Jade Minigame Map (Work-In-Progress)

Jade Minigame Map (Work-In-Progress)

The Map

Jade Minigame Map (Work-In-Progress) image 1

These are all the zones I have found thus far, though I am pretty sure that's all of them.

Unfortunately I didn't think to start this map earlier when I hadn't bought anything, so I will slowly add what each zone sells when I start a new game. Also the structure may change a bit, as there is so much information and going through all the shops to compare and contrast is extremely tedious and annoying, so there might be some mistakes or omissions here and there.

Any feedback or useful info will be appreciated.


In general, there are four kinds of upgrades you can buy from stations scattered all across the Jade Minigame:

- Ship Upgrades (only useful for the minigames, if you disable them you only need to buy the scanner to progress along the map

- Unique Abilities - These abilities can alter your gameplay, like slow-motion, ledge grabbing, auto-reloading etc. You can disable each skill individually from the options menu, if you change your mind

- Pet Skills - Upgrades for your pets, both passive stat bonuses and unique new skills.

- Stat Bonuses - Just make you more powerful.

Most items apart from the unique abilities can be bought 4 times, initially for 6000 Jade, then 15000, 45000 and finally 125000.

It's worth noting that upgrades for each pets are scattered down along the four main branches illustrated above:

- Aggressor - Zone 3

- Protector - Zone 4

- Finder - Zone 5

- Soul - Zone 6

If you want to upgrade, say, the Aggressor, you only need to follow the areas from Zone 3, in this case those are Zones 7, 8 and 9.

Ship Upgrades

Name Price Mk.I Price Mk.II Price Mk.III Price Mk.IV Cannon - 15000 45000 125000 Sweeper 6000 15000 45000 125000 Laser 6000 15000 45000 125000 Magnetron 6000 15000 45000 125000 Shield 6000 15000 45000 125000 Scanner 6000 15000 45000 125000

These upgrades can be purchased from basically any station and the level of the upgrade will correspond with the Shop's Danger Level. For example you can only buy a Laser Mk. 2 from a Danger Level 2 Shop, Mk.3 from Level.3 and so on. The only exception to this are scanners, which are required to progress to the next danger level.

Unique Skills & Abilities (incomplete)

Name Price Location Acid Immunity 15000 Zone 1 Ledge Grab 25000 Zone 1 Red Barrel Kick Throw 18000 Zone 2 Wall Slide 18000 Zone 2 Kick Ground Pound 18000 Zone 2 Tornado Dash 18000 Zone 3 Wall Kicking 20000 Zone 5 Low-Life Nightmare Reaper 20000 Zone 5 Slow Time Dash 18000 Zone 5 Lava Immunity 15000 Zone 5 Projectile Kickback - - Reload Holstered Weapon - -

Note: Some skills can be found across multiple parallel shops and across danger levels. For instance Wall Slide can be found first in Zone 2 (Danger 1), as well as Zone 5 and 6 (Danger 2).

Stat Bonuses

Pet Skills

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2788790339					

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