Simple Series - City Design Guide

Simple Series - City Design Guide


This guide is about providing the minimum amount of information to create a functional city. It does not include electricity, heating, water, etc.

There are a hundred different ways to design your city. However, that isn't a helpful thing to say to a new player trying to make their city work.

This guide isn't about creating the nicest or even the best city, it's about providing an easy design that just works.

What Is The Simple Series About?

Workers and Resources is a complicated game, when you are new (or newish) it is very easy to struggle with basic things like getting public transport working.

There are video tutorials but not only do you have to invest 10 minutes or even as much as an hour, but they might never mention or just gloss over the specific thing you wanted to know. The simple series provides bite-sized chunks of information that you can skim through in a minute to get what you want to know.

The simple series often provides a single opinioned way to do things. not because it is the only way or even the best way, but just because it is easy to explain concisely.

Design Your City Around Public Transport, Not The Other Way Around

For example, build a large station bus and then build the rest of the city around it.

If you make a more decentralised city then this rule is even more important.

Build Service Buildings In Walking Distance

Simple Series - City Design Guide image 12

Build the service buildings in the middle of the city and surround them with residential buildings.

Residential buildings should be within walking distance of every service that they need. The walking distance is 380m-400m (depending on walking speed).

On the building details window there is a button which shows what buildings are within walking distance.

Note: Kindergartens must be in the walking distance. 5 year old children won't take the bus!

Not Every Building Requires Road Access

Residential buildings do not require road access. People walk faster over pedestrian paths and they take less space than roads, so it's better to avoid roads entirely for residential buildings.

The following service buildings also do not require road access, just pedestrian path access.


Indoor Pool



Required Service Buildings

You need at least one of each of these service buildings.

Indoor Pool (tennis courts can be used too)



Shopping Centre




Fire Station

Churches are not required. You will get some complaints but they can be ignored.

To ensure that you always have some highly educated workers for schools and hospitals, you'll also need to build a university eventually.

Planning Mode

Simple Series - City Design Guide image 37
Simple Series - City Design Guide image 38

To enable planning mode, go to the bottom right corner of the screen and select "Build from resources"

Any buildings or roads you create will be placed in an "under construction" type state.

When you decide to build everything, click on the plus to expand the menu and then click on the "Autobuild from rubles" button.

Video Playthrough

I made a simple video playthrough covering the creation of a functional, profitable city.

My Other Guides


More Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic guilds