100% Achievement Guide WIP - CUCKOLD SIMULATOR: Life as a Beta Male Cuck

100% Achievement Guide WIP - CUCKOLD SIMULATOR: Life as a Beta Male Cuck


This guide is a WIP and is being updated. Sorry for the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ formatting. I'm new to this.

Also, the save file is very easy to access and hack. It is located at C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME_HERE\AppData\LocalLow\Team SNEED\CuckoldSimulator

Change the C: for whatever drive your Windows is on, obviously.

??? -- WIP

Discovered the truth.


Billiards Pro

That's not actually how you play the game.

There is a billiards table in the bar in Chinatown. To get the achievement, you have to jump onto the table and run into and sink each ball.

Coming Out Of The Closet

You got caught...

The first time you meet Tyrone and your wife in the bedroom upstairs, Tyrone takes your money and makes you leave. Instead of doing what he says, walk into the room, go into the closet (the door in the back left corner) and close the door behind you.

Early Adopter

You played the game during Early Access. Don't be too harsh on it...

Just play the game during Early Access.

Funky Pop!

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Found a Funky Pop collectible in the overworld.

On night 2, DeShawn takes and hides your Funky Pop collection for a TikTok Challenge. They are spread across the different areas of the game. Here's a list of all of them.



Jump on the post that is closest to the garage and sprint jump to the top of the roof.


There is a picket fence connected with a hedge to the left of the house. Jump onto that and then jump onto the roof.


It's in your garage.



Take a left once you enter and go up the stairs into an area with four curtains to your left.


None that I know of.



It's in the men's bathroom at the bar.


NOTE: This one will not show on the display case in your room. Apparently, you also get the Out of Bounds achievement if you don't have it already.

Exit the game and navigate to your save game location and open the file in Notepad++. The first hunk of text should be about the player and have the tag Player. You're going to want to change the localPosition variables. They should be lines 22, 23, and 24. Change x to 73.866, y to -922.698059, and z to 47.804. Now load back into the game and you should be on top of the Funky Pop if not near it.

Genocide -- WIP

Anime was a mistake.

I haven't got this one but I assume you have to complete the Anime Girl Genocide game or whatever it's called for the Wintendo Snitch you buy in the Chinatown Area. To get there, you have to spend $150 getting a nightclub membership and then ask the bartender about drugs. You find the Snitch and game in a GameStart somewhere in that area. You need 750 yuan total. Don't insult the lady selling the yuan as she will give you less yuan per dollar.

There's also an easier way if you modify your save file. There are several things you need to change from false to true. First is "Car_Gray_Travel_Enabled". Change the active tag from false to true. Same with "Chinatown (4)" and "WatchScripts(starts disabled, enabled via story)". Just CTRL+F and type those in. Then, you should be able to travel there from Night 1.

The game and Snitch will be in your living room. Once you're in, you'll need to click once to be able to look around. Your goal is to kill 8 anime girls and then get back to the car. First, go through the open gate and keep going straight until you're in the school. Go right and there will be an anime girl under the stairwell on your left. Keep going down the hallway and there will be another anime girl in the first room. Then, go down until the end of the hallway, take a right, and another will be in the second room on the right. Go back the way you came and go up the stairs. Once you're up, take a right into the theater. There will be an anime girl on the stage behind the left curtain. Go back and down the hallway until you get to the second door on your left. There will be an anime girl in that room on a table. Then, go to the end of the hallway and there will be two anime girls in the room with the white door on your left. Take a right and the last anime girl will be in the women's restroom (second door), second stall.

Kasia, Wróć!

She's never coming back...

Go to Chinatown, take the first left, then a right (bar should be on your right), then a right at the end, and a left once you reach GameStart and find a man named Christopher (he's kriz in the code) at the end of the street and talk to him. After a discussion about his gf getting railed in Brazil, go back to the bar to enlighten him about the beauty of being a cuck. After a long cutscene with just unskippable dialogue, you should get the achievement and $60.

No Escape

Huh... Weird...

Just fall out of bounds (on the home area I think). Easy. Just go to the edge of the street and jump around the barriers

No More Baby

Tyrone Jr. managed to get out of bounds and fell to his death. You should have shut the door behind you...


You have to leave the door open after you meet Tyrone Jr. and let him wander around outside until he somehow clips outside the street area. I was just walking around when I saw him OOB so I guided him to the edge of the world and got the achievement after he fell off.

EASY (cheating) WAY:

With the game closed, open the save file in Notepad++ and use CTRL+F to search for "TyroneJR-char".

Go down a few lines until you see "children" : [ and then click on the opening bracket. Use the scroll bar on the right to scroll down until the red line indicating the block of code inside the brackets ends.

Right after the red line ends, there should be a block of data labeled "components". Only thing that's needed is the "y" in localPosition. For me, it's line 46,517. Change that to something like -10.

Load up the game, wait for Tyrone Jr. to fall out of the world and for the achievement to pop. Hopefully. I haven't tested this. But I feel like it should work.

There could also another way that involves editing the save file. I'm not sure if this unlocks the achievement or not, though. CTRL+F and search for "TyroneJrDead" and then change the value from false to true.

Not Jesus

The pool is filled with epoxy, not water. There is nothing remarkable about standing on it.

Just stand on the pool in your backyard.


You had to wipe your save data due to my terrible coding. Here's a consolation prize...

Clear your save data from the main menu.

Out Of Bounds

You found your first mythic rare Funky Pop. Nice!

See Funky Pop! > Chinatown > Radioactive

The Biggest Blackest Funky Pop! -- WIP

You literally had to hack the game to get this... Really, man?

I've tried to get this by modifying the save file but to no avail. I'll keep trying.

The Money Man

You outsmarted Tyrone and managed to keep all your money... How crafty.


Cheat Engine is required

Open Cheat Engine and open the Cuckold Simulator Process.

Start a new game. Clear save data if necessary (this'll get you an achievement).

Back in Cheat Engine, enter 9250 in the search bar under "Value:".

Play through the game until after Tyrone steals your money.

Go to Cheat Engine and, in the long list on the right, select the first memory address, scroll down to the bottom, and hold shift as you click the last one. This will select all of the memory addresses.

Hit CTRL+E to change the values of all memory addresses and change the value back to 9250, or anything above it. Maybe numbers below 9250 will work too, not sure.

Go back into the game and play until you go meet DeShawn. You should get the achievement.

The Trash Man -- WIP

You really will do anything, won't you?

Not sure. Going to have to try some more things.

Zoil Skip -- WIP

Perform the 'Zoil Skip'


Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2476127863					

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