Basic Gameplay FAQ, Loot, Henchmen & Achievements

Basic Gameplay FAQ, Loot, Henchmen & Achievements

Gameplay Basics

Use your Evil Genius and Henchmen and their respective abilities to help your minions out in a battle to minimize casualties, they aren't fragile flowers. After a battle is over replenish your Evil Geniuses and Henchmen's stats at the Impressive Desk and the Conference Table in the Inner Sanctum. Repeat.

Use your Evil Genius abilities to do things like speeding up Research, Training or concentrating on Work tasks

Lockers increase your Maximum Minion cap up to 300, so expect to build lots of those in the Barracks

Research seems to be one of the most important things to do early game, especially useful are "Improved Mining Techniques" to be able to dig the slightly darker dirt, "Brainwasher 2000" to turn captured Agents into Workers/Guards/Valets and "Stun Club Rack/Stun Gun Rack" or "Club Rack/Pistol Rack" for your minions depending on whether you want to Capture or Kill agents, so they are able to get through tougher battles. Also "Safe Rack" and "Nuclear Reactor" for the Lair to save lots of space for your Vault and Power Station rooms.

Other important Research Trees are the three Top ones under "Lair", they will turn your 50/50/50 Minions into 100/100/100 one near the end of the game and make them Stronger and more durable

After you're done Researching the current Tier, you can use your Scientists to gather Intel for you instead of having them run around the Lair uselessly, by setting the "Computer Consoles" in the Control Room to "Scientist"

Have a large Central Mess Hall and/or several smaller Minion-based ones.

Deception Minions like the Valet or Socialite prefer the "Refreshment Bar" that unlocks with the Socialite, Muscle Minions like the Guard or Mercenaries prefer the "Dinner Bar" that unlocks with the Mercenary and Science types like the Scientist, Technician and Biologist prefer the "Sushi Bar" that unlocks with the Biologist. You can set those to only allow serving food for those specific Minion types too by clicking on them if you want to Railroad them into a specific Mess Hall.

You don't want your Scientists to queue up for the Mess Hall instead of doing what they're supposed to. Also consider that you can partition a single room into Mess Hall/Barracks/Staff Room or similar and don't need a separate room for each in certain parts of your Lair.

A well-staffed and equipped Casino drains Agents "Skill" that they use to disable Traps you have set for them and their "Resolve", which has to drain before they leave your island every time they take part in an activity or talk to your Deception Minions. They only visit gambling tables that aren't set to "Scam Tourists" to make you money though. The longer you keep Agents busy in your Casino, the longer it'll take for the next group of Agents to arrive and the less you'll have to deal with them in general.

Consider making a sort of "Gauntlet" for Agents from the Casino Entrance to the Lair Entrance they have to pass through to get there, this is best done after you Unlock the "Spin Doctor" that comes with "Slot Machines" and "Casino Divider", but you can do it early on with plants or similar too, the longer they have to walk to get there and the more staffed Cover Operation items they have to pass, the lower their "Skill" and "Resolve" are going to be at the end:

If you're having problems with Agents attacking your Minions on Distraction attempts, they don't do this in the Casino area, only once they got to the "Evil Lair" part of your base sometimes. Consider making the Gauntlet for them longer

The placement of the Armory is important. For instance it's good to have a staffed Armory ready near a Chokepoint Agents enter your Evil Lair through (with a camera right outside so they are alerted to the presence of tagged enemies immediately). Also Research Batons/Weapons to increase their combat effectiveness, making them ready for most threats. I have one at the end of a long corridor filled with traps coming from the Casino and the Helipad:

Try to build out Criminal Networks evenly within the different Factions instead of going all-in on one early in the game (Scouting out 2 regions for each is good at the beginning). Heat is added up together from all regions of a Faction and the competence and amount of Agents they send to your island and you have to deal with is based on the total Heat you have built up with said Faction (keep an eye on the Heat Tracker at the top right)

You can make a lot more money if you Upgrade your Criminal Network at the expense of more Heat and danger to your base, keep an eye out for "green $ symbols" on the map for long-term Schemes to extract money from. Some of the Schemes on Lvl2 can already give $60k on the lower side and $305k on the higher side (mostly South America and Africa) and Lvl3 takes you up to $700k, although they attract a lot of Heat and can take 70-105 minutes to complete

Bodies lying on the ground around Minions gradually lowers their Morale, which will lead to Desertions. When minions pick them up and are carrying them around with the gravity cannon to an Incinerator it has the same effect on every Minion they pass as if they see it on the ground. Be sure to place your Incinerators somewhere where not a lot of Minions congregate to lower this happening. Be aware that the amount of bodies that can be cleared at one time depends on the amount of Incinerators you've built and how long the way between where the bodies are picked up to the Incinerators is. Minions will only pick up, carry and queue up two body bags to be incinerated if an Incinerator is free. So with 5 Incinerators you can dispose of up to 10 bodies at once.

After you've unlocked "Intruder Protocol: Distract/Capture/Kill" via Research you can open up the Tagging Menu from the "Systems Menu" at the bottom left --> "Security Zones" and Designate specific Zones of your base (separated by doors - you can designate one part of a corridor one thing and the other another as long as there's a door between) as "Tier 1", "Tier 2" or "Tier 3" by choosing the Tier and clicking on an area of your base:

What this does is take the work of you having to Autotag Agents every time they appear on your island. You can set your Casino area to "Distract" and if they get to a certain point in your base past your traps to "Capture". Don't forget to disable the Tiers if there are story missions that require you to Capture someone in the Casino, let them get away with loot or similar or they will overwrite your orders.

There is a "HIRE NOW!" button hidden within the UI of the Minion screen. For some reason you have to click on the Helmet that says "Worker" and shows the number to the right, not the button above it like all the other classes would indicate. This gets you 5 additional Workers immediately for $10k. Don't use at the beginning of the game and use sparingly otherwise, since they replenish by themselves (Auto-hire will give you 2 new Workers every minute of game time), but good to have as an Option in case of emergency:

How Does Heat Work Anyway?

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Every region of the world you work in has an independent Heat rating that increases long-term whether you do anything or not (you can slow this via Research and the Control Room) and increases quickly when you do Schemes. There are also Heat reduction Schemes that help you drop it. You could also wait for the Heat to become Maximum, triggering a 5 Minute lockdown of your Criminal Network in the region and resetting to 0 afterwards.

Every Faction like "P.A.T.R.I.O.T." (Blue Torch); "S.M.A.S.H." (Yellow Symbol); "H.A.M.M.E.R." (Red Hammer); "A.N.V.I.L." (Orange Anvil) and "S.A.B.R.E. (Green Sabers) has a Heat rating that adds all the Heat you have accumulated in their regions to a total number. So, say you have four Lvl2 Operations running in "H.A.M.M.E.R." territory, the faction Heat can add up all of that to a Maximum of 400 (100 from each region).

You can see your current Heat Level for a Faction added up at the Top right of the Screen via the "F.O.J. (Forces of Justice) Heat Tracker" or in the Stats Screen, "System Menu" bottom left --> "Stats". There is also a "F.O.J. Threat Level" indicator under "Stats" --> "Global Operations" showing when to expect dealing with heavier resistance:

Usually the Faction you have the highest Heat Level with at the moment will send out Agents to your base next. It determines what kind (Type: Investigator/Soldier/etc.), what amount and what Level of Agents they send. Before the timer runs out you can still decrease the Heat. Once it runs out it's determined and they're on their way. They'll arrive either with the next boat or via speedboat right away and you'll have to deal with them in your base. I believe it's more likely for them to send Soldiers if you kill or capture a lot of Agents.

How To Deal With Super Agents

Super Agents generally (outside of specific story events) just visit your base if you are Starting a Scheme in a region of the world they are currently watching. If you Start and Complete a Scheme there they will get a team of Agents together and visit your lair.

The only successful Scheme that doesn't Trigger a Super Agent visit in a region currently being watched is a long-term Heat Reduction one (30 minutes) using 3 Workers/Valets/Spin Doctors or similar. Upgrading your Criminal Network also doesn't do it. Any Scheme that will end up in the region getting locked down will abort upon Lockdown and also not draw a Super Agent, similarly with say a long-term money Scheme that is aborted at 95%.

If you have Faction coverage of several Scouted regions (like for instance North-Eastern and North-Western for P.A.T.R.I.O.T.) the Super Agents are more likely to appear in an area you don't usually have important Events and Quests in like Greenland or Canada, and leave you alone to do your missions in the areas that actually matter like the East Coast of the US. If you only have 2 regions they just alternate between the two and are even more annoying to deal with on the World Map.

Once you've gained their attention on the World Map because you have started and finished a Scheme in a region they were watching, you have 1-3 Minutes to intervene and send minions to reduce the amount or Skill of Agents that will arrive with the Super Agent. The Super Agent will always come, but they'll have weaker Squads.

When they visit your base, as long as they aren't Combat types like Atomic Olga, who comes with a squad of armed Soldiers, they will do their intended job and leave your base without attacking. Symmetry for instance will appear with her team within your vault, steal all your gold, then run around your base a lot and leave by Speedboat. Agent X will appear in the Middle of your base with an Investigative team and try and gather evidence (or plant it), then leave the island. They usually won't attack you till you tag them for Killing/Capture.

If it comes to a fight, Workers are almost completely useless against higher Level Super Agents and their teams. Your Evil Genius and Henchmen are your primary Super Agent combat units early in the game. Make sure to walk them close to the action and trigger their combat Skills when necessary. Waiting to engage into combat with them while outside an Armory with 1-2 fully staffed Guard tables with Muscle Minions like Guards or Mercenaries (best if armed) might also be a good idea. Don't start a fight in the Mess Hall if you're not ready to deal with a lot of Worker bodies.

Symmetry (A.N.V.I.L. Super Rogue) – Spawns in your Vault with a Squad of Rogues, steals your gold and tries to get away via Speedboat if not prevented. Gold and any items that her team might have stolen drop on the ground if they're killed/interrogated/brainwashed

Agent X (P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Super Investigator) – Spawns in the Middle of your base with a Squad of Investigators and will try to gather (or plant) evidence and get away

John Steele (Super Saboteur) – Comes alone from the Helicopter platform via Speedboat and will try to blow up parts of your Lair by planting dynamite

Atomic Olga (H.A.M.M.E.R. Super Soldier) – Usually comes from the Helicopter platform via Speedboat with a Squad of Soldiers and will attack immediately after entering the base

Wrecking Bola (S.A.B.R.E. Super Saboteur) – Comes from the Helicopter platform via Speedboat with a Squad of Saboteurs and will try to blow up parts of your Lair by planting dynamite

Blue Saint (S.M.A.S.H. Super Saboteur) – Comes from the Helicopter platform via Speedboat with a Squad of Saboteurs and will try to blow up parts of your Lair by planting dynamite

Getting Henchmen/Crime Lord Side Stories

Eli Barracuda Jnr.
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Basic Gameplay FAQ, Loot, Henchmen & Achievements image 47IRIS
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Basic Gameplay FAQ, Loot, Henchmen & Achievements image 50Janet Bombe
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Most or all of the Side Activities tagged "Crime Lord" are Multi-step (3 part) Quests for unlocking more Henchmen (, Eli, Incendio, etc.). Be careful, as the last Quest Step usually includes an Option to either kill or hire a Henchman, either by being able to Start separate Quests or by the choices you make like "Capture" or "Kill" Tagging a potential Henchman.

It's best not to attempt most of these right out of the Tutorial, since they can be a bit tougher than your usual missions and can be stressful to deal with both on the World Map and Lair and disrupt what you're doing requiring your attention (for instance being overrun with Squads of exploding robots setting your entire base on fire (have fire extinguishers!), having constant energy Blackouts and so on). You can also only Start and Complete the third steps as you have progressed later in the Story and not right away, since you usually need specific Minion types and have to wait for them to Unlock. Once you have some Research and base building done and have hired a bunch of Muscle Henchmen, you're ready for most of them.

Henchmen's Quest Backgrounds for "Crime Lord" Side Stories have the same colors as your Minions: Muscle (Orange), Deception (Purple) and Science (Green) so you know about what you are getting into beforehand. You can recruit a Maximum of 5 Active Henchmen at one time, but you can make "room" to recruit more by Executing the ones you dislike. All other potential Henchmen that you chose Capture instead of Kill on their second Quest step will wander your base with the Trait "Temporary Partnership: This Crime Lord has agreed to work with you but not for you." visible on their character. The previously locked Side Stories will appear if you happen to "free up" a Slot.

There's a choice between four Classic Henchmen to Start the game with at the beginning:

- The Son (Muscle Henchman)

Fully Upgraded Stats: 400 Vitality/350 Smarts/350 Morale


Silver Revolver (Equip item): Eli loads his trademark Silver Revolver, equipping a powerful ranged lethal weapon with six uses. Cost: 80 Morale

Silver Tongue (Interaction - Person): Eli transfixes his opponent with his charm. His stats regenerate as he deals Resolve damage to the target.

Comment: Along with among the most useful combat Henchmen, a bit Tankier than him. Has an average Melee attack hitting Agents for Moderate Damage that drops off the higher Lvl they are. If you activate his Silver Revolver with 6 Shots he will quickly dispatch of even Advanced enemies and you can use him to drain the Resolve from visiting Agents in the Casino so they leave your Lair quicker too.

- The Swordsman (Muscle Henchman)

Fully Upgraded Stats: 375 Vitality/350 Smarts/350 Morale


Flow (Apply trait): focuses his years of training, channelling his energy with each sequential hit causing increased damage while active. Cost: 50 Smarts

Windwalk (Targeted - Floor): becomes one with the wind and teleports to a targeted location. Just like wind can teleport. Cost: 25 Morale

Comment: Hits like an Ox with his Melee attack (and even stronger with his Combat Skill active). An useful Activation Damage dealing Ability and a Teleport that can instantly make him be anywhere you need him in the Lair. He can take punishment, but is a bit weak against tough enemies. Hard to beat.

Quest 1: Strike Like The Wind. An Angry, Homicidal Wind.

Quest 2: Wind Wars: The Wind Strikes Back

Quest 3: There’s No School Like New School <-- Recruiting Quest

There is an Optional Quest to kill

- Your Computer (Science Henchman)

Fully Upgraded Stats: 400 Vitality/350 Smarts/350 Morale


Reroute Power (Apply trait): takes reduced damage for a short time, and rapidly heals any damage she has already taken. Cost: 2 Morale per Second

Security Network Link (Act as camera): When activated, Iris functions as a security camera for a short duration. This can summon guards. Cost: 1 Smarts per Second

Quest 1: I, Roboticist <-- There will be exploding robots attacking your base and setting it on fire

Quest 2: I Spy With My Cybernetically Enhanced Eye <-- You decide whether to kill or capture Naomi Sorayama at the end

Quest 3: When You Cut Me, Do I Not Lubricate?

- The Fan (Science Henchman)

Fully Upgraded Stats: 300 Vitality/350 Smarts/350 Morale


Remote Detonation (Targeted - Person): Janet hacks the munitions carried by Agents, turning their own weapons against them. Effects may vary! Cost: 25 Smarts

Scramble Evidence (Targeted - Person): Janet bypasses a firewall, rejumpers the neutron flow, and removes a large amount of an Investigator's Suspicion. Cost: 40 Morale

Comment: Pretty useless in a fight with a relatively weak Melee attack, not being able to take damage and two abilities that are very situational, one usually dealing a bit of Damage (from 10-50 depending on the kind of Agent e.g. Investigators/Saboteurs) and the other erasing Suspicion from Agents, both out of combat. Very weak in comparison with what you could have instead.

Quest 1: Technical Difficulties <-- Intermittent Power failures throughout the mission, Capacitors help

Quest 2: Tech Troubles 2: Electric Boogaloo

Quest 3: Hack The Janet <-- Recruiting Quest

Optional Quest 3: Server Wipe <-- This kills

Additional Henchmen/Crime Lord Side Stories Continued

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Basic Gameplay FAQ, Loot, Henchmen & Achievements image 95Fugu Furukawa
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Basic Gameplay FAQ, Loot, Henchmen & Achievements image 104Clara JonesCarl Cafard
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Basic Gameplay FAQ, Loot, Henchmen & Achievements image 108Full Metal Jackie

(Deception Henchman)

Fully Upgraded Stats: 325 Vitality/350 Smarts/350 Morale


Magic Trick (Perform trick): This trick draws in a large number of Tourists and Agents and deals Resolve Damage. Cost: 3 Smarts per second

Misdirection (Toggle Trait): uses his magic to fade into the background, hiding himself from the Tourists who plague your Cover Operation.

Comment: You'll mostly find him walking around the Casino, helpful for drawing the Resolve out of Agents. His ranged attack does Crowd Control on both Enemies and Allies by tripping them with every hit and does AoE Damage to items around whoever he attacks. Don't use in enclosed spaces with lots of items unless you want to rebuild.

Quest 1: Ace Up The Sleeve <-- He will burn down many items in your Casino

Quest 2: Unwanted Guests <-- You decide whether to kill or capture him at the end

Quest 3: Fire in the Hole

(Deception Henchman)

Fully Upgraded Stats: 350 Vitality/350 Smarts/350 Morale


Food Poisoning (Interaction - Person): Fugu presents an Agent with a delicacy that leaves them with food poisoning. Cost: 35 Smarts

Blowfish Explosion (Targeted - Person): Fugu hurls an explosive blowfish at a target. This leaves a poisonous gas cloud in place. Cost: 40 Morale

World Map: Unlocks 2 New Schemes: “Franchising Opportunity” ($120k +45 Heat in 5min for 6 Worker/4 Valet/2 Guard/Technician) and “Sleeping with the Fishes” (-75 Heat in 30sec) without any Minion or Gold expenditure

Comment: Has strong Melee. Her Poisoning ability can drain up to 60Vitality/Resolve from a single target without engaging combat. Her Blowfish Explosion can hit an entire group of Agents and draw 40 Vitality/Resolve from them without engaging combat. Her World Map Schemes seem to be the Ultimate World Map Control without having to bother with Deception Minions in certain regions and give a fair bit of money. Someone really liked this character.

Quest 1: Death Mote

Quest 2: Hail to the Chef <-- You decide whether to kill or capture her at the end

Quest 3: Fugu State

(Science Henchman)

Fully Upgraded Stats: 350 Vitality/350 Smarts/350 Morale


Contagion (Emit gas cloud): Unleashes a cloud of deadly microbes that seeks out nearby targets, draining their Vitality and Skill. Cost: 75 Morale

Cure (Emit gas cloud): An airborne microbe cloud that restores the Vitality of all who come in contact with it. Cost: 35 Smarts

Comment: Only has a Melee attack. Interesting Henchman. Her primary ability leaves a green gas cloud behind on the spot she's standing that can decimate an entire Squad of Agents and any Minions that might walk into it without even initiating combat. Her secondary ability emits a red healing gas cloud that wanders around and quickly heals Minions and enemies that come into contact with it.

Quest 1: Going Green <-- Dealing with Poison Gas in your base

Quest 2: Poisin’ Ivy <-- You decide whether to kill or capture her at the end

Quest 3: Steal Magnolia's...

(Muscle Henchman)

Fully Upgraded Stats: 350 Vitality/350 Smarts/350 Morale


Camouflage (Toggle Trait): equips his trusty camouflage and stalks the Lair. Agents will not spot him, and his next attack deals increased damage. Cost: 1 Morale per Second

Trap (Construct furniture): creates a Bear Trap to catch unwary Agents in your corridors. Cost: 40 Smarts

Quest 1: Who Hunts The Hunter? <-- He will attack your base thrice

Quest 2: If You Hunt Him, He Will Come <-- You decide whether to kill or capture him at the end

Quest 3: The Other Most Dangerous Game <-- Lure every Super Agent from the World Map and defeat them

(Deception Henchman)Quest 1: Inconspicuous Consumption <-- You will have to do 11+2 Heist Schemes on the World Map, needs lots of Guards

Quest 2: Knowledge is Power

(Deception Henchman)Requires having Stolen the Declaration of Independence in Loot Side Story: The P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Gains

Fully Upgraded Stats: 325 Vitality/350 Smarts/350 Morale


Cunning Trap (Construct furniture): The Master uses his artistic skills to create a small trap in the Lair. This is a Distraction Trap that deals Vitality Damage. Cost: 45 Morale

Imperfect Replica (Construct furniture): The Master Forger creates loot replicas so subtly different any Rogues will have a tough time knowing the difference. Cost: 30 Smarts

Comment: Has a Weak Melee attack, places fake Loot for Rogues and a landmine trap with a long Cooldown that needs floor space and disappears after one use that seems to deal 100 damage to one Agent, pretty useless.

Quest 1: Fool’s Gold

Quest 2: Body Snatcher <-- Doing this Quest locked me out of hiring

Quest 3: Appraising Cafard <-- Recruiting Quest

Optional Quest 3: Destroy the Original <-- This kills Cafard

("Secret"/Bugged? Muscle Henchman)Apparently requires you to start the game with either IRIS (Your Computer) or Janet Bombe (The Fan) and NOT do ANY Jubei, Eli, or Crime Lord Stories until you unlock the "Quantum Chemist"/Tier 3 Tech Minion, otherwise the Side Story to Unlock her doesn't appear

Quest 1: Heavy Metal Queen

Quest 2: Arms Race

Quest 3: Eighteen With A Bullet <-- Recruiting Quest

Loot Side Stories/Items - WTF Do They Do?

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Loot Quest: High on the Hog

Reward: Flying Pig (Restores Morale of one Minion riding it)

Loot Quest: The P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Gains

Reward: Declaration of Independence (Restores Morale of Minion looking at it)

Loot Quest: …With Liberty and Justice for You

Reward: Statue of Liberty’s Torch (Temporarily grants “Increased Spotting Power” Perk to Minions in its vicinity)

Loot Quest: Roll Out The Red Carpet

Reward: Magic Carpet (Drains Worker Minion Smarts when looking at it?)

Loot Quest: Going Against The Grain

Reward: Sands of Time (Heals the Durability of objects placed in its vicinity)

Loot Quest: Wake Me Up Before You Dodo

Reward: Dodo Educator (Trains Workers into Scientists at double speed, can be placed anywhere)

Loot Quest: Egg Hunt

Reward: Giant Egg (Trains Scientists into Biologists at double speed, can be placed anywhere)

Loot Quest: Outback Stakeout

Reward: Bush Tucker BBQ (Can create food without an operator, recovers Smarts at double/triple speed of normal Food Counter)

Loot Quest: Pharaoh is Foul, Foul is Pharaoh

Reward: The Sarcophagus (Heals Minion Vitality up to 100 quickly)

Loot Quest: Say My Name

Reward: Rumpelstiltskin's Wheel (Lets a Worker Minion Create Gold - from $5k up to $15k a shift as far as I can tell, you can see the amount appear over a Minions head after they stop operating it)

Loot Quest: Any Fort In A Storm

Reward: Doors of Fort Knox (???)

Loot Quest: Two-Faced

Reward: Dr. Jekyll's Potion (Turn Muscle and Worker Minions Mad in case of Red Alert, draining most of their Smarts to increase their Combat effectiveness)

Loot Quest: Too Darn Hot (Be CAREFUL before taking this mission, it will apply a "Heatwave" Perk to every Minion in your Lair quickly draining their Morale and leads to Mass Desertions of up to 100 Minions if you aren't prepared with sufficient Staff Rooms and Countermeasures)

Reward: Hubbard Slice (Prevents fires breaking out in its vicinity)

Loot Quest: Hidden Gems

Reward: Colombian Emerald (Restores Morale to Minions in its vicinity)

Loot Quest: How To Get A Head In Life

Reward: Easter Island Head (Acts as a Camera?)

Loot Quest: Sweet Charity

Reward: World's Largest Piggy Bank (30000 Vault Capacity, might add $120k/1 Spin Doctor/Socialite 10min Schemes to the World Map?)

Loot Quest: One In A Bee-lion

Reward: A Million Bee (Floor Trap for Corridor)

Loot Quest: Outside the Box

Reward: Pandora's Box (Drains Worker Minion Smarts when looking at it?)

Loot Quest: Troy Story (Pre-Order DLC)

Reward: Trojan Horse (Drains Minion Smarts when looking at it, Grants you Extra one-time Schemes on the World Map to earn $96k for 90 Heat and 5 Workers/Guards in many regions)

Story-based Achievements (Unmissable)

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Story Progress:Moving In

Start a new game

Learning Experience

Complete the Tutorial

Assuming Indirect Control

Build a Control Room

A Place To Call Your Own

Build an Inner Sanctum

Up In Flames

Take care of an intruder, and then destroy the evidence

Just The Two Of Us

Recruit a Henchman


Steal one Loot Item

Do one Side Story marked as "Loot"

More Power!

Fire a Doomsday Device at Strength 2

Maximum Power!

Fire a Doomsday Device at Strength 3

Minion Recruitment:A Cunning Intellect

Train a simple Science minion

Train a Scientist

A Little Muscle

Train a simple Muscle minion

Train a Guard

A Deceitful Grin

Train a simple Deception minion

Train a Valet

A Simple Technician

Train a simple Science minion

Train a Technician

A Weapons Expert

Train an advanced Muscle minion

Train a Mercenary

A Charming Wit

Train an advanced Deception minion

Train a Socialite

A Living Weapon

Train an expert Muscle minion

Train a Martial Artist

A Master of Life

Train an advanced Science minion

Train a Biologist

An Accomplished Liar

Train an advanced Deception minion

Train a Spin Doctor

A Deadly Force

Train an expert Muscle minion

Train a Hitman

A Dangerous Mind

Train an expert Science minion

Train a Quantum Chemist

A Consummate Professional

Train an expert Deception minion

Train a Counter Agent

A Tool For Every Job

Unlock all minion types

Gameplay Achievements

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Lair:20 Minions

Have 20 minions in the Lair

50 Minions

Have 50 minions in the Lair

100 Minions

Have 100 minions in the Lair

150 Minions

Have 150 minions in the Lair

200 Minions

Have 200 minions in the Lair

An Unstoppable Horde

Recruit 300 minions at once.

You Only Live Once

Die for the first time

Have your Evil Genius die

"Fair" Play

Generate 50,000 gold in your Casino

Have a lot of "Slot Machines" that Tourists and Agents can use, setting your tables to "Scam Tourists" might help, but it'll slow "The First Resort" progress. There are some Quests like "War on Krast" and "Unwanted Guests" that will overrun your Casino with Tourists, making this happen faster

The First Resort

Use your Casino to completely drain the Resolve of 200 Agents

Keep at it sending Agents away by draining their Resolve in your Casino and you'll unlock it eventually. Once you see the "Exit" symbol above their heads it adds to the count. This will take a long time, best to do it with groups of 5 Investigators. Henchmen like Incendio and Eli have abilities that will help make this faster.

One Billion Dollars

Have one billion gold in the vault

World Map:They're Onto You…

Have one Region enter Lockdown


Upgrade 23 Criminal Networks to Level 4

Side Stories:

The Seven Wonders

Steal Seven Loot Items in a single game

Do seven Side Stories marked as "Loot"

International Treasures

Steal Fifteen Loot Items in a single game

Do fifteen Side Stories marked as "Loot"

A Priceless Collection

Steal Twenty Loot Items in a single game

Do twenty Side Stories marked as "Loot"

Your Very Own Museum

Steal every available Loot item in a single playthrough

The Inner Circle

Recruit three Henchmen in a single game

A Deadly Team

Recruit five Henchmen in a single game

Greater Evil

Execute a loyal Henchman

Recruit Them All

Recruit all available Henchmen in a single playthrough. Some betrayal required.

To Take A Life

Defeat A.N.V.I.L.'s Super Agent once and for all


Defeat P.A.T.R.I.O.T.'s Super Agent once and for all

The Stoppable Force

Defeat H.A.M.M.E.R.'s Super Agent once and for all


Defeat S.M.A.S.H.'s Super Agent once and for all

She Went Out Like A Wrecking Ball

Defeat S.A.B.R.E.'s Super Agent once and for all

The name's…

Bring an end to a considerable threat

Fulfilling Your Expectations

Defeat every Super Agent once and for all


Bounce one Agent against 3 Pinball Bumpers.

Put up 3 Pinball Bumper Traps in a way that an Agent would bump into all. Launch them with Giant Fan

Curling 101

Knock a Frozen Agent into a Pinball Bumper

Launch an Agent with a Giant Fan through a Freeze Ray into a Pinball Bumper Trap

Squeaky Clean

Combo Bubble Blower and Soap Effect

Put two Slippery Floor Traps between two Bubble Cannon Traps and wait for an Agent to Combo activate them or a Giant Fan to launch them through

Float like a Butterfly…

Combo Giant Fan into Boxing Glove

Launch an Agent with a Giant Fan into a Boxing Glove Trap

Fan Assisted Cooking

Combo Giant Fan into Flamethrower

Launch an Agent with a Giant Fan into a Flamethrower Trap

No no no no no no…!

Combo Giant Fan into Shark Tank

Launch an Agent with a Giant Fan into a Shark Tank Trap

Best Served Chilled

Knock a Frozen Agent into a Shark Tank

Launch an Agent with a Giant Fan through a Freeze Ray into a Shark Tank Trap

…Sting Like a Bee

Combo Boxing Glove into Bees

I put up a Killer Bees Trap with two Boxing Glove Traps in front of it and got this during the "Too Darn Hot" Side Story when lots of Minions were deserting and walking through

Who smelt it

Blow a Gas Cloud into an Agent with a Giant Fan

I for some reason got this before I had every put up a Knockout Gas Trap

Super Agents:I'll Take Care of This Myself

Defeat a Super Agent with your Genius

Deal the final shot to a Super Agent with your Evil Genius in the Lair

Perfectly Balanced, As All Things Should Be

Allow the finest Rogue in the world to succeed

Allow Symmetry to steal Money from your Vault and make it to her speed boat with it


Drop a certain Agent into a specific trap

Drop John Steele into a Shark Tank (easier if you capture him and drain his Skills, then either torture him with the trap or disrupt power to his cell with a Shark Tank Trap in front of the door)

Title Match

Defeat the finest Saboteur in the world with Jubei

Let Jubei kill/do the finishing blow on Blue Saint (I did this by doing the Scheme to weaken his squad, then when they come from the Casino floor just Distract his entire squad and Solo him with Jubei, don't forget to enable "Flow")

Fighting With Fire

Set H.A.M.M.E.R.'s Super Agent aflame

Character-based Achievements

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Achievements Playing as Max:The Man With the M.I.D.A.S. Touch

Fire the M.I.D.A.S. Device for the first time

A Sparkling Tableau

As Max, create 20 Golden Statues, and add them to the Inner Sanctum

After firing the M.I.D.A.S. device the first, second and third time, take the Golden Minion Statues lying around your lair (and/or create new ones by Executing Minions) and put them into the Inner Sanctum. Enjoy your Impressive New Interior Decoration:

Specialised Workforce

As Max, have 200 Specialist minions in the Lair at once

Have >200 Muscle/Deception/Science Minions. The game might see Workers hired over the "HIRE NOW!" button as Specialist minions, since I got it after hitting it 4-5x when I ran low of Workers.

Skilling Up

As Max, complete all Henchmen Upgrade Research Projects

Complete Henchmen Improvement Program: Stage 4 Research

Golden Age

Complete the Game as Max on any Difficulty

The Gold Standard

Complete the Game as Max on Hard Difficulty

Achievements Playing as Ivan:

Cry H.A.V.O.C.

Fire H.A.V.O.C. for the first time

Soldier Supreme

As Ivan, engage Atomic Olga in hand-to-hand combat

Old School

As Ivan, kill 50 Agents using an old school weapon

Get The Gang Back Together

As Ivan, recruit some old friends

Recruit Eli and Jubei as Henchmen

The People's Revolution

Complete the Game as Ivan on any Difficulty


Complete the Game as Ivan on Hard Difficulty

Achievements Playing as Emma:

Infamous. V.E.N.O.M.ous.

Fire V.E.N.O.M. for the first time

Old Friends?

As Emma, capture and mock a pale imitation

Can't Be Fooled

As Emma, remove 50 Agent Disguises

I Was Always Better

As Emma, complete all the Genius Upgrade Research


Complete the Game as Emma on any Difficulty

Master Spy… Master

Complete the Game as Emma on Hard Difficulty

Achievements Playing as Zalika:


Fire V.O.I.D. for the first time

Weak-Minded Fools

As Zalika, convert 50 Agents to your cause

Science Above All

As Zalika, research everything

Technical Marvels

As Zalika, steal an extinct creature, one that is yet to hatch, and a treasure from another world


Complete the Game as Zalika on any Difficulty

Humanity 2.0

Complete the Game as Zalika on Hard Difficulty


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