Stats and Figures Handbook

Stats and Figures Handbook

General Concepts

Generic Tonnage & Density

Each storage in the game (building and vehicle) is defined by a storage type, which determines what resources can be held there, and a "generic tonnage," which with a resource's "density" stat determines how many tons of a given resource can actually be stored there.

Generic tonnage should be thought of as a theoretical capacity that combines tonnage and volume, while density relates how much a resource can utilize it. For example, the 800 ton grain silo has a generic tonnage of 1000 tons, but since crops have a density stat of 80%, only 800 tons of crops can be stored there.

Some resources will have different densities depending on the storage type. For example, metal scrap has a density of 100% while in "waste" type storages and a density of 60% in "aggregate" type storages. Most resources only have one density though.

Rounding ErrorsThe game tends to round numbers down to two or three digits for display in menus and windows, so the actual capacity for a resource may not be displayed accurately for vehicles. Storage buildings always report numbers to the hundredths of tons.

The most accurate displays for a vehicle's capacity can be found in three places depending on the cargo tonnage and/or the vehicle's weight:Under 1 ton of cargo capacity, weight can be read most accurately in the vehicle's menu to the hundredths of a ton.

With cargo capacity above 1 ton and vehicle weight below 20 tons, the cargo capacity will only be shown in a vehicle's window up to tenths or just whole numbers, but numbers down to the hundredths can be derived by subtracting the vehicle's empty weight from its current weight (as listed in the vehicle's window) to see how much cargo it has loaded.

Over 20 tons, a vehicle's weight and cargo will only be shown as an integer, but the "List of Vehicles and Buildings" will display its cargo's weight to the tenths.

For more accurate capacities, you can always look up the generic tonnage of a building or vehicle in its config/script (.ini) file and multiply it by the cargo's density.

Resource Stats


StatCargo TypeResourceDensity

StatCargo TypeAlcohol50%Covered-Hull Fuel100%LiquidAluminum100%Open-Hull Gravel100%AggregateAluminum Oxide100%

(45%)Dry Bulk

(Other*) Hazardous Waste100%WasteAluminum Scrap100%


(Aggregate) Iron100%AggregateAsh100%Waste Iron Ore100%AggregateAsphalt100%Aggregate Liquid Fertilizer100%LiquidBauxite100%Aggregate Livestock75%


(Covered-Hull)Biological Waste100%Waste Meat50%


(Other*)Bitumen100%Liquid Mechanical Comp.50%Covered-HullBoards100%Open-Hull Metal Scrap100%


(Aggregate)Bricks80%Open-Hull Nuclear Fuel100%NuclearºBurnable Waste100%Waste Nuclear Waste100%NuclearºCement100%

(45%)Dry Bulk

(Other*) Oil100%LiquidChemicals30%Covered-Hull Other Waste100%WasteClothes50%Covered-Hull Plastic Waste100%


(Open-Hull***)Coal100%Aggregate Plastics25%Covered-HullCoal Ore100%Aggregate Prefab Panels90%Open-HullConcrete100%Concrete Quarried Stone100%AggregateConstruction Waste100%


(Aggregate) Raw Bauxite100%AggregateCrops80%Covered-Hull Steel100%Open-HullElectric Comp.35%Covered-Hull UF6100%NuclearºElectronics35%Covered-Hull Uranium Ore100%AggregateExplosives40%Covered-Hull Uranium Oxide60%


(Other*)Fabric70%Covered-Hull Waste Water100%SewageFertilizer100%Waste Water100%WaterFood50%Covered-Hull Wood100%Open-Hull*When carried by general cargo ships (not container type), cableways, or aircraft.

**The only livestock type specific vehicle I know of is the train wagon for livestock.

***Aircraft, non-container type general cargo ships (and the Frida), and non-garbage cable cars cannot carry plastic waste.

ºNuclear material is always stored in containers or buildings. No vanilla vehicle can carry them without them being in a container.

Mixed Waste & Hazardous WasteMixed waste is simply a combination of any of the waste types except hazardous waste. If hazardous waste is mixed with other waste types, then the entire mixture will also be called "hazardous waste."

Currently, mixed waste and hazardous mixed waste have a density of 100% and can only be stored and carried in "Waste" type storages.

Citizens and ForeignersWhile not generally thought of as cargo, citizens and foreigners do have a weight that affects the acceleration of the vehicle they are riding in. Every one of them has the exact same weight of 0.07 metric tons, i.e. 70 kg; amusingly, this also includes babies who were just born, which has some interesting implications to say the least.

Throughput And Fuel Economy

Throughput and Fuel Economy are a main focus of this guide, so understanding what they are is crucial for getting the most out of this guide.

ThroughputThroughput is a rough measure of a vehicle's overall transportation capacity, namely of a vehicle's ability to move stuff in bulk. Throughput basically combines the speed and carrying capacity into one stat that we can compare between various vehicles, and it is defined here as the product of a vehicle's speed (in km/hr) and carrying capacity (in tons or number of riders).

Throughput is mostly useful for comparing the relative number of vehicles you would need to move so much stuff over some distance each day. For example, a Skd-706 RTTN flatbed truck can travel at 62 km/hr and carry 13 tons for a throughput of 806 ton-km/hr, while a River cargo ship has a speed of 18 km/hr and a carrying capacity of 170 tons for a throughput of 3,060 ton-km/hr. This means about 19 of these trucks would be needed to move the same amount as 5 river cargo ships.

Once you figure out the throughput ratios for various vehicles, you can then look at other stats to determine which vehicle is right for the job:In the above case of trucks vs river cargo ships, the 19 trucks are much cheaper to buy than the river cargo ships (at less than half the cost), but the river cargo ships have much better fuel economy (about 3.28 times as much) than the trucks and will replace a decent amount of road traffic.

In another example, a V3S flatbed truck only has a throughput of 246 ton-km/hr (4.1 tons × 60 km/hr), so you need only one Skd-706 RTTN flatbed truck to match the throughput of 3.28 V3S trucks. Those V3S trucks would cost about twice as much to purchase as the one Skd-706 RTTN truck costs though, so the Skd-706 RTTN truck is much more cost effective for transporting large amounts of goods some distance over time, but the V3S are more cost efficient at short distance deliveries of 4.1 tons or less.Which vehicle is better will mostly depend on what factor you need to select for at the time. At the start of a game, you typically want to make the most of your starting money and loans, while later on you may want vehicles with more fuel economy or with more throughput to reduce traffic on a route.

Keep in mind that throughput is an ideal figure; it doesn't account for un/loading speeds or times, for acceleration times, for reduced speeds from traffic, snow, or infrastructure limitations, or for special actions like docking or taxiing. Throughput is best used to compare vehicles on routes with some distance (usually over 1 km) and for amounts of transported stuff averaged over the long term.

Throughput is not a constant for each vehicle though; it can be reduced through a few ways:

• Density - Throughput is reduced when carrying lower density goods.

• Partial Loads - Throughput is reduced when vehicles carry less than their maximum capacity.

• Speed Restrictions - Throughput is reduced when going slower.

The throughputs listed in this guide assume the vehicle is travelling at its maximum speed with a full load of 100% density goods, but you can calculate the reduced throughput by simply multiplying the listed throughput by each percentage of density, capacity used, and current speed:

A = T × D% × L% × S%, where:

• A = the adjusted throughput.

• T = the listed or calculated maximum throughput.

• D% = the density percentage of the resource being carried.

• L% = the percentage of the vehicle's capacity for a resource that is being used.

• S% = the percentage of the vehicle's top speed that the vehicle is currently going at.

For example, the ship "Frida" has a throughput of 78,750 ton-km/hr with a full load of steel, but when carrying half a load of food, it only gets 19,687.5 ton-km/hr.

Fuel EconomyFuel economy is defined here as how much fuel is needed to move so much stuff so far; essentially it is a vehicle's throughput divided by its fuel consumption rate. Since both throughput and fuel consumption are rates based on time, dividing one by the other gets rid of the time aspect and the result is the amount of fuel required to move so much stuff/people so far.

Good fuel economies are important for keeping the cost of transportation down, especially for goods with slim margins like construction materials and low tier aggregates. For mature republics, it can also be crucial for reducing your oil usage below what you can produce.

Since fuel economy scales with throughput, it is affected by the same factors as well. The fuel economies listed in this guide assume the vehicle is travelling at its maximum speed with a full load of 100% density goods, but like for throughput, you can calculate reduced fuel economies by simply multiplying the listed throughput by each percentage of density, capacity used, and current speed:

A = T × D% × L% × S%, where:

• A = the adjusted fuel economy.

• T = the listed or calculated maximum fuel economy.

• D% = the density percentage of the resource being carried.

• L% = the percentage of the vehicle's capacity for a resource that is being used.

• S% = the percentage of the vehicle's top speed that the vehicle is currently going at.

For example, the Frida has a fuel economy of 7,663.40 ton-m/Liter with a full load of steel, but when carrying half a load of food, it only gets 1,915.85 ton-m/Liter.

The effect of partial loads on fuel economy is probably the second biggest reason to buy smaller vehicles (lower vehicle prices is the first), as a partial load can degrade a vehicle's fuel economy below the fuel economy of a smaller vehicle. For example, the ~18,000 ruble Mi-4 only has a fuel economy of 26.453 ton-m/Liter and a tiny capacity of 1.5 tons, which the 95,000+ ruble Mi-10 cargo helicopter could only carry with a measly 6.648 ton-m/Liter fuel economy despite getting 57.617 ton-m/Liter with its full load of 13 tons.

Smaller vehicles are not always better with smaller loads though. For example, the S62 cargo helicopter has a fuel economy of 30.662 ton-m/Liter and a maximum cargo capacity of 9 tons, but the Mi-10 cargo helicopter can carry 9 tons with a fuel economy of 39.889 ton-m/Liter and any smaller load with more fuel economy than the S62 cargo helicopter can.

Vehicles And Containers

I haven't done trains or road vehicles yet (not here anyway), but a discussion on slope and acceleration on their fuel consumption can be found here:

Road Vehicles (Fuel) WIP

Stats that matter and why:

• Maximum Speed - Determines fuel economy, throughput, cornering speeds, and more.

• Capacity - Determines fuel economy and throughput.

• Engine rating (kW) - Affects fuel economy, acceleration, and building/intersection throughput.

• Flatbed size (if any) - Determines which vehicles it can carry (weight seems to be ignored).

• Weight - Determines acceleration and building/intersection throughput.

Special TraitsRoad vehicles have some quirks that affect their performance:Acceleration has no effect on the fuel consumption of a road vehicle. Fuel economy will still be lower with less acceleration due to spending more time at slower speeds, but unless a route has frequent stops, acceleration usually isn't a huge impact on a road vehicle's overall fuel economy.

The slope/grade of a road also has no effect on the fuel consumption of a road vehicle.

The electric power consumption of road vehicles is still affected by slope and acceleration.

Road vehicles may need to slow down when taking a curve or a corner. The highest speed they can take a corner at depends on their maximum speed and either the tightness of the curve or the angle of the intersection. Sometimes the speed limit of the road will be lower than this, so the road vehicle will not slow down.

Road vehicles ignore the maximum speed permitted by the road, or the signs on it, when passing another vehicle.

Most flatbed trucks can carry their own model of trucks, but not always. For example, a Skd-706 RTTN can carry another Skd-706 RTTN, a W50 can carry another W50, but a V3S cannot carry another V3S.

Road Vehicle Fuel EquationsFuel Capacity (Liters) = Engine rating (kW) × 5.2 Liters per kW

Fuel Consumption (Liters/sec) = Engine rating (kW) / 220 kW-sec per Liter

Fuel Mileage (km per ton of fuel) = Speed (km/hr) × 59 / Engine rating (kW)

Fuel Economy = Capacity (tons or riders) × Speed (km/hr) × 59 / Engine rating (kW)

Airplane Stats

Notable StatsWhich stats matter and why:

• Weight - Only aircraft with an empty weight below 10 tons can use dirt runways.

• Length - Airplanes cannot visit or be bought at pads of a lower size than their length.

• Takeoff distance - This is the minimum runway length needed to take off and land.

• Capacity - How many riders or generic tons it can carry.

• Speed - How fast it goes.

• Throughput - The multiple of the number of tons/riders it can carry times its speed.

• Fuel economy - How efficiently it uses fuel.

Airplanes that weigh less than 10 tons can land on and take off from dirt runways without an ATC tower, but all aircraft need an ATC tower to take off from paved runways.

Engine power determines fuel consumption, but it and width do not seem to affect plane behavior much so they are not listed here. Engine power can be found in the "List of vehicles and buildings" if you really want to know; same for the production years.

Cost is also not recorded because this can also be looked up in the "List of vehicles and buildings." Keep in mind that the displayed cost is the money you get for selling a used vehicle with maintenance turned off, but you can easily convert this to the price to buy a new one by simply dividing it by 0.7.

Aircraft StatisticsAll aircraft are sorted by takeoff distance.

Small Passenger/Cargo AircraftAirplanes that can operate on dirt runways without ATC towers are listed here.

(These airplanes still need an ATC tower to take off from paved runways.)

Aircraft NameWeight



(km/hr)Throughput­­*Fuel Economy**AN-142.611m120m7 riders,

1.1 tons1901,330 r-kph,

209 t-kph3,001.74 r-m/L,

471.70 t-m/LL-2001.69m195m4 riders,

0.82 tons2851,140 r-kph,

233.7 t-kph3,675.60 r-m/L,

753.50 t-m/LC4011.811m240m12 riders,

1.5 tons3253,900 r-kph,

487.5 t-kph8,802.08 r-m/L,

1,100.26 t-m/LAN-23.412m250m12 riders,

1.5 tons2583,096 r-kph,

387 t-kph4,099.33 r-m/L,

512.42 t-m/LAN-283.513m270m18 riders,

1.9 tons3356,030 r-kph,

636.5 t-kph4,240.88 r-m/L,

447.65 t-m/LC-1721.28m293m4 riders,

0.82 tons230920 r-kph,

188.6 t-kph6,869.26 r-m/L,

1,408.20 t-m/LL-410

UPV3.814m456m15 riders,

1.7 tons3655,475 r-kph,

620.5 t-kph5,034.24 r-m/L,

570.55 t-m/LL-410

UPV-e4.514m456m19 riders,

2.0 tons3807,220 r-kph,

760 t-kph6,401.66 r-m/L,

673.86 t-m/LFo279.9526m480m52 riders,

4.7 tons45023,400 r-kph,

2,115 t-kph7,150 r-m/L,

646.25 t-m/L*r-kph is riders-km/hr, t-kph is ton-km/hr.

**r-m/L is riders-meter per liter, t-m/L is ton-meter per liter.

Large Cargo AircraftThese airplanes require a paved runway and a working ATC tower.

Aircraft NameWeight




(ton-kph)Fuel Economy

(ton-meter/liter)AN-1228.334m690m22 tons67014,7401,219.8IL-38*33.338m690m20 tons60012,000945.77IL-7610145m870m47 tons89041,830887.60Tu-142*90.052m970m45 tons72032,400731.25Antonov An-70**92.541m1000m47 tons75035,2503,398.56*These planes are inferior to the AN-12 and the IL-76 respectively.

The only reason to buy/build them is to have a pretend ASW air force.

**From the Ukraine DLC, it can also carry vehicles and containers.

Large Passenger/Cargo AirplanesThese airplanes require paved runways and a working ATC tower.

Aircraft NameWeight



(km/hr)Throughput­­*Fuel Economy**IL-1834.536m650m92 riders,

7.9 tons62557,500 r-kph,

4,937.5 t-kph4,604.89 r-m/L,

395.42 t-m/LTu-1044139m680m75 riders,

6.5 tons78058,500 r-kph,

5,070 t-kph3,109.94 r-m/L,

269.528 t-m/LC 626 - 20029.236m720m135 riders,

11.3 tons830112,050 r-kph,

9,379 t-kph8,901.75 r-m/L,

745.11 t-m/LYak4234.536m740m120 riders,

10 tons81097,200 r-kph,

8,100 t-kph5,027.34 r-m/L,

418.945 t-m/LC 626 - 40035.936m800m170 riders,

14.1 tons890141,100 r-kph,

11,703 t-kph6,677.75 r-m/L,

553.86 t-m/LTu-15450.748m870m164 riders,

13 tons950155,800 r-kph,

12,350 t-kph5,545.45 r-m/L,

439.58 t-m/LTu-14498.364m960m150 riders,

12 tons2,150322,500 r-kph,

25,800 t-kph2,564.13 r-m/L,

205.13 t-m/L*r-kph is riders-km/hr, t-kph is ton-km/hr.

**r-m/L is riders-meter per liter, t-m/L is ton-meter per liter.

Fuel Equations1 ton of fuel = 1,000 liters (in real life this would be closer to 1,300 liters).

Airplane fuel capacity = Engine power × 0.52 liters per kW

Airplane fuel consumption rate (liters per second)

= Engine power (in kW) × Engine rpm ÷ (2,145 kW-sec per liter of fuel)

(At cruising speeds, RPM will be 60%.)

Airplane fuel economy when cruising (in ton-meter per liter or rider-meter per liter)

= 993.0555556 ÷ Engine rating (in kW) × Capacity (tons or riders) × Speed (in km/hr).

Since 1 ton of fuel = 1,000 liters:

• 1 ton-meter per liter equals 1 ton-km per ton of fuel

• 1 rider-meter per liter equals 1 rider-km per ton of fuel

Helicopter Stats

Stats and Figures Handbook image 186

Notable StatsWhich stats matter and why:

• Speed - How fast it goes.

• Capacity - How many riders or generic tons it can carry.

• Throughput - The multiple of the number of tons/riders it can carry times its speed.

• Fuel economy - How efficiently it uses fuel.

• Airlift ability - can the helicopter carry vehicles and containers?

Unlike planes, helicopters can take off from any aircraft pad, including airplane pads.

Also unlike planes, helicopters have to slow down when changing elevation, which it will usually do a lot of while flying over hilly terrain.

Helicopter StatsSorted by name.




(ton-kph)Fuel Economy

(rider-m/liter)Fuel Economy


Vehicles?NotesG-3117514 riders

1.6 tons2,450280216.2524.714NoExport

Model*Mi-21858 riders

1.1 tons1,480203.5296.8940.822NoMi-418512 riders

1.5 tons2,220277.5211.6226.453NoMi-628047 riders

4.3 tons13,1601,204193.8317.734NoMi-822522 riders

2.3 tons4,950517.5526.6355.057NoMi-1030528 riders

2.7 tons8,540823.5124.1011.967NoMi-10

(cargo)30513 tons-3,965-57.617YesS62

Skycrane2039.0 tons-1,827-30.662YesExport


*Since this is a western vehicle, you can sell it to the east for a lot of money than eastern vehicles typically will get. For example, the G-31 can sell for over 64,000 rubles or $27,000 while the similar Mi-4 only gets 18k rubles or a pitiful $2,600.

Helicopter Fuel Equations1 ton of fuel = 1,000 liters (in real life this would be closer to 1,300 liters).

Helicopter fuel tank size (liters) = 2.6 × Engine power rating (in kW).

Helicopter fuel consumption rate (liters/sec) = Engine rating (in kW) × Engine RPM ÷ 429

(At cruising speeds, RPM will be 99%.)

Helicopter fuel economy (in ton-meter per liter or rider-meter per liter)

= 119.156­­5656 ÷ Engine rating (in kW) × Capacity (tons or riders) × Speed (in km/hr).

Since 1 ton of fuel = 1,000 liters:

• 1 ton-meter per liter equals 1 ton-km per ton of fuel

• 1 rider-meter per liter equals 1 rider-km per ton of fuel

Helicopter Emergency ServicesWith the requisite research complete, helicopters can be employed in fire fighting or as ambulances. The range they can cover buildings up to is 3 km from the center of the fire station or hospital (not from the pad).

Fire fighting helicopters also need a viable source of water within ~2.5 km to fetch water from. If you mouse over the menu of the fire station the helicopter is stationed at, viable water sources will have blue dots displayed on them:

This will also highlight any buildings within the coverage range in green.

Helicopter bucket size determines the size of fire the helicopter can effectively fight. The Mi-2 has the smallest bucket, but it can reliably put out fires at pump jacks, woodcutting posts, and small apartments, but it is wholly inadequate for larger buildings. The Mi-10 has the largest bucket, but it struggles to put out the largest buildings on its own.

NameFire Bucket Size (Liters)G-312,030Mi-21,696Mi-42,414Mi-64,742Mi-82,653Mi-104,797Mi-10 (cargo)4,767S62 Skycrane3,054

Now that helicopters can be dispatched to any building, and since earthquakes can start a lot of fires in an area, you might want a group of helicopters that you can send to assist an area hit hard by an earthquake. The Mi-10 is well suited for this as it is pretty fast and has the largest bucket.

There are only two factors to consider for ambulance helicopters:Speed - Citizens in critical condition only have so long to live, and a faster helicopter needs less of that time to get them to the hospital, but due to the limited range of ambulance helicopters (3 km), even the slowest helicopter can usually collect the patient in time. Still, a helicopter that can go faster will be available more often to save other patients.

Cost - Ambulance helicopters will only ever have one rider in them (the patient), so there is no point in getting a helicopter with more room for riders. Smaller helicopters are usually a lot cheaper (the Mi-2 was basically made for this), but they also tend to be slower than bigger helicopters.

Ship Stats

All ships are sorted by height.

Notable StatsWhich stats matter and why:

• Length - Docks and harbors have a "Maximum ship's length" that docking ships cannot exceed.

• Height - Ships must be so short to reliably cross under bridges.

• Width - Ships must be so thin to reliably cross under bridges.

• Speed - How fast ships go.

• Capacity - How much they can hold.

• Carries vehicles? - Can it haul vehicles and containers?

• Throughput - Overall transportation capability.

• Fuel economy - How efficiently it uses fuel.

The "Maximum ship's length" of a harbor or dock can be found in its popup card in the construction menu. For docks, this also determines which ships can be purchased there.

Ship MovementShips seem to prefer moving along the cardinal axes (including the diagonal axes like NW or SE) instead of going in a straight line towards their next stop. If they encounter a coastline, then they will happily grind their hull against the shore without any ill effects in an effort to match the closest axis they can.

With cheats enabled and a ship selected, you can press the "h" key to display the navigable waters it can traverse, though this may not work when docking. Pressing the "x" key displays the points along a ship's intended path.

Unfortunately, ship speeds are not accurately displayed in this game. This is mostly due to rounding errors, as most of the time 1 knot = 1 m/s = 3.6 km/hr, but not all ships adhere to this (like the Lubbenau). The actual ship speeds in km/hr can be found in their .ini files though, and are recorded below.

Ferry StatsAll passenger ships are listed here.

Ship NameHeight






(Riders-kph)Fuel Economy

(Riders-meters/Liter)Moskvich motor ship5275331474,8514,377.33Meteor 342535107513510,1251,340Projekt 1430*10346452009,0002,021.12Dunay motor ship137916312959,145758.33Express-923107316557037,050805.60Baltic Ferry2569183842015,9601,252.31*This ferry is part of the Ukraine DLC.

Aggregate ShipsBoth aggregate ships are listed here.

Ship NameHeight






(Tons-kph)Fuel Economy

(Tons-meters/Liter)Hopper Ship175511451,12050,4004,904.58Lubbenau3215219358,250288,7506,440.70

TankersAll ships that carry liquids are listed here.

Ship NameHeight






(Tons-kph)Fuel Economy

(Tons-meters/Liter)Type 587 Los1311014252,77069,2509,339.27Fullin Tanker1969112785022,9504,677.62Sofia class37231333814,250541,5004,479.07Baltic Tanker39177325223,2501,209,0005,714.50The Pride42215324519,250866,2504,776.85Vikki Tanker43219444525,2501,136,2504,699.31

General Cargo ShipsShips that can carry covered-hull, open-hull, dry-bulk, and refrigerated goods are listed here.

Ship NameHeight






(Tons-kph)Fuel Economy

(Tons-meters/Liter)River cargo ship5439181703,0601,320.58Volgodon1514018273,57096,3907,533.54Volgobalt2111513282,58072,2406,961.64Frida*287418451,75078,7507,663.40A21 Furgon**3111417602,532151,92014,783.79*This ship can also carry vehicles and containers.

**This ship is disabled (cannot be bought nor made) and can only carry covered hull goods.

Container Ships - Open Hull GoodsThe capacity, throughput, and fuel economy for open-hull goods are listed here for container ships.

Ship NameHeight






(Tons-kph)Fuel Economy

(Tons-meters/Liter)Ighnatov1610019371,12041,4403,065.05Frida287418451,75078,7507,663.40Container Express3713624412,720111,5206,354.42Container Liner*401693042---*The Container Liner can only carry vehicles and containers.

Fuel EquationsShip fuel tank size (liters) = Engine rating (in kW) × 5.2

Ship fuel consumption rate (liters/sec) = Engine rating (in kW) × Engine RPM* (%) ÷ 214.4

*Once at their maximum speed, a ship's engine RPM will decrease to and stay at 60%.

Ship fuel economy (in ton-meter per liter or rider-meter per liter)

= 99.2592593 ÷ Engine rating (in kW) × Capacity (tons or riders) × Speed (in km/hr).

Since 1 ton of fuel = 1,000 liters:

• 1 ton-meter per liter equals 1 ton-km per ton of fuel

• 1 rider-meter per liter equals 1 rider-km per ton of fuel.

Container Ship Stats

Stats and Figures Handbook image 301

The capacity, throughput, and fuel economy for various configurations of containers are listed here for each ship that can carry containers.

To get the configurations below with mixed container loadouts, you need one loading stop for each size of container, and the largest ones must be loaded first.

Configurations are sorted by the number of containers they have.




(km/hr)Number of



(Tons-kph)Fuel Economy

(Tons-meters/Liter)40 × 40'1610037401,16843,2163,196.4140 × 40',

8 × 20'1610037481,32448,9883,623.3388 × 20'1610037881,71663,4924,696.10168 × 10'16100371681,34449,7283,678.07




(km/hr)Number of



(Tons-kph)Fuel Economy

(Tons-meters/Liter)45 × 40'287445451,31459,1305,754.1245 × 40',

15 × 20'287445601,606.572,292.57,035.00105 × 20'2874451052,047.592,137.58,966.18195 × 10'2874451951,56070,2006,831.37

Container ExpressConfigurationHeight



(km/hr)Number of



(Tons-kph)Fuel Economy

(Tons-meters/Liter)315 × 40'37136413159,198377,11821,488.21315 × 40',

45 × 10'37136413609,558391,87822,329.23630 × 20'371364163012,285503,68528,700.001260 × 10'37136411,26010,080413,28023,548.72

Container LinerConfigurationHeight



(km/hr)Number of



(Tons-kph)Fuel Economy

(Tons-meters/Liter)718 × 40'401694271820,965.6880,555.24,263.57718 × 40',

154 × 10'401694287222,197.6932,299.24,514.111436 × 20'40169421,43628,002969,6965,694.501436 × 20',

77 × 10'40169421,51328,6181,201,9565,819.772949 × 10'40169422,94923,592990,8644,797.68

Container Stats

This section lists more specific figures for the various vanilla containers, from the amount of goods they can store, their relative loading speeds, and other data that is useful for planning purposes.

Nuclear Cask - Container Type 30B PropertiesSlightly smaller than the 10 ft container (0.5 TEU), but slightly larger than the Cask Type B.

(a Skd 706 RTTN can carry 3 of these for example.)

Cannot be stacked.

Tare weight of 2.70 tons.

Capacity of 0.75 tons.

Can only contain UF6.

Nuclear Cask Type B PropertiesSeemingly slightly smaller than the 10 ft container (0.5 TEU) and the Container Type 30B.

(cargo helicopters can carry three 10' shipping containers, but only two of these casks)

Cannot be stacked.

Tare weight of 4.5 tons.

Capacity of 0.2 tons.

Can only contain nuclear fuel and nuclear waste.

Twenty-foot Equivalent UnitShipping Containers in W&R:SR follow the Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit (TEU) system of Europe and the USA (which is why containers are a western "vehicle"), which classifies container sizes as multiples of twenty feet: 10' is 0.5 TEU, 20' is 1 TEU, and 40' is 2 TEU. In real life, and in this game apparently, the actual lengths of shipping containers do not match their namesakes.

Shipping Container Comparison

Property or Dimension10 ft20 ft40 ftTEU0.51.02.0Tare Weight (tons)0.902.103.70Generic Tonnage8.019.529.2Tonnage per TEU16.019.514.6Un/packing Rate (containers a day)~10~4.5~3Relative Loading Time Multiple421

Tare Weight - The empty weight of the container. Useful only for computing vehicle acceleration.

Tonnage per TEU - This is the generic tonnage available in a container before a good's density stat is taken into account, divided by its length or volume in TEU. Effectively for all goods, the 1 TEU container packs the most goods per space and the 2 TEU container packs the least (though still respectable) tonnage per space.

Un/packing Rate - The rough maximum possible rate at 100% worker productivity. For planning, it is generally safer to assume the actual rate is a bit under this.

Relative Loading Time Multiple - The number of containers loaded and unloaded is a flat rate that is only affected by the vehicle loading or unloading factor of the building. Since each shipping container takes the exact same time to load or unload, it is the number of containers that will determine how long it takes for a vehicle to load or unload a full load. Thus for the same amount of space, 10' containers take twice as long as 20' containers, which take twice as long as 40' containers, to load and unload.

Shipping Container Un/Loading SpeedsThe rate at which containers are loaded on and offloaded off vehicles depends solely on the un/loading facility's loading and unloading factor, which can be found in the .ini file of the building.

Vehicles are loaded simultaneously at this rate, which is not divided among vehicles, but simply applied equally. Trains load and offload containers even faster because each wagon is treated as a separate vehicle at the facility.

In any event, the fewer containers there are to handle, the less time it will take to load or unload them, which is the chief advantage of using the 40' containers over the 20' (though the reduced tonnage erases this advantage a bit.)

Shipping Container Packing and Unpacking RatesNuclear casks are packed and unpacked without workers seemingly instantly, so long as room is available.

At shipping container packing and unpacking facilities, the rate at which packing and unpacking occurs at depends on a few factors:Number of workers - More workers, up to sixty, results in a faster rate.

Productivity of workers - More productive workers result in a faster rate, even at full employment.

Does packing stop to pull goods via direct factory connections into the packing facility?*No - Then the maximum packing rate is reachable.

Yes - Stopping to pull goods will slow the rate. Because of the throughput limit on pulling goods through direct factory connections, goods that are more "dense" (crops, fabrics) will suffer a lower packing rate because more time will be spent pulling goods instead of packing them.*If there are fewer tons of goods in a packing facility's warehouse than the capacity of the selected shipping container, then packing will stop until enough goods are pulled/unloaded into the building.

Note that unpacking facilities never stop to push goods into other storages.

Optimum Shipping Container Uses10' Containers can be carried by the most vehicles and are needed to maximize the carrying capacities of some vehicles. For a given amount of cargo, they are terribly slow to load and unload onto vehicles compared to other shipping containers.

20' Containers have the highest tonnage to space ratio of all the shipping containers and so are best for maximizing the capacity of buildings and vehicles holding them.

40' Containers are the fastest to load spaces up with thanks to their footprint, but they pay for it with the lowest (if still respectable) tonnage of goods per container volume. Still, they can load and then unload over 7000 tons of crops in less than 5 minutes, while 20' containers take about 7.3 minutes, and 10' containers take about 18 minutes. Use them for shorter runs where loading and unloading speed is more of a limiting factor.

More Accurate Shipping Container TonnagesThe game only displays 2 significant figures when listing the weights of goods per full container at the packing facility, which are not accurate enough when trying to convert the capacities of container storage yards and ships from number of containers to tons of goods.

Here are the actual tonnage capacities for each shipping container:

Commodity10' (tons)20' (tons)40' (tons)Generic Tonnage8.0019.5029.20Alcohol4.009.7514.60Chemicals2.405.858.76Clothes4.009.7514.60Crops6.4015.6023.36Fabric5.6013.6520.44Food4.009.7514.60Electronics2.806.8210.22Electronic Components2.806.8210.22Mechanical Components4.009.7514.60Plastics2.004.877.30

You can estimate the tonnage of goods held in a container storage space by multiplying the number of containers by the tonnage of goods per container. You can find the number of containers each storage space can hold in the next section.

Container Storages

Stats and Figures Handbook image 380

This section lists the various numbers of shipping containers and nuclear casks that various vehicles and storage buildings can hold.

Nuclear casks were not done for buildings due to the large numbers of casks I would need to generate to determine storage capacities, and frankly there isn't much reason to store nuclear materials in those amounts anyway.

Storage Building CapacitiesSpace for shipping containers per building:Container packing facilities - two storage lots: Lot 1 - 3 layers and 5 rows of 3 TEU.

Lot 2 - 3 layers and 6 rows of 8 TEU.Small space for vehicles/containers - 2 layers and 5 rows of 6 TEU.

Large space for vehicles/containers - 4 layers and 7 rows of 12 TEU.

Container Harbor - 4 layers of 22 rows of 10 TEU.

Car Dealership - Cannot hold containers.Divide the lengths by whatever size of container you want to store there to get the number of containers in a row. If you don't get an integer, round down to an integer.

Very Large Space for VehiclesThe "large space for vehicles" has two railway tracks, two storage lots, and unfortunately, the same name as the next largest space for vehicles. Note the TEU discrepancy between the container sizes too.

10 ft Containers - 3,064 total:

• Side lot - 8 layers and 2 rows of 43 ten foot containers.

• Main lot - 8 layers and 9 rows of 33 ten foot containers.

20 ft Containers - 1,576 total:

• Side lot - 8 layers and 2 rows of 22 twenty foot containers.

• Main lot - 8 layers and 9 rows of 17 twenty foot containers.

40 ft Containers - 752 total:

• Side lot - 8 layers and 2 rows of 11 forty foot containers.

• Main lot - 8 layers and 9 rows of 8 forty foot containers.

Ship Container CapacitiesSpace for shipping containers per Ship:Ighnatov - Three layouts:40 forty foot containers and 8 twenty foot containers (max unloading & loading speed).

88 twenty foot containers (maximum tonnage).

168 ten foot containers (vastly inferior to other options, don't use it if possible).

Frida - Three layouts:45 forty foot containers and 15 twenty foot containers (max unloading & loading speed).

105 twenty foot containers (maximum tonnage).

195 ten foot containers (vastly inferior to other options, don't use it if possible).

Container Express - Two convenient layouts:315 forty foot containers and 45 ten foot containers (much quicker to unload and load).

630 twenty foot containers (maximum tonnage).

Container Liner - Two convenient layouts:1184 twenty foot containers and 45 ten foot containers (maximum tonnage)

592 forty foot containers and 90 ten foot containers (much faster to load and unload)

You cannot replace the 90 ten foot containers with 45 twenty foot containers, for some reason.The astute among you may spot the disparate TEU totals of the given layouts. This may be because container lengths are not integer multiples of each other, or because the game allows the last container in a row to overhang the end of the row to a degree. Either way, different combinations of containers lead to different amounts of TEU used, as is seen below with the layouts of the Frida:

Train Wagon CapacitiesSpace for containers per Wagon:Open wagon 13-401 - 2 TEU, 5 Cask Type B, or 4 Container Type 30B

Open wagon 13-926 - 3 TEU, 7 Cask Type B, or 6 Container Type 30B

Open wagon 13-4012 - 0 TEU (it cannot carry containers nor vehicles for some reason)


AircraftSpace for containers per Helicopter:Mi-10 Cargo - 1.5 TEU, or 2 Nuclear Cask Type B, or 4 Container Type 30B. It looks like it should be able to hold 6 Container Type 30B, but it refuses to load more than 4.

(More acceleration, faster over hilly terrain, better fuel economy.)

S62 Skycrane - 1.5 TEU or 2 Nuclear Cask Type B, or 3 Container Type 30B

(Kind of inferior.)Vanilla airplanes cannot carry containers, but there is a Ukraine DLC airplane that can.

Truck CapacitiesTrucks are listed here for specific containers as an aid to selecting suitable trucks for sorting containers by their sizes. You can check if a truck can carry a specific container by the two methods discussed in the previous section.

Trucks that can carry one 0.5 TEU Shipping Container, but not Nuclear Cask Type B's:GZ-53, Zil-130Trucks that can only carry one 0.5 TEU Shipping Container or one Nuclear Cask Type B:W50 (no trailer), MZ 503, Skd 706 RT (not RTTN), U377, Je300, zil-133 w/ crane, kmz 5320 with crane, T138, T148.Trucks that can carry 2 TEU containers:kmz 5410 (this truck can carry two 1 TEU containers or one 2 TEU and 1 0.5 TEU container at a time, so you cannot use it to separate 2 TEU and 0.5 TEU containers).The remaining trucks can carry a 1 TEU container.


Bridge Basics

Stats and Figures Handbook image 423

Bridges are useful for extending networks over rough terrain & water and to minimize the slope of a road or railway, but ensuring ships can pass under them depends on a few factors.

Bridge DimensionsThere are three dimensions to consider when it comes to bridges:The Maximum Span - This is the longest length that the bridge's pillars can be separated by.

(The game displays this in the bridge selection menu).


The Normal Span - This is the default length that bridge pillars are separated by. Because you cannot influence the span length over water, this span also limits which ships can pass under.

(The game displays the 'normal span' as "width" when using the measurement tool.)

There is a table in the next section that lists the Normal Spans for each bridge type. Note that many bridges' deck elements will not be stretched to match pillar distances beyond the normal span, which may ruin how they look.


Height - This also determines whether ships can pass under bridges and whether roads, railways, footpaths, and whether other infrastructure can be built under it.

(This is also displayed by the measurement tool.)

Bridge ClearancesThere are two types of clearances to consider when it comes to bridges:Ships - Width and height are the factors that determine whether a ship can pass under a bridge:The ship's width needs to be 5m less than the Normal span of the bridge.

(Use the measurement tool to confirm a bridge has a Normal span at least 5m wider than the ships you want to use before building it.)

The ship's height needs to be 2m less than the height of the bridge.

(Less clearance is doable, but not guaranteed, especially with sloping bridges.)

If you build your bridges at least 25m high with a span of 30m, most of the ships you may want will be able to go under them.

The wooden and brick bridges can be passed under only by the Moskvich motor ship. Every other vanilla boat is too wide.


Although there are strict requirements for ships to pass under bridges, ships will not actually maneuver to pass between the bridge's supports; instead, they will simply phase through them as if they were not there.

Pedestrian Bridges are a special case, as they do not need pillars to support them and ships just pass through them like they aren't there. Their height still matters for clearance over roads, railways, and other infrastructure though.

Infrastructure Clearance - Height is usually the limiting factor.Roads and Railways need about 8m between the ground and the bridge.

(The power lines of electric railways will clip into the bridge above. This can be avoided with about 15m of clearance).

Footpaths need less clearance, but not much less.

If infrastructure is placed/built before the bridge is placed/planned, then the pillars can be moved away to make room, but only up to the maximum span length.

Most buildings cannot be built under bridges, nor can bridges be built over most buildings.

Measuring Normal Spans and HeightYou can use the "Tool for measurement" to see how high a bridge is and how long a span stretches, including when it is still in the planning mode. Just ensure the tool for measurement is active and then mouse over the bridge or the ground under it.


Construction MechanicsThere are some limitations involved with building bridges:The end points of a bridge segment can only be built up to 35m above the ground, but the rest of the bridge can be at any height over the ground. (Pedestrian bridges can be built much higher).

You can build bridges higher than 35m by raising the ground up where you plan to place the endpoints of the bridge. This lets you build bridges above the tallest vanilla ship (the Vikki Tanker, at 43m).

The end points of bridge segments cannot be built over water; they have to end over land.


You have to start the bridge segment at a node or on the ground. The only exception to this, is to build a road or bridge, enable the "Near Snap (f4)" feature, and then place the bridge near it.


Signs and train signals can only be placed on the nodes that connect bridge segments together.

(You can see them by pressing H; they show up as a purple dot.)

To create these nodes, you must plan separate portions of the bridge like so:Place a bridge segment and then confirm construction (with the crane button on the bottom right). If you add on to this segment without confirming construction, the game will merge the segments together and a node will not be created.

Then plan the next section onto the first segment and again confirm construction.

Repeat until your bridge is completely placed.

Keep in mind that you cannot end segments over the water and that each segment must be built separately.


Curves - Some bridges can support curves, but most cannot. This is also recorded in the next section.

Symmetric Bridges - If you enable "Near Snap (f4)," then any bridges you place next to each other will attempt to synchronize the bridge pillars. This doesn't work for curved bridges though and height is also not synchronized.

Bridge Stats

All bridge stats are listed here.

Bridge StatisticsRoad BridgeIconSpeed LimitMax Span*Normal Span*Curves?NotesWooden30 km/hr16m13.9mNoExtremely cheap.

No trolley/tram option.Brick70 km/hr14m11.8mNoMore costly if buying bricks/coal.Concrete100 km/hr24m14.5mYesA little cheaper, but needs a lot of concrete delivered.Prefab100 km/hr20m14.5mYesSteel/Brick100 km/hr27m24.5mNoPretty cheap.

No tram option.

Cannot be upgraded to trolley variant.Truss (red)100 km/hr37m34.5mNoNo trolley/tram option.Tiered Arch100 km/hr57m54.5mNoSomewhat cheaper.

No trolley/tram option.Arch100 km/hr42m39.6mNoBeam100 km/hr77m74.5mNoA bit cheaper, but needs a lot of concrete delivered.

Train BridgeIconSpeed LimitMax Span*Normal Span*Curves?NotesTruss135 km/hr39m21mYesSomewhat cheaper.Railway121 km/hr23m22.4mNoNo Metro option.Truss (red)140 km/hr38m37mNoSteel Truss135 km/hr58m57mNo

Pedestrian BridgeIconWalking SpeedMax Span*Normal Span*Curves?NotesSteel100%?Infinite?~10mNoIgnored by ships

(no collision).

More expensivePrefab100%?Infinite?~10mNoIgnored by ships

(no collision).


*Pillars are usually built apart at the distance of the 'normal span,' but this distance can be increased up to the 'max span' length. For ships, use the 'normal span' distance to check if a ship's width will fit between pillars.

Metro Building Heights

A list of the connection heights.

Metro Track ConnectionsBuildingConnection DepthNotesMetro Station with entrance-13 metersMetro Platform without entrance-10 meters*

-16 meters*

-21 meters*Above Ground Metro Station (small)+11 metersAbove Ground Metro Station (large)+11 metersMetro End Station (Underground)-13 metersUnderground Railroad Electric Connection-12 meters*

-15 meters*

-20 meters**This station can have its depth changed with the change height keys.

Metro Pedestrian ConnectionsPedestrian Underpass (stairs)-7 metersPedestrian Metro Entrance (stairs)-10 meters*

-15 meters*

-20 meters*Pedestrian Metro Entrance (Escalators)-11 meters*

-16 meters*

-21 meters**This building can have its depth changed with the change height keys.

Metro End StationsThere are two metro end stations in the game, but they behave slightly differently.

The surface metro end station will block power transfer through itself, so power must be supplied to each side you plan on using. Metro trains also cannot path through the surface end station, so they will have a stop at the end station for them to pass through it (a bypass track can also be used).

The underground metro end station does not block power transfer nor pathing, so feel free to run lines through it and don't think you have to build an electric connection on each end you want to use. You can also build them in the middle of a metro line if you want metro trains to turn around before reaching the end of the line while allowing other metro trains to continue down the line.

Both end stations can be used to turn metro trains around, but the trains have to make a stop there to do so.

Building Stats

Attractions Mechanics Overview (WIP)

An attraction's overall score is defined by a base score that is affected by environmental factors:

• Sight - The relative elevation change in the area. Being on the top of a hill gives the best scores.

• Nature - The amount of mature plants in the area.

• Water - The amount of water in the area.

• Pollution - How polluted the area is. Unlike other factors this one is always negative.

Sometimes these factors are a requirement for the attraction to achieve its base score, sometimes these factors are a bonus added onto the base score, and sometimes they are both. Here factors are listed with a plus sign (+) if they are a bonus and without one if they are not.

Cooldowns last a number of citizen work/free-time cycles, starting with the cycle the citizen used the attraction on.

Attractions Stats

A list of the current vanilla attractions in the game and their stats.






FactorsTourists per

WorkerRoomsNotesSmall Hotel2.100.25 +0.250.25 +0.25-0.25 -0.25684Small Hotel (2nd)1.800.25 +0.250.25 +0.25-0.25 -0.25770Hotel (3 stars)3.000.25 +0.250.25 +0.25-0.25 -0.254140Mountain Hotel3.500.25 +0.750.50 +0.25-0.75 -0.25575City Hotel4.000.25 +0.250.25 +0.25-0.25 -0.253150Hotel (4 stars)3.800.25 +0.250.25 +0.25-0.25 -0.253105Hotel Ukraine4.500.25 +0.250.25 +0.25-0.25 -0.256600Ukraine DLC

Shops &







FactorsNotes"Panorama" RestaurantFood & Meat4.800.80 +0.200.20 +0.30+1.700.75Ekspres bistroFood & Meat0.8---1.50 -0.25Ukraine DLCShopping Center (Proir)Food, Meat, Clothes, & Electronics1.50----Okean supermarketFood, Meat, Clothes, & Electronics1.50--0.25 +4.001.5

-0.25Ukraine DLCBeach BarAlcohol2.40* (1.80d)-0.40 +0.30+1.800.80Closes below 11ºThe View BarAlcohol3.60* (1.30d)0.50 +0.250.20 +0.50+1.250.85Delicije Café/BarAlcohol2.500.50 +0.250.20 +0.30+1.000.75

AttractionsTypeCool DownForget Mask?Base ScoreSight FactorsNature FactorsWater FactorsPollution FactorsNotesFerris WheelCarousel7 cyclesNo3.600.45+0.50+0.850.70Closes below 8º CAutodromeCarousel8 cyclesNo3.10-+0.50+0.500.70Closes below 8º CChamomileCarousel9 cyclesNo2.80-+0.50+0.500.70Closes below 8º CSurpriseCarousel10 cyclesNo3.00-+0.50+0.500.70Closes below 8º C

Gallery of ArtGalleries15 cyclesYes0.75* (3.35c)----Can satisfy culture.Republic

TheaterN/aN/aN/a2.50* (2.50c)----Only satisfies culture.Concert Hall «Ukraina»

(Ukraine DLC)N/aN/aN/a2.40* (2.70c)----Only satisfies culture.Dance hall Romantyk

(Ukraine DLC)N/aN/aN/a1.20---1.20 -0.25Only satisfies culture.

Museum of the RepublicMuseum15 cyclesNo3.20* (0.70c)0.35+0.25--Can satisfy culture.National Uprising MuseumMuseum13 cyclesNo2.40* (2.90c)0.35+0.70-0.70Can satisfy culture.Palace of CommunismMuseum12 cyclesNo3.80* (1.80c)0.35+0.25-0.70Can satisfy culture.Pyramid MuseumMuseum13 cyclesNo2.80* (2.10c)0.35+0.25-0.60Can satisfy culture.Natural History Museum

(World Maps DLC)Museum15 cyclesNo2.00* (0.70c)0.35+0.25--Can satisfy culture.

More AttractionsTypeCool DownForget Mask?Base ScoreSight FactorsNature FactorsWater FactorsPollution FactorsNotesOutdoor PoolPools & Beaches5 cyclesNo2.00* (3.70s)-+0.75+0.750.60Satisfies sports, closes below 15ºCIndoor PoolPools & Beaches4 cyclesNo1.80* (3.70s)-+0.75+0.750.60Satisfies sportsBeachPools & Beaches4 cyclesNo4.00* (2.80s)-+1.500.750.75Satisfies sports, closes below 21ºCSports Hall (Small)Pools & Beaches4 cyclesNo2.50* (2.00s)---0.60Satisfies sportsSports Hall (Medium)Pools & Beaches4 cyclesNo2.00* (2.00s)---0.60Satisfies sportsPalace of sports Dynamo

(Ukraine DLC)N/aN/aNo1.40---1.2

-0.25Only satisfies sports.

Sight Tower 1Sight Towers20 cyclesNo4.100.88+0.75+0.750.80Higher RatingSight Tower 2Sight Towers20 cyclesNo3.800.85+0.75+0.750.80Higher Visitor to Worker Ratio

ZooZoos & aquariums10 cyclesNo2.70-+1.00-0.30Lviv Circus

(Ukraine DLC)Zoos & aquariums15 cyclesYes4.00* (1.50c)---0.30Closes below 10º.

*Base score when using the attraction as an "attraction" instead for a specific need. The score in ( ) is applied when the attraction is used for the specific need marked by the letter:d - Drink alcohol

c - Culture

s - Sports

Electronics Production Ratios

From 1960 to various times in the 2000's, the vanilla electronics and electronic components factories will produce less and consume more, making the production of electronics and electronic components much more expensive.

Electronics component factory:

• Consumption costs go up to 170% from 1960 to ~2020

• Production output falls down to 30% from 1960 to ~2044

• Cost to products ratio eventually increases by 467%, not including workers.

Electronics factory:

• Consumption costs go up to 200% from 1960 to ~2060

• Production output falls down to 30% from 1960 to ~2037

• Cost to products ratio eventually increases by 567%, not including workers.

Note that the interface will round to one tenths here.

Pollution And Its Standoff Ranges

Here is a brief overview of how pollution works:

There are pollution sources that create pollution:Industrial buildings produce the most.

• Actual pollution output scales with production %.

• You can look up "how much" pollution is generated in their pop-up card.

Old world buildings produce a little pollution locally if you don't provide heating.

• Generally this can be ignored.

Sewage also causes pollution wherever it is dumped.

• Severity scales with sewage pollution %.

• If buildings' sewage tanks overflow, there will be local pollution.

• Sewage can be ignored for a short time, but you really should avoid overflows.

With the waste update, we now have pollution from waste too:

• Incinerators create pollution and ash, which if left to decay away, creates pollution.

• If waste overflows at buildings or at bin stands, local pollution is created.

• Dumping waste from a dump, storage, or vehicle creates pollution.

• Waste creates pollution in most storages and in skids, but not in bins.

• Demolishing certain buildings can leave various wastes behind that decay too.

Vehicles do not create pollution, and trees do not limit nor absorb pollution.

Pollution is only simulated as air pollution and radioactive contamination (see next post), so all sources, even sewage outlets, will just create clouds of pollution around them. Water movement is not simulated, so pollution will not be carried nor diffused through bodies of water.

You can see how an area is affected by pollution by building a pollution monitoring station (found under state infrastructure) nearby. Typically there will be one or more "clouds" of pollution that are randomly distributed a certain distance from the source. More pollution output means larger clouds and more severe effect on the land. Note that green dots do not mean there is no pollution, but

Pollution is not permanent by any means. If you remove the source of the pollution, then the pollution in an area will dissipate pretty quickly (like in a week or two). Operating polluting buildings at low rates also reduces a lot of the pollution they output and thus their effect on the area around them.

Pollution only has three effects in the game (for now):

• Lowers citizen health (which affects a lot, like lifespan and productivity).

• Lowers tourism ratings (only tourists care about these; citizens do not.)

• Lowers the quality of water from water sources, to a point.

I think that farmland fertility/yield may be affected by pollution in the coming update, but I don't really know. These are mineral enriched crops comrade, very good for you, so no effect on fertility, production, or health.

Citizen health is only affected by living in polluted areas, which includes prisons, orphanages, dorms, and maybe hospitals (as a critical patient) and hotels (as a tourist). Working or satisfying needs in polluted areas does not seem to have any effect on citizen health, even for sports related buildings like the beach. Lower health causes lower lifespans (to a minimum around 30 "years"), lower productivity, death, more hospital visits, more ambulance calls, and lower population growth.

The health and thus lifespans of citizens can recover once they are removed from polluted residences.

With research enabled, there are techs you can research to reduce the impact of pollution on health and the overall pollution generation from industries.

Each polluting building will display an output of "Environmental pollution" in tons/years, which you can use to estimate the range you need to maintain between them and residences, attractions, and hotels. Note that these outputs are only displayed if you have pollution enabled as a game setting.

Stand Off RangesThis table has recommended distances between pollution sources and vulnerable stuff, like apartments, tourism, water sourcing, and hospitals. Measure from the center of the buildings.

Minimum RangePollution Source OutputExample sources300m < 3 tons/yearSawmill, gravel quarry500m ≤ 4 tons/year, constant operationPumpjack500m < 10 tons/year, seasonal operationSmall heating plant700m < 10 tons/year, constant operationElectronic factory800m > 10 tons/year, seasonal operationLarge heating plant1000m > 10 tons/year, constant operationCoal power plant.1250mTight clusters of 10+ tons/year sources or

a 30+ tons/year single point sourceChemicals Complex,

Aircraft factory1500m > 40 tons/year, constant operationIncinerator**Depends on what you burn. Hazardous waste is the worst, 1 km may be fine for other wastes, but I haven't tested it.

These ranges eliminate all of the influence on citizens. If you're fine with 1% or 2% pollution exposure, then you can reduce the range by 10%, but I wouldn't recommend it, as this makes citizens more vulnerable to sickness, reduces their productivity, and puts more stress on your healthcare systems.

For waste decay, I would recommend at least 1 km for all dumps and skid type storages, and 1.5 km if they contain hazardous waste. If you are demolishing something, then you should try to empty it to limit the amount of decaying waste present, especially with fuel, which becomes hazardous waste when the building it is in is demolished (or collapsed).

Special Mentions / Don't Accuse Me Of Plagiarism

I would have just posted links to these guides, but parts are outdated, slightly incorrect, or do not go in depth enough for my liking. Still, their authors deserve some credit.


More Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic guilds