(Possible) RRO Locos 'n [profanity]

(Possible) RRO Locos 'n [profanity]

MASON BOGIE!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?

(Possible) RRO Locos 'n [profanity] image 1

This lil' lad was teased back with the first telegram buildings code. And now i've found a model.

D&RG 45.5

(Possible) RRO Locos 'n [profanity] image 4

For all the people with a 10 wheeler fetish

Baldwin 8-22D10

(Possible) RRO Locos 'n [profanity] image 7

I HAVE LOST SO MUCH DAMN SLEEP BECAUSE OF THIS THING!(silhouette teased on 12/14/22)

Bells Gap No.1

(Possible) RRO Locos 'n [profanity] image 10

goofy ahh tender

This... Thing?

(Possible) RRO Locos 'n [profanity] image 13

i like it.

Vertical Boiler Shay

(Possible) RRO Locos 'n [profanity] image 16

I will kill for the smol lad

Baby Heisler

(Possible) RRO Locos 'n [profanity] image 19


Big Betsy. (0-6-0 Porter)

(Possible) RRO Locos 'n [profanity] image 22

quite a big boy ehh?

Bits N' Tiddles

(Possible) RRO Locos 'n [profanity] image 25
(Possible) RRO Locos 'n [profanity] image 26
(Possible) RRO Locos 'n [profanity] image 27

i forgot whatever the ♥♥♥♥ these were.

Take This.

(Possible) RRO Locos 'n [profanity] image 30
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2921193776					

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