Achievement difficulty: 8/10
Map: Any
Governor: Any
Advisors: Any
Game difficulty: Any
(Optional) Choose map Saffron fields, Civil servant, Any advisors (I used my standard ones: Doctor, Tribal Elder, Celebrity, Tax Collector, Drill Sergeant and Logistics Expert), Casual difficulty.
(Optional) Start in 'Delta Yankee' (In the middle of the map)
The 'Infectious' achievement has you try and complete a game on Plague Inc.'s official release date. (May 2012). You'll have ~10 years to stabalise the entire map.
01: Play normally
Play as you would normally.
02: Get to a comfortable winning position
You should have insurgents trapped in the band of mountains to the north east, most other zones stabalised. You should be in this position by at least 2007-2008 to be safe.
03: Peace
I recommend getting this achievement by accepting a peace deal. You should now try and negotiate a deal with the insurgents. Don't accept the deal yet.
04: About to win
Get the insurgents into one of the remote mountain zones and wait until its the end of 2011. You should have stabalised all other zones.
05: Accepting the peace deal
Aim to accept the deal by December of 2011 as it takes a bit if time to clear out the insurgents. If you time it right, you should win on May 2012.I had to repeat this process many, many times to get the achievemnent on my second account however, i did eventually get it.
More Rebel Inc: Escalation guilds
- All Guilds
- Transport's Guide To Rebel Inc: Escalation
- Initiatives(
- How Not to Fail at Rebel Inc (Game Version 0.11)
- Rebel Inc para idiotas
- Guide 7
- 'Super Squirrel' - Achievement Guide
- Guide 2
- Warlord [Brutal]