Guide's Introduction
There are a number of very complete and thoughtful guides to Strange Horticulture. However, as I played, I regretted spending a lot of time looking for the solution to one or two tarot riddles in very detailed and comprehensive guides.
I've created this guide to make it easier for me to play in the future, and I hope you'll find it useful too. I'll put the explanation first and then the solution, hidden, so that you can look for yourself with the explanation if you wish.
I hope you enjoy this game as much as I did !
Day 2
Row H ; the third river. Find the third river square on the H line, starting from the left of the map. H11 Gilded Dendra
Day 3
North of Hawkshead ; East of Lowick ; West of Rusland ; South of Crinkle Crags. By drawing an imaginary line at each point and excluding the squares behind this line, you will be left with just one square to click on. E17 Candlewood & Thum
Day 4
None ; it is a map fragment. You have to superimpose the tarot card on the map, looking for their correspondences to find mark X. N6 Twilight Lepiota & Aguria
Day 5
She lives alone in the castle northwest of the abbey. She buried her husband three miles to the east where the Everheart grows. We know from the bottom left-hand corner of the map that the side of a square on the map equals one mile. Start by finding a castle close to an abbey on the map. B4 Royal Gentia
Day 6
The Old Man of Coniston looks across the lake with blind eyes. His mind wanders with the current, floating gently southwards to the fork. Names beginning with a capital letter indicate places. Start by looking for The Old Man and Coniston. The fork indicates a pattern on the map. O17 Solomon's Sceptre & Bella Nox
Day 7
Five miles south of the tallest but one, it grows in peace in the midday sun. ‘The tallest but one’ means that you have to start by finding the second highest mountain on the map. The text after the comma is not relevant to solving the riddle. i14 Red Abony
Day 8
Lowick to Illgill Head ; Foxfield to Crinkle Crags. Draw two imaginary lines between the destinations mentioned. Where the lines meet is where you'll find the square you want to visit. i13 Long Verecund & Prittle
Day 9
In Tebay a ; Noble ; Elder ; Stood ; Silently ; Watching ; Starry ; Skies. This text forms an acrostic. This means that the solution to the riddle is hidden in the first letter of each word - from the second line onwards. F31 Cauldery & Palliance
Day 10
Apparently none. By using Red Abony on the Looking Glass, you get it working. Use the functional Looking Glass by placing it on top of the card and you'll see a text telling you the solution. K11 Embersoul
Day 11
902 ; Mark X ; 803. The numbers on the map correspond to the height of the mountains shown. Superimpose the card on the map by placing the small triangles of the appropriate mountains in the hollows, and click on the square matching the X mark. E16 Sour Bandy
Day 12
The first letter of the Latin name of a plant known as Goldenlight. The number of petals on a lucky Caballia flower. Get your Book of Plants out and find the two relevant entries : the answer is there. L7 Trimblehuff & Evulum
Day 13
Endmoor ; Raven ; Spider. This riddle can be solved with Bryer's Disc. Start by placing it on Endmoor, then on the square you find, following the correct drawing. From this square, use Bryer's Disc again to find the solution. H25 Sheepsnap & Burdum
Day 14
Eight miles to the east. There is also a drawing of a tree with symbols on it. The drawing on the card corresponds to the one on the coin obtained earlier, which shows the name of a town. Start there. E11 Poliscus & Demmel
Day 15
Decay gives way to new growth. From death ; life. Then, in mirror image, is written : The cycle starts again. West of White Scar, by the river. Once you've read the second part of the text, the solution is obvious. P29 Devil's Nightcap
Day 16
To the east of the castle, accross th river and through the mountain pass, it grows at the edge of the wood. Simply follow the route described. The castle depicted on the card is the one furthest to the east. K31 Swiftsnare
This one is a bit special : you don't get it in all the possible endings of the game, and it's not associated with a draw of cards.
None. Just marks. By superimposing this card on your map, find the place where the dots (a circle at the top, a triangle in the middle and two circles at the bottom) correspond to symbols of places on the map. Then click on the square corresponding to mark X. N27 Lisle of Neptune & Maybe another plant if you have not discovered it yet
Guide's Conclusion
I hope you found this guide useful ! Let me know if you spot a mistake or if something is unclear - English is not my mother tongue. If you think anything could be added to this guide, feel free to say it.
Have fun !
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