'Super Squirrel' - Achievement Guide



Achievement difficulty: 3/10

Map: Pistachio Forest

Governor: Any

Advisors: Any

Game difficulty: Any Steps

(Optional): Choose Civil servant, Any advisors (I used my standard ones: Doctor, Tribal Elder, Celebrity, Tax Collector, Drill Sergeant and Logistics Expert), Casual difficulty.

(Optional): Start in 'Echo Whiskey' (The Big town)

01: Play normally.

Play as you would normally.

02: Get to a comfortable winning position.

Requirements: Insurgents contained in 1-3 zones

All other zones comfortably stabilised

High support level

03: The waiting game.

At this point you are in a position to go ahead and win.


Fund all the job initiatives and wait until you get this pop up:

Go ahead and approve it.

Well done! You just got the achievement 'Super squirrel'.Please note:

It might take a very long time to get the pop up, however you will definitly get it eventually!

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2284000344					

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