1. Introduction
This article was written under Wartales v.1.0.39316.
I am happy to make any corrections if more accurate information is discovered. If you have any comments, you can either post here or post on my HIVE blog version of this guide.
All of the screenshots in this post were taken by me.
When I first started researching Wartales before deciding whether or not to buy it, the Wartales Fandom Wiki was incredibly helpful in learning more about the game. However, once I bought Wartales and started playing (about a week ago!), I quickly came to realize that the wiki was:
Missing information on where to get a lot of blueprints and recipes
Had some incorrect information that was likely obsolete data that was changed in later patches (like for the Lute)
Wasn't being updated with new DLC content (Pirates of Belerion, The Tavern Opens!, The Pits, and The Skelmar Invasion)
Wasn't listing that blueprints and recipes could be found in multiple locations. The tricky thing is that if you already have the knowledge (or have the blueprint/recipe in your possession), merchants won't show that they offer that same blueprint/recipe. Thus it is hard to come up with a comprehensive list of what blueprints and recipes merchants sell unless you start from scratch in each region, travel across all the regions as a low level party with few blueprint/recipe knowledges, or go through the source files.Thus, I decided to start maintaining my own spreadsheet regarding where blueprints and recipes can be found and have created this guide to share that information with the rest of the Wartales community.
Right now it is organized per region so players can check to see if they missed anything in their current region and by profession (alphabetically within each category) so you can easily lookup something specific. I also note if the blueprint/recipe can be found in multiple locations or if, as far as I am aware of, it is unique to that particular location.
Please keep in mind that this is a work in progress. I only started playing the game a week ago so there's still a lot of content I have to go through. I still need to:
Complete all the hunts
Clear out the bandit lairs
Fight in the arenas
Do a lot of quests
Go through most of Belerion (Pirates) and Ormance (Skelmar Invasion)
Right now the blueprints/recipes for professions are organized alphabetically. I also intend to have a list in order of how they appear on the screen.BTW: I am aware that the names of some NPC's (such as tavern owners) are often randomized. Not sure though if the names of the hunters and purifiers are fixed or random.
2. Tiltren County
Stromkapp - Traveller's Feast Inn
Recipe: Apple Pancake
Recipe: Culture Shock
Blueprint: Brewing Vat [Multiple Locations]Stromkapp - Tiltren Apothecary Clinic
Recipe: Strength Oil I
Recipe: Sharpening Oil ITiltren Jail
Recipe: Ether [Multiple Locations]
Recipe: Toothpaste
Old Wilburt's Sheepfold
(Requires completion of Starting Over quest)
Recipe: Mutton StewHighland Trackers' Camp
Blueprint: Meat Drying Rack
Blueprint: Friendship Necklace
Recipe: Cabbage Perch [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Defender's Reinforced Layer [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Sage's Reinforced Layer(Requires completion of Tiltren Hunt - Sikha's Fangs)
Blueprint: Reinforced Layer of the Stag
Lene the Purifier
Wandering south of the Abandoned Tower
Recipe: Sticky Oil I [Multiple Locations]TO DO LIST
Bandit Lair (Poison Vial, Watchkeeping Stool)
Sharp Fang? (Might have been patched out)
3. Mount Altis
Mount Altis Inn
Recipe: Seed Biscuits
Blueprint: Brewing Vat [Multiple Locations]
4. Vertruse Province
Marheim - Mother Bear Tavern
Recipe: Eel Soup
Recipe: Hill Delights
Recipe: Lavender Syrup Biscuits
Blueprint: Lute [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Brewing Vat [Multiple Locations]Marheim - Vertruse Apothecary Clinic
Recipe: Shielding Oil I
Recipe: Protection Oil I
Recipe: Soothing Oil I [Multiple Locations](Requires completion of The Missing Apothecary quest)
Recipe: Flawed Remedy
Jugglers' Camp
(Requires completion of The Wild Animal Tamer quest)
Blueprint: Bacon-bound CollarEarlier versions of the game allowed you to find the Lute at the Cursed Village of Lethrye in Ludern or the Jugglers' Camp in Vertruse. However, the current version does not have the Lute there any more. Instead, the Lute can be found at certain taverns in Vertruse, Arthes, Grinmeer, and Ormance.
Brownrock Town - Saint Lenaid's Inn
Recipe: Stuffed Cabbage
Blueprint: Brewing Vat [Multiple Locations]Vertrusian Jail
Blueprint: Treats
Blueprint: Stocks [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Plant TanninTrackers' Camp
Blueprint: Quality Projectiles
Blueprint: Trackers' Charm
Recipe: Cabbage Perch [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Hunter's Reinforced Layer
Blueprint: Tracker's Reinforced Layer [Multiple Locations]
Purifier Magnus
Wandering south of the Gosenberg Border Crossing
Recipe: Acidic Oil I [Multiple Locations]TO DO LIST:
Vertruse Hunt (Reinforced Layer of the Rat)
Bandit Lair (Salt Scoop, Tooth Collar, Velvet Pouch)
5. Arthes County
Cortia - Ploughshare Inn
(All of the recipes are available in alternative locations. The recipes can be found in Ormance and the Lute and Brewing Vat blueprints can be found in most provinces).
Recipe: Candied Fruit [Multiple Locations]
Recipe: Mushroom Sardine [Multiple Locations]
Recipe: Creature Comforts [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Lute [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Brewing Vat [Multiple Locations]Cortia - Arthes Apothecary Clinic
Recipe: Swiftness Oil I
Recipe: Perforating Oil IShabby Camp
Recipe: PorridgeTrackers' Camp
Blueprint: Tanning Rack
Recipe: Animal Essence Oil I
Recipe: Pork Stew
Blueprint: Warrior's Reinforced Layer [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Bard's Reinforced Layer [Multiple Locations]
Saint Eleor Abbey - Apothecary Roellidis
(Requires completion of First Aid quest)
Blueprint: GurneyLord Vernalis' Castle - Apothecary Office
Recipe: Acidic Oil I [Multiple Locations]
Recipe: Alertness Oil I
Purifier Ludolf
Wandering south of Lord Vernalis' Castle
Recipe: Sticky Oil I [Multiple Locations]TO DO LIST:
Arthes Hunt (Reinforced Layer of the Falcon)
Bandit Lair (Toxic Balm)
Check if Lord Vernalis' Castle offers Porridge
Confirm that Saint Eleor Abbey offers the Brace (possibly from helping the abbot with the Choosing Sides quest)
6. Ludern Region
Yeble Clan - The Gabby Cask Tavern
Recipe: Trapper's Fondue
Recipe: Flambeed Crocswine [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Brewing Vat [Multiple Locations]
Small Tracker Camp
(Has the same blueprints as the Large Tracker Camp that is also in Ludern. The recipes are different though - the Small Tracker Camp has Rat Stew and Poisonous Oil I while the Large Tracker Camp has Flambeed Crocswine.)
Blueprint: Impaling Spike [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Protective Collar [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Halter [Multiple Locations]
Recipe: Rat Stew
Recipe: Poisonous Oil I
Blueprint: Reinforced Layer of the Fox [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Reinforced Layer of the Serpent [Multiple Locations]
Ludern Jail
Blueprint: Dice
Blueprint: Stocks [Multiple Locations]
Wandering between Garussan Clan and Ludern Jail
Recipe: Plague Essence Oil I
Garussa Clan - The Tule's Hand Tavern
Recipe: Beer-infused Wolf Ribs
Recipe: The Tale of the Wolf and the Hop
Blueprint: Brewing Vat [Multiple Locations]
Garussa Clan - Ludern Apothecary Clinic
Recipe: Misty Oil I
Recipe: Explosive Oil I
Large Tracker Camp
(Has the same blueprints as the Small Tracker Camp that is also in Ludern. The recipes are different though - the Small Tracker Camp has Rat Stew and Poisonous Oil I while the Large Tracker Camp has Flambeed Crocswine. Multiple other locations also offer the Flambeed Crocswine recipe.)
Blueprint: Impaling Spike [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Protective Collar [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Halter [Multiple Locations]
Recipe: Flambeed Crocswine [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Reinforced Layer of the Fox [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Reinforced Layer of the Serpent [Multiple Locations]
Nerprun Clan - Apothecary's Office
Recipe: Whetting Oil I
Recipe: Paralysing Oil I
Murwen's Fishery
(Requires completion of A New Life quest)
Blueprint: Infused Collar
Cursed Village of Cirse - Tavern
(Requires sneaking into the cursed village and rescuing someone trapped in the tavern. You need to inspect the debris).
Recipe: Harag Concoction
Cursed Village of Lethrye - Town Hall
(Requires sneaking into the cursed village and opening the locked chest in the town hall).
Blueprint: Bloodthirsty Heater ShieldEarlier versions of the game allowed you to find the Lute at the Cursed Village of Lethrye in Ludern or the Jugglers' Camp in Vertruse. However, the current version does not have the Lute there any more. Instead, the Lute can be found at certain taverns in Vertruse, Arthes, Grinmeer, and Ormance.
Ludern Hunt (Reinforced Layer of the Ox)
Arena (Training Dummy)
Tomb of the Ancients (Unstable Oil I)
Old Edoranian Watchtower (Beehive)
Secluded Cottage (Spiked Collar)
Bandits' Lair (Looter's Torch)
7. Grinmeer Province
Gosenberg City - Tavern of Fortunes Made
Recipe: Seed Sausage
Recipe: The Broker's Table
Blueprint: Lute [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Brewing Vat [Multiple Locations]
Gosenberg City - Grinmeer Apothecary Clinic
Recipe: Infectious Oil I
Recipe: The Brave's Oil I
Recipe: Regeneration Oil I [Multiple Locations]
The Magnificent
Recipe: Flambeed Crocswine [Multiple Locations]
Grinmeer Jail
Blueprint: Pony Figurine
Blueprint: Personal Cup
Trackers' Camp
Recipe: Antidote
Blueprint: Spare Buckles
Recipe: Surf and Turf on a Stick
Blueprint: Warrior's Reinforced Layer [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint - Defender's Reinforced Layer [Multiple Locations]
Purifier Elsa
Wandering west of the Rouste Field
Bleeding Oil I [Multiple Locations]
Well-Earned Rest Fishery
(Requires completion of Leading by Example quest)
Recipe: Mead PikeTO DO LIST:
Grinmeer Hunt (Reinforced Layer of the Horse)
See if The Magnificent offers different items as you progress through the story
Bandits' Lair (Sea Bass Marinated in Hemp Oil, Mushroom Sardine)
8. Drombach County
New-Asthel - Drombach Apothecary Clinic
Recipe: Putrid Oil I [Multiple Locations]
Recipe: Hardening Oil I
Wandering southwest of New-Asthel
Recipe: Homeopills
Trackers' Camp
Recipe: Pungent Powder
Blueprint: Feathered Collar
Blueprint: Training Collar
Blueprint: Tracker's Reinforced Layer [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Bard's Reinforced Layer [Multiple Locations]
Mount Ernst Haven
Recipe: Mutton au Gratin
Hulburg - The Lynx's Paw Inn
Recipe: Jam
Blueprint: Brewing Vat [Multiple Locations]
Hulburg - Apothecary's Office
Recipe: Exhausting Oil I
Recipe: Immunity Oil I
Purifier Adelheid
Wandering between Mount Ernst Haven and Hulburg
Recipe: Bleeding Oil I [Multiple Locations]
Recipe: Acidic Oil I [Multiple Locations]
Recipe: Conversion Oil I
Drombach Jail
Blueprint: Beekeeper Mask
Blueprint: Clean Rag
Blueprint: Dry Yeast
Cursed Village of Asthel - Tavern
(Requires sneaking into the cursed village and entering the tavern. Right now it seems a bit bugged in that I find The King's Feast recipe in the unlocked bag but I also find a copy of the recipe in the locked chest. However, as soon as I take one of them, the other disappears.)
Recipe: The King's Feast [Multiple Locations]
New-Asthel - Tern's Nest Tavern
(Requires completion of Convincing Information and The Price of Drinking quests)
Recipe: Roasted Chicken in Blue SauceWhen you first visit New Aesthel, the innkeeper is missing. The slave working at the inn says he does not know if he is allowed to sell his master's recipe. If you go to the Scholar’s Choice Market and talk to Lady Mayoress Gerslind, she will ask you to find the missing innkeeper and bring him back. First you need to talk to an inquisitor to get a lead on the location. Then you have to go to the Valiant Tower and convince the captain to tell you where the innkeeper is, which completes the Convincing Information quest. You will eventually find the innkeeper in the Mount Ernst Cave fending off some white bears. After you defeat them, you have to convince the innkeeper to return to New Aesthel. This completes The Price of Drinking quest and you can now buy the Roasted Chicken in Blue Sauce recipe at the inn.
Drombach Hunt (Reinforced Layer of the Ermine)
See if you can still get the Roasted Chicken in Blue Sauce recipe if you convince the innkeeper to turn himself over to the inquisitors
Roust Field (Mountaineer's Hotpot)
Find the Traveller's Soup (cannibals in a cave?)
Arena (Blinding Powder, Needle)
9. Ormance County
Town of Two-Shores - Last Stop Tavern
(All of the food recipes can be found in Arthes and the Lute blueprints can be found in most provinces. The Rolling Pin seems unique though).
Recipe: Candied Fruit [Multiple Locations]
Recipe: Mushroom Sardine [Multiple Locations]
Recipe: Creature Comforts [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Rolling Pin
Blueprint: Lute [Multiple Locations]
Town of Two-Shores - Apothecary's Office
Recipe: Putrid Oil I [Multiple Locations]TO DO LIST:
The rest of the Skelmar Invasion DLC
10. Belerion Archipelago
Please note that the Construction Materials blueprints/recipes are widely available throughout the Belerion Archipelago. The Per-Bast Shipyard has all 5 but additionally, all of the apothecaries offer Waterproof Sealant, all of the forges sell Hoist and Metal Plate, and one of the markets has Hemp Burlap and Wooden Plank.
Interestingly enough, none of the Belerion taverns sell blueprints for the Brewing Vat or the Lute.
Per-Bast - Shipyard
Recipe: Waterproof Sealant [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Wooden Plank [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Hemp Burlap [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Metal Plate [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Hoist [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Triangular Sail
Blueprint: Rounded Hull
Per-Bast - Dry Dock Tavern
Recipe: Prawn Curry [Multiple Locations]
Recipe: Tuna with Olives
Recipe: Souvenirs from Akhed
(Requires completion of Missing Person quest)
Blueprint: Ballista
Per-Bast - Belarian Apothecary Clinic
Recipe: Ihrian Remedy [Multiple Locations]
Recipe: Propulsion Oil I [Multiple Locations]
Recipe: Initiative Oil I [Multiple Locations]
Recipe: Waterproof Sealant [Multiple Locations]
Per-Bast - Sea-Spray Market
Blueprint: Wooden Plank [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Hemp Burlap [Multiple Locations]
Per-Bast - Master Nejta's Forge
Blueprint: Metal Plate [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Hoist [Multiple Locations]
Dyn Island - Belerion Prison
Recipe: Ether [Multiple Locations]
Sarna - Apothecary's Office
(Requires completion of Twilight of the Gods quest)
Recipe: Ihrian Remedy [Multiple Locations]
Recipe: Propulsion Oil I [Multiple Locations]
Recipe: Regeneration Oil I [Multiple Locations]
Recipe: Waterproof Sealant [Multiple Locations]
Sarna - Master Shed's Forge
(Requires completion of Twilight of the Gods quest)
Blueprint: Metal Plate [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Hoist [Multiple Locations]
Smugglers' Bastion
(Requires completion of Sinking Shipment quest)
Blueprint: Spanker Sail
Tebessa - Master Rihim's Forge
Blueprint: Metal Plate [Multiple Locations]
Blueprint: Hoist [Multiple Locations]
Tebessa - Isolated Mill
(Requires completion of A Taste of Home quest)
Recipe: The King's Feast [Multiple Locations]Terq - Cutthroat Tavern
Recipe: Shark Touffe
Terq - Lost Ewe Tavern
Recipe: Bream Tajine
Terq - Tipsy Saurian Tavern
Recipe: Pirate-Style Apricots
Tule Island - Trackers' Camp
Blueprint: Hessura Brooch
Blueprint: Siren Brooch
Blueprint: Hobnailed Treads
Blueprint: Gunner's Winch
Recipe: Prawn Curry [Multiple Locations]
Zawlin - Akhed's Cauldron Tavern
Recipe: Ray Fin Flambe
Recipe: Captain's Booty
Zawlin - Apothecary's Office
Recipe: Ihrian Remedy [Multiple Locations]
Recipe: Soothing Oil I [Multiple Locations]
Recipe: Initiative Oil I [Multiple Locations]
Recipe: Waterproof Sealant [Multiple Locations]
Zawlin - Shora's Farm
(Requires completion of Revenge quest)
Blueprint: Steel RamTODO LIST:
The rest of the Pirates of Belerion DLC
Belerion hunt (Saurian Brooch)
Belerion's Tomb (Ancients’ Ballista)
11. Tavern
The Tavern Opens! DLC provides the opportunity to learn 5 specialty recipes, 1 feast, 10 advanced food recipes, and 11 brewery recipes.
Specialty recipes are different because they are made only by your tavern and not by your mercenaries. Your tavern is limited to preparing only one at a time and when it does, you automatically receive one after resting which is worth 14 food and provides an additional bonus when eaten.
3 of the specialty recipes are received when you are setting up your tavern in the successive cities of Stromkapp, Marheim, and Gosenberg City. The other 2 are received after resting. I am unsure if they are random events, there are specific thresholds for your tavern to reach, or you have to travel to other regions (I got the Cheesy Macaron after my first visit to Mount Altis and got the Lake Fish Bouillaboise while I was exploring Ludern).
Tiltren: Stromkapp - Derelict Tavern
Buy the Derelict Tavern for 1 krown and clean the debris
Recipe: Alchemist's Creme Brulee
Random event after resting?
Recipe: Cheesy Macaron
Random event after resting?
Recipe: Lake Fish Bouillaboise
Vertruse: Marheim - Derelict Tavern
Buy the Derelict Tavern for 300 krowns and clean the debris
Recipe: North Country Ratatouille
Grinmeer: Gosenberg City - Derelict Tavern
Buy the Derelict Tavern for 500 krowns and clean the debris
Recipe: Swamp BourguignonEach time your tavern gains enough prestige to earn a star, you receive a special reward which can range from a cat, a title, the recipe for a feast:
Awarded once your tavern reaches three stars
Recipe: Feast of Five KingdomsThere are also 10 advanced cook recipes and 10 brewery recipes that can only be acquired by stealing them from rival taverns. You unlock the ability to conduct missions against rival taverns once your tavern has 100 prestige.
And the recipe for a drink:
Awarded once your tavern reaches four stars
Recipe: Sparkling Wine
Each of the 10 listed taverns has 1 food and 1 drink recipe that can be stolen.
I'm not sure if the tavern listing and/or the recipes associated with each tavern are fixed or randomized each game but I'll list what recipes were associated with each tavern in my current game:
Chef's Platter from Traveller's Feast
Bear Stew from The Lynx's Paw
Clafouti from Saint Lenaid's Inn
Wolf and Mushroom Gratin from The Ploughshare
Cherry Fritters from The Tern's Nest
Crocswine Pie from The Gabby Cask
Vineyard Cutlets from Mother Bear
Stuffed Mushrooms from The Tule's HandThere are still 2 more I haven't gotten to yet. I believe they are: Lake Fish Terrine and Two-Fish Tartare.
Here are the brewery recipes that I have obtained in my current game:
Rum from Traveller's Feast
Gin from The Lynx's Paw
Kirsch from Saint Lenaid's Inn
Edoran Wine from The Ploughshare
Absinthe from The Tern's Nest
Pastis from The Gabby Cask
Hippocras from Mother Bear
Whisky from The Tule's HandThere are still 2 more I haven't gotten to yet. Using the process of elimination (factoring out the recipes that can be learned by spending knowledge points) they are probably Genepy and Gosenberg Wine.
12. Tinkerer Blueprints
Brewing Vat
Tiltren: Stromkapp - Traveller's Feast Inn
Mount Altis: Mount Altis Inn
Vertruse: Marheim - Mother Bear Tavern
Vertruse: Brownrock Town - Saint Lenaid's Inn
Arthes: Cortia - Ploughshare Inn
Ludern: Yeble Clan - The Gabby Cask Tavern
Ludern: Garussa Clan - The Tule's Hand Tavern
Grinmeer: Gosenberg City - Tavern of Fortunes Made
Drombach: Hulburg - The Lynx's Paw InnDice
Ludern: Ludern JailGurney
Arthes: Saint Eleor Abbey - Apothecary Roellidis upon completion of First Aid questImpaling Spike
Ludern: Small Tracker Camp
Ludern: Large Tracker CampLute
Vertruse: Marheim - Mother Bear Tavern
Arthes: Cortia - Ploughshare Inn
Grinmeer: Gosenberg City - Tavern of Fortunes Made
Ormance: Town of Two-Shores - Last Stop TavernEarlier versions of the game allowed you to find the Lute at the Cursed Village of Lethrye in Ludern or the Jugglers' Camp in Vertruse. However, the current version does not have the Lute there any more. Instead, the Lute can be found at certain taverns in Vertruse, Arthes, Grinmeer, and Ormance.
Meat Drying Rack
Tiltren: Highland Trackers' CampStocks
Vertruse: Vertrusian Jail
Ludern: Ludern JailTanning Rack
Bacon-bound Collar
Vertruse: Jugglers' Camp upon completion of The Wild Animal Tamer questBeekeeper Mask
Drombach: Drombach JailClean Rag
Drombach: Drombach JailDry Yeast
Drombach: Drombach JailEther
Tiltren: Tiltren Jail
Belerion: Dyn Island - Belerion PrisonFeathered Collar
Drombach: Trackers' CampFriendship Necklace
Tiltren: Highland Trackers' CampHalter
Ludern: Small Tracker Camp
Ludern: Large Tracker CampHobnailed Treads
Belerion: Tule Island - Trackers' CampInfused Collar
Ludern: Murwen's Fishery upon completion of A New Life questPersonal Cup
Grinmeer: Grinmeer JailPlant Tannin
Vertruse: Vertrusian JailPony Figurine
Grinmeer: Grinmeer JailProtective Collar
Ludern: Small Tracker Camp
Ludern: Large Tracker CampQuality Projectiles
Vertruse: Trackers' CampRolling Pin
Ormance: Town of Two-Shores - Last Stop TavernSpare Buckles
Grinmeer: Trackers' CampToothpaste
Tiltren: Tiltren JailTrackers' Charm
Vertruse: Trackers' CampTraining Collar
Drombach: Trackers' CampTreats
Vertruse: Vertrusian Jail[CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS]
Hemp Burlap
Belerion: Per-Bast - Shipyard
Belerion: Per-Bast - Sea-Spray MarketWooden Plank
Belerion: Per-Bast - Shipyard
Belerion: Per-Bast - Sea-Spray MarketTO DO LIST:
Confirm that the Watchkeeping Stool is at Tiltren: Bandits' Lair
Try to find the Sharp Fang (formerly at Tiltren: Highland Trackers' Camp) but possibly patched out
Confirm that the Tooth Collar is at Vertruce: Bandits' Lair
Confirm that the Velvet Pouch is at Vertruce: Bandits' Lair
Confirm that the Brace is at Arthes: Saint Eleor Abbey
Confirm that the Beehive is at Ludern: Old Edoranian Watchtower
Confirm that the Training Dummy is at: Ludern: Nairolf Arena
Confirm that the Spiked Collar is at Ludern: Secluded Cottage upon completion of Phantom Menace quest
13. Blacksmith Blueprints
Bloodthirsty Heater Shield
Ludern: Cursed Village of Lethrye - Town Hall[ARMOUR LAYERS]
Bard's Reinforced Layer
Arthes: Trackers' Camp
Drombach: Trackers' CampDefender's Reinforced Layer
Tiltren: Highland Trackers' Camp
Grinmeer: Trackers' CampHessura Brooch
Belerion: Tule Island - Trackers' CampHunter's Reinforced Layer
Vertruse: Trackers' CampReinforced Layer of the Fox
Ludern: Small Tracker Camp
Ludern: Large Tracker CampReinforced Layer of the Serpent
Ludern: Small Tracker Camp
Ludern: Large Tracker CampReinforced Layer of the Stag
Tiltren: Highland Trackers' Camp - Master Tracker Brennan upon completion of Tiltren Hunt - Sikha's FangsSage's Reinforced Layer
Tiltren: Highland Trackers' CampSiren Brooch
Belerion: Tule Island - Trackers' CampTracker's Reinforced Layer
Vertruse: Trackers' Camp
Drombach: Trackers' CampWarrior's Reinforced Layer
Arthes: Trackers' Camp
Grinmeer: Trackers' Camp[CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS]
Belerion: Per-Bast - Shipyard
Belerion: Per-Bast - Master Nejta's Forge
Belerion: Tebessa - Master Rihim's Forge
Belerion: Sarna - Master Shed's Forge upon completion of Twilight of the Gods questMetal Plate
Belerion: Per-Bast - Shipyard
Belerion: Per-Bast - Master Nejta's Forge
Belerion: Tebessa - Master Rihim's Forge
Belerion: Sarna - Master Shed's Forge upon completion of Twilight of the Gods questTO DO LIST:
Confirm that the Salt Scoop is at Vertruce: Bandits' Lair
Confirm that the Reinforced Layer of the Rat is at Vertruse: Trackers' Camp upon completion of Vertruse Hunt
Confirm that the Reinforced Layer of the Falcon is at Arthes: Trackers' Camp upon completion of Arthes Hunt
Confirm that the Reinforced Layer of the Ox is at Ludern: Small Tracker Camp upon completion of Ludern Hunt
Confirm that the Reinforced Layer of the Horse is at Grinmeer: Trackers' Camp upon completion of Grinmeer Hunt
Confirm that the Reinforced Layer of the Ermine is at Drombach: Trackers' Camp upon completion of Drombach Hunt
Confirm that the Saurian Brooch is at Belerion: Trackers' Camp upon completion of Belerion hunt
14. Cook Recipes
Apple Pancake
Tiltren: Stromkapp - Traveller's Feast InnAlchemist's Creme Brulee
Tiltren: Stromkapp - Derelict TavernBear Stew
Steal from a rival tavern (The Lynx's Paw)Beer-infused Wolf Ribs
Ludern: Garussa Clan - The Tule's Hand TavernBream Tajine
Belerion: Terq - Lost Ewe TavernCabbage Perch
Tiltren: Highland Trackers' Camp
Vertruse: Trackers' CampCandied Fruit
Arthes: Cortia - Ploughshare Inn
Ormance: Town of Two-Shores - Last Stop TavernCaptain's Booty
Balerion: Zawlin - Akhed's Cauldron TavernCheesy Macaron
Randomly(?) after restingChef's Platter
Steal from a rival tavern (Traveller's Feast)Cherry Fritters
Steal from a rival tavern (The Tern's Nest)Clafouti
Steal from a rival tavern (Saint Lenaid's Inn)Creature Comforts
Arthes: Cortia - Ploughshare Inn
Ormance: Town of Two-Shores - Last Stop TavernCrocswine Pie
Steal from a rival tavern (The Gabby Cask)Culture Shock
Tiltren: Stromkapp - Traveller's Feast InnEel Soup
Vertruse: Marheim - Mother Bear TavernFeast of Five Kingdoms
Awarded once your tavern reaches three starsFlambeed Crocswine
Ludern: Yeble Clan - The Gabby Cask Tavern
Ludern: Large Tracker Camp
Grinmeer: Gosenberg City - The MagnificentHill Delights
Vertruse: Marheim - Mother Bear TavernHomeopills
Drombach: Charlatans, wandering southwest of New-AsthelJam
Drombach: Hulburg - The Lynx's Paw InnLake Fish Bouillabaise
Randomly(?) after restingLavender Syrup Biscuits
Vertruse: Marheim - Mother Bear TavernMead Pike
Grinmeer: Well-Earned Rest Fishery upon completion of Leading by Example questMushroom Sardine
Arthes: Cortia - Ploughshare Inn
Ormance: Town of Two-Shores - Last Stop TavernMutton au Gratin
Drombach: Mount Ernst HavenMutton Stew
Tiltren: Old Wilburt's Sheepfold upon completion of Starting Over questNorth Country Ratatouille
Vertruse: Marheim - Derelict TavernPirate-Style Apricots
Belerion: Terq - Tipsy Saurian TavernPork Stew
Arthes: Trackers' CampPorridge
Arthes: Shabby CampPrawn Curry
Belerion: Per-Bast - Dry Dock Tavern
Belerion: Tule Island - Trackers' CampRat Stew
Ludern: Small Tracker CampRay Fin Flambe
Balerion: Zawlin - Akhed's Cauldron TavernRoasted Chicken in Blue Sauce
Drombach: New-Asthel - Tern's Nest Tavern upon completion of Convincing Information and The Price of Drinking questsSeed Biscuits
Mount Altis: Mount Altis InnSeed Sausage
Grinmeer: Gosenberg City - Tavern of Fortunes MadeShark Touffe
Belerion: Terq - Cutthroat TavernSouvenirs from Akhed
Belerion: Per-Bast - Dry Dock TavernStuffed Cabbage
Vertruse: Brownrock Town - Saint Lenaid's InnStuffed Mushrooms
Steal from a rival tavern (The Tule's Hand)Surf and Turf on a Stick
Grinmeer: Trackers' CampSwamp Bourguignon
Grinmeer: Gosenberg City - Derelict TavernThe Broker's Table
Grinmeer: Gosenberg City - Tavern of Fortunes MadeThe King's Feast
Drombach: Cursed Village of Asthel - Tavern
Belerion: Tebessa - Isolated Mill upon completion of A Taste of Home questThe Tale of the Wolf and the Hop
Ludern: Garussa Clan - The Tule's Hand TavernTrapper's Fondue
Ludern: Yeble Clan - The Gabby Cask TavernTuna with Olives
Belerion: Per-Bast - Dry Dock TavernVineyard Cutlets
Steal from a rival tavern (Mother Bear)Wolf and Mushroom Gratin
Steal from a rival tavern (The Ploughshare)TODO LIST:
Confirm if Porridge is available at Arthes: Lord Vernalis' Castle
Confirm that Sea Bass Marinated in Hemp Oil is at Grinmeer: Bandits' Lair
Confirm that the Mountaineer's Hotpot is at Drombach: Roust Field
Confirm that the Traveller's Soup is in Drombach
Confirm that Lake Fish Terrine and Two-Fish Tartare are stolen from rival taverns
15. Brewer Recipes
Steal from a rival tavern (The Tern's Nest)Edoran Wine
Steal from a rival tavern (The Ploughshare)Gin
Steal from a rival tavern (The Lynx's Paw)Hippocras
Steal from a rival tavern (Mother Bear)Kirsch
Steal from a rival tavern (Saint Lenaid's Inn)Pastis
Steal from a rival tavern (The Gabby Cask)Rum
Steal from a rival tavern (Traveller's Feast)Sparkling Wine
Awarded once your tavern reaches four starsWhisky
Steal from a rival tavern (The Tule's Hand)TODO LIST:
Steal 2 more recipes from rival taverns. They are probably Genepy and Gosenberg Wine.
16. Alchemist Recipes
Acidic Oil I
Vertruse: Purifier Magnus, wandering south of the Gosenberg Border Crossing
Arthes: Lord Vernalis' Castle - Apothecary Office
Drombach: Purifier Adelheid, wandering between Mount Ernst Haven and HulburgAlertness Oil I
Arthes: Lord Vernalis' Castle - Apothecary OfficeAnimal Essence Oil I
Arthes: Trackers' CampAntidote
Grinmeer: Trackers' CampBleeding Oil I
Grinmeer: Purifier Elsa, wandering west of the Rouste Field
Drombach: Purifier Adelheid, wandering between Mount Ernst Haven and HulburgConversion Oil I
Drombach: Purifier Adelheid, wandering between Mount Ernst Haven and HulburgExhausting Oil I
Drombach: Hulburg - Apothecary's OfficeExplosive Oil I
Ludern: Garussa Clan - Ludern Apothecary ClinicFlawed Remedy
Vertruse: Marheim - Vertruse Apothecary Clinic upon completion of The Missing Apothecary questHarag Concoction
Ludern: Cursed Village of Cirse - Tavern upon rescuing someone trappedHardening Oil I
Drombach: New-Asthel - Drombach Apothecary ClinicIhrian Remedy
Belerion: Per-Bast - Belarian Apothecary Clinic
Belerion: Zawlin - Apothecary's Office
Belerion: Sarna - Apothecary's OfficeImmunity Oil I
Drombach: Hulburg - Apothecary's OfficeInfectious Oil I
Grinmeer: Gosenberg City - Grinmeer Apothecary ClinicInitiative Oil I
Belerion: Per-Bast - Belarian Apothecary Clinic
Belerion: Zawlin - Apothecary's OfficeMisty Oil I
Ludern: Garussa Clan - Ludern Apothecary ClinicParalysing Oil I
Ludern: Nerprun Clan - Apothecary's OfficePerforating Oil I
Arthes: Cortia - Arthes Apothecary ClinicPlague Essence Oil I
Ludern: Smuggler, wandering between Garussan Clan and Ludern JailPoisonous Oil I
Ludern: Small Tracker CampPropulsion Oil I
Belerion: Per-Bast - Belarian Apothecary Clinic
Belerion: Sarna - Apothecary's OfficeProtection Oil I
Vertruse: Marheim - Vertruse Apothecary ClinicPungent Powder
Drombach: Trackers' CampPutrid Oil I
Drombach: New-Asthel - Drombach Apothecary Clinic
Ormance: Town of Two-Shores - Apothecary's OfficeRegeneration Oil I
Grinmeer: Gosenberg City - Grinmeer Apothecary Clinic
Belerion: Sarna - Apothecary's OfficeSharpening Oil I
Tiltren: Stromkapp - Tiltren Apothecary ClinicShielding Oil I
Vertruse: Marheim - Vertruse Apothecary ClinicSoothing Oil I
Vertruse: Marheim - Vertruse Apothecary Clinic
Belerion: Zawlin - Apothecary's OfficeSticky Oil I
Tiltren: Lene the Purifier, wandering south of the Abandoned Tower
Arthes: Purifier Ludolf, wandering south of Lord Vernalis' CastleStrength Oil I
Tiltren: Stromkapp - Tiltren Apothecary ClinicSwiftness Oil I
Arthes: Cortia - Arthes Apothecary ClinicThe Brave's Oil I
Grinmeer: Gosenberg City - Grinmeer Apothecary ClinicWhetting Oil I
Ludern: Nerprun Clan - Apothecary's Office[CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS]
Waterproof Sealant
Belerion: Per-Bast - Shipyard
Belerion: Per-Bast - Belarian Apothecary Clinic
Belerion: Zawlin - Apothecary's Office
Belerion: Sarna - Apothecary's OfficeTO DO LIST:
Confirm if Poison Vial is at Tiltren: Bandits' Lair
Confirm if Toxic Balm is at Arthes: Bandits' Lair
Confirm if Unstable Oil I is at Ludern: Tomb of the Ancients
17. Sailing Blueprints
Belerion: Per-Bast - Dry Dock Tavern upon completion of Missing Person questGunner's Winch
Belerion: Tule Island - Trackers' CampRounded Hull Sailing
Belerion: Per-Bast - ShipyardSpanker Sail
Belerion: Smugglers' Bastion upon completion of Sinking Shipment questSteel Ram
Belerion: Zawlin - Shora's Farm upon completion of Revenge questTriangular Sail Sailing
Belerion: Per-Bast - ShipyardTO DO LIST:
The rest of the Pirates of Belerion DLC
Confirm that the Ancients' Ballista is from Belerion's Tomb
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3395236522
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