Hi, and welcome to this walkthrough !
Puzzles are a pretty cool addition to this Advance Wars-esque gem of a game. But some can be a bit mind-bending. If you feel like you're stuck on a particular puzzle, feel free to use this guide. :D
Each section only shows the initial position, the solution and end position are in a spoiler tag.
1. Enmity
Fairly straighforward, since you have very few possibilities here. Let's look at the initial position.
The Trebuchet only has one target, so let's get rid of it.
Then, go towards the Lancer with Sigrid, and use her Groove to instantly kill that unit.
This opens up the path for your top Knight, who will be able to crit the enemy Commander.
Use your bottom Knight to get rid of the enemy Archer.
Use your Alchemist, get him right below the Enemy Commander. Since he's in a forest (defense = 3), he'll crit.
Finally, use your Footman, and put him in the forest tile right below Sigrid. That way, he'll be able to crit the enemy Commander, and finish that puzzle.
End position should look like this.
2. Brute Force
This time, we have Ragna. The initial position :
The enemy Commander can't be eliminated, so we will focus on the Stronghold instead.
First, let's get this one out of the way : Use Ragna's Groove like this.
This will deal damage to the building AND weaken the surrounding units.
Use your Footman to get rid of the Footman.
Use your Alchemist to get rid of the southern Alchemist.
Use your Archer to get rid of the northern Alchemist.
Perfect ! Now you only need to use your Knight to deal a critical hit on the Stronghold, and use your Lancer to finish it !
The end position should be like this :
3. Get The Heck Out Of Dodge
This one differs a bit from the usual puzzle : You must escort the villager to the zone in the top-left corner of the map in one turn.
Let's take a look at the initial position :
First things first, let's use your Knight to get rid of the Archer at the top.
Use your Alchemist, put him in the forest tile and get rid of the enemy Footman.
Good, now we can put our Villager in the cart, and start the journey !
Now, we just need to Inspire both the cart and the Knight with Caesar's Groove, like this :
Use the Knight to eliminate the Trebuchet.
Take the cart and drop the villager on the highlighted tile. End position should look like this :
4. Balance And Wisdom
Let's jump into the next one, with Emeric. The initial position :
To win this one, we will rely on Emeric's Groove. Since it gives a +3 defense on covered tiles, alchemists meet their critical hit triggers.
Put the crystal on the road tile between the forest and mountain.
Use your Trebuchet to dispatch the Footman at the crossroads.
Use your Archer to take care of the Footman that is right next to your eastern Knight.
Use your Alchemists to carve a path for your Knights. Since they attack from the protection zone, they one-shot their targets.
Your Knights can safely engage the enemy commander. Ensure crits.
Finish the commander with your doggo.
End position :
5. Sun And Shadow
This one focuses on Sedge. Initial position :
We'll have to abuse Sedge's Groove (if he Grooves a unit that is at 35% or lower health, he kills it, keeps his Groove and can keep playing), so let's put him into such positions.
First things first, use the Alchemist on the right border of the map to get rid of the Lancer.
This will give the possibility for your Knight to deal a critical strike at the Commander, do so.
Use the top doggo to attack the Commander from the forest tile.
Okay, now we must carve a path for Sedge.
Use your Lancer and your doggo on the Trebuchet, and use Sedge's Sadistic Rush on it.
Use the doggo in the center of the map, and put it on the forest tile right next to the Archer. Attack the Archer.
Use Sedge's Sadistic Rush on it.
Use Sedge to do a NORMAL ATTACK on the Commander to complete this puzzle.
Ending position :
6. Surrounded
Strangely, this one is much more straightforward than the previous ones. Initial position :
Throw your left Knight at the Commander. It will deal a nice chunk of damage, and will give out its space since the counter-attack will finish off that unit.
Throw your Giant at the Commander. Since he's lower than 40% HP, he will crit.
Use your other Knight.
Use your Alchemist and attack from the forest tile.
Finish off the Commander by commanding Mercia to attack him.
End position :
7. Unhappy Valley
Now, we can play with Ryota. Initial position :
Your very first action will be to use Ryota's Groove. Put him right next to the Commander, and use your Groove to damage quite a lot of units and deal some damage to the Stronghold. It should be like this :
We'll now need to get rid of two units, which are the Footman on the left side of the map and the doggo that is next to the Stronghold.
For the former, use your doggo and your Footman.
For the latter, use your Archer.
Now, the way is clear ! Crit with your Alchemist and your Knight, and attack with your Footman to finish that puzzle !
End position :
8. The Turning Tides
Let's dive in another puzzle with Mercia. Initial position :
Let's get rid of the enemy doggo with the Knight first. This opens up the path for a later part of the puzzle.
Let's get rid of the Knight on the left of the enemy Commander : Attack with your Harpy on its left, your Alchemist on it's top, and finish it with your Archer.
Sacrifice your footman on the Commander.
Sacrifice your Lancer on the Commander.
Attack the Commander with your Knight.
Use Mercia's Groove to heal the Golem, and attack with your Golem.
Finish off the Commander with your top doggo.
End position :
9. A Matter Of Life And Death
Let's have a take on this Valder puzzle. Initial position :
This puzzle seems overwhelming due to the units on screen at first, but it's actually veeeery simple !
Place Valder near the enemy doggo, and Groove to spawn a Footman right next to the enemy Stronghold. Attack with that Footman.
Attack the Stronghold with your top Knight.
Finish the Stronghold with your Lancer.
End position :
10. Age And Beauty
This one is a bit more demanding on brain power. Initial position :
Here, we can divide the problem in two.
On the right, we see two well-placed lancers, but we need to allow them to be in the right place.
Use your Footman and doggo on the bottom Alchemist, this "liberates" the bottom lancer.
Use your Footman and doggo on the top Footman, this "liberates" the top lancer.
Place the top Lancer. Place your bottom Lancer right next to it, and crit the enemy Commander.
Now, the left part. Since Sigrid is well-placed, use the Footman to crit the Archer.
Then, the top Knight can kill the doggo.
Use the Trebuchet and your Harpy to take care of the enemy Golem.
Put your Alchemist right on top of the enemy Lancer on the road, and get rid of it.
The path to the enemy Commander is clear ! Attack with Sigrid and your bottom Knight to finish that puzzle.
End position :
11. Child Genius
Koji's Groove leads to an interesting puzzle. Let's tackle this one. Initial position :
The Footman and the Lancer can direcly hit the Commander. The Knight can crit him, the Alchemist can also do it, provided you clear a path for them. Let's work on that.
Take out the bottom Lancer with your Alchemist.
Put Koji 4 tiles on the right, spawn his bombs on the top and right tiles.
Use the right bomb to explode on the Lancer and Footman.
Use the top bomb to explode on the doggo, Archer and Harpy.
Use your doggo to get rid of the Footman. Your Alchemist can now hit the commander from the forest tile.
Use both of your Archers to get rid of the enemy Lancer and Archer.
The path is clear for your Knight, rush the commander with it.
Finish the job with your Lancer and your Footman.
End position :
12. The Winding Bridge
Another one with Koji, and one where you actually need to think a bit out of the box.
Initial position :
Keep in mind that turtles have an INSANE movement range, because it's pretty much the key here.
On the bottom-right, use your Harpoon on the Turtle.
Use your Amphibian to get rid of the Turtle.
Let Koji stay where he stands, Groove on the right and top tiles. Use the right bomb on the Turtle.
Use the Turtle who was chilling in the bottom-right corner, and get rid of that enemy Turtle.
This leaves the path open for your artillery. Put it on a beach tile, and hit the Golem.
Finish the Golem with your Footman.
Get rid of the Lancer with your Alchemist. Good, now your Villager can actually get in the cart ! Let's clear the path now.
On the top-left, there's a harpoon. Use if to get rid of the enemy Harpy.
Use your artillery on the Archer chilling on the bridge.
Your Knight can safely engage the Alchemist now, do so.
Use your Lancer on the Knight. Use your last bomb on the Knight.
End position :
13. Desert Bones
Another one with our favorite doggo !
Coming Soon™
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