Day 1, Friday
Starting Clues
Letter from Simone
This letter is straightforward, go explore Ambleside (C20) for 2 new plants
Short note
This note about a dangerous plant that can be found in the hills to the northeast of Backbarrow (M21)
Customer 1, Victoria Gray
She wants St. John's Poppy, a plant with bright read flowers with a yellow centre.
Mailman, David Chafer
He gives you a letter from Amos Duncan, which also provides enough tokens to go explore
Amos Duncan Letter 1
His letter will guide you to the woods just south of Gosforth, the coordinates you want to search are G5.
Customer 2, Gilbert Ames
Gilbert will trade you some Phennet in exchange for Lemon Dandy, which has curly leaves and bright blue flowers
Customer 3, Faye Swift
Faye asks you for some Forest Camphry to get some sleep
Customer 4, Nora Butterfield
She wants Wandering Blue, a mushroom
Day 2, Saturday
Starting Clue
The card you get between days leads you to a river (H11), for a new plant
Customer 1, Isodore Burbidge
This grumpy fellow wants Apis Demissus, more commonly known as Gandyroot
David Chafer, Mailman
Another letter from Amos Duncan
Amos Duncan, Letter 2
His second letter leads you to Hard Knott, but the gate is locked. You need to use Clavilium to get past
Customer 2, Rueben Ward
Mr. Ward wants Fox Button to speak with the Sisters
Customer 3, Victoria Gray
Victoria's back for another plant, this time Harlequin Blue
Customer 4, Bethany Coleman
One of the Sisters has come for your help, but she needs you to swear to secrecy using Mary's Breath
Letter from the Sisterhood
You will find the Sisters deep in Grizedale Forest (J17), and you get to work. You will need to use Ren to discover what killed the Arda
Customer 5, Isodore Burbridge
He's back, and he's not happy. You have a choice, give him either Butterdale, or Meakdew
Day 3, Sunday
Starting Clue
The card you get during the night is cryptic, but studying the map leads you to E17 for 2 new plants
Customer 1, Wilbur Miller
He needs some help from Lady of Summer for his memory
David Chafer, Mailman
Another letter from Amos Duncan
Amos Duncan, Letter 3
Go explore Great Gable (A13), but you'll need help from Brimlock to make it up the mountain
Customer 2, Norman Lee
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