Maybe the carrier is not the real enemy after all...

Maybe the carrier is not the real enemy after all...


Maybe the carrier is not the real enemy after all... image 1

Maybe the carrier is not the real enemy after all... image 2
Maybe the carrier is not the real enemy after all... image 3
Maybe the carrier is not the real enemy after all... image 4

After the 11th island captured, while i was on my way to capture the 12th, i noticed some turrets on my far eastern island was blinking.

Then realised that i can control them remotely, so i checked them manually, one by one.

It was the enemy carrier, after its 15th island captured it was heading to an island nearby my

current target.

I did a "Quick" quicksave in-case of a major f*ckup on my, or the "not so trust worthy" AI's end occurs, but mostly AI's end.

Attack Begins

Maybe the carrier is not the real enemy after all... image 11
Maybe the carrier is not the real enemy after all... image 12
Maybe the carrier is not the real enemy after all... image 13
Maybe the carrier is not the real enemy after all... image 14

Then I told my Carrier to bring me everyone. She stupidly asked, "What do you mean everyone?"

I told her by screaming into her face, "EEEVERYONEEEE!". Theeen, the game closed down on me.

Maybe after i sent one Albatros into air, I shouldn't have loaded one to the unoccupied slot. MAYBE THATS THE REASON IT SENT ME TO DESKTOP!

I returned to the combat and shot the enemy with everything i got.

Won The First Battle

Maybe the carrier is not the real enemy after all... image 20
Maybe the carrier is not the real enemy after all... image 21
Maybe the carrier is not the real enemy after all... image 22

Cutscene enters and I was wondering what to do next. Then it put me back into the game again.

I tried entering the enemy carrier, it was pitch black on exterior walls, so i only could hop from deck to deck jumping.

There was no interactables on the charred carrier, so i tried to get in without destroying it. Loaded my backup save.

Second Encounter, Or Not?

Maybe the carrier is not the real enemy after all... image 27

Maybe the carrier is not the real enemy after all... image 28
Maybe the carrier is not the real enemy after all... image 29
Maybe the carrier is not the real enemy after all... image 30
Maybe the carrier is not the real enemy after all... image 31
Maybe the carrier is not the real enemy after all... image 32
Maybe the carrier is not the real enemy after all... image 33

I had saved at the moment i was launching everything, so i disabled the lifts, because it was destroying every flying object in a second.

Realised it was not firing at me at all. Maybe it was not designed to fire at anything, except my planes that attack it.

It was too colorful to be a world destroying kind, headed upstairs to look for the people who were brutal enough to do such things.

To my surprise, every room i got in was empty and dark. At first glance, i did not notice any pressable buttons.

But actually, every button was where it was supposed to be. I poked around a bit, and turns out, I can command this carrier too!

Long story short, I decided to crash it to a shore, where it can't capture any more islands. More experiments on that later

Almost forgot, if you remember the "Self-Destruction prosedures", you can still destroy the enemy carrier while on-board.

But seems llike scopes are unusable, going to try the drone command as well, but i don't expect a different outcome.


Maybe the carrier is not the real enemy after all... image 43
Maybe the carrier is not the real enemy after all... image 44
Maybe the carrier is not the real enemy after all... image 45

In the end, game finished. Don't know what to do. I enjoyed and still was enjoying the game till I encountered the enemy capital ship. Now?

I don't know if i can get anything out of this game anymore. Maybe if the enemy carrier was a submersible and until you capture all the islands, it wouldn't show itself, maybe then i would've spend almost over 200-300 hours, ( with the island count being near 50, or maybe more, that is the approximate gameplay hours to capture them all in my opinion and gameplay style) and eventually disappointed from a game being awesome in a lot of aspects but has a sh*tty ending.

In all honesty, I really enjoyed every second of the game, it is on my favourite games to play when you need some fresh air and salty waters list. I can only hope that ending can be postponed, glorified, beautified(?), shizzle dazzled, or something.


Thanks for a good game with sh*tty ending.

Best regards, Oz.


You know, there are games with good atmosphere, gameplay mechanics are plenty, but the twist is, those games have one thing in common, f*cky ending. Which makes them a game to speedrun. This is one of them. A game for speedrunners to mock with.

-To Dear Devs, with much respect and love


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