How to fly - simple, convenient and fun

How to fly - simple, convenient and fun


Hey there, I hope you're having as much fun with the game as I am.

The following simple little trick will help you fly in-game, resulting in quicker navigation, access to tricky spots and a whole lot of convenience overall.


Enter build mode with the G key

Select “Industries”

Very simply, select any one of the industries provided

Finally, before placing anything, click spacebar to elevate. This can be done as many times as you like, up until the limit set by

the developers

Once in the air, you can hold the shift button (sprint) to move faster whilst navigating with WASD. Additionally, to exit your flight, either click the right-mouse button or the G key.


There’s certainly the possibility that this will be patched during further development, at which point, I may update this guide.

Height Limit Visualised

How to fly - simple, convenient and fun image 13

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