This Is Literally Just A Game.
Step one is to realize that this is just a game. I repeat, this is just a game. It's not a big deal, or some thorough treatise on socialist economic policy, this is just a video game, to play and have fun. Stop talking about Soviet ideals, the USSR doesn't exist anymore, it's not the cold war, that's over. Just, stop debating politics, capitalism v. communism, utopianism, and cultural ideals, and play the game. Have fun, and don't worry. Build more infrastructure.
Part Two: Touch Grass.
Now, some of you might still want to debate these politics, and that's fine. Everyone has their own opinion, and if debating it is fun or rewarding to them, let them do as they please. However, if you're so dedicated to these ideals, and your politics overwhelm your life to the point where you feel the need to debate them in the forums of a tycoon game, it's time for you to take some drastic measures to course correct. I promise, you'll be happier this way. (I have turned off comments for this exact reason)
Step one: locate the exit to your abode. For those of you living in a house, this might be upstairs, or downstairs, but it's always located on the ground floor. For those living in an apartment, extra steps are needed. If you live on the first floor, wonderful! Simply exit your apartment, walk down the hall, and find the exit. If not, exit your apartment and walk down the hall, as done before. Then, locate either the elevator or stairs, and use either to get to the ground floor. Then, locate the outer exit.
Step two: exit the building. If your door is on the first floor, simply open it and take a few steps forward. If your door is on a second floor, leading to a deck, exit onto the deck, and locate the stairs. Then, walk down the stairs, and wait for further instruction. If your deck does not have stairs, repeat step one, and locate a second exit.
Step three: locate grass. I assume that you know what grass is, along with its color and texture. If not, please use the internet to look up descriptions of this plant. Do keep in mind that species of grass differ from place to place, so some areas may have differing fauna, and you may need to do more research in order to most aptly prepare yourself.
Step four: touch grass. Now, this is the hardest step, but you've prepared yourself, and it's time to touch that grass. Firstly, close to within arm's length of the grass you wish to touch. Secondly, bend down, to ensure you can get as close to the grass as possible. Third, and finally, extend your arm and let your hand come in contact with the grass. Go get 'em, king.
Part Three: Conclusion, Thanks And Congratulations.
Thank you for following my guide. If you have enjoyed it, please just feel good. If you have learned something, be happy, and feel rewarded in your gaining of knowledge. Finally, if my guide inspired you to touch grass, even if you didn't succeed, let be me first to congratulate you on your boldness. Not many people could build up the courage to do that. Congratulations, godspeed, and good luck, king. With this, we can create a better, kinder, and more unified fandom. Here's to Workers and Resources!
Please don't feel offended by this, this is all just one dude venting about having so many people fill up the forums with bickering in a way he finds comedic.
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