Services - Schools, medicine and sanitation Usually most important civilian initiatives as they let you lower required amount of needed supporters to stabilize zones by turning hostile population into neutrals. They all roll out very fast. By decreasing hostile population they will also help you in combat by removing or weakening buffs to insurgent power.
Medicine - Gives overall best support and effect on hostiles(400%), after lvl2 you can choose to pick cheap support or take slightly more expensive vaccines that generate less corruption, inflation and roll even in zones without intel, though their rollout can be VERY random.
Sanitation - Slightly worse for support except first level and causes more corruption(triple, almost as high as least corrupt jobs) but is not as sensitive to inflation so you can fund it instead to avoid paying extra when its high. Slowest to roll out of all.
Schools - Worst for support and have only 300% effect on hostiles but have faster rollout than medicine, after 1st level you can pick literacy drive that generates no inflation and school supplies that actually give good support unlike other 3. If there are no education concerns you probably should be rolling medicine instead.
Development - Jobs 2nd slowest initiatives in the game to roll out that give good support but are terrible when dealing with hostile population in zone(only 10%!). They also generate a lot of inflation and corruption.
Overall - Out of 3, only one is not terrible - Vocational training. Gives best support comparable to urban/rural in their areas and does not generate a lot of corruption. Other two give poor support and high corruption.
Rural - Will roll only in rural zones till it is no longer possible and generates low corruption, suffers penalty outside rural zones.
Urban - Will roll only in urban zones till it is no longer possible but generates high corruption, suffers penalty outside urban zones.
Remote - After buying 1st level of urban development you unlock remote subsidies, they will roll only in remote areas but roll at very fast speed like services, suffer no penalty towards hostile population and boost initiative rollout by 7%. High corruption.
Infrastructure - Roads, electricity, telecoms Inflation and corruption rich initiatives that focus on buffs other than just local support.
Roads - Give support and buffs to:
- Gathering intel in conected zones.
- Accessibility which is separate buff for initiative rollout.
- Logistics which let your troops move fast or even outright teleport. Highways 2 is overkill for that. If there is bridge between zones then building lvl1 road in either will remove penalty for crossing it. Enables tanks to enter mountains(Main 1).
- Combat power.
Telecoms - Unlike most things they give you no support or effects on hostile population, instead they buff your maximum global effects for those locally by 25% for each level. They are very poor choice for support or earlygame because they will have little to no effect and global support grows very slowly in zones rather than boost support instantly like most initiatives.
Electricity - Gives poor support for the price(but decent in 1 initiative, especially if you skip jobs) and +5/10% rollout buffs which are not worth buying unless you already have outreach offices for zones that could use extra speed.
IntelTo roll initiatives out you will need intel with exception of vaccines, militia and district representatives, though without intel they suffer 50% rollout penalty.
District Representatives - Will give you support and gather intel in zones they are and connected ones. Buying them will unlock effective procurement, PR and outreach office.
Regional Census - Buff to HQ intel gathering range, zones closer to HQ benefit more from it.
PRPR initiatives are vital buffs to stabilize zones as they buff local support by about 100/50% added on top of initiatives. They give "45/25% PR mod" but it is uncertain what exactly it does(Does it apply twice to local support?).
Anti-CorruptionEffective procurement - Decreases corruption by 3% when bought and corruption from future purchases by 10%. Unlocked by district representatives and anti-corruption.
Anti-Corruption - Decreases corruption over time, when corruption is under ~20% it does not work very efficiently. Decreases hostility. Unlocks effective procurement, foreign relations office and international assistance.
Corruption Purges - Decreases 15/20% of CURRENT corruption(Risk), increases cost of future civilian initiatives by 1$ and decreases current corruption(Real) by 50/66%. Unlocked by buying police or anti-corruption.
What is corruption risk? When you buy initiatives you increase it but it is not corruption that hurts you yet, it will take time for real corruption to rise and take away your global support and reputation every month.
Real corruption is shown only in operation overview("Corruption decreases your support by XXX") and should not be higher than 20% which translates to about 40% risk. On mega brutal difficulty real corruption maxes in 3 turns to match current risk while on other difficulties it will take years. Unless stated that something changes real corruption you should assume it affects risk instead.
SecurityThose initiatives focus on killing insurgents without sending troops(1 per initiative) and increasing zone security that insurgents need to decrease to 0% before zone can turn red.
Militia - Rolls very fast, cheap, and does not need intel but turns population hostile and decreases support so should be avoided till you have some stable zones. 40% security.
Police - Provide VERY good support, security (90/200%) and can trigger event increasing global security which is very helpful early-/midgame. Lvl1 is pretty slow(slowest initiative in game actually) to roll compared to lvl2. Unlocked by militia or univrsal justice.
OutreachThis branch focuses on buffing rollout speed in specific zones and giving you additional rollout teams(hammers). One type of rollout team can use only 1 hammer on same type of initiative, for example: Two urban teams won't be able to roll police and/or militia at same time but can roll police and telecoms; One rural and remote team can roll police at same time.
Outreach Office - Gives you 1 generic team that can roll any initiative anywhere. Unlocks foreign relations office, democratic transition, international assistance and universal justice.
Urban/Rural - Gives you 1/3 urban/rural teams and 5/10% buff to rollout speed in those zones.
Remote - Gives you 2/4 remote teams and 4/7% buff to rollout speed in remote zones.
OtherUnlocked by outreach office, anti corruption unlocks foreign relations office and international assistance.
Foreign Relations Office - Increases relations with foreign countries which let you decrease insurgent capability in foreign country insurgent support event without paying for counter-strikes. If this event triggers early it is better to buy it than keep funding counter-strikes, if it fires late it might be better to fund counter-strikes instead. Of course you can buy office ahead of time but you never know how long you will have to wait for event and there are probably better things to buy. You should avoid accusation backfire at all costs.
Democratic Transition - Triggers election events which are pretty costly and can backfire really bad if you do not have control over the map. Its more of score boost than real initiative.
International Assistance - Triggers foreign aid event which let you:
- Die to corruption and inflation from random "free" funded civilian initiatives.
- Pay a bit more to have a bit slower death to corruption and inflation.
- Receive 4$ per year.
Event can appear right away or so late(Even 11 years!) in the game that you basically only lost money. If you use Tax Collector advisor then stabilizing 2 zones whill give you same yearly budget bonus, else you would need 4.
Universal Justice - Unlocks police, decreases hostility, adds hypocrisy check(80%) that can decrease your support in police, dam and peace talks events. Very resilient to inflation.
Governor Specials
Extra Stuff
Exact support values and stuff will probably land here. Kudos to Transportowiec!
More Rebel Inc: Escalation guilds
- All Guilds
- Transport's Guide To Rebel Inc: Escalation
- How Not to Fail at Rebel Inc (Game Version 0.11)
- Rebel Inc para idiotas
- Guide 7
- 'Super Squirrel' - Achievement Guide
- 'Infectious' - Achievement Guide
- Guide 2
- Warlord [Brutal]