attack 8, charge 4Armor 8, skill 4, shield 0; total defense 12890 cost, 320 upkeep14 morale, disciplined, trainedCan form a charge, knight, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+2 via smith lv.4 and 5Scrub: -1Sand: -2Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsRequires settlement culture to be 75% DunedainSwan Knightsswan_knights, barded horse
30 heavy cavalry, horses, 3.75 massLance, attack 7, charge 10Sword, attack 10, charge 4Armor 9, skill 4, shield 5; total defense 181200 cost, 420 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, highly trainedHardy, can form a charge, knight, free upkeep unit, can form wedge8 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.5Scrub: -1Sand: -2Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsOnly recruitable in Dol AmrothGeneral's BodyguardGondor BodyguardGondor_Bodyguard, gondor horse
12 heavy cavalry, horses, 3.25 massLance, attack 7, charge 9Sword, attack 9, charge 4Armor 8, skill 4, shield 5; total defense 17860 cost, 250 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, trainedHardy, can form a charge, knight, general unit, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.5Scrub: -1Sand: -2Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsThe base bodyguard unit for Gondorian Generals
Gondorian Ranged
Archer MilitiaMilitia Archersmilitia_archers
60 missile infantry30 arrows, attack 6, charge 2, range 150, fire arrowsSword, attack 4, charge 2Armor 4, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 6410 cost, 180 upkeep8 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -1Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 25% DunedainBlack Vale ArchersBlackroot Archersblackroot_archers
60 missile infantry35 arrows, attack 8, charge 2, range 180, fire arrowsSword, attack 6, charge 2Armor 5, skill 4, shield 0; total defense 9520 cost, 210 upkeep11 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor +1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -1Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in Lamedon and ErechGondor Archersgondor_archers
60 missile infantry35 arrows, attack 7, charge 2, range 170, fire arrowsSword, attack 6, charge 2Armor 8, skill 4, shield 0; total defense 12580 cost, 240 upkeep11 morale, disciplined, trainedCan deploy stakes, free upkeep unit, cannot skirmish6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+2 via smith lv.4 and 5Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: -1Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 66% DunedainIthilien Rangersrangers
60 missile infantry35 arrows, attack 9, charge 2, range 190, fire arrowsSword, attack 8, charge 2Armor 2, skill 4, shield 0; total defense 6540 cost, 220 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, trainedVery hardy, can deploy stakes, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: +1Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in Cair-Andros, Emyn Arnen, Tir Ethraid, and Henneth AnnunIthilien RangersIthilien Rangers_BGrangers
60 missile infantry35 arrows, attack 9, charge 2, range 200Sword, attack 8, charge 2Armor 5, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 8540 cost, 250 upkeep16 morale, normal discipline, trainedVery hardy, can deploy stakes, free upkeep unit, general unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: +1Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsSpecial bodyguard unit for FaramirNot available in custom battles
Gondorian Infantry
Gondor SpearmenArmored_Sergeants
60 spear infantry, 1.2 massSpear, attack 7, charge 4, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 8, skill 2, shield 6; total defense 16620 cost, 260 upkeep14 morale, disciplined, trainedCan form schiltrom, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+2 via smith lv.4 and 5Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: 0Snow: -2Requires settlement culture to be 66% DunedainCitadel GuardKingsguardArmored_Sergeants
60 spear infantry, 1.2 massSpear, attack 9, charge 4, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 8, skill 4, shield 6; total defense 18720 cost, 300 upkeep18 morale, disciplined, highly trainedHardy, can form shield wall, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.5Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: 0Snow: -2Requires settlement culture to be 75% DunedainFountain Guardfountain_guard
60 spear infantry, 1.8 massSpear, attack 8, charge 4, light spear, armor-piercing, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 11, skill 7, shield 0; total defense 18920 cost, 340 upkeep18 morale, disciplined, highly trained, locked moraleVery hardy, can form phalanx, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.5Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: -1Snow: -2-4 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in Minas TirithGuards of OsgiliathOsgiliath Pikemennoble_pikemen
60 spear infantry, 1.2 mass, 0.7 speedPike, attack 4, charge 3, spear, long pike, +8 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 5, skill 1, shield 0; total defense 6950 cost, 350 upkeep18 morale, disciplined, highly trained, locked moraleVery hardy, can form phalanx, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.5Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: -1Snow: -2-1 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in West OsgiliathOsgiliath must be rebuiltAxemen of LossarnachVarangian_Guard
60 heavy infantry2h axe, attack 8, charge 6, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 6, skill 4, shield 0; total defense 10470 cost, 200 upkeep13 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2+1 vs horses, +1 vs camels, -4 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in LossarnachGondor MilitiaDismounted KofmNorse_Swordsmen
60 heavy infantrySword, attack 7, charge 3No secondaryArmor 4, skill 2, shield 3; total defense 9430 cost, 180 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2+2 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 25% DunedainPelargir MarinesMarinesmarines
60 heavy infantry2 javelins, attack 8, charge 3, range 55, armor-piercingSword, attack 7, charge 3Armor 5, skill 3, shield 4; total defense 12540 cost, 220 upkeep13 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit, cannot skirmish4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2-10 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in LinhirGondor InfantryNorse_Swordsmen
60 heavy infantrySword, attack 9, charge 4No secondaryArmor 8, skill 2, shield 6; total defense 16650 cost, 270 upkeep14 morale, disciplined, trainedFree upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+2 via smith lv.4 and 5Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: 0Snow: -2+2 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 66% DunedainDismounted Swan KnightsNorse_Swordsmen
60 heavy infantrySword, attack 10, charg e5No secondaryArmor 9, skill 4, shield 6; total defense 19790 cost, 320 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, highly trainedHardy, free upkeep unit8 extra fatigue in heatArmor +1 via smith lv.5Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: 0Snow: -2+2 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in Dol AmrothCitadel GuardKingsguard_BGArmored_Sergeants
60 spear infantrySpear, attack 9, charge 4, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 8, skill 4, charge 6; total defense 18720 cost, 300 upkeep18 morale, disciplined, highly trainedHardy, can form shield wall, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.5Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: 0Snow: -2Special bodyguard unit for Boromir
Gundabad Cavalry
Warg RidersGoblin WargsWarg_riders, warg_camel*
24 heavy cavalry, horses*, 4.5 mass, 1.1 speedAxe, attack 4, charge 10, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 6, skill 6, shield 0; total defense 12690 cost, 250 upkeep13 morale, normal discipline, trainedFrightens infantry, frightens cavalryArmor +1 via smith lv.34 extra fatigue in heatScrub: -1Sand: -1Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, +2 vs horsesSettlement culture must be 25% Melkor*This isn't a mistake, though wargs are supposed to have the camel class, in the 3.2 release, they're given the horse class.
Rhudaur Scoutsrhudaur_scouts, northern heavy horse
24 light cavalry, horses, 3.25 massSpear, attack 5, charge 7Mace, attack 4, charge 3, armor-piercingArmor 3, skill 2, shield 3; total defense 8580 cost, 240 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: -1Sand: -1Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsNOT RECRUITABLE
Gundabad Ranged
Snaga Skirmisherssnaga_skirmishers
100 missile infantry, 0.8 mass, 1.1 speed2 javelins, attack 6, charge 3, range 50Sword, attack 4, charge 3Armor 2, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 4320 cost, 150 upkeep8 morale, low discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit1 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -1Snow: -1-12 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 25% MelkorSnaga Archers 60 missile infantry, 1.1 move speed, 0.8 mass25 arrows, attack 4, charge 2, fire arrowsSword, attack 4, charge 2Armor 2, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 4340 cost, 150 upkeep7 morale, low discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit1 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -1Snow: -1+3 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 25% MelkorGoblin Trackers 60 missile infantry25 arrows, attack 5, charge 2, fire arrowsSword, attack 5, charge 2Armor 4, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 6390 cost, 170 upkeep8 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit1 extra faitgue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -1Snow: -1+3 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 33% Melkor
Gundabad Spear Infantry
Goblin BandGoblin Spearsgoblin_spear
100 spear infantrySpear, attack 5, charge 3, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 3, skill 2, shield 2; total defense 7410 cost, 160 upkeep10 morale, low discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit, can form schiltrom2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: 0Snow: -1-3 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 33% MelkorHillmenArmored_Sergeants
60 spear infantrySpear, attack 8, charge 3, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 3, skill 2, shield 3490 cost, 190 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2ONLY RECRUITABLE AS MERCENARIESAI ONLY:Spawns as a single unit in Ettemoors
Gundabad Light And Heavy Infantry
Snaga StalkersSnaga Bandsnaga_band
100 light infantry, 1.1 move speed, 0.8 massSword, attack 5, charge 3No secondaryArmor 1, skill 2, shield 2; total defense 5370 cost, 160 upkeep9 morale, low discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit1 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: 0Snow: -1Settlement culture must be 25% MelkorOrc Fellersvarangian_guard
100 heavy infantry2h axe, attack 5, charge 5, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 3, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 5470 cost, 190 upkeep11 morale, normal disciplined, trainedFree upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: 0Snow: -1+1 vs horses, +1 vs camels, -4 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 50% MelkorOrc HalberdiersOrc Halberdorc_halberd
100 heavy infantry, 0.7 speedHalberd, attack 5, charge 3No secondaryArmor 5, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 7520 cost, 200 upkeep11 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -1Snow: -1-3 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 50% MelkorOrc MaraudersHeavy Orcsheavy_orcs
100 heavy infantrySword, attack 6, charge 3No secondaryArmor 5, skill 2, shield 3; total defense 10540 cost, 220 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit3 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -1+2 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 50% MelkorMountain Trolls 5 heavy infantry, 60 mass, 0.9 speed, 5 hpMace, attack 30, charge 10, area of effect, launchingNo secondaryArmor 6, skill 23, shield 0; total defense 291200 cost, 500 upkeep18 morale, impetuous, trained, locked moraleCannot hide in forests, hardy, frightens infantry1 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -2Snow: -2-2 vs elephantsRequires Troll CageOnly recruitable in Azanulimbar-Dum, Imladris, Barand-dur, Nargroth, Orc Encampment (West and East Gorgoroth), Nurnen, Black Gate, Minas Morgul, Dol Guldur, Durthang, Cirith Ungol, Isengard, Goblin town, Moria, Mountain Fort, Orc Outpost, Dain's Halls, Carn-Dum, Gram, Gundabad, Litash, and WormcoveSnow Trolls 5 heavy infantry, 0.8 move speed, 80 mass, 5 hitpointsMace, attack 35, charge 13, area of effect, launchingNo secondaryArmor 8, skill 22, shield 0; total defense 301450 cost, 600 upkeep18 morale, impetuous, untrained, locked moraleHardy, frightens infantry, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -1-2 vs elephantsRequires Troll CageOnly recruitable in Azanulimbar-Dum, Imladris, Barand-dur, Nargroth, Orc Encampment (West and East Gorgoroth), Nurnen, Black Gate, Minas Morgul, Dol Guldur, Durthang, Cirith Ungol, Isengard, Goblin town, Moria, Mountain Fort, Orc Outpost, Dain's Halls, Carn-Dum, Gram, Gundabad, Litash, and WormcoveOrc BodyguardsMoria Bodyguards 30 heavy infantrySword, attack 9, charge 4No secondaryArmor 8, skill 4, shield 4; total defense 16840 cost, 240 upkeep15 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, general unit, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: 0Snow: -1+2 vs elephantsBase bodyguard unit for Gundabad GeneralsCave Trollsmountain_trolls
5 heavy infantry, 70 mass, 0.9 speed, 5 hitpointsMace, attack 32, charge 12, area of effect, launchingNo secondaryArmor 7, skill 24, shield 0; total defense 311300 cost, 550 upkeep18 morale, impetuous, trained, locked moraleHardy, frightens infantry, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -1-2 vs elephantsNOT RECRUITABLERhudaur Axemenrhudaur_axemen
60 heavy infantry2 javelins, attack 7, charge 3, armor-piercingMace, attack 6, charge 3, armor-piercingArmor 5, skill 3, shield 3; total defense 11560 cost, 230 upkeep13 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, cannot skirmish, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2-10 vs elephantsNOT RECRUITABLE
Haradrim Cavalry
Southron Lancersouthron_lancers, eastern horse
30 heavy cavalry, horse, 3.5 massSpear, attack 5, charge 7Sword, attack 6, charge 3Armor 3, skill 3, shield 3; total defense 9620 cost, 250 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, can form a charge, free upkeep unit0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: -1Sand: +1Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsRequires settlement culture to be 33% Melkor followersHaradrim RaidersRaiders Cavalryraiders_cavalry, simple horse
30 missile cavalry, horses, 3.25 mass25 composite arrows, attack 6, charge 2, range 140Sword, attack 5, charge 2Armor 4, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 7680 cost, 270 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, can form cantabrian circle, free upkeep unit0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: -1Sand: +1Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsRequires settlement culture to be 33% Melkor followersMuhad BeastmastersBeastmaster Cavbeastmaster_cav, camel
30 missile cavalry, camels, 2.5 mass6 javelins, attack 8, charge 3, range 55, armor-piercingMace, attack 3, charge 3, armor-piercingArmor 3, skill 3, shield 4; total defense 10720 cost, 260 upkeep13 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, can form a charge, can form a cantabrian circle, free upkeep unit0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: -1Sand: +1Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsOnly recruitable in desert regionsSerpent Guardharadrim_heavy_cav, eastern horse
30 heavy cavalry, horses, 3.5 massSpear, attack 7, charge 9Sword, attack 9, charge 4Armor 7, skill 4, shield 5; total defense 161000 cost, 320 upkeep17 morale, disciplined, highly trainedHardy, can form a charge, free upkeep unit0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: -1Sand: +1Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsRequires settlement culture to be 75% Melkor followersMumakilTurkish_Archers, elephant_cannon
30 heavy cavalry, 2 elephants, 100 mass, 0.7 speed, 6 hp50 mumakil arrows, attack 10, charge 2, range 200Mumakil, attack 36, charge 20, armor-piercing, area-of-effect, launches unitArmor 27, skill 21; total defense 484200 cost, 1280 upkeep30 morale, disciplined, trainedHardy, can run amok, frightens infantry, frightens cavalry, has powerful charge0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: +2Forest: -4Snow: -2+4 vs horses, +2 vs camelsOnly recruitable in Hyarman, Umbar, Urabhaya, Hamen, Amrun, Gobel Ancalimon, and Ammu KhandSerpent BodyguardsSerpent Bodyguardharadrim_heavy_cav, eastern horse
12 heavy cavalry, eastern horseSpear, attack 7, charge 9Sword, attack 9, charge 4Armor 8, skill 4, shield 5; total defense 17860 cost, 250 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, trainedHardy, can form a charge, general unit, free upkeep unit, not available in custom0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: -1Sand: +1Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsThe base bodyguard unit for Haradrim Generals
Haradrim Ranged
Muhad TribesmenBeastmasterAfghan_Javelinmen
60 missile infantry, 1.2 mass4 javelins, attack 9, charge 3, range 60, armor-piercingMace, attack 4, charge 3, armor-piercingArmor 3, skill 3, shield 4; total defense 10490 cost, 200 upkeep13 morale, normal discipline, trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: +1Sand: +1Forest: 0Snow: -1-10 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 66% Melkor followersHaradrim ArchersHarad ArchersLithunaian_Archers
60 missile infantry30 arrows, attack 6, charge 2, range 150Sword, attack 4, charge 2Armor 2, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 4340 cost, 150 upkeep8 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: +1Forest: -1Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 25% Melkor followerCorsair ArchersLithuanian_Archers
60 missile infantry30 arrows, attack 7, charge 2, range 180Sword, attack 6, charge 2Armor 2, skill 4, shield 0; total defense 6450 cost, 190 upkeep12 morale, impetuous, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: +1Forest: -1Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in coastal regionsSouthron ArchersLithuanian_Archers
60 missile infantry35 arrows, attack 8, charge 2, range 170Sword, attack 6, charge 2Armor 5, skill 4, shield 0; total defense 9560 cost, 230 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit, can deploy stakes0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: +1Forest: -1Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 33% Melkor follower
Haradrim Infantry
Haradrim SpearmenDesert SpearmenArmored_Sergeants
60 spear infantrySpear, attack 7, charge 3, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 2, skill 2, shield 3; total defense 7350 cost, 160 upkeep9 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit, can form schiltrom0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: +1Forest: 0Snow: -2Requires settlement culture to be 25% Melkor followersCorsairs 60 light infantrySword, attack 9, charge 4No secondaryArmor 2, skill 5, shield 0; total defense 7450 cost, 180 upkeep14 morale, impetuous, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: +1Forest: 0Snow: -2+2 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in coastal regionsSouthron WarbandSouthron SpearmenArmored_Sergeants
60 spear infantry, 1.2 massSpear, attack 8, charge 4, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 5, skill 3, shield 4; total defense 12470 cost, 200 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit, can form schiltrom0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: +1Forest: 0Snow: -2Requires settlement culture to be 33% Melkor followersSouthron PikemenHeavy_Pike_Militia
60 spear infantry, 1.2 mass, 0.7 speedPike, attack 3, charge 4, spear, long pike, +8 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 3, skill 1, shield 0; total defense 4560 cost, 230 upkeep13 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit, can form phalanx0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: +1Forest: -1Snow: -2-1 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 50% Melkor followersHasharii 60 heavy infantry, 1.2 massSword, attack 11, charge 5No secondaryArmor 4, skill 5, shield 2; total defense 11570 cost, 250 upkeep17 morale, normal discipline, trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit0 extra fatigueArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: +2Sand: +3Forest: +2Snow: 0+2 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 75% Melkor followersTroll-men of HaradHalf Menhalf_men
48 heavy infantry, 5 mass, 2 hpMace, attack 10, charge 7, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 2, skill 3, shield 5; total defense 10590 cost, 240 upkeep16 morale, impetuous, untrainedVery hardy, frightens infantry, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: +2Forest: +2Snow: -2-4 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in desert regionsDismounted Serpent GuardDismounted_Feudal_Knights
60 heavy infantry, 1.2 massSword, attack 9, charge 4No secondaryArmor 7, skill 4, shield 5; total defense 16730 cost, 290 upkeep17 morale, disciplined, highly trainedHardy, free upkeep unit0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: +1Forest: 0Snow: -2+2 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 75% Melkor followers
High Elven Cavalry
Imladris Ridersimladris_riders, simple horse
24 missile cavalry, horses, 3.25 mass25 composite arrows, attack 9, charge 2, range 150Sword, attack 8, charge 2Armor 3, skill 6, shield 0; total defense 9780 cost, 290 upkeep13 morale, normal discipline, highly trainedHardy, can form cantabrian circle, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: -1Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsOnly hirable in ImladrisNoretirno CavalryHomeguard Cavalryhomeguard_cav, simple horse
24 heavy cavalry, horses, 3.25 massSpear, attack 7, charge 8Sword, attack 9, charge 4Armor 4, skill 8, shield 0; total defense 12750 cost, 260 upkeep13 morale, normal discipline, trainedCan form a charge, free upkeep unit0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: -1Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsRequires settlement culture to be 75% ElvishEldarinwe LancersEldar Cavalryelf_lance, simple horse
24 heavy cavalry, simple horseSpear, attack 8, charge 9Sword, attack 11, charge 4Armor 8, skill 5, shield 5; total defense 181060 cost, 350 upkeep15 morale, disciplined, highly trainedHardy, can form a charge, knight, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: -1Sand: -2Forest: -2Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsRequires settlement culture to be 75% ElvishEldarinwe NoblesElf Nobel MountElf_Nobel_Mount, elven horse
10 heavy cavalry, horses, 4 massSpear, attack 8, charge 9Sword, attack 11, charge 4Armor 12, skill 6, shield 0; total defense 18860 cost, 250 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, highly trainedHardy, can form a charge, general unit, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: -1Sand: -2Forest: -2Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsBase bodyguard unit for High Elven Generals
High Elven Ranged
Bow QuendiElf Archer2quendi_bow
48 missile infantry, 1.1 speed35 elven arrows, attack 9, charge 2, range 170, fire arrowsSword, attack 7, charge 2Armor 1, skill 6, shield 0; total defense 7480 cost, 200 upkeep11 morale, normal discipline, highly trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -1+3 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 33% ElvishNoretirno WarriorsHomeguard Warriorshomeguard_bow
48 missile infantry, 1.1 speed35 elven arrows, attack 8, charge 2, range 190, fire arrowsSword, attack 8, charge 2Armor 2, skill 7, shield 0; total defense 9590 cost, 240 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, highly trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -1+3 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 50% ElvishEldarinwe ArchersElf Archer3elf_archer_noldor
48 missile infantry, 1.2 mass, 1.1 speed35 elven arrows, attack 12, charge 2, range 210, fire arrowsSword, attack 12, charge 4Armor 9, skill 6, shield 0; total defense 15840 cost, 330 upkeep14 morale, disciplined, highly trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit5 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: 0Snow: -1+3 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 75% Elvish
High Elven Infantry
Sword QuendiHigh Swordquendi_sword
48 light infantry, 1.1 speedSword, attack 10, charge 4No secondaryArmor 4, skill 6, shield 4; total defense 14500 cost, 210 upkeep13 morale, normal discipline, highly trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: +1Snow: -1+2 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 33% ElvishLindon Longspearbarding_hird
48 heavy infantry, 1.2 massHalberd, attack 9, charge 5, armor-piercing, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 4, skill 8, shield 0; total defense 12620 cost, 240 upkeep14 morale, normal discipline, highly trainedFree upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: +1Snow: -1+6 vs horses, +6 vs camels, -3 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in Forlond and HarlondEldarinwe SpearmenElf SpearElf_Spear
48 spear infantry, 1.2 mass, 1.1 speedSpear, attack 10, charge 5, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 9, skill 6, shield 6; total defense 21780 cost, 310 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, highly trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit, can form shield wall6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: +1Snow: -1Requires settlement culture to be 75% ElvishEldarinwe SwordsmenElf SwordElf_Sword
48 heavy infantry, 1.2 mass, 1.1 speedSword, attack 15, charge 8No secondaryArmor 9, skill 7, shield 0; total defense 16820 cost, 310 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, highly trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: +1Snow: -1+2 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 75% ElvishMithlond NoblesElf Nobelmithlond_sword
48 heavy infantry, 1.2 mass, 1.1 speedSword, attack 12, charge 5No secondaryArmor 10, skill 6, shield 6; total defense 22950 cost, 340 upkeep18 morale, disciplined, highly trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: +1Snow: -1+2 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in MithlondSmiths of EregionElven SmithsDismounted_Huscarls
40 heavy infantry, 1.2 mass, 1.1 speedMace, attack 7, charge 5, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 12, skill 5, shield 6; total defense 231250 cost, 350 upkeep17 morale, disciplined, trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: +1Snow: -1-4 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in Ost-in-EdhilRequires settlement culture to be 80% ElvishEldarinwe SpearmenElf Spear_BGElf_Spear
36 spear infantry, 1.5 mass, 1.1 speedSpear, attack 12, charge 6, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 10, skill 9, shield 6; total defense 25780 cost, 310 upkeep17 morale, disciplined, highly trainedVery hardy, general unit, free upkeep unit, can form shield wall, not available in custom6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: +1Snow: -1Special bodyguard unit for Elrond
Hobbit Infantry
Hobbitry-in-ArmsHobbit Infantryhobbit_infantry
60 heavy infantry, 0.8 mass2h axe, attack 6, charge 4No secondaryArmor 2, skill 4, shield 0; total defense 6340 cost, 150 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: +1Sand: -1Forest: +2Snow: +1+6 vs horses, +6 vs camels, +2 vs elephantsPart of the Eriador/Arnor unit rosterOnly recruitable in Michel Delving, Hobbiton, and LongbottomRECRUITABLE ONLY BY AI
Hobbit Ranged
Hobbit Archersnew_hobbit_archers
60 missile infantry, 0.8 mass30 arrows, attack 7, charge 2, range 150, fire arrowsSword, attack 5, charge 2Armor 2, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 5370 cost, 160 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -1Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsPart of the Eriador/Arnor unit rosterOnly recruitable in Michel Delving, Hobbiton, and LongbottomRECRUITABLE ONLY BY AIBandobras Archersnew_hobbit_archers
60 missile infantry, 0.8 mass30 arrows, attack 8, charge 2, range 170Sword, attack 5, charge 2Armor 4, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 7450 cost, 190 upkeep11 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -1Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsPart of the Eriador/Arnor unit rosterOnly recruitable in Michel Delving, Hobbiton, and LongbottomRECRUITABLE ONLY BY AI
Isengard Cavalry
Warg RidersWargsWarg_riders, warg_camel*
24 heavy cavalry, horses*, 4.5 mass, 1.1 speedAxe, attack 7, charge 10No secondaryArmor 6, skill 6, shield 0; total defense 12720 cost, 270 upkeep13 morale, normal discipline, trainedFrightens infantry, frightens cavalry4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: -1Sand: -1Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, +2 vs horsesSettlement culture must be 33% Melkor*This isn't a mistake, though wargs are supposed to have the camel class, in the 3.2 release, they're given the horse class.
Isengard Ranged
Snaga Skirmisherssnaga_skirmishers
100 missile infantry, 10% faster2 javelins, attack 6, charge 3, range 50Sword, attack 4, charge 3Armor 2, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 4320 gold to train, 150 gold upkeep8 morale, low discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit1 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -1Snow: -1-12 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 25% MelkorSnaga Archerssnaga_archers
60 missile infantry, 10% faster25 arrows, attack 4, charge 2Sword, attack 4, charge 2Armor 2, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 4340 gold to train, 150 gold upkeep7 morale, low discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit1 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -1Snow: -1+3 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 25% MelkorUruk-Hai ArchersScout_Uruk_Archers
60 missile infantry25 arrows, attack 5, charge 2, range 140, fire arrowsSword, attack 5, charge 2Armor 3, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 6370 cost, 160 upkeep9 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -1Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 33% Melkor
Uruk-Hai CrossbowUruk_Crossbow
60 missile infantry, 1.2 mass15 steel bolts, attack 8, charge 2, range 150, armor-piercingMace, attack 6, charge 3Armor 8, skill 4, shield 0; total defense 12650 cost, 260 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, trainedVery hardy, cannot skirmish, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -1Snow: -2-20 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 50% Melkor
Isengard Spear Infantry
Dunlending ClansmenDunlendingsArmored_Sergeants
100 spear infantrySpear, attack 6, charge 4, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 3, skill 3, shield 1; total defense 7440 cost, 180 upkeep11 morale, impetuous, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit, can form schiltrom2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2Only recruitable in Duneard and ByrigUruk-Hai Pikemennoble_pikemen
80 spear infantry, 1.2 mass, 0.7 speedSpear, attack 3, charge 3, spear, long pike, +8 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 5, skill 1, shield 0; total defense 6700 cost, 280 upkeep14 morale, disciplined, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -1Snow: -2-1 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 50% MelkorGuards of the OrthancOrthanc GuardArmored_Sergeants
60 spear infantry, 1.2 massSpear, attack 8, charge 5, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 9, skill 4, shield 6; total defense 19750 cost, 310 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2Only recruitable in IsengardGuards of the OrthancOrthanc Guard BGArmored_Sergeants
48 spear infantry, 1.2 massSpear, attack 8, charge 6, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 9, skill 5, shield 6; total defense 20750 cost, 310 upkeep17 morale, disciplined, highly trainedHardy, general unit, not available in custom, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2Special bodyguard unit for Saruman
Isengard Heavy Infantry
Dunlending VeteransDunlending AxemenDismounted_Huscarls
60 heavy infantryMace, attack 6, charge 3, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 5, skill 4, shield 3; total defense 12600 cost, 250 upkeep12 morale, impetuous, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2-4 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in Duneard and ByrigUruk-Hai RaidersUruk_Scout_Sword
100 heavy infantrySword, attack 6, charge 3No secondaryArmor 2, skill 2, shield 4; total defense 8520 cost, 210 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: 0Snow: -2+2 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 33% MelkorUruk ReaversUruk CleaversVarangian_Guard
100 heavy infantry2h axe, attack 6, charge 5, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 2, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 5560 cost, 230 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: 0Snow: -2+1 vs horses, +1 vs camels, -4 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 50% MelkorUruk-Hai InfantryHeavy_uruk_sword
80 heavy infantry, 1.2 massSword, attack 8, charge 4No secondaryArmor 8, skill 3, shield 4; total defense 15730 cost, 280 upkeep14 morale, disciplined, trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: 0Snow: -2+2 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 50% MelkorBerserkersUruk_Berserkers
30 heavy infantry, 8 mass, 3 hpSword, attack 15, charge 12No secondaryArmor 6, skill 4, shield 0; total defense 10640 cost, 250 upkeep16 morale, normal discipline, trained, locked moraleVery hardy, frightens infantry, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: 0Snow: -2+2 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 50% MelkorUruk-Hai BodyguardsHeavy_uruk_sword
30 heavy infantry, 1.2 massSword, attack 9, charge 4No secondaryArmor 8, skill 4, shield 5; total defense 17860 cost, 250 upkeep15 morale, disciplined, trainedVery hardy, general unit, not available in custom, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: 0Snow: -2+2 vs elephantsThe base bodyguard unit for Isengard GeneralsDunelending BodyguardsDunlending Axemen BGDismounted_Huscarls
60 heavy infantryMace, attack 6, charge 4, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 5, skill 4, shield 3; total defense 12600 cost, 250 upkeep15 morale, impetuous, trainedHardy, general unit, not available in custom, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2Special bodyguard unit for Yagthak
Mordor Cavalry
Black NumenoreansBlack NumenoriansHuscarls, nazgul horse
15 heavy cavalry, horse, 3.25 massAxe, attack 11, charge 6No secondaryArmor 10, skill 8, shield 0; total defense 181500 cost, 420 upkeep18 morale, disciplined, highly trainedVery hardy, frightens infantry, frightens cavalry, can form a charge, free upkeep unit, armor+1 via smith lv.4-1 vs in scrub, -1 vs in sand, -3 vs in forests, -2 vs in snow, -4 vs elephants, -4 vs camels0 extra fatigue in heatSpecial bodyguard unit for Nazgul generalsMounted NazgulHuscarls, nazgul horse
24 heavy cavalry, horses, 3.25 massSword, attack 11, charge 4No secondaryArmor 7, skill 8, shield 0; total defense 151200 cost, 350 upkeep18 morale, impetuous, highly trainedVery hardy, can form a charge, free upkeep unit, not available in custom0 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: -1Sand: -1Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsNOT RECRUITABLE
Mordor Ranged
ScoutsMordor Scouts 60 missile infantry25 arrows, attack 4, charge 2, range 140Sword, attack 4, charge 2Armor 2, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 4350 cost, 150 upkeep8 morale, low discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -1Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 25% MelkorOrc ArchersMordor Archers 60 missile infantry25 arrows, attack 5, charge 2, range 160Sword, attack 5, charge 2Armor 4, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 7400 cost, 170 upkeep8 morale, normal discipline, trainedCan deploy stakes, free upkeep unit0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -1Snow: -2Requires settlement culture to be 33% MelkorUruk Archers 60 missile infantry, 1.2 mass25 arrows, attack 6, charge 2, range 170Sword, attack 5, charge 2Armor 8, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 11520 cost, 210 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, can deploy stakes, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -1Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 50% Melkor
Mordor Spear Infantry
Orc BandMorannon_Guard
100 spear infantrySpear, attack 6, charge 3, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 2, skill 2, shield 2; total defense 6380 cost, 170 upkeep10 morale, low discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: 0Snow: -2Requires settlement culture to be 25% MelkorMorannon GuardMorannon_Guard
100 spear infantrySpear, attack 7, charge 4, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 5, skill 3, shield 4; total defense 12530 cost, 220 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit1 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: 0Snow: -2Requires settlement culture to be 50% Melkor
Mordor Heavy Infantry
Orc RaidersMordor OrcsNorse_Swordsmen
100 heavy infantrySword, attack 6, charge 3No secondaryArmor 4, skill 2, shield 2; total defense 8460 cost, 190 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit, can form schiltrom0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: 0Snow: -2+2 vs elephantRequires settlement culture to be 33% Melkor
Orc Maulers2handed OrcsVarangian_Guard
100 heavy infantry2h sword (2h axe), attack 5, charge 5, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 5, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 0500 cost, 210 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unitArmor+1 via smith lv.31 extra fatigue in heatScrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: 0Snow: -2+1 vs horses, +1 vs camels, -4 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 50% MelkorUruksMordor UruksNorse_Swordsmen
80 heavy infantry, 1.2 massSword, attack 8, charge 4No secondaryArmor 8, skill 2, shield 4; total defense 14690 cost, 280 upkeep14 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: 0Snow: -2+2 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 66% MelkorUruk HalberdsMordor Halberdmordor_halberd
80 heavy infantry, 1.2 massHalberd, attack 6, charge 3, armor-piercing, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 8, skill 4, shield 0; total defense 12630 cost, 250 upkeep14 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit, can form phalanx2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -1Snow: -2-3 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 66% MelkorMountain Trollsmountain_trolls
5 heavy infantry, 60 mass, 0.9 speed, 5 hpMace, attack 30, charge 10, area of effect, launchingNo secondaryArmor 6, skill 23, shield 0; total defense 291200 cost, 500 upkeep18 morale, impetuous, trained, locked moraleCannot hide in forests, hardy, frightens infantry1 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -2Snow: -1-2 vs elephantsRequires Troll CageOnly recruitable in Azanulimbar-Dum, Imladris, Barand-dur, Nargroth, Orc Encampment (West and East Gorgoroth), Nurnen, Black Gate, Minas Morgul, Dol Guldur, Durthang, Cirith Ungol, Isengard, Goblin town, Moria, Mountain Fort, Orc Outpost, Dain's Halls, Carn-Dum, Gram, Gundabad, Litash, and WormcoveOlog-HaiBattle Trollsbattle_trolls
5 heavy infantry, 80 mass, 0.9 speed, 6 hpMace, attack 34, charge 12, area of effect, launchingNo secondaryArmor 9, skill 27, shield 0; total defense 361520 cost, 650 upkeep21 morale, impetuous, trained, locked moraleCannot hide in forests, frightens infantry2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -2Snow: -1-2 vs elephantsRequires Troll Training GroundOnly recruitable in Azanulimbar-Dum, Imladris, Barand-dur, Nargroth, Orc Encampment (West and East Gorgoroth), Nurnen, Black Gate, Minas Morgul, Dol Guldur, Durthang, Cirith Ungol, Isengard, Goblin town, Moria, Mountain Fort, Orc Outpost, Dain's Halls, Carn-Dum, Gram, Gundabad, Litash, and WormcoveUruk BodyguardUruk BodyguardsNorse_Swordsmen
30 heavy infantry, 1.2 massSword, attack 9, charge 4No secondaryArmor 8, skill 4, shield 5; total defense 17860 cost, 250 upkeep15 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, general unit, not available in custom, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: 0Snow: -2+2 vs elephantsNazgulDismounted NazgulDismounted_Gothic_Knights
4 heavy infantry, 1.8 mass, 1.1 speed, 8 hpSword, attack 34, charge 12No secondaryArmor 8, skill 18, shield 0; total defense 261200 cost, 350 upkeep18 morale, impetuous, highly trained, locked moraleVery hardy, free upkeep unit0 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: +1Sand: -2Forest: +3Snow: +4NOT RECRUITABLEDismounted Black NumenoreansDismounted NumenoriansDismounted Gothic Knights
24 heavy infantry, 1.2 mass, 5 hpSword, attack 18, charge 7No secondaryArmor 7, skill 8, shield 0; total defense 151200 cost, 350 upkeep18 morale, disciplined, highly trained, locked moraleVery hardy, frightens infantry, frightens cavalry, free upkeep unit, not available in custom0 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: +1Sand: -2Forest: +3Snow: +4+2 vs elephantsNOT RECRUITABLE
Morian Cavalry
Warg RidersGoblin WargsWarg_riders, warg_camel*
24 heavy cavalry, horse*, 4.5 mass, 1.1 speedAxe, attack 4, charge 10, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 6, skill 6, shield 0; total defense 12690 cost, 250 upkeep13 morale, normal discipline, trainedFrightens infantry, frightens cavalryArmor +1 via smith lv.34 extra fatigue in heatScrub: -1Sand: -1Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, +2 vs horsesSettlement culture must be 25% Melkor*This isn't a mistake, though wargs are supposed to have the camel class, in the 3.2 release, they're given the horse class.
Morian Ranged
Snaga Skirmisherssnaga_skirmishers
100 missile infantry, 0.8 mass, 1.1 speed2 javelins, attack 6, charge 3, range 50Sword, attack 4, charge 3Armor 2, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 4320 cost, 150 upkeep8 morale, low discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit1 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -1Snow: -1-12 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 25% MelkorSnaga Archerssnaga_archers
60 missile infantry, 0.8 mass, 1.1 speed25 arrows, attack 4, charge 2Sword, attack 4, charge 2Armor 2, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 4340 cost, 150 upkeep7 morale, low discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit1 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -1Snow: -1+3 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 25% MelkorGoblin Archersgoblin_archers
60 missile infantry25 arrows, attack 5, charge 2, range 150Sword, attack 5, charge 2Armor 4, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 6390 cost, 170 upkeep8 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit1 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -1Snow: -1+3 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 33% MelkorHeavy Goblin ArchersMoria Archersmoria_archers
60 missile infantry, 1.2 mass25 arrows, attack 6, charge 2, range 160Sword, attack 5, charge 2Armor 7, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 10500 cost, 200 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: -1Snow: -1+3 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 50% Melkor
Morian Infantry
Goblin InfantryGoblin Orcsgoblic_orcs
100 heavy infantrySword, attack 6, charge 3No secondaryArmor 3, skill 2, shield 2; total defense 7420 cost, 180 upkeep10 morale, low morale, trainedFree upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: 0+2 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 33% MelkorHeavy Goblin InfantryMoria Orcsmoria_orcs
80 heavy infantrySword, attack 8, charge 4No secondaryArmor 6, skill 3, shield 4; total defense 13640 cost, 260 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: 0Snow: -1+2 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 50% MelkorHeavy Goblin HalberdMoria Halberdmoria halberd
80 heavy infantry, 20% slowerHalberd, attack 6, charge 3, armor-piercing, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 7, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 10580 cost, 230 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit, can form phalanx4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: -1Snow: -1-3 vs elephantsSettlement culture must be 50% MelkorCave Trollsmountain_trolls
5 heavy infantry, 70 mass, 0.9 speed, 5 hitpointsMace, attack 32, charge 12, area of effect, launchingNo secondaryArmor 7, skill 24, shield 0; total defense 311300 cost, 550 upkeep18 morale, impetuous, trained, locked moraleHardy, frightens infantry, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -1-2 vs elephantsRequires Troll Cage:Only recruitable in Azanulimbar-Dum, Imladris, Barand-dur, Nargroth, Orc Encampment (West and East Gorgoroth), Nurnen, Black Gate, Minas Morgul, Dol Guldur, Durthang, Cirith Ungol, Isengard, Goblin town, Moria, Mountain Fort, Orc Outpost, Dain's Halls, Carn-Dum, Gram, Gundabad, Litash, and WormcoveOrc BodyguardsMoria Bodyguardsmoria_orcs
30 heavy infantry, 1.2 massSword, attack 9, charge 4No secondaryArmor 8, skill 4, shield 4; total defense 16840 cost, 240 upkeep15 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, general unit, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: 0Snow: -1+2 vs elephantsBase bodyguard unit for Morian Generals
Rhunnic Cavalry
Variag Raidersrhunbr, simple horse
30 missile cavalry, horses, 3.25 mass25 composite arrows, attack 6, charge 2, range 140Sword, attack 4, charge 2Armor 4, skill 2, shield 2; total defense 8630 cost, 250 upkeep11 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, can form cantabrian circle, free upkeep unit0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: -1Sand: +1Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsRequires settlement culture to be 25% Melkor followersHorse GuardMounted Clanguardrhunmg, simple horse
30 heavy cavalry, horses, 3.25 massSpear, attack 6, charge 7Sword, attack 7, charge 4Armor 6, skill 4, shield 1; total defense 11800 cost, 290 upkeep13 morale, normal discipline, trainedCan form a charge, free upkeep unit0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: -1Sand: +1Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsRequires settlement culture to be 50% Melkor followersLoke-Innas RimKataphractsrhunka, eastern armoured horse
30 heavy cavalry, horses, 4 massSpear, attack 7, charge 9Sword, attack 9, charge 4Armor 10, skill 5, shield 0; total defense 151250 cost, 390 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, highly trainedCan form a charge, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: -1Sand: 0Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsRequires settlement culture to be 75% Melkor followersBodyguardKataphracts Bodyguardrhunka, eastern armoured horse
30 heavy cavalry, horses, 4 massSpear, attack 7, charge 9Sword, attack 9, charge 4Armor 10, skill 6, shield 0; total defense 161200 cost, 280 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, trainedCan form a charge, general unit, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: -1Sand: 0Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsThe base bodyguard unit for Rhunnic Generals
Rhunnic Infantry
Loke-Gamp RimRhunnic Pikemenrhunpi
60 spear infantry, 1.2 mass, 0.7 speedPike, attack 3, charge 4, spear, long pike, +8 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 5, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 7700 cost, 280 upkeep16 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: +1Forest: -1Snow: -2-1 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 75% MelkorClansmenEasterling ClansmenDismounted_Feudal_Knights
60 light infantrySword, attack 7, charge 4No secondaryArmor 2, skill 3, shield 3; total defense 8420 cost, 180 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: +1Forest: 0Snow: -2+2 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 33% MelkorClan WarriorsRhunnic SwordsmenDismounted_Feudal_Knights
60 heavy infantrySword, attack 8, charge 4No secondaryArmor 6, skill 4, shield 1; total defense 11540 cost, 220 upkeep13 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: +1Forest: 0Snow: -2+2 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 50% MelkorClan GuardHalberdiersJanissary_Heavy_Inf
60 heavy infantry, 1.2 massHalberd, attack 5, charge 6, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 7, skill 5, shield 0; total defense 12620 cost, 250 upkeep14 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: +1Forest: 0Snow: -2+6 vs horses, +6 vs camels, -3 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 50% MelkorLoke-Flag RimRhunnic Elite InfantryDismounted_Huscarls
60 heavy infantryAxe, attack 6, charge 4, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 8, skill 5, shield 4; total defense 17740 cost, 300 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, highly trainedFree upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: +1Forest: 0Snow: -2-4 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 75% Melkor
Rhunnic Ranged
Balchoth TribesmenBalchoth HordeAfghan_Javelinmen
60 missile infantry3 javelins, attack 7, charge 3, range 55, armor-piercingMace, attack 5, charge 3Armor 1, skill 2, shield 3; total defense 6390 cost, 170 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: +1Forest: 0Snow: -2-10 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 25% MelkorClan HuntersEasterling Archers 60 missile infantry30 arrows, attack 6, charge 2, range 150Sword, attack 3, charge 3Armor 2, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 5370 cost, 160 upkeep8 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: +1Forest: -1Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 25% MelkorClan CrossbowmenRhunnic Crossbowmencrossbowmen
60 missile infantry15 steel crossbow bolts, attack 7, charge 2, range 140, armor-piercingSword, attack 5, charge 2Armor 5, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 8470 cost, 200 upkeep9 morale, normal discipline, trainedCrossbow, free upkeep unit0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: +1Forest: -1Snow: -2-20 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 33% MelkorDismounted Variags 60 missile infantry30 arrows, attack 7, charge 2, range 170Mace, attack 5, charge 2, armor-piercingArmor 5, skill 3, shield 2; total defense 10550 cost, 220 upkeep11 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit0 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: +1Forest: -1Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 50% MelkorLoke-Nar RimRhunnic Elite Archersrhunel
60 missile infantry35 arrows, attack 8, charge 2, range 180Sword, attack 6, charge 2Armor 8, skill 4, shield 0; total defense 12630 cost, 250 upkeep13 morale, disciplined, highly trainedHardy, free upkeep unit, can deploy stakes, armor+1 via smith lv.4+1 vs in sand, -1 vs in forest, -2 vs in snow, +3 vs elephants2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: +1Forest: -1Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 75% Melkor followers
Rohirrim Cavalry
Scoutsrohan scoutsrohan_scouts, northern heavy horse
30 light cavalry, horses, 3.25 massSpear, attack 4, charge 6Mace, attack 3, charge 3, armor-piercingArmor 3, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 6580 cost, 210 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -2Snow: -1-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsRequires settlement culture to be 25% NorthmenRohan Ridersrohan riderrohan_rider, eorlingas horse
36 heavy cavalry, horses, 3.5 massSpear, attack 6, charge 8Mace, attack 4, charge 3, armor-piercingArmor 4, skill 3, shield 3; total defense 10780 cost, 280 upkeep13 morale, normal discipline, trainedVery hardy, can form a charge, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -2Snow: -1-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsRequires settlement culture to be 50% NorthmenEored HorsearchersRohan Horsearchersrohan_mounted_archers, eorlingas horse
30 missile cavalry, horses, 3.5 mass25 composite arrows - bow, attack 6, charge 2, range 140Mace, attack 4, charge 2, armor-piercingArmor 5, skill 3, shield 1; total defense 9750 cost, 270 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, trainedVery hardy, can form cantabrian circle, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -3Snow: -1-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsRequires settlement culture to be 50% NorthmenRiders of the FoldRohan Heavy Horsearchersrohan_mounted_heavy_archers, eorlingas horse
30 missile cavalry, horses, 3.5 mass25 composite arrows - bow, attack 7, charge 22Mace, attack 5, charge 2, armor-piercingArmor 6, skill 4, shield 2; total defense 12950 cost, 310 upkeep14 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, can form cantabrian circle, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -3Snow: -1-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsOnly recruitable in Aldburg and FoldburgRiddermark Skirmishersrohirrimrohirrim_riders, eorlingas horse
30 missile cavalry, horse, 3.5 mass5 javelins, attack 8, charge 3, armor-piercingMace, attack 4, charge 3, armor-piercingArmor 5, skill 4, shield 4; total defense 13800 cost, 290 upkeep14 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, can form a charge, can form cantabrian circle, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -2Snow: -1+2 vs horses, -10 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in Edoras, Woldberg, Entwade, Aldburg, Foldburg, Adorn, Gineard, Dunharrow, and AllimirEored Heavy Lancerseorlingaseorlingas, eorlingas horse
30 heavy cavalry, horses, 3.5 massSpear, attack 7, charge 9Mace, attack 5, charge 5, armor-piercingArmor 6, skill 4, shield 4; total defense 14950 cost, 330 upkeep15 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, can form a charge, knight, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -2Snow: -1-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsRequires settlement culture to be 75% NorthmenRoyal Guardroyal_guard, eorlingas horse
30 heavy cavalry, horses, 3.5 massSpear, attack 7, charge 10Sword, attack 9, charge 4Armor 8, skill 4, shield 4; total defense 161120 cost, 380 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, highly trainedHardy, can form a charge, knight6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -2Snow: -1-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsOnly recruitable in EdorasRohan Bodyguardsrohan bodyguardsrohan_bodyguards, eorlingas horse
15 heavy cavalry, horses, 3.5 massSpear, attack 7, charge 9Mace, attack 5, charge 4, armor-piercingArmor 7, skill 4, shield 4; total defense 15890 cost, 250 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, trainedHardy, can form a charge, knight, general unit, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -2Snow: -1-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsBase bodyguard unit for Rohirrim Generals
Rohirrim Ranged
Eorling Archersarchersrohan_archers
60 missile infantry30 bow, attack 6, charge 2, range 150, fire arrowsSword, attack 4, charge 2Armor 5, skill 2, shield 0390 cost, 170 upkeep8 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -1Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 25% NorthmenHelmingasrohirrim archersrohirrim_archers
60 missile infantry30 bow, attack 7, charge 2, range 170, fire arrowsMace, attack 5, charge 2, armor-piercingArmor 6, skill 3, shield 2; total defense 11550 cost, 220 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -1Snow: -2+3 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in Hornburg
Rohirrim Infantry
Eoring MilitiamilitiaArmored_Sergeants
60 spear infantrySpear, attack 6, charge 3, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 3, skill 2, shield 3; total defense 8390 cost, 170 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit, can form schiltrom2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2Requires settlement culture to be 25% NorthmenDismounted Royal GuardArmored_Sergeants
60 spear infantry, 1.2 massSpear, attack 8, charge 4, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 8, skill 4, shield 4; total defense 16640 cost, 250 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, highly trainedHardy, free upkeep unit, can form shield wall6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2Only recruitable in EdorasEorling AxemenRohan AxemenDismounted_Huscarls
60 heavy infantryAxe (mace), attack 5, charge 3, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 5, skill 3, shield 3; total defense 11510 cost, 200 upkeep13 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2-4 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 33% NorthmenEorling SwordsmenDismounted Eored LancersDismounted_Feudal_Knights
60 heavy infantrySword, attack 8, charge 4No secondaryArmor 6, skill 3, shield 4; total defense 13540 cost, 220 upkeep14 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2+2 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 50% NorthmenRiddermark AxemenSpecial AxemenVarangian_Guard
60 heavy infantry, 1.2 mass2h axe, attack 8, charge 6, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 7, skill 3, shield 1; total defense 11530 cost, 220 upkeep14 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2+1 vs horses, +1 vs camels, -4 vs elephantsOnly recruitable in Edoras, Woldberg, Entwade, Aldburg, Foldburg, Adorn, Gineard, Dunharrow, and AllimirDismounted Eored LancerswarriorsArmored_Sergeants
60 heavy infantry, 1.2 massSpear, attack 7, charge 3, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 6, skill 4, shield 4; total defense 14580 cost, 230 upkeep14 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit, can form schiltrom4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2Requires settlement culture to be 50% NorthmenRohan SpearmenspearmensArmored_Sergeants
60 spear infantrySpear, attack 7, charge 4, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 5, skill 3, shield 3; total defense 11530 cost, 220 upkeep13 morale, normal, discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit, can form schiltrom4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2NOT RECRUITABLE
Silvan Cavalry
Silvan Horse ArchersSilvan Horsearcherssilvan_mounted_archers, simple horse
24 missile cavalry, horses, 3.25 mass25 composite arrows, attack 9, charge 2, range 150Sword, attack 8, charge 2Armor 3, skill 6, shield 0; total defense 9780 cost, 290 upkeep13 morale, normal discipline, highly trainedHardy, can form cantabrian circle, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.2Scrub: -1Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsRequires settlement culture to be 50% Elven
Silvan Ranged
Light Elven ArchersElf ArcherElf_Archer
48 missile infantry, 1.1 speed35 elven arrows, attack 9, charge 2, range 170, fire arrowsSword, attack 7, charge 2Armor 2, skill 6, shield 0; total defense 8500 cost, 210 upkeep11 morale, normal discipline, highly trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -1+3 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 33% ElvenSentinels of the Woodland RealmsSilvan ArcherSilvan_Archer
48 missile infantry, 1.1 speed35 elven arrows, attack 11, charge 2, range 200, fire arrowsSword, attack 9, charge 3Armor 3, skill 6, shield 0; total defense 9620 cost, 250 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, highly trainedVery hardy, can deploy stakes, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -1+3 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 50% ElvenSilvan Heavy ArchersElf GuardElf_Guard
48 missile infantry, 1.2 mass, 1.1 speed35 elven arrows, attack 12, charge 2, range 210, fire arrowsSword, attack 12, charge 7Armor 8, skill 5, shield 0; total defense 13780 cost, 300 upkeep14 morale, disciplined, highly trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: 0Snow: -1+3 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 75% ElvenSindar ArchersElf Bodyguard 30 missile infantry, 1.2 mass, 1.1 speed35 elven arrows, attack 13, charge 2, range 210, fire arrowsSword, attack 12, charge 7Armor 8, skill 7, shield 0; total defense 15860 cost, 250 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, highly trainedVery hardy, general unit, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: 0Snow: -1+3 vs elephantsThe base bodyguard unit for Silvan Generals
Silvan Infantry
Silvan SpearmenSilvan SpearSilvan_Spear
48 spear infantry, 1.1 speedSpear, attack 9, charge 4, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 3, skill 6, shield 4; total defense 13480 cost, 200 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, highly trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit, can form schiltrom2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.1Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: +1Snow: -1Requires settlement culture to be 33% ElvishSilvan Heavy Spearmen 48 spear infantry, 10% fasterSpear, attack 10, charge 5, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 8, skill 6, shield 6; total defense 20750 cost, 300 upkeep15 morale, disciplined, highly trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit, can form shield wall6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: +1Snow: -1Requires settlement culture to be 75% ElvishForest WardensSilvan SwordNorse_Swordsmen
48 heavy infantry, 1.1 speedSword, attack 12, charge 4No secondaryArmor 3, skill 5, shield 5; total defense 13560 cost, 220 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, highly trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit4 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.3Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: +1Snow: -1+2 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 50% ElvishWoodland WarriorsSilvan Axemen 48 heavy infantry, 10% faster2h Axe, attack 9, charge 6, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 7, skill 7, shield 0; total defense 14620 cost, 250 upkeep15 morale, disciplined, highly trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit2 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: +1Snow: -1+1 vs horses, +1 vs camels, -4 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 66% ElvishSilvan Heavy Swordsmen 48 heavy infantry, 10% fasterSword, attack 14, charge 8No secondaryArmor 8, skill 7, shield 0; total defense 15790 cost, 300 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, highly trainedVery hardy, free upkeep unit6 extra fatigue in heatArmor+1 via smith lv.4Scrub: 0Sand: -2Forest: +1Snow: -1+2 vs elephantsRequires settlement culture to be 75% Elvish
Orcish Siege Engines
NOTE REGARDING SIEGE ENGINESSiege engine units who do not share the same models for their siege engines cannot use each other's siege engines.
This means Eriardorian Ballista crews can use Dalish Ballistas, since both share the northern_ballista model, but not Mordorian Ballistas, since Mordor uses the eastern_ballista model.
BallistaIsengard BallistaNE_Ballista_Crew, eastern_ballista
36 missile siege, 3 ballista enginesSword, attack 6, charge 340 ballista bolts, attack 55, charge 3, range 230, armor-piercing, body-piercing, launchingArmor 2, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 4480 cost, 180 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2-20 vs elephantsBallistaOrcs BallistaOrcs_Ballista_Crew, eastern_ballista
36 missile siege, 3 ballista engines, 0.8 massSword, attack 6, charge 340 ballista bolts, attack 55, charge 3, range 210, armor-piercing, body-piercing, launchingArmor 3, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 5480 cost, 180 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2-20 vs elephantsThis unit is part of the Morian and Gundabad unit rostersBallistaMordor BallistaNE_Ballista_Crew, eastern_ballista
36 missile siege, 3 ballista enginesSword, attack 6, charge 340 ballista bolts, attack 55, charge 3, range 210, armor-piercing, body-piercing, launchingArmor 4, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 6480 cost, 180 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2-20 vs elephantsCatapultIsengard CatapultNE_Catapult_Crew, eastern_catapult
36 missile siege, 2 catapult enginesSword, attack 6, charge 325 catapult rocks, attack 60, charge 3, range 250, armor-piercing, body-piercing, area of effect, launchingArmor 2, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 4650 cost, 200 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2CatapultOrcs Catapultorcs_Catapult_Crew, eastern_catapult
36 missile siege, 2 catapult engines, 0.8 massSword, attack 6, charge 325 catapult rocks, attack 60, charge 3, range 250, armor-piercing, body-piercing, area of effect, launchingArmor 3, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 5650 cost, 200 upkeep10 morale, low discipline, trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2This unit is part of the Morian and Gundabad unit rostersCatapultMordor CatapultMordor_Catapult_Crew, eastern_catapult
4 missile siege, 2 catapult engines, 20 mass, 5 hitpointsMace, attack 28, charge 10, area of effect, launching25 catapult rocks, attack 80, charge 3, range 280, armor-piercing, body-piercing, area of effect, launchingArmor 6, skill 20, shield 0; total defense 26950 cost, 270 upkeep18 morale, impetuous, trained, locked moraleHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2MineNE Culverinisengard_monster_ribault_crew, culverin
8 missile siege, 1 mineSword, attack 15, charge 122 mines, attack 99, charge 3, range 8, armor-piercing, body-piercing, area of effect, launchingArmor 6, skill 4, shield 0; total defense 10500 cost, 120 upkeep16 morale, normal discipline, trained, locked_moraleHardy, not available in custom1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2NOT RECRUITABLE
Dwarven Siege Engines
BallistaDwarf BallistaDwarf_Ballista_Crew, southern_ballista
24 missile siege, 3 ballista enginesSword, attack 6, charge 440 ballista bolts, attack 65, charge 3, range 280, armor-piercing, body-piercing, launchingArmor 9, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 12550 cost, 180 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2-20 vs elephantsCatapultDwarf CatapultDwarf_Catapult_Crew, southern_catapult
24 missile siege, 2 catapult enginesSword, attack 7, charge 325 catapult rocks, attack 60, charge 3, range 250, armor-piercing, body-piercing, area of effect, launchingArmor 4, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 6720 cost, 200 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2
Gondorian Siege Engines
BallistaGondor BallistaNE_Ballista_Crew, gondor_ballista
24 missile siege, 3 ballista enginesSword, attack 7, charge 340 ballista bolts, attack 55, charge 3, range 230, armor-piercing, body-piercing, launchingArmor 4, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 6480 cost, 180 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2-20 vs elephantsCatapultGondor CatapultNE_Catapult_Crew, gondor_catapult
24 missile siege, 2 catapult enginesSword, attack 7, charge 325 catapult rocks, attack 60, charge 3, range 250, armor-piercing, body-piercing, area of effect, launchingArmor 4, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 6650 cost, 200 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2TrebuchetGondor TrebuchetNE_Trebuchet_Crew, gondor_trebuchet
24 missile siege, 2 trebuchet enginesSword, attack 9, charge 425 trebuchet rocks, attack 60, charge 3, range 330, armor-piercing, body-piercing, area of effect, launchingArmor 8, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 10850 cost, 250 upkeep13 morale, disciplined, trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2
Easterner Siege Engines
BallistaHarad BallistaNE_Ballista_Crew, middle_eastern_ballista
24 missile siege, 3 ballista enginesSword, attack 5, charge 440 ballista bolts, attack 55, charge 3, range 230, armor-piercing, body-piercing, launchingArmor 2, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 4480 cost, 180 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2-20 vs elephantsBallistaRhun BallistaNE_Ballista_Crew, middle_eastern_ballista
24 missile siege, 3 ballista enginesSword, attack 7, charge 440 ballista bolts, attack 55, charge 3, range 230, armor-piercing, body-piercing, launchingArmor 2, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 5480 cost, 180 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2-20 vs elephantsCatapultHarad CatapultNE_Catapult_Crew, middle_eastern_catapult
24 missile siege, 2 catapult enginesSword, attack 7, charge 325 catapult rocks, attack 60, charge 3, range 250, armor-piercing, body-piercing, area of effect, launchingArmor 2, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 4650 cost, 200 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2CatapultRhun CatapultNE_Catapult_Crew, middle_eastern_catapult
24 missile siege, 2 catapult enginesSword, attack 7, charge 325 catapult rocks, attack 60, charge 3, range 250, armor-piercing, body-piercing, area of effect, launchingArmor 2, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 5650 cost, 200 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2
Elven Siege Engines
BallistaElves BallistaNE_Ballista_Crew, greek_ballista
18 missile siege, 3 ballista enginesSword, attack 5, charge 440 ballista bolts, attack 55, charge 3, range 230, armor-piercing, body-piercing, launchingArmor 2, skill 6, shield 0; total defense 8520 cost, 180 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, highly trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2-20 vs elephantsBallistaHigh Elves BallistaNE_Ballista_Crew, greek_ballista
18 missile siege, 3 ballista enginesSword, attack 8, charge 340 ballista bolts, attack 55, charge 3, range 230, armor-piercing, body-piercing, launchingArmor 2, skill 6, shield 0; total defense 8520 cost, 180 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, highly trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2-20 vs elephantsCatapultElves CatapultNE_Catapult_Crew, greek_catapult
18 missile siege, 2 catapult enginesSword, attack 8, charge 325 catapult rocks, attack 60, charge 3, range 250, armor-piercing, body-piercing, area of effect, launchingArmor 2, skill 6, shield 0; total defense 8650 cost, 200 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, highly trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2CatapultHigh Elves CatapultNE_Catapult_Crew, greek_catapult
18 missile siege, 2 catapult enginesSword, attack 8, charge 325 catapult rocks, attack 60, charge 3, range 250, armor-piercing, body-piercing, area of effect, launchingArmor 2, skill 6, shield 0; total defense 8650 cost, 200 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, highly trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2
Northerner Siege Engines
BallistaDale BallistaNE_Ballista_Crew, northern_ballista
24 missile siege, 3 ballista enginesSword, attack 4, charge 240 ballista bolts, attack 55, charge 3, range 230, armor-piercing, body-piercing, launchingArmor 3, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 6480 cost, 180 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2-20 vs elephantsBallistaEriador BallistaNE_Ballista_Crew, northern_ballista
24 missile siege, 3 ballista enginesSword, attack 5, charge 240 ballista bolts, attack 55, charge 3, range 230, armor-piercing, body-piercing, launchingArmor 3, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 5480 cost, 180 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2-20 vs elephantsBallistaArnor BallistaNE_Ballista_Crew, northern_ballista
24 missile siege, 3 ballista enginesSword, attack 6, charge 240 ballista bolts, attack 55, charge 3, range 230, armor-piercing, body-piercing, launchingArmor 3, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 5480 cost, 180 upkeep10 morale, disciplined, trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2-20 vs elephantsBallistaRohan BallistaNE_Ballista_Crew, northern_ballista
24 missile siege, 3 ballista enginesSword, attack 5, charge 340 ballista bolts, attack 55, charge 3, range 230, armor-piercing, body-piercing, launchingArmor 3, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 5480 cost, 180 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2-20 vs elephantsCatapultDale CatapultNE_Catapult_Crew, northern_catapult
24 missile siege, 2 catapult enginesSword, attack 4, charge 225 catapult rocks, attack 60, charge 3, range 250, armor-piercing, body-piercing, area of effect, launchingArmor 3, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 6650 cost, 200 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2CatapultEriador CatapultNE_Catapult_Crew, northern_catapult
24 missile siege, 2 catapult enginesSword, attack 5, charge 225 catapult rocks, attack 60, charge 3, range 250, armor-piercing, body-piercing, area of effect, launchingArmor 3, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 5650 cost, 200 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2CatapultArnor CatapultNE_Catapult_Crew, northern_catapult
24 missile siege, 2 catapult enginesSword, attack 6, charge 325 catapult rocks, attack 60, charge 3, range 250, armor-piercing, body-piercing, area of effect, launchingArmor 3, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 5650 cost, 200 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2CatapultRohan CatapultNE_Catapult_Crew, northern_catapult
24 missile siege, 2 catapult enginesSword, attack 5, charge 325 catapult rocks, attack 60, charge 3, range 250, armor-piercing, body-piercing, area of effect, launchingArmor 3, skill 2, shield 0; total defense 5650 cost, 200 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2TrebuchetArnor TrebuchetNE_Trebuchet_Crew, northern_trebuchet
24 missile siege, 2 trebuchet enginesSword, attack 9, charge 425 trebuchet rocks, attack 60, charge 3, range 330, armor-piercing, body-piercing, area of effect, launchingArmor 5, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 8850 cost, 250 upkeep13 morale, disciplined, trainedHardy1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: -2Snow: -2
Native Ranged
60 missile infantry4 javelins, attack 6, charge 3, armor-piercingKnife, attack 3, charge 1Armor 1, skill 3, shield 3; total defense 7380 cost, 170 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, untrainedVery hardy0 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: +1Sand: 0Forest: +2Snow: -2HuntersPeasant_Archers
48 missile infantry30 arrows, attack 5, charge 2, range 150, fire arrowsSword, attack 4, charge 2Armor 2, skill 3, shield 0; total defense 5340 cost, 150 upkeep9 morale, normal discipline, trainedNo special attributes0 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2Peasant ArchersNorse Archersnorse_huntsmen
60 missile infantry30 arrows, attack 6, charge 2, range 150, fire arrowsSword, attack 4, charge 2Armor 2, skill 2, shield 1; total defense 5400 cost, 160 upkeep10 morale, normal discipline, untrainedNo special attributes4 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2Variag ArchersVariag Archer Militiavariag_archer
60 missile infantry30 arrows, attack 7, charge 2, range 170, fire arrowsSword, attack 5, charge 2Armor 3, skill 3, shield 2; total defense 8480 cost, 200 upkeep11 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, free upkeep unit0 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: +1Forest: -1Snow: -2
Native Infantry
Fyrd SpearmenPeasant Spearmenfyrd_spearmen
60 spear infantrySpear, attack 6, charge 3, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 2, skill 1, shield 3; total defense 6350 cost, 160 upkeep11 morale, normal discipline, untrainedNo special attributes0 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradeScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2Peasant AxemenFyrd Axemenfyrd_axemen
60 light infantryMace, attack 4, charge 4, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 2, skill 1, shield 3; total defense 6370 cost, 160 upkeep11 morale, normal discipline, untrainedCan form schiltrom4 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2Spear MilitiaThane Spearmenthane_spearmen
60 spear infantrySpear, attack 6, charge 4, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 4, skill 2, shield 4; total defense 10480 cost, 200 upkeep12 morale, disciplined, trainedCan form schiltrom6 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2Sword MilitiaThane Swordsmenthane_swordsmen
60 light infantrySword, attack 7, charge 4No secondaryArmor 4, skill 2, shield 4; total defense 10500 cost, 200 upkeep12 morale, disciplined, trainedHardy6 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2Variag TribesmenVariag Spearmen MilitiaDismounted _Arab_Cavalry
60 spear infantrySpear, attack 7, charge 4, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 3, skill 3, shield 2; total defense 8400 cost, 180 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, untrainedHardy, free upkeep unit, can form schiltrom0 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: +1Forest: 0Snow: -2FreemenViking MercenariesDismounted_Huscarls
60 light infantryMace, attack 4, charge 4, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 6, skill 2, shield 4; total defense 12520 cost, 210 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy, can form shield wall4 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2-4 vs elephantsTribal SpearmenPersian SpearmenDismounted_Arab_Cavalry
60 spear infantrySpear, attack 5, charge 3, light spear, +4 vs cavalryNo secondaryArmor 4, skill 3, shield 4; total defense 11480 cost, 230 upkeep13 morale, normal discipline, trainedCan form schiltrom1 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: +1Sand: +1Forest: 0Snow: -1Heavy Axemenenglish huscarlsVarangian_Guard
60 heavy infantry, 1.2 mass2h axe, attack 8, charge 5, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 4, skill 4, shield 2; total defense 10500 cost, 210 upkeep13 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy2 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2-4 vs elephantsDorwinion Retainersenglish kings huscarlsVarangian_Guard
60 heavy infantry, 1.2 mass2h axe, attack 8, charge 5, armor-piercingNo secondaryArmor 5, skill 5, shield 2; total defense 12500 cost, 210 upkeep15 morale, normal discipline, trainedHardy2 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2-4 vs elephants
Bodyguards Of The Fellowship
Dunedain RangersAragorn Bodyguardsdunedain_rangers2
6 missile infantry, 1.2 mass, 5 hp50 elven arrows, attack 10, charge 2, range 220Sword, attack 9, charge 4Armor 5, skill 4, shield 0; total defense 9540 cost, 0 upkeep18 morale, disciplined, trained, locked moraleVery hardy, can deploy stakes, general unit2 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2Special bodyguard for Aragorn, Boromir, and Gandalf the Gray in the fellowship campaignGimli's BodyguardGimli Bodyguardsdwarven_warriors
12 heavy infantry, 20 mass, 6 hpSword, attack 11, charge 5No secondaryArmor 15, skill 3, shield 5; total defense 23850 cost, 0 upkeep18 morale, disciplined, trained, locked moraleVery hardy, general unit8 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2Special bodyguard unit for Gimli in the fellowship campaignLegolas' BodyguardLegolas BodyguardsSilvan_Archer
4 missile infantry, 1.1 speed, 5 hp50 elven arrows, attack 11, charge 2, range 220Sword, attack 8, charge 3Armor 4, skill 5, shield 0; total defense 9580 cost, 0 upkeep18 morale, disciplined, trained, locked moraleVery hardy, can deploy stakes, general unit2 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: -1Forest: 0Snow: -2Special bodyguard unit for Legolas in the fellowship campaignGandalf's BodyguardGandalf Bodyguardseorlingas, eorlingas horse
4 heavy cavalry, horses, 3.5 massSpear, attack 7, charge 10Sword, attack 9, charge 4Armor 8, skill 4, shield 4; total defense 161120 cost, 0 upkeep16 morale, disciplined, highly trainedHardy, can form a charge, knight, general unit6 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: -1Sand: -1Forest: -3Snow: -2-4 vs elephants, -4 vs camelsSpecial bodyguard unit for Gandalf the White in the fellowship campaignHobbitry-in-ArmsHobbit Bodyguardshobbit_infantry
4 heavy infantry, 0.8 mass, 2 hp2h axe, attack 7, charge 5No secondaryArmor 3, skill 4, shield 0; total defense 7360 cost, 0 upkeep12 morale, normal discipline, trainedFree upkeep unit, general unit4 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: +1Sand: -1Forest: +2Snow: +1+6 vs horses, +6 vs camels, +2 vs elephantsSpecial bodyguard unit for Frodo and Samwise in the fellowship campaign
Special Units
80 light infantry, 12 hpSword, attack 50, charge 10No secondaryArmor 150, skill 150, shield 150; total defense 450400 cost, 0 upkeep20 morale, disciplined, trainedFrightens infantry, frightens cavalry, not available in custom6 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: 0Snow: 0NOT RECRUITABLEBalrogsBalrogElephant_Crew3, balrog
100 heavy cavalry, 1 elephant, 80 mass, 10 hpNo primarySword, attack 45, charge 22Armor 28, skill 22; total defense 503000 cost, 900 upkeep18 morale, impetuous, highly trained, locked moraleVery hardy, frightens infantry, frightens cavalry0 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -1Snow: -1[/tr]AI ONLY: Spawns in Moria if it is siegedPLAYER ONLY: Spawns near Moria after 90 turns has passed, and if Mithril Mines have been constructed thereEntsEnts ElephantsElephant_Crew3, ents
8 heavy cavalry, 4 elephants, 80 mass, 6 hp, 0.6 speedSword, attack 45, charge 15, area of effect, launchingSword, attack 45, charge 15, area of effect, launchingArmor 28, skill 14; total defense 422400 cost, 500 upkeep21 morale, low discipline, untrainedVery hardy, frightens infantry, frightens cavalry4 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: +1Forest: -6Snow: -1Spawns as rebel near Fangorn if Fangorn is controlled by Mordor, Moria, or Isengard
SauronSauron ElephantsElehant_Crew4, sauron
100 heavy cavalry, 1 elephant, 120 mass, 12 hpNo PrimarySword, attack 50, charge 25, launching, body-piercing, armor-piercing, area of effectArmor 25, skill 25; total defense 503500 cost, 1000 upkeep18 morale, impetuous, highly trained, locked moraleVery hardy, frightens infantry, frightens cavalry0 extra fatigue in heatNo armor upgradesScrub: 0Sand: 0Forest: -1Snow: -1Spawns once certain conditions are met:Everytime The One Ring spawns on the map, a ring_jumped counter is added. When this counter reaches 7, while The One Ring is not currently on the map, and as long as Mordor controls Barad-Dur, a timer will be activated. As long as these conditions remain active, then in 5 turns, The One Ring will be delivered to Barad-Dur, upon which in 2 turns, Sauron will spawn and Mordor will declare war upon all Good-aligned factions.
Alternatively, if an Melkor-aligned faction managed to gain control of The One Ring and keeps it for 6 turns, then as long as Mordor exists, the faction controlling The One Ring will be commanded to deliver it to the Black Gate. As long as Mordor controls the Black Gate and Barad-Dur, The One Ring can be delivered, whichupon Sauron will spawn, Mordor will ally with the faction whom delivered The One Ring, and afterwards declare war upon all Good-aligned factions.
Should it instead be Mordor who controls The One Ring, they can deliver it to Barad-Dur to spawn Sauron and declare war on all Good-aligned factinos.
Pictures taken from TATW mod.
.tga files were converted into .jpg.
The Guide Image is Sauron.
Please inform me if there are any issues or mistakes you've managed to find within the list.
Many a thanks to the Third Age Total War team for creating such a wonderful mod, and to all the sub-modders who continue to work in making more content for the mod.
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3121262288
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