Hardcore Parkour
step -1: go to chinatown
step 0: turn right at the gate
step 1: jump up that box thing
step 2: jump up on the rightmost pipe above the box
step 3: jump up on that folded ladder
step 4: jump up on/over that rail
step 5: jump up on the tree
step 6: jump up on that chinese floating lantern s*** idk
step 7: jump over the railing on the top floor of the fire escape
step 8: turn left and jump over the rail and the building
step 9: run around the outside counterclockwise till you see this
congrats! you now have the out of bounds and the 大張偉 achievement or whatever it is.
step 10: go home
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2534445209
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