Price level & Alcohol addiction

Price level & Alcohol addiction


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Let's begin with the basics

P.s. English is not my native language, and unfortunately, I haven't had much practice using it since school. So if you notice any mistakes, please let me know, and I'll do my best to correct them. Thank you so much in advance!

The population in Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic demand players to satisfy their needs. Shops need to be built to provide people with food and clothes, as well as cinemas, to give people the opportunity to enjoy new great movies produced by Soviet or local film production.

Anyway, sometimes, workers do need to enjoy some company, so they meet with their friends and visit a local bar for a couple of drinks.

The people's needs are shown in the image below:

As you can see, comrade, not every workers' need can and must be met by our socialist state. There is no place for religion in the bright future of humanity. Therefore, our workers need to find a better way to spend their free time than going to church to pray.

Price Level & Alcohol Addiction - Test Preparation

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So, while playing the "Soviet Revolution" campaign, I came up with a question: "How do price levels in buldings such as indoor pools or bars affect people attending them?". So, as you can see, I decided to test this and write it down.

To make the test more precise and get rid of random things, I started a new custom game and turned off all difficulty options except for citizen reaction - this was set to hard. Then I needed to plan a town where all essential needs of workers were met. In the end, I needed 4 towns like that.

So I came up with this:

I was using houses with 43 workers slot to get results manually, "by hand". Again, I wanted to get more precise results, but as you will see in the "Test Results" section, there was no need for that.

Each of 4 towns had 3 buildings with "price level": there were the indoor pool, the Delice bar and The Sight tower.

I changed price levels in buildings in each town and named each town according to price levels in buildings:

Beer - 5.0, Recreation - 5.0

Beer - 5.0, Recreation- 0.1

Beer - 0.1, Recreation - 5.0

Beer - 0.1, Recreation - 0,1

So, The preparation for the test was completed and test began.

The test took place from 05/01/1960 to 05/01/1961.

Test Results

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*The % of alcohol addiction results by date, different towns. (Overlay)

*The % of alcohol addiction results by date, differrent towns. (Accounting office)

*The quantity of alcohol consumed by different towns. (Accounting office)


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So, as you can see from the images, the greatest % of alcohol addiction was found in the town with a low price level in bar and a high price level in other recreational buildings, and vice versa.

I must admit that building the Sight tower was a mistake and I assume that It had no effect on test results.

By the way, there were no complaints from workers about not being able to visit a pub\bar.

But what conclusion may be made by this results?

Firstly, as we know, people can change their "visiting a spritiual place" desire to something else and there is a chance that it will be changed to "visit attraction". So, taking this to an account, I assume that workers in a free time have something like "tourist logic" - they prefer a place with a greater rating. Summing it up and it perfectly explains why the town with a low price level in bar and a high price level in recreation has the greatest % of alcohol addiction, meanwhile, the town with a high priced bar and a low priced recreation has the lowest % of alcohol addiction.

Secondly, I can conclude that building a basic pub does not look so good as building a bar with a price level or a tourist rating. If you play in realistic diffuculty you will end up in building a sport hall or an indoor pool to provide people sport 24/7/365. So, in this case, why not use a bar with a high price level to provide people with beer but not to make them alcohol addicts?

P.s. Extra Test

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Responding to Silent_Shadow comments.

The number of workers invited to live in a town was 1620. The max number of workers that could live in a town 1800. It was done by placing 10 prefab houses with 180 flats each.

Test took place from 08/01/1960 to 08/01/1963.

[Will be uptated later...]


More Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic guilds