Balding? No worries! I will help you combat baldness! ^-^
1. Hahaa look at this bald looser. He's so bald and balding bwahahahaha!!
How does it feel being that bald ugly dude. You realise there's a reason everybody is repulsed by you? Don't you find it weird how every time you pass some cute gals you hear them laughing? Sorry not sorry to break it to you but they're lauging at your bald head. I know you think women love bald guys and its whatever. They don't. Sometimes they lie to their guy friends that their crooked bald repulsive heads actually complement their facial features or whatever. They're generally very emphatic so they lie straight to the guys' faces. But they never date these ugly bald losers unless it's strictly for the money. That's also why your parents divorced. How could a mother love a child that ugly? How could a father who carries the bald gene possess enough intelligence to keep the family together if he's stupid enough to bring a bald offspring to this world? You need to understand that the divorce was MOSTLY your fault. Though your influence goes far beyond that. The following will not have any hidden mean implications. You are a net negative to this world. The world would be a better place if you were not conceived. Of course there MIGHT be ways to stop any further negative impact on this corporeal dimension. I am not legally forced to disclose those reasons. But assuming one could find a way to cease that negative effect, it would be morally good to "execute" that way.
2. Terminate the Twitch subscription to Asmongold and TrainwrecksTV.
Thanks for reading this guide you baldy
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