How to kinda not suck (a compilation of other guides plus my experiences)

Idk Im Not Allowed To Have No Title Soo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

1) play around in the practice range thingy to get a feel for each weapon / horse movement

2) theres a bunch of ways to get on building rooftops for some easy loot and high ground advantage - try climbing on piles of barrels, building geometry, even ur horse

3) you can shoot bombs mid air to set them off (and surf their explosions to get in some sneaky spots, they take about 50% hp)

4) try doing a bunch of small drifts on horses to maximise movement speed, also if you accidentally slip onto the grass sometimes its faster to keep holding a drift (the movements kinda weird). you also have quite a lot of control while drifting just using ur a / d keys

5) horse riding is super important because if you get to a village early you can set up / loot, win the fight, and still leave early enough to do the same at the next village

6) you can out-heal nighttime dmg with enough regen thingys (7-10 i think)

7) if somethings broken / glitching out try redownloading the game (it only takes like 30 secs)

8) if ur camera is goning nuts ive heard changing the resolution fixes it

9) apparently no one realises you can press f to kick lol

10) the thingy at the top of ur screen tells u the time of day - pink = morning, yellow = day, orange = evening, black = night

11) always follow the signs (the maps kindaaaaaaa useless but comes in handy from time to time)

12) be careful to not let ur horse slip off the rose podium area at the end of the castle - if it goes to far away you start taking damage and basically lose

13) the horn is actually pretty useful for getting ur teammates attention if you wanna group up

14) set ur server location thingy to where u live - mine was america but im eu

15) pink armour makes u deal more damage (trust me)

16) theres a bunch of small shortcuts you can take while riding but just try to get decent at the basics first

17) ur horse makes pretty constant noises after you get off it in a village - you can use this to hide ur own sounds or bait people into a trap (if they think the horse sounds are urs)

18) ive actually managed to successfully hide in the bushes dotted around villages a couple times and get the jump on people

19) it kinda stucks buuuuut sometimes you need to leave ur partner behind :c

20) you can heal / reload while riding a horse

thats about it i guess?? ill update this if i find anything new


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