Ultimate Evil Genius 2 Guide

Ultimate Evil Genius 2 Guide


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This is a personal choice and mainly comes down to your play style, so here's a breakdown of the Geniuses.

MAXIMILIAN - The Mega Rich Megalomaniac


Max is a good all rounder & the default Genius when choosing Quick Start.


Work Harder - Prioritise jobs

Train Faster - Instantly completes Minion training.


Earns gold easier.

Starts with a additional minions.


Crown Gold.

RED IVAN - The Heavy Muscle Madman


Ivan is focused on combat.


Do it now - Prioritise jobs, combat boost

Old School - Fires a rocket launcher


Cheap muscle minions.

Minions are more lethal.


Montanas Gemelas.

ZALIKA - Scientific Mastermind


Zalika is focused on science.


My Plans Take Priority - Prioritise jobs, science boost.

Repair - Immediately repairs items and extinguishes fires.


Quicker Research.


Caine Key.

EMMA - Ex-Spymaster turned Posion Pro


Emma is focused on Heat and Deception.


Pay Attention - Prioritise jobs, spotting boost.

Plotterl - Resets Henchmen cooldowns.


Reduces heat more efficiently.

Deception minions are more efficient.


Caine Key.


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Each Island plays very differently, so choosing which is your next decision. Here's a breakdown of each island.


This is the default island when using Quick Start and a good all round island.




S.A.B.R.E - High

P.A.T.R.I.O.T - High

H.A.M.M.E.R - Medium

A.N.V.I.L - Medium

S.M.A.S.H - High


Great first island with lots of building space.

Place networks in A.N.V.I.L & H.A.M.M.E.R


Defensive choke point.




S.A.B.R.E - High

P.A.T.R.I.O.T - Medium

H.A.M.M.E.R - Medium

A.N.V.I.L - Medium

S.M.A.S.H - High


Long corridor choke point for traps.

Place networks in P.A.T.R.I.O.T & A.N.V.I.L


All visitors enter through the casino.




S.A.B.R.E - High

P.A.T.R.I.O.T - Low

H.A.M.M.E.R - Medium

A.N.V.I.L - High

S.M.A.S.H - Medium


Casino only access for deception

Place networks in P.A.T.R.I.O.T


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I decided to start with Maximilian on the Crown Gold island with the tutorial turned off.

Initial Layout

I've kept my rooms smaller than they're going to be to save on money. I've also spaced them out to allow for this initial expansion.

You'll notice I only have 40,000 gold, when I actually need 48,595 for this initial layout.

You'll also notice I haven't built a Vault yet.

My Initial layout contains;

4x Bunks.

2x Lockers.

1x Radio Repeater.

1x Food counter.

1x Incinerator.

2x Power Generators.

1x Holding Cell.

1x Interrogation Chair.

Selling Casino Junk for Cash

I'm left with only 405 Gold after building what I can, so I'll sell everything in the Casino.

Casino Junk gets me just over 25k

That's my initial layout of my first rooms complete. I now have everything I need to setup 1x Criminal Network on the World Map.

If you read the choosing your island section of this guide you'll already know my recommended strategy for Crown Gold is to place networks in A.N.V.I.L & H.A.M.M.E.R.

First NetworkI'm going to choose the Southern A.N.V.I.L Province as they have cheap heat reduction.

I'll do the 3 minute - 10k scheme which costs 3x workers

I'll expand my initial layout a little, adding the following;

Inner Sanctum

No Suspicion Corridor

1x Power Generator.

First FOJ InvestigationWith only 5 heat generated I've attracted my first FOJ Investigation, which will arrive in 7 and a half minutes.

My first 10k scheme is now complete.

Notice the instant heat reduction only costs 5k.

I still have 5 minutes before the first FOJ Investigation arrives.

I could do another 10k scheme or play it safe and reduce the heat for 5k.

Which would you choose?

I'm going to run another 10k scheme.

I managed to complete the 2nd 3 minute - 10k scheme with only 30 seconds remaining. I'll use the 5k instant heat reduction now.

Alternatively, you could save the 5k by destroying the network and re-scout.

As you can see, because I reduced the heat back down to 0, the incoming FOJ investigation event has been cancelled.

I'll rinse and repeat until I have my initial layout finished.

It's worth noting that you'll not be able to continuously keep repeating the 2x 10k schemes + 1x 5k heat reduction scheme as the FOJ event time will keep getting shorter.

However, destroying the network and re-scouting will reset this.

So if you start the 10k scheme and the see the timer drop as low as 2 or 3 minutes, cancel the scheme, destroy the network and re-scout.

Finished Initial LayoutThat's my initial layout with everything expanded how I want.

I'm now going to do the 4 side stories next to get the 4 specialist minions.


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I'm going to start by doing the Cover Operations side story first.

I'd like to be able to have Agents visit my Casino and find nothing suspicious.

Cover OperationsI'll destroy my network and then scout the area the Valet minion I need to kidnap is in.

I've kidnapped the Valet and I have over 5 minutes remaining, so I'll do a 3 minute - 10k scheme while I'm here. I'll then destroy this network.

Now I'll build the Valet Trainer and train 15 Valets.

This gives me 20k gold as a side story reward and some much needed items for the casino.

I've setup a gauntlet system around my casino.

I have 10 items that can be used by the Valets, so I need 10 Valets. I also want half that amount again for redundancy. That's why I'm training 15 in total.

This is what I call 'The Deception Gauntlet'

You can read more about this Gauntlet style setup in the Casino Section of this guide.

Now it's time to do the side story for the guard.

Remember to claim any bonus objective rewards.

AMASS MUSCLEI'll setup a new network in whichever area I can kidnap the guard.

Over 6 minutes remaining on the FOJ event, so, like before, I'll do a 3 minute - 10k scheme, then destroy this network.

Now I'll build 2x Guard Trainers and train 12 Guards.

I need to kill 3 pesky investigators with my new guards. They've sent 5, I'll kill them all.

This gives me another 20k gold as a side story reward and some security items.

Having been rewarded with the security items I can now place a guard table, a security desk and a couple of cameras in my non suspicious corridor.

I'll kidnap the Technician next for another 20k gold.

IF IT AIN'T BROKEI'll setup a new network in whichever area I can kidnap the guard.

Over 7 minutes this time, so it's the 3 minute - 10k scheme again.

I'll just build 1 Technician Trainer for now and I'll train 3 technicians as that's the minimum to complete the side story.

Once the Technician Side Quest is complete, I'll build a hospital and expand the lockers.

Now it's time to kidnap the scientist.

BIG PICTURE THINKINGAs usual, it's a new network.

Only 4 minutes remaining, so I'll just destroy the network.

I'll build 1 Scientist Trainer and train 1 scientist for the side story to be complete.

I'm also low on funds so I'll setup a network in Australia and use the other network to finish the scouting optional missions.

I'll then build a research room for a single scientist and train another for redundancy.

This ends the 4 Specialist Minion side quests.


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You'll be able to recruit more Henchmen as the game progresses, but you'll only have 1 for a while.

You should pick your first wisely.

My recommendation is the swordsman, Jubei.


Name - Jubei

Location - Eastern H.A.M.M.E.R District

Class - Muscle


Vitality – 175

Smarts – 150

Morale – 150


Flow - Deals extra damage with each successive sword hit.

Windwalk - Teleport anywhere.


Name - Iris

Location - Central S.M.A.S.H Republic

Class - Science


Vitality – 200

Smarts – 150

Morale – 150


Security Network Link - Becomes a Mobile Security Camera.

Reroute Power - Reduces damage taken and health regenerates.


Name - Janet Bombe

Location - Very Very Southern A.N.V.I.L Provinces

Class - Science


Vitality – 100

Smarts – 150

Morale – 150


Remote Detonation - Turn an agent's weapons against them.

Scramble Evidence - Remove a large amount of an Investigator's suspicion.


Name - Eli Barracuda Jnr.

Location - Eastern P.A.T.R.I.O.T States

Class - Muscle


Vitality – 200

Smarts – 150

Morale – 150


Silver Tongue - Regenerates stats and reduce enemy's resolve.

Silver Revolver - 6 high damage shots.


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If you've been following this guide, you'll already know we setup what I call a 'distraction gauntlet' in the casino.

Here we've planned the gauntlet

This is the gauntlet built and ready.

We'll talk about heat later in this guide.

For now lets say your FOJ heat tracker has been counting down and investigators have finally arrive at your island.




On the left there's a box called the 'System Menu' from it you can view the stats page.

The Overview tab in this stats page will show the different organisations heat levels.


The Global Organisation tab in this stats page will show the FOJ Threat Level for each organisation. The higher the threat level, the better the quality of investigators are sent.


If you own a network in just 1 of the 5 areas an organisation owns.

For example... 1 blue area, which is controlled by P.A.T.R.I.O.T, then the heat level for PATRIOT shown in the stats page will reflect what the map heat indicator shows for that particular area. If you have a network in all 5 areas owned by PATRIOT, it'll combine all 5 areas.

So let's say you have 1x PATRIOT area on lockdown (50 heat), 1x PATRIOT area on 25 heat and 3x PATRIOT areas on 0 heat, then in the stats page PATRIOTS will show a heat level of 75.


You can use the Purple Schemes to reduce heat either Instantly for gold, or over time using minions.

But remember... lowering the heat to 0 in one area will not lower the total heat for that organisation if you have other networks in their areas.

You can also destroy all the networks you have in areas owned by an organisation to completely stop FOJ investigations by that organisation. Handy if you're being overwhelmed.


Whichever organisation has the highest threat level is the organisation the FOJ send to investigate.

Different islands have different organisation vulnerabilities, for example the 3rd island has low vulnerability to PATRIOTS. But high to ???????

It's therefore helpful to keep the PATRIOTS heat/threat levels higher than ???????, so when FOJ send investigators, they're PATRIOT investigators.

From what I can tell, killing or detaining investigators that come to your base also raises heat/threat levels for the organisation that sent them, so Distraction is your best friend.


If you're constantly being overwhelmed by investigators or soldiers, I suspect your heat/threat levels are high.

Unfortunately if they're high to all the organisations then reducing the heat/threat to just one, will only switch which organisations the FOJ sends investigators from.

In this scenario, I'd destroy all my networks except for the Southern ANVIL Province (above Australia) as this area has a scheme for 10k gold on a 3 minute timer and an instant heat reduction for 5k.

When the Southern ANVIL Province is your only network, the FOJ takes longer than 3 minutes to send an investigation and that investigation is also cancelled completely when the heat level is reduced back down to 0. Giving you an easy 5k risk free profit.




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Super agents will ONLY attack your base if you do a scheme in the area they're standing in, or if you invite them.

They can be killed later in the campaign, I suggest killing them as soon as you can as this will benefit you end game.


Symmetry is an A.N.V.I.L Super Agent.

She'll teleport into your vault and try to steal your gold.

I like paying A.N.V.I.L as they have lower costs for reducing heat, which we covered earlier in this guide.

She popped up on the map just after I'd finished the Henchman Side Story, The Swordsman, in which I recruited Jubei.

I let her roam my base looking for an exit.

Cameras will alert guards stationed at all your guard tables only if the enemy is either caught on camera already fighting, or already tagged.

I wait for Symmetry to make her way towards my non suspicious corridor where I have a manned guard table and then I tag her and her friends with a kill order.

And... She's dead (well not actually dead yet, but defeated)

My guards jumped her when the camera spotted her tagged.

She'll sometimes place a device that deactivates your cameras, click on it and select destroy in the same way you'd sell an object.




This guide is a work in progress.

Completing basic content asap.

Add graphics/pictures.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2444405492					

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