The Tavern Opens Acheivement Guide, The Easy Ones
Many of the achievements associated with the DLC can be very easily earned in an existing save, just by starting off in Stromkap. Anyone can cook, Best Plonk in Town, Rebranding, Patience is a Virtue, and Haute Cuisine can be gained within a couple minutes of a fresh save without leaving Tiltren.
Pay the owner and take over the abandoned tavern.
With a little effort and repeated camping, earning your first star should happen within 5 rests. Buy extra tables, and employ a bard for faster income.
Purchasing the Apple Pancake and Culture Shock recipes at the bar, then giving 10 wood to the denizens of Old Wilburt's Sheepfold will net you Mutton Stew. Make sure to hire experienced cooks or wait for staff to advance to higher levels to place all three recipes on the menu, and recieve Haute Cuisine.
Simply pay for both items in the layout menu.
Placing a liquor into a cask to age increases the amount of copper it's acceptable to sell for. Simply wait a handful of shifts after placing a drink into reserve. Please note that feasts and meals requiring the liquor will be unable to be produced while reserve is held.
Harder Cheevos
Scaling Up and Reaching the top are simply a matter of reaching the prestige level to move, and moving your party to the respective tavern locations. The Grinmeer location is pictured below.
With Let Him Cook,Recruiting from a tavern to employ a companion is viable, with specialities being awarded every handful of shifts. I make all my cooks and all my brewers from tavern recruits when I get the chance.
Eat Drink and Be Merryand If it's Expensive it Must Be Good are done easiest by selecting different walls and floors for your tavern. Investing in wall decorations can be used to push the rating from upscale to working class at will.
For Honor Among Thieves, thieves counteract bouncers, so having more bouncers than thieves for the duration of this achievement is a must.
Topping the rating will result in Heaven's Kitchen, simply relocate the tavern to Grinmeer, and by the point you're available to relocate, it shouldn't take long for you to top the charts.
The Grindy Ones
Below are the achievements that took either a lot of time, or relied on very specific events to be achieved.
Using the Clientele screen for this is a must. Rewards from each faction are represented by a grey hand, and rewards are provided for meeting the requirements to have 100 members of a faction attending. Menu items and decor can impress factions, so If you are having trouble getting guards to attend, meeting their requirement (listed on the Clientele and menu screens), then placing decor or serving food with the guard symbol will make it easier to attract 100 of their faction.
Retrieving 1000 Krowns will take some time, as each withdrawal lowers the amount you can take out at a time. Feel free to do this last with an autoclicker, or keep on top of it while tackling the rest of the content.
Food for Thought and Trouble Brewing are both just time sinks, train up a staff member in cooking and brewing, then select 5 shifts, or roll the dice on 50% completion.
The pint glass menagerie is the reason i made this guide, as all the information i could find on google had been removed by the original poster. The events to recruit the cat, chicken, and pig seem to be random. I'd reached every achievement before getting this one, and found that using a working class motif, lowering food costs to allow peasants, with plenty of open floor space allowed the events to pop after several weeks of cycling.
That Rat Skewer is RAW! takes a failing tavern to spawn. Clear your menu, place all liquor in reserve, and allow profits to plummet. It took two rests to have Brandon Lesley to appear.
Pleasing Everyone is an easy task after getting higher prestige. Simply use the Clientelle screen to appease the needs of multiple factions. I wouldn't advise trying to please Pirates while attempting to get this achievement, as too many other factions have issues with low security.
The Price of Fame requires a bard to complete an infiltration on a tavern above your ranking, so completing this before you reach the top is a must. I am not certain if a thief or bouncer can assist in this achievement, however it is possible to pass the targeted tavern in ranking during the infiltration and still gain the achievement.
Retired Heroes is very simple in execution, but requires the prework of obtaining 5 legendary weapons.
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