Hello, I'm Mvb1122, and I figured out how to re-configure your saves in order to make the game easier.
Easy Way
First, the easy way: replacing an existing save.
If this is too difficult for you, Here's a video tutorial version:
Here are the steps:
First, download this[] xml file. Make sure to remember where it is, since we'll be needing it later.
Hit the windows key and R at the same time, then type:
%appdata%into the box that pops up.
Then, once the File Explorer window opens, find the folder that is labeled:
Carrier Command 2Then, once you've opened the folder, find and open the persistent_data.xml file.
Read through the list of saves and find a save you want to replace by its display_name value.
Then, make note of the adjacent save_name value, since we'll need it to find the correct file to overwrite.
Next, go back to the File Explorer window, and enter the saved_games subfolder.
Then, go into the folder with the same name as the save_name value from earlier.
And finally, replace the existing save.xml file with the one you downloaded earlier.
And that's about it! You should be good to re-launch the game and to load up the save you replaced.
Hard Way
Now, for you ballers out there who want to go the other way-- to crank the difficulty so it's only max-level islands, here's the method for you:
NOTE, this way requires you to have Visual Studio Community installed, but otherwise functions exactly the same as the Easy Way.
Also, a warning:
I have not tested all possible difficulty_factor values, so you might experience unexpected instability.
Here's the video for this version:
Follow the instructions for the easy way, except skip step #1 and stop at #7, then come back here.
Now that you've found the save.xml file you want to modify, go ahead and open it in VSC.
We need to now use a Regex to replace all instances of difficulty_factor="ANUMBERHERE"
Here's that Regex you'll need:
difficulty_factor="([+-]?(?=\.\d|\d)(?:\d+)?(?:\.?\d*))(?:[eE]([+-]?\d+))?" Now, you decide what difficulty you want. It's a number between 1 and 8, with 1 meaning 1 level,
2 meaning level 2, etc...
Now, we just replaceAll by Regex, using the regex from earlier and the number you selected, like so:
(Make sure to hit the little "Use Regular Expression" button.)
Then, after you run the replaceAll, you can just save your changes, close VSC, and relaunch the game.
Closing Statements
Thanks for reading!
If you need any additional help, I'm basically always on Discord at Micah#1980.
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