Intro + How To Search
Disclaimer: This guide is inspired by Kwyl's guide, i noticed the guide is missing some monsters attack that may be added later by the author, so i decided to make my own tailored through my experience and helps from this guide's comments.
This guide does NOT contain weapon type weaknesses like slash, pierce, or blunt, because the information willl feel too crowded.
This guide is made as an easy "cheatsheet" to know what attack patterns monsters uses.
This guide is sorted alphabetically based on the Monsters Original Names (Sub-Species will be below the monsters' original name)
For example: Emerald Congalala will be below Congalala
To quickly find the monster you looking for, use shortcut " Ctrl + F " and type the monster name.
Element Symbols
Symbols Elements No Elements Fire Water Thunder Ice Dragon
A ===
Monster Name Element Weakness Primary Attack Secondary Attack Tertiary Attack Agnaktor Speed Enraged: Technical Molten: Power Glacial Agnaktor Power Enraged: Speed Ice Armor (broken):
Technical Anjanath Speed Enraged:
Power Fulgur Anjanath Power Enraged:
Speed Arzuros Power Astalos Technical
B ===
Monster Name Element Weakness Primary Attack Secondary Attack Tertiary Attack Barioth Speed Sand Barioth Speed Barroth
(Mud Armor)
Speed Mud Armor:
Technical Jade Barroth Power Ice Armor:
Technical Basarios Technical Enraged:
Power Ruby Basarios Technical Enraged:
Power Bazelgeuse Speed Enraged:
Technical Brachydios Power Enraged (Technical Seal!):
Speed Bulldrome Power
C ===
Monster Name Element Weakness Primary Attack Secondary Attack Tertiary Attack Cephadrome Speed Enraged: Technical Congalala Technical Enraged: Power Emerald Congalala
D ===
Monster Name Element Weakness Primary Attack Secondary Attack Tertiary Attack Daimyo Hermitaur Technical Enraged:
Power Plum Daimyo
Hermitaur Technical Enraged:
Speed Deviljho Power Enraged/Pumped Up:
Speed Diablos Power Enraged:
Speed Black Diablos Power Enraged:
Speed Bloodbath Diablos Speed Enraged:
Power Duramboros Power
G ===
Monster Name Element Weakness Primary Attack Secondary Attack Tertiary Attack Gammoth Power Gendrome Speed Enraged: Technical Glavenus Power Tail:
Technical Throat:
Speed Gravios Power Enraged: Technical Black Gravios Power Enraged: Technical Great Baggi Speed Enraged: Technical Great Jaggi Technical Enraged: Speed Gypceros Power Enraged: Technical Purple Gypceros Technical Enraged:
I ===
Monster Name Element Weakness Primary Attack Secondary Attack Tertiary Attack Iodrome Speed Enraged:
K ===
Monster Name Element Weakness Primary Attack Secondary Attack Tertiary Attack Kecha Wacha Speed Enraged: Technical Ash Kecha Wacha Technical Enraged: Speed Khezu Technical Enraged: Power Red Khezu Technical Enraged/Electrified: Speed Kirin Speed Enraged: Technical Kulu-Ya-Ku Technical Holding a Rock: Power Kushala Daora Technical Enraged: Power Flying: Speed
L ===
Monster Name Element Weakness Primary Attack Secondary Attack Tertiary Attack Lagiacrus Power Enraged: Speed Electrified: Technical Ivory Lagiacrus Speed Enraged: Power Electrified: Technical Lagombi Speed Enraged: Power Legiana Speed Enraged: Power Flying: Technical
M ===
Monster Name Element Weakness Primary Attack Secondary Attack Tertiary Attack Mizutsune Technical Enraged: Speed Monoblos Speed Enraged: Power White Monoblos Power Enraged: Speed
N ===
Monster Name Element Weakness Primary Attack Secondary Attack Tertiary Attack Nargacuga Speed Enraged: Technical Green Nargacuga Speed Enraged: Power Silverwind Nargacuga Technical Enraged: Speed Nergigante Technical White Spikes: Power Black Spikes/Enraged: Speed Nerscylla Technical Enraged: Speed Shrouded Nerscylla Technical Enraged: Speed
P ===
Monster Name Element Weakness Primary Attack Secondary Attack Tertiary Attack Paolumu Technical Flying: Speed Plesioth Technical Enraged: Power Green Plesioth Technical Pukei-Pukei Technical Enraged: Power
Q ===
Monster Name Element Weakness Primary Attack Secondary Attack Tertiary Attack Qurupeco Technical Enraged: Power Crimson Qurupeco Technical Enraged: Speed
R ===
Monster Name Element Weakness Primary Attack Secondary Attack Tertiary Attack Rajang Power Auras Rathalos Power (same when enraged) Flying: Speed Azure Rathalos Power (same when enraged) Rathian Speed Pink Rathian Speed Enraged: Power Dreadqueen Rathian Technical Enraged: Speed Royal Ludroth Power Purple Ludroth
(Purple Royal Ludroth) Power Enraged: Technical
S ===
Monster Name Element Weakness Primary Attack Secondary Attack Tertiary Attack Seltas Technical Formation: Power Seltas Queen Technical Formation: Power Enraged: Speed Desert Seltas Queen Seregios Technical Enraged: Speed
T ===
Monster Name Element Weakness Primary Attack Secondary Attack Tertiary Attack Teostra Speed Enraged: Power Flying: Technical Tetsucabra Power Tigrex Speed Enraged: Power Brute Tigrex Power Enraged: Speed Grimclaw Tigrex Power Enraged: Speed Tobi-Kadachi Speed Enraged: Technical Electrified: Power
U ===
Monster Name Element Weakness Primary Attack Secondary Attack Tertiary Attack Uragaan Power
(remember to destroy
the bomb rock) Enraged: Technical
V ===
Monster Name Element Weakness Primary Attack Secondary Attack Tertiary Attack Velkhana Speed Ice Armor: Technical Flying: Power Velocidrome Speed Enraged: Power
Y ===
Monster Name Element Weakness Primary Attack Secondary Attack Tertiary Attack Yian Garuga Technical Enraged: Power Yian Kut-Ku Technical Enraged: Speed Blue Yian Kut-Ku Technical Enraged: Speed
Z ===
Monster Name Element Weakness Primary Attack Secondary Attack Tertiary Attack Zamtrios Technical Ice Armor: Speed Swell: Power Zinogre Speed lvl 1 Electrified: Technical lvl 2 Electrified
(fail to knock him down in time):
Power Stygian Zinogre Technical Enraged: Speed Thunderlord Zinogre Power Electrified: Speed Enraged: Technical
Small Monsters === [WIP]
Monster Name Element Weakness Primary Attack Secondary Attack Tertiary Attack Ioprey Speed Konchu Technical Uroktor Technical
Thanks + Outro
Special Thanks to Kwyl for making the original guide that becomes inspiration for me to make my own version.
Check out Kwyl's guide and consider giving Kwyl a steam award!
Link = (Kwyl's Guide)
Also i found out Killings' helpful comment in Kwyl's guide, and Killings has a similar guide in German, which is also nice!
Link = (Killings' Guide)
Unfortunately, i can't read German language.
Also, if you have any feedback/tips/information to share, feel free to do it in the comments :)
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