Le Front Page Of Le Internet
Reddit is known as Le front page of Le internet. It is Le best place in Le world! Le only other place that comes close is BLACKED.
I've gathered together a list of all Le best subs on Reddit for everyone to enjoy since a major part of Le game is browsing Reddit! Feel free to browse any of the below when using your computer in your cuck corner!
Le List
r/politics - Le best sub on Le site! Come here and talk about how evil Le nazi Republicans are. All Le Super PACs work together to make sure I have all Le latest news!
r/againsthatesubreddits - Channel your inner Karen and help us take down on Le nazis all over super duper Reddit!
r/egg_irl - A place for all Le epic trans people to come. Come get groomed with us!
r/the_mueller - It's Le mueller time! XDXDXDXDXDXD
r/news - Come get all your American unbiased news here! Don't forge to vote blue!
r/worldnews - An amazing place where all countries of Le world can ♥♥♥♥ on America!
r/politicalhumor - Le epic political memes!
r/cuckold - Le second bestorina sub on Le site! Le best place to find all Le best tips for prepping your wife's bull!
r/fragilewhiteredditor - A place for us to talk about how much we hate being white!
r/blackpeopletwitter - A minstral show where we can all pretend not to be white!
r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns - Look at how much we all look like Le anime catgirls!
r/transpassing - Come see how much all Le epic tranarino people look like women!
Rest In Peace
In Loving Memory of r/chapotraphouse
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2479021511
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