Fastest way to the rose: Ultimate guide to shortcuts! (update in progress)

Fastest way to the rose: Ultimate guide to shortcuts! (update in progress)


Are you going professional, speedrun or just want to spice your game?

I present you a guide for skipping the path so you will be at next town as soon as possible!

DISCLAIMER: Skipping paths may lead to reducing fun of riding the drifting horse! Skip the paths at you own risk!

Also thank you Okgo for helping me out with some of these!

Skipping The Path

Stepping on the grass makes the horse hungry thus it starts feeding and walking very slowly. Overall, it is better to stay on the path, but sometimes is better to take a shortcut, feed the horse, relax and enjoy the sunny day.

I recommend you to read a short guide about drifting. When approaching the grass, release the drift and get the boost right before the path ends. This will give you some momentum.

Shortcut Map

Fastest way to the rose: Ultimate guide to shortcuts! (update in progress) image 9

Following map contains the fastest way to the Big Castle™ and also alternative ways (explained later).

If the original path and the possible skip path the are just as fast, original was chosen. That's because You don't lose the momentum on it.

Legend for the map:

Red line displays the fastest way to the Big Castle™.

Purple line displays the part of the path were you go over the grass

Orange line displays the alternative which is not the fastest, but is also good.

Blue line displays interesting fences, which have to be bypassed.

*Note: OUTPOST was renamed to FORT


Fastest way in my opinion is OAK->VINEYARD->Big Castle™ (for TWINCLIFFS see below).

Because VINEYARD->Big Castle™ is definitely the fastest path to the Big Castle™, all paths that lead to VINEYARD are chosen. Because of this, VINEYARD tend to be most action and dangerous second town.

If you feel you don't wanna any company, consider using some of the alternative (orange) paths. COURT, POSH, HIGHHILL and CAMP are the towns that are not that much popular in my experience.

Be careful at the skipping some town entirely! Skip from start to TWINCLIFFS is the fastest way to Big Castle™. But in the current version of the game, if you are in the next town than intended, you are being killed by the cold even if you are in the town. To survive the night you need 9-10 pills! In the current version of the game, if you skip to TWINCLIFFS, find there all the pills needed, you can survive the first night but then you dont have the pills to survive next night in the Big Castle™!


If I missed something, feel free to send me your suggestions for more skips! I want to keep this map updated.

Happy rose hunting!


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