This guide lists all weapons in Nightmare Reaper, as of Release version 1.0.
This guide is a work in progress. Currently planning to add a section on weapon modifiers. Please leave a comment if you spot any errors!
If a weapon does not have an ammo consumption count listed, it uses the default of 1 ammo of its weapon type each time it is fired. If it does not have a clip size listed, the gun either never needs to be reloaded, or needs to be (and is automatically) reloaded after every shot.
Level 1 Weapons
Ammo Type: None - Melee
Main Fire: Fast melee attack.
Alternate Fire: Throws a knife for low damage. Semi-automatic.
Notes: The starting weapon - you get this guaranteed in the tutorial.
Ammo Type: None - Melee
Main Fire: Melee attack.
Alternate Fire: Charge up for a higher damage melee attack.
Consecrated Whip
Ammo Type: None - Melee / Magic
Main Fire: Slow, long ranged melee attack.
Alternate Fire: Spend 5 magic ammo to bless the whip, causing it's main attack to deal much more damage and create small light explosions when attacking enemies.
Notes: Blessing the weapon also makes it ineffective against clutter. Those poor innocent boxes did nothing wrong!
Power Boots
Ammo Type: None - Melee
Main Fire: Enhanced kick attack that causes AoE shockwaves. Replaces your normal kick attack with this while equipped, even when holding a different weapon.
Alternate Fire: Charge up to unleash a flurry of kicks that propel you forward. Can launch you if you are looking up.
Notes: This benefits from kick speed and damage passives, becoming absolutely insane in the midgame once you've upgraded your kicks a few times.
9mm Pistol
Ammo Type: Light
Main Fire: Clip size 12. Semi-automatic.
Alternate Fire: Attaches/removes silencer. Shots become quieter, weapon name changes to '9mm Pistol Silenced', unknown if there are other effects.
Auto Pistol
Ammo Type: Light
Main Fire: Clip size 30. Fully automatic.
Alternate Fire: Aim down sights.
Six Shooter
Ammo Type: Light
Main Fire: Clip size 6. Uses 3 light ammo per shot.
Alternate Fire: Aim down sights.
Pump Action Shotgun
Ammo Type: Light
Main Fire: Clip size 6. Uses 3 light ammo per shot. Fires a spread of bullets. Reloads 1 shot at a time.
Alternate Fire: Aim down sights.
Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
Ammo Type: Light
Main Fire: Clip size 5. Uses 3 light ammo per shot. High damage, slow fire rate.
Alternate Fire: Aim down sights.
Semi-Auto Rifle
Ammo Type: Light
Main Fire: Clip size 8. Fires a single rifle round.
Alternate Fire: Melee stab with bayonet.
Nail Gun
Ammo Type: Light
Main fire: Clip size 50. Shoots a nail.
Alternate fire: Shoots a burst of 3 nails.
Sawed-off Shotgun
Ammo Type: Light
Main Fire: Clip size 2. Uses 3 light ammo per shot. Fires a spread of bullets.
Alternate Fire: Fires both shots at once. Greatly increases bullet spread.
Ammo Type: Light
Main Fire: Charge up to fire an arrow.
Alternate Fire: Uses 3 Light ammo per shot. Charge up to fire a flaming arrow. Flaming splinters will split off from the target surface.
Grenade Launcher
Ammo Type: Heavy
Main Fire: Fires a grenade that explodes on impact.
Alternate Fire: Fires a grenade that bounces off surfaces and explodes after a delay.
Sticky Grenade
Ammo Type: Heavy
Main Fire: Throw a sticky grenade.
Alternate Fire: Explodes all sticky grenades.
Ammo Type: Heavy
Main Fire: Fires a large explosive projectile.
Alternate Fire: Charge up to use a melee attack with the back end of the launcher.
Ammo Type: Heavy
Main Fire: Throws 2 handfuls of shurikens.
Alternate Fire: Throws a giant shuriken after a brief delay.
Ammo Type: Heavy
Main fire: Throws an exploding Molotov cocktail.
Alternate fire: Drink the cocktail and then breathe out a stream of fire. High damage, short range.
Gem Staff
Ammo Type: None - Magic
Main Fire: Shoots a long-ranged projectile that travels near-instantly. Does not cost ammo.
Alternate Fire: Shoots a spread of very short-ranged instant projectiles (almost melee range). Does not cost ammo.
Poison Staff
Ammo Type: Magic
Main Fire: Fires a poison projectile.
Alternate Fire: Uses 3 Magic ammo. Charge to fire a larger, heavier poison glob.
Ice Bolt Book
Ammo Type: Magic
Main Fire: Shoots a small icicle.
Alternate Fire: Uses 3 magic ammo. Fires a spread of small icicles.
Fire Bolt Book
Ammo Type: Magic
Main Fire: Shoots a ball of fire.
Alternate Fire: Uses 3 magic ammo. Fires a larger, heavier ball of fire.
Spark Book
Ammo Type: Magic
Main Fire: Fires a weak bolt of lightning.
Alternate Fire: Uses 3 magic ammo. Fires a spread of lightning sparks that move erratically as they travel forward.
Hornet Queen
Ammo Type: Magic
Main Fire: Summons some short-range homing hornets.
Alternate Fire: After a delay, spits out a hive that summons many hornets, and spits acid. Hive will burst into acid projectiles on expiry.
Trap Puzzle Box
Ammo Type: Magic
Main Fire: Uses 3 magic ammo. Throws a red box, that after a short delay, attempts to capture an enemy. If successful, the box turns blue and returns to you. Captured enemies are 'defeated' for the completion bonus.
Alternate Fire: Only functions if you have a blue box. Throws the blue box and summons the enemy inside, which will fight for you.
Cryo Bolter
Ammo Type: Magic
Main Fire: Fires a slow moving ball of ice.
Alternate Fire: Uses 3 Magic ammo. Fires an instant ice beam. Long firing delay.
Level 2 Weapons
Ammo Type: Melee / Magic
Main Fire: Fast melee attack.
Alternate Fire: Uses 15 magic ammo. Charge up to fire a shockwave that pierces enemies.
Ghost Axes
Ammo Type: Melee / Magic
Main Fire: Melee attack with both axes.
Alternate Fire: Uses 1 Magic ammo. Throws 3 spectral axes in a wide fan shape.
Chained Saw
Ammo Type: Melee
Main Fire: Rapid melee damage.
Alternate Fire: Short-range grappling hook.
Notes: You can use this to get out-of-reach treasures, and cheese challenge rooms.
Sword and Shield
Ammo Type: Melee
Main Fire: Melee slash attack.
Alternate Fire: Raises a shield that blocks projectiles and many enemy attacks from the front.
Ammo Type: Light
Main Fire: Clip size 9. Uses 3 Light ammo per shot. Does high damage.
Alternate Fire: Aim down sights.
Heavy Sniper Rifle
Ammo Type: Light
Main Fire: Clip size 10. Uses 5 Light ammo per shot. Does very high damage.
Alternate Fire: Aim down scope (high magnification).
Semi-Auto Shotgun
Ammo Type: Light
Main Fire: Clip size 9. Uses 3 Light ammo per shot. Reloads one bullet at a time.
Alternate Fire: Aim down sights.
Suppressed SMG
Ammo Type: Light
Main Fire: Clip size 30. Fast fire rate.
Alternate Fire: Aim down sights.
Demolitionist Rifle
Ammo Type: Light / Heavy
Main Fire: Clip Size: 30. Automatic fire.
Alternate Fire: Uses 1 heavy ammo. Fires a grenade.
Ammo Type: Light
Main Fire: After a brief spinning up period, starts firing very rapidly.
Alternate Fire: Spins the Minigun barrel without firing it.
Ammo Type: Light
Main Fire: Clip size 50. Extremely fast fire rate, low damage, low recoil.
Alternate Fire: Aim down sights.
Assault Rifle
Ammo Type: Light
Main Fire: Clip size 30. Very fast fire rate, high recoil.
Alternate Fire: Aim down sights.
Auto Crossbow
Ammo Type: Light
Main Fire: Clip size 50. Fires arrows at a high rate of fire.
Alternate Fire: Fires a burst of 10 arrows.
Machine Gun
Ammo Type: Light
Main Fire: Clip size 100. Uses 2 ammo per shot.
Alternate Fire: Aim down sights.
Ammo Type: Heavy
Main Fire: Shoots a metal slug at high velocity.
Alternate Fire: Aim down sights.
Sawblade Launcher
Ammo Type: Heavy/Melee
Main Fire: Shoots a sawblade.
Alternate Fire: Holds the sawblade in front of you and spins it at high speed, dealing rapid melee damage. Doesn't use ammo.
Tri-Grenade Launcher
Ammo Type: Heavy
Main Fire: Clip size 6. Fires a specialised grenade.
Alternate Fire: Cycles grenade type between Impact, Bouncing/rolling, and Sticky.
Grenade Harpooner
Ammo Type: Heavy
Main Fire: Fires a projectile that will stick where it lands, then explodes after a short delay. Projectile can pierce enemies if it kills them.
Alternate Fire: Aim down sights.
Seeking Launcher
Ammo Type: Heavy
Main Fire: Fires a rocket that seeks the nearest enemy.
Alternate Fire: Fires a rocket that follows your crosshair.
Breach Launcher
Ammo Type: Heavy
Main Fire: Clip size 5. Fires a spread of erratically moving missiles.
Alternate Fire: Charge up to fire higher damage, erratically moving missiles.
Frost Book
Ammo Type: Magic
Main Fire: Uses 3 Magic ammo per shot. Fires a high-damage icicle. Semi-automatic.
Alternate Fire: Uses 3 Magic ammo per shot. Charge up to fire a blizzard orb that sprays out a storm of icicles in an area around it.
Fire Ball Book
Ammo Type: Magic
Main Fire: Uses 5 Magic ammo per shot. Charge up to shoot a large fireball.
Alternate Fire: Uses 3 Magic ammo per shot. Charge up to shoot a fireball that explodes and splits into smaller fireballs after a set time. Splits 3 times.
Notes: Devastating in confined spaces. Beware of self-damage.
Tempest Book
Ammo Type: Magic
Main Fire: Uses 3 Magic ammo per shot. Fires a bolt of lightning that chains between enemies.
Alternate Fire: Uses 3 Magic ammo per shot. Charge up to fire a large ball of lightning that hovers in place, and shoots lightning at nearby enemies for a short duration.
Superposition Rifle
Ammo Type: Magic
Main Fire: Uses 2 Magic ammo per shot. Fires a random type of energy burst. (more testing is needed).
Alternate Fire: Same as main fire.?
Notes: I need to test this more.
Thorn Parasite
Ammo Type: Magic
Main Fire: Uses 3 Magic ammo per shot. Fires a parasite that follows the cursor, dealing damage.
Alternate Fire: Explodes all active parasites.
Notes: Without modifiers, 5 parasites can be summoned at a time before the ones already summoned start to expire.
Necromantic Skull
Ammo Type: Magic
Main Fire: Uses 3 Magic ammo per shot. Fires a beam that summons a skeleton minion near the target location.
Alternate Fire: Same as main fire.? Has a slightly different sound effect.
Martyr Staff
Ammo Type: Magic
Main Fire: Uses 1 Magic ammo per shot. Rapidly fires grey magic beams that deal low damage.
Alternate Fire: Costs 2 Health per use. Fires a burst of red beams that deal more damage.
Level 3 Weapons Part 1 (Melee/Light)
Ran into the dumb character limit, had to split this up. I guess that's how you know we're getting into the fun stuff.
Celestial Spear
Ammo Type: None - Melee / Magic
Main Fire: Slow, Long-ranged melee attack.
Alternate Fire: Uses *tbd* Magic ammo. Summons a barrage of lightning bolts at point-blank range.
Mega Chainsaw
Ammo Type: None - Melee
Main Fire: Fast melee attack. Holds you in place while attacking.
Alternate Fire: Fast melee attack. Propels you quickly along floors/walls when used on them.
Plasma Great Sword
Ammo Type: None - Melee
Main fire: Hold to charge up the blade, once charged, continue holding to do high damage melee swings repeatedly.
Alternate Fire: Charge up the greatsword and fly forward with it, dealing damage to enemies you run into.
Auto Gun
Ammo Type: Light
Main Fire: Mag size 50. Rapid fire, shots aim at the nearest target automatically. Reloading throws the bottom half of the gun, which explodes.
Alternate Fire: Uses 50 Light ammo. Throws out a turret which automatically uses the main gun to fire at nearby enemies. Turrets can remain indefinitely outside of combat, but only last a short while during combat.
Auto Shotgun
Ammo Type: Light
Main Fire: Clip size 8. Uses 3 Light ammo per shot. Fires a spread of bullets. Fully automatic.
Alternate Fire: Aim down sights.
Quad Shotgun
Ammo Type: Light
Main Fire: Clip size 2. Uses 6 Light ammo per shot. Fires a dense spread of bullets.
Alternate Fire: Fires both barrels at once. Heavy pushback.
The Judge
Ammo Type: Light
Main Fire: Fires bullets with varying effects and ammo costs. See alternate fire.
Alternate Fire: Cycles, in order, between Rapid-fire (2 ammo, high fire rate), Armor-piercing (3 ammo, pierces enemies), Incendiary (1 ammo, bullets leave fire trail), Explosive (4 ammo, bullets explode), Homing (3 ammo, bullets seek nearest target), and Rebounding (3 ammo, bullets bounce off walls).
Notes: A voice line speaks the currently selected mode aloud. Additionally, 1 of 6 six dots in a semicircular shape on the gun's sprite indicate the currently selected mode, starting at Rapid-fire on the left-most dot. It is reccomended to memorise the locations of your preferred firing modes, so you can quickly switch between them.
Ammo Type: Light
Main Fire: Clip size 100. Shoots a stream of fire. Fire instances bounce off walls, setting them on fire, and also slow down and expand as they travel.
Alternate Fire: Toggles between a focused, longer-ranged stream of fire and a shorter-range, wider spread.
Heavy Minigun
Ammo Type: Light
Main Fire: Uses 2 Light ammo per shot. Rapidly fires powerful bullets.
Alternate Fire: Hide behind a shield that slows your movement speed, lowers and obscures your view, and blocks enemy attacks and projectiles from the front. Changes the Main fire to fire more powerful, exploding rounds at a lower rate of fire. Use again to stand back up. Cannot use while standing in shallow water.
Twin SMGs
Ammo Type: Light
Main Fire: Clip size 100. Absurdly fast fire rate.
Alternate Fire: Uses up to 100 magic ammo while the trigger is held. Slows time to a crawl. (You cannot use main fire, and movement is ineffective during effect. Enemies can still damage you.) Target enemies to lock onto them. Releasing trigger will fire at all locked-on targets even faster than normal. Magic ammo is consumed even if no lock-ons occur, and bullets are fired even if lock-on target becomes obscured.
Notes: Highest DPS of any weapon, but chews through ammo.
Level 3 Weapons, Part 2 (Heavy/Magic)
Level 3 weapons, continued.
Ammo Type: Heavy
Main Fire: Clip size 30. Fires explosive bullets. Fully automatic. Very high damage.
Alternate Fire: Aim down sights.
Heavy Laser Rifle
Ammo Type: Heavy
Main Fire: Uses 2 Heavy ammo per shot. Fires a powerful laser beam.
Alternate Fire: Switches the Main fire mode between a single laser beam and a spread of smaller laser beams.
Ammo Type: Heavy
Main Fire: Uses 2 Heavy ammo per shot. Shoots a powerful rocket after a short delay. Insane knockback.
Alternate Fire: Uses 2 Heavy ammo per shot. Shoots a smaller rocket that explodes and splits into more bombs.
Pirate Cannon
Ammo Type: Heavy
Main Fire: Uses 3 Heavy ammo per use. Loads then fires three small cannonballs.
Alternate Fire: Uses 3 Heavy ammo per shot. Loads then fires a single giant cannonballl (roughly the player's height) that bounces off surfaces and enemies.
Post Driver
Ammo Type: Heavy
Main Fire: Uses 2 Heavy ammo per shot. Fires a heavy metal rod.
Alternate Fire: Uses 2 Heavy ammo per shot. Heats the metal post for a brief moment, then explodes it, firing red-hot shards in a wide spray.
Scrap Launcher
Ammo Type: Heavy
Main Fire: Uses 2 Heavy ammo per shot. Fires a wide spread of debris.
Alternate Fire: Uses 2 Heavy ammo per shot. Briefly charge to fire a large piece of scrap that explodes into debris on impact.
Micro Penetrator
Ammo Type: Heavy
Main Fire: Clip size 5. Uses 2 Heavy ammo per shot. Fires a spread of 13 small bombs that stick to targets and explode when struck.
Alternate Fire: Explodes all active bombs.
Orbital Cannon
Ammo Type: Heavy
Main Fire: Uses 3 Heavy ammo per shot. Calls down a giant laser from above that tracks the nearest enemy, dealing excellent damage over time.
Alternate Fire: Uses 1 heavy ammo per shot. Calls down a bunch of smaller lasers that move erratically. Faster firing speed than main fire.
Notes: My favourite weapon. Does excellent damage while allowing you to focus more on your movement and evasion.
Mini Nuke Launcher
Ammo Type: Heavy
Main Fire: Uses 5 Heavy ammo per shot. Hold down to charge, then release to fire a slow-moving mini nuke, which will explode in a massive area on impact for massive damage.
Alternate Fire: Press to detonate any travelling mini nukes. Does nothing if held while firing until released and re-pressed.
Mega Cannon
Ammo Type: None - Magic
Main Fire: Fires an energy ball. Uses no ammo.
Alternate Fire: Charges up to fire a larger, more powerful energy ball. 3 charge levels. Uses no ammo.
Plasma Rifle
Ammo Type: Magic
Main Fire: Clip size 60. Uses 2 Magic ammo per shot. Fires a plasma ball.
Alternate Fire: Uses 6 Magic ammo per shot. Charge up to fire a large, short-ranged plasma ball that explodes on impact, or after it slows to a stop.
Gravity Staff
Ammo Type: Magic
Main Fire: Uses 2 Magic ammo per shot. Sends all nearby enemies flying away from you at high speed, and pushes you backwards.
Alternate Fire: Uses 2 Magic ammo per shot. Pulls all nearby enemies towards you. Deals more damage and has a larger range than the main fire.
Chaos Staff
Ammo Type: Magic
Main Fire: Uses 7 Magic ammo per shot. After a brief delay, fires a large, extremely powerful projectile that explodes.
Alternate Fire: Uses 4 Magic ammo per shot. Fires a spread of 16 piercing crystal projectiles. 8 in a horizontal line, 8 in a spreading diamond shape.
Inferno Rod
Ammo Type: Magic
Main Fire: Uses 7 Magic ammo per shot. Calls down several small fireballs onto an area around the target location, then calls down a large fireball directly on the target location.
Alternate Fire: Uses 1 magic ammo per tick. Superheats a small zone at the target location, dealing fire damage as long as the button is held down. Uses roughly 4 Magic ammo per second.
Pyxis Of Souls
Ammo Type: Magic
Main Fire: Uses 2 Magic Ammo per shot. Summons a floating skull that homes in on the nearest enemy.
Alternate Fire: 10 Magic ammo per shot. Summons a floating skull, that summons more floating skulls, which fly at enemies. Summoned skulls can stay indefinitely outside of combat, but expire quickly in combat.
Black Hole Launcher
Ammo Type: Magic
Main Fire: 7 Magic ammo per shot. Fires a small black hole that travels forward slowly.
Alternate Fire: Uses 20 Magic ammo. After a short delay, fires a beam that creates a powerful black hole where it hits. Shorter range than many weapons, but don't stand too close!
Joke/Reference Weapons
These weapons are jokes or references to other games, usually found in secret rooms or during random events. You likely won't be fighting with them, and I haven't seen them all in-gmae myself yet, so I'm just going to post the pictures of these weapons that the Devs kindly gave me access to for this guide.
More Nightmare Reaper guilds
- All Guilds
- Get Better Performance with Vulkan (DXVK)
- Topaz Map
- Nightmare Reaper !Spoiler Alert!
- Archive of Various Weapons I've Gotten
- Gold skill tree guide
- Farming 500 powerups efficiently - quick tips
- Chapter 3 Hub Levels Quick Reference Guide
- How to farm Arena (and get the Foolishness achievement)
- Topaz Mini Game Monster Abilities Compendium (Draft, will complete SOON)