Nergigante is the first Elder dragon you can get your hands on, it's mean, strong, beefy and with a bad attitude.
Thankfully you can find its eggs well before you beat the main game and here you'll learn how to do it best.
What You Need Before You Start
The only real requirement is reaching the part of the story where Nergigante eggs may start to spawn, this is right after you finally face one in the Terga region. You'll know you're on track once you get the Steam achievement for reaching kinship stone level 7.
You also need to know what egg pattern you're looking for, here it is:
Things that aren't required but will make everything much quicker for you:
-A monstie with the Nest Search riding skill, Great Baggi and Kulu-Ya-Ku are great budget options for this.
-Use the Prayer Pot, choose Finding Prayer and use one or more Finding Charms.
-Equip a Talisman that ups your chances of finding rare eggs.
Egg Farming Method
Here's all the steps:
-Head to the Torga Volcano base catavan station.
-Use the Nest Search skill on your monstie then open your map and hover over each monster den it revealed, rare monster dens sadly have no special color on the map so you need to check the name of each one. (if you have no monster with this skill you'll have to explore the whole area yourself and while doable it takes much longer).
IF YOU FIND NO RARE DENS: just open your map and fast travel to the Torga Volcano Base catavan again to reset the zone and try again. Some people say you have to alternate choosing between Afternoon/ Evening to ensure it resets but I personally had no problems just fast traveling normally.
-If you find a rare den go there and, as soon as you enter, use the Nest Search skills again. This will pinpoint the eggs location on your map in green, this way you know which direction to go and will waste no time on wrong turns if the den is big.
-Once you're at the place just go through the eggs until you find a Nergigante one or they're all gone.
BEWARE: if the nest is empty and you go through so many eggs to trigger a monster spawn there's a chance of it being a Nergigante, come prepared.
-If you haven't found a Nergigante egg or simply want more (their genes are great so the more the merrier) just do the fast travel trick to reset the zone and start over.
Thanks&my Other Guide
As always, I hope this guide was helpful for you. If it was please give it an upvote to make it more visible to others thus ensuring it reaches as many players as possible.
If you're not this far in the story and want a guide on Royal Monsters I have one for you!
Good luck with your hunts and may all your eggs be heavy and sparkly.
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