Nightmare Reaper 100% Achievements :D [ENG]

Let's Do This

This guide will take time for me to complete, if you have any information to add to this guide, or fix something that I messed up on/missed.

Lmfao nvm I finished the f*cking thing in one night cause I was impatient. Please feel free to comment and let me know :)

Level Unlocks

All of these you unlock for beating the specific level assigned to it. Just play the game, beat it over and over. Become on of us. Never leave.

Icon Name How 2 Claustrophobia Complete hollow stone Psychadelic Complete Spore Pit The Hunter Complete Immemorial Woods Schamalayan Complete Forsaken Village Red Gold Complete Sulfuric mines On the roof Complete Disavowed town Its Complete Putrid sewers Dead Evil Complete Drudge Village Overlook Hotel Complete Gloom Mansion Brimstone Complete The Descent Heavy Traffic Complete Carnage Way I hate mondays Complete Tower of toil Poison Ivy Complete Gardens of Woe Contraband Complete Murky Docks Rusty Bucket Complete Vermilion Princess Industrial Revolution Complete Rust Works Ticket please Complete Void Beneath Blood donator Complete Gibbs Medical Center Cholinesterase Complete Boulder Penitentiary Mixed bag Complete The Wasteland Private savings Complete Fields of Death Extraterrestrial Complete Moon Terror Hallowbrook Complete Sorceror's Mansion Where am I? Complete The Empty Hold your breath Complete Crushing Depths Cara Loft Complete Buried Ruins Sulfur Complete Blood and Brimstone Barbecue Complete The Flesh Pits

Player Unlocks

Once again, patience and time spent is key to unlocking all of these.

Coin tree aka super mario

Icon Name How 2 Dirt Digger Buy all skills from world 1 Ice Climber Buy all skills from world 2 Cemetary Man Buy all skills from world 3 Valley of the Gods Buy all skills from world 4 Big Hands Buy all skills from world 5 Breaststroke Buy all skills from world 6 Factory Worker Buy all skills from world 7 Climate Change Buy all skills from world 8

Coin tree total unlocks

Icon Name How 2 Birch Buy a skill from the tree Maple Buy 10 skills from the tree Oak Buy 25 skills from the tree Pine Buy 50 skills from the tree Aspen Buy 75 skills from the tree Fir Buy 100 skills from the tree Spruce Buy 125 skills from the tree

Jade Tree

Icon Name How 2 Mac Buy 10 jade upgrades Ta Buy 50 jade upgrades Bi Buy 100 jade upgrades Lis Buy 180 jade upgrades I cannot stress this enough. Spam the arena.

Jade tree unlocks

Icon Name How 2 Raining cats and dogs Have 2 pets Good doggy Have a pet with 2 skills Kennel Unlock all pets Pet training Unlock all pet skills

Another person has already done a great guide on how the Jade tree unlocks work, and you can see all the prices and stuff. Go check them out if you want see all that stuff! Right here!


You will gain these over time from playing the game.

Icon Name How 2 Loot Obtain an uncommon weapon (Green) Shiny Obtain a rare weapon (blue) Wait for it Obtain a Legendary weapon (Yellow) A real weapon Obtain a level 2 weapon Epic Obtain a level 3 weapon Garage sale Sell 10 weapons Convenience store Sell 25 weapons Department store Sell 50 weapons Worldwide chain Sell 500 weapons

The rest of these require some tricks if you want to get them easily.

Icon Name How 2 Art of the deal Sell a weapon for 1,000,000: Use a single legendary weapon for long enough, its value will increase over time, I highly recommend finding a spell book that can nuke rooms, keep it like it is your best friend until the merchant comes around, then pitch it once it has a value of over 1mil. Bold and brash Change a stat to +2 attack: Find a weapon with +1attack. Wait for the merchant to come around with the "reroll stat for x gold" purchase, choose the +1 attack and it has a chance of re-rolling into +2 attack. Belongs in the trash Change a stat to blood ammo: Have horrible luck on stat rerolls Blood is fuel Lose 2000 life as blood ammo: Mankind is dead This a lot easier than anyone could think. Get a weapon with blood ammo, meaning it uses your life as ammo instead of normal bullets. Then spam it until it kills you. Do this over, and over, and this is the fastest way of getting the cheev. Took me around 10-15 mins of clicking lol.Hell is full

Kills, Combos, And Gettin Brain

Just play the game and most of these will come as you do.


Icon Name How 2 Headshot Obtian 20 headshot kills Sniper Obtain 100 headshot kills Surgeon Obtain 1,000 headshot kills Brain Fetish Obtain 10,000 headshot kills: Just click the head lol :) Kebab Kill 3 enemies with one bullet: I recommend doing this with a weapon that has a good pierce affix, or a weapon with innate piercing if you are lucky enough to find one. Then go to the arena, then you dont have to deal with limited enemy spawns, possibly getting rid of the weapon at the end of the level, and getting tilted after lining up endless enemies just to die and have to do the level over. No I am not adding that last bit out of my own ineptitude, I have no idea what you are on about.


Icon Name How 2 Bloody hands Kill 30 enemies It won't come out Kill 100 enemies Wardrobe change kill 500 enemies Pleasant bath kill 5,000 enemies


Icon Name How 2 Offender Obtain a 5X combo: Easy enough. Repeat offender Obtain a 15X combo: You can do this on events with little effort. Killer Obtain a 25X combo: See below for tips. Unstoppable Obtain a 35X combo: If you are struggling to get this, have no fear. Eventually you will get a random event that spawns a sh*t load of tiny dudes, they are bite sized little things and hard to see, but one well placed, rocket, grenade, blackhole can pretty much nuke all of them in one go, and this is how I got a 90X combo so, far further than needed for this last combo achievement.

Currency (Coins/treasure, And Jade.)

Do The Arena Mode.

Capitalism time.


Icon Name How 2 Money Obtain 10,000 Gold Does not Obtain 50,000 Gold Bring Obtain 150,000 Gold Happiness Obtain 1,000,000 Gold


Icon Name How 2 The things Obtain 20 treasures You own Obtain 100 treasures End up Obtain 1,000 treasures Owning you Obtain 10,000 treasures: Spam secrets, and hope for random event loot slimes and gold chickens :)


Icon Name How 2 Grape Obtain 20,000 Jade: I cannot Lime Obtain 60,000 Jade: Stress this Avocado Obtain 240,000 Jade: Enough watermelon Obtain 1,000,000 jade:

Power Ups And Drugs


Time to get some serotonin burn out

Horse Water aka ketamine juice

Icon Name How 2 Hare Obtain Horse water Horse Obtain 5 Horse water Greyhound Obtain 20 Horse water Cheetah Obtain 500 Horse water I will sink,


Icon Name How 2 Old Man Obtain V Turtle Obtain 5 V Sloth Obtain 20 V Snail Obtain 500 V I will burn,


Icon Name How 2 River Obtain Reflection Glass Obtain 5 Reflection Gold Obtain 20 Reflection Mirror Obtain 500 Reflection To the core.


Icon Name How 2 Street fight Obtain Nightmare Reaper hold up Obtain 5 Nightmare Reaper Bank robbery Obtain 20 Nightmare Reaper Obtain 500 Nightmare Reaper: There is an upgrade in the Jade tree, I believe in world 3 or 4 that lets you get a "Low-Life NR" Which basically means, when you hit like 15% hp, you go into Nightmare Reaper mode. This SHOULD count for this total, as I got the unlock and it gave me the achievement for 20, so buy that for the long run.

Drug time!

Icon Name How 2 Painkiller Complete 5 levels with pills Patient Complete 15 levels with pills Problematic Complete 45 levels with pills Addict Complete 135 levels with pills Breaking good Complete 250 levels with pills

As a general tip for all of these, playing arena is a very good way of farming all of these, as they spawn power ups every couple of waves, just be sure to move around and check corners, they can spawn in most places.

Topaz Tree


Arena Aka Jade Tree

Cybergrind but in a beat up asylum


Icon Name How 2 Perseverance Reach round 10 in the arena Courage Reach round 50 in the arena Foolishness Reach round 75 in the arena At some point I may put a longer excerpt here about how to achieve this, but I am currently working the kinks out myself, just rack up as many upgrades as you can, bring the best weapon you have kept for a while and go ham, find a map that is comfortable for you, and best of luck!


Icon Name How 2 Court Unlock 2 arenas Field Unlock 5 arenas Stadium Unlock 8 arenas These three will unlock as you beat the game and go further, just keep checking inside the asylum as you continue playing, the more you progress through the hospital the more arenas you unlock.


Toxicity and pills go hand in hand

Make like my highschool ex and get real toxic babyyyy

Icon Name How 2 Lead Complete a level with 20 toxicity Mercury Complete a level with 100 toxicity Uranium Complete a level with 250 toxicity

I will write up more in depth tips here once I have f*cked around with pills more.

But in short, pills give toxicity, some more than others, rack that ♥♥♥♥ up, finish a level with 250 and you will get all 3 of these cheevs.

Miscellaneous/Neat Ones


Here are the ones I had the most fun with :D


Icon Name How 2 Bull Break 100 clutter objects: This comes easily over time. Tornado Break 250 clutter objects: Use a grenade launcher, kills and clutter come hand in hand then. Volcano Break 2500 clutter objects: Become an aspect of destruction, break everything in your path. Asteroid Break 10000 clutter objects: Become a walking renegade against household decorations and furinishings. Break f*cking everything.

Level clearing

Icon Name How 2 Wall hugger Get all secrets in a level: As the achievement implies, hug the walls. Some secrets look different and require different methods to acquire the loot and stuff within them later on so, this is easier to get early on in the game opposed to later. Monster Kill all monsters in a level: ezpz just kill everything :D Raider Get all treasures in a level: This one will pretty much be gotten at the same time as Wall hugger as most secrets contain treasure. So simply put, clear every room, and find all the secrets. Completionist Get all bonuses in a level: Kill everything, touch kick everything, grab everything and run to the exit.

Random Events

Icon Name How 2 Loot Slime Complete 5 random events Flame Trap Complete 15 random events Ghost head Complete 75 random events Slot Machine Complete 250 random events

Post game

Icon Name How 2 Condemnation Get the Control ending Salvation Get the sacrifice ending Not too rough Reach New game+ (Never stop) Hurt me plenty Reach New game+ 2 (Playing) Reach New game+ 3 (BOOMER SHOOTERS)

The really fun ones

Icon Name How 2 Bunny hopper Reach bunnyhop max speed: CS:GO brain GOOOOOO. No but seriously, if you don't know how to bunny hop. Just click the jump key as you are about to land while moving and you will build momentum. Once you hit max velocity the game will rewards you with this cheev. It is much much MUCH slower than the bunny hop speed in something like viscerafest or old doom games so ths is not too rough. Burning soles Rocket jump 20 times: Grab a rocket launcher, and jump, then fire. Do that 20 times and you are golden. Soccer Kick 50 enemies to death: The big f*ck off boots should count as kills via kicking so long as you use your interact key and not mouseclick/right trigger Disrespect Kick a boss You should do this irl :) Overconfidence Have a carried barrel explode: Be a moron like me in my first 2 hours of play. Game of Chance Accept 5 merchant offers: If you really have not gotten this, just spam any and every offer the merchant offers. Clear Find everything in the hospital: I will write up the exact order of operations once I can remember all of them lol. Last Laugh Pickup a weapon after death: This will probably happen at some point in your play through. If not, have a melee unit hit you when you are standing behind a weapon, they should always knock you backwards upon death. Watch your step 50 high falls into water: Ooo ooo this one was fun! There is a trap that causes gravity to reverse for a few seconds, then drops you to the ground. If you are as lucky as I am to get that trap in a room with a pool of water, you can sit yourself above the pool of water, and go make tea, read a book, pet your dog. It takes a few mins but its super easy to get. If you don't have that luck, simply jump up and down a water fall or off a jump pad, shouldn't take too long. Hardcore Pat Start a level with no weapon: Sell that sh*t to the merchant and start a new level, you will get the achievement ez pz.

The Last Achievement

The hardest achievement in the game

God is Dead Just a dream Wake up prematurely

You know what you have to do.


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