Thematic Builds - Ranger

Thematic Builds - Ranger


The purpose of this guide is to provide ideas for build themes that fit into various role-play archetypes. Further details about the equipment I refer to here may be found at my other guide, along with answers to a variety of other questions about Wartales.

Cutthroat - The Manic Killer

Thematic Builds - Ranger image 4

Class Skills

Valorous Victory


Instinctive Throw

Cold Blooded

Second Weapon or Unstoppable

Basic Skills




Harag Billhook, Inquisition Cinqueda


Perforating Oil or Unstable Oil


Pocket Knife, Whet Stone, Stiletto, Tule Horn


Tinkerer or Thief

Favored Stats

Dexterity & Critical Hit

This mid-to-late round spree killer that just won't stop. Valorous Victory combined with mastery Frenzy allows this unit to eliminate engaged targets one after another. Instinctive Throw also comes in handy to finish off targets not quite killed by a Frenzy, and the mastery version is what really makes the build shine as it allows your unit to redeploy from one side of the battlefield to the other very easily.

Poisoner - The Noxious Marker

Thematic Builds - Ranger image 26

Class Skills

Valorous Victory or Valorous Support

Poison Vial


Explosive Gas


Basic Skills


First Aid



Damaged Dagger, Ringleader's Dagger, Viper

Poison Flask


Poisonous Oil or Perforating Oil


Poison Vial


Scholar, Bard, Angler

Favored Stats


An early round set-up support that can still kill a high priority target on their own. Find a cluster of enemies and open up with Poisonous Flask's Poisonous Puddle skill, followed up by the mastery form of the Poison Vial skill. All enemies hit will have 5 stacks of Poison (or up to 7 with Poison Vial accessory), along with Vulnerability status. After that move in and pick off a light armored enemy with your dagger attack and get away. Explosive Gas will have limited use, primarily in Champion Fights.

Poisoner - The Sadist

Thematic Builds - Ranger image 50

Class Skills

Valorous Audacity or Valorous Support

Poison Vial

Instinctive Throw

Explosive Gas


Basic Skills




Ringleader's Dagger

Hand Bomblet


Poisonous Oil or Perforating Oil


Poison Vial


Scholar, Tinkerer, Angler

Favored Stats

Willpower & Crit

An early round damage dealer that revels in bringing down the biggest of foes with ease. Begins their turn by making use of Ringleader's Dagger to apply poison to multiple clustered targets (preferably heavily armored or high health). Follows up by stepping back and using mastery Poison Vial to apply more Poison and Vulnerability, followed up by a Hand Bomblet to apply Bleeding to everyone hit. All units hit will have 5 Poison (up to 9 with lucky Poisoned Vial accessory procs) as well as Bleeding, and a missing 10% health from Hand Bomblet. Explosive Gas will have limited use, primarily in Champion fights.

Strategist - The Daring Captain

Thematic Builds - Ranger image 73

Class Skills

Valorous Audacity

Smoke Screen

Deadly Contract

Low Blow


Basic Skills


First Aid

Galvanise Troops


Harag Billhook, Inquisiton Cinqueda

Throwing Sickle, Blinding Powder


Sticky Oil


Medallion, Leather Strap, Sewn Crest, Pewter Mirror


Bard, Cook

Favored Stats

Willpower & Constitution

This controller ensures the battle goes your way regardless of when they enter the fray, able to serve as an off-tank, reduce incoming damage to the troop via evasion or maximize damage in the heat of battle. This unit is all about flexibility of when and how they enter combat. [Early Round] Using them early you can Low Blow a cluster of enemies before engaging a high priority target to potentially take out by them-self or set-up your next unit to do so. Engaging with their dagger attack and then disengaging with Blinding Powder allows you to make the most of their Anticipation passive. If you want to play more cautiously then Throwing Sickle, Leather Strap, Taunt, Sticky Oil and Low Blow all synergize very well to make this Light armored unit surprisingly durable. [Mid-to-Late Round] This is when Smoke Screen has the biggest impact, provoke attacks of opportunity from a cluster of engaged units or make the most of a friendly Archer's Barrage overwatch by pushing several enemies into it. Don't forget to pop your Captain's shout for more Valour Points to keep your troops going!

Strategist - The Dutiful Lieutenant

Thematic Builds - Ranger image 97

Class Skills

Valorous Audacity or Valorous Support

Smoke Screen

Instinctive Throw

Low Blow


Basic Skills

First Aid

Tactical Order


Tactician's Dagger

Your choice of Offhand


Protective Oil


Medallion, Ether, Treats, Sewn Crest


Scholar, Bard, Angler

Favored Stats


This controller excels in the late round, cleaning up and setting up for the next. Utilize Smoke Screen to provoke attacks of opportunity from a cluster of engaged units or make the most of a friendly Archer's Barrage overwatch by pushing several enemies into it. Both Smoke Screen and Tactical Order pair very well with other units that have Valorous Victory. Low Blow lets you minimize the incoming damage next round, and Protective Oil allows them to get right into the middle of combat and provide both Supported to allies and Surrounded to enemies without worry of being damaged by friendly fire. Also serves as an excellent unit for capturing prisoners and animals, as Tactician's Dagger has low damage and won't provoke attacks of opportunity if attacking from the sides - allowing you to safely whittle away a unit's health.

Assassin - The Professional

Thematic Builds - Ranger image 120

Class Skills

Valorous Victory

Right Between The Eyes


Cold Blooded


Basic Skills




Harag Billhook, Inquisition Cinqueda

Poisoned Throwing Dagger, Hand Bomblet


Bleeding Oil or Perforating Oil


Pockeet Knife, Whetstone, Stiletto, Tule Horn, Bleeding Oil Concentrate


Tinkerer, Thief, Alchemist

Favored Stats

Dexterity & Critical Hit

This mid round damage dealer can take out their target in practically any situation. Soften your primary target with a Poisoned Throwing Dagger which will start the Fever stacks from Ordeal rolling. If you're more adventurous, opt for the critical hit reliant Hand Bomblet instead as it will drastically increase the damage of their coup de gras Right between the Eyes if their target is Bleeding. Bleeding Oil and its Concentrate accessory allows them to drop even the most heavily armored of enemies quickly, excelling at prolonged fights against Champions.

Assassin - The Torturer

Thematic Builds - Ranger image 143

Class Skills

Valorous Audacity

Right Between The Eyes




Basic Skills




Harag Billhook, Inquisition Cinqueda

Incendiary Flask


Bleeding Oil or Conversion Oil


Fireproof Ointment


Tinkerer, Thief, Alchemist, Cook

Favored Stats

Dexterity & Critical Hit

This vicious early round damage dealer likes to make their killings into intimate afairs, picking out their target of choice with Right between the Eyes. From there, they'll Incendiary Flask to discourage any unwanted guests before engaging them with their dagger skill. Retreat and Anticipation ensure that no matter how they struggle, The Torturer always wins.


Thematic Builds - Ranger image 166

Here is the template I used, feel free to make and share your own interesting builds!


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