POV Of Raider To Enemy Carrier
The whole process can take 5-10 mins depend on how effective you approach the enemy carrier and jump on it.
(You don't need to put soviet anthem, it was just for fun)
Step By Step Of How To Achieve This With Your Group
Find enemy's carrier
This can be hard in the early game since you are on the other side of the map, but after the first island capture by the enemy, that is the indication of where the enemy is, so start set sail towards that direction of the captured island.
Tip: try to avoid any enemy's ship on the island when you passing them
Approach enemy carrier
At this stage you want to catch up with enemy carrier and maintain parallel with it
Tip: turn on all counter measure in this stage since you are most likely get shot at from all side
how to jump on enemy carrier
The best spot for jumping on enemy carrier is from the head of the carrier like this one showed in the video
Tip: there is a invisible wall at the back of the enemy carrier and prevent you from get on board from behind
how to activated the self destructed on enemy ship
Due to some reason either dev wasn't think player can't do that or something else the self destructed panel on the enemy ship will be un-textured but the functions is still there.
so as longer you remember the button location you activated the self destruct sequence on the carrier
Tip: only the owner of the game can put the key in, so make sure the owner are also on the enemy carrier
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2572726683
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